Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 731: Transferred to the hospital in T city

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Unable to discuss on Huang Fu's side, Yao Yiyi had no choice but to discuss with Mrs. Huang.

"Mom, something happened in the company. An An also needs me to take care of it. I can't stay in Shanghai for a long time. You are in this situation now. I want to send you to the hospital in T City for treatment. I just don't know you. Do you agree? "Yao Yiyi said.

She knows that Shanghai is the root of Huang ’s family, and Mrs. Huang will get the best treatment here, but when she goes back to light for three or four days, Mrs. Huang ’s physical condition is getting worse and worse. She is really worried about leaving her. Here, and she obviously felt that Mrs. Huang was dependent on her, so she shyed and asked Mrs. Huang to go to T City for treatment. Unexpectedly, she refused.

Madam Huang thought for a while and said, "Will I disturb your life if I go to T City?"

"will not."

Mrs. Huang smiled and said, "Well, I'll go with you. I'm all in my 60s. I've been a bit bearish about life and death. If I can't really cure this disease, I'll go home. At home. "

"Mom, let alone die, I don't like the word."

"Okay, okay, don't say."

I don't know what Mrs. Huang said to him. The next day, he agreed to transfer Mrs. Huang to James' private hospital.

Father Huang let people fly a private plane to send Mrs. Huang, Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng to the past, and he took care of everything here before passing.

Looking at the take-off plane, Huang Yiyi said with some anger: "Dad, mother is mischievous, why are you letting her mischievous."

"She's all like this, what can I do?" Huang Father vicissitudes said: "Your mother is old, and she is a bit bearish on life and death, and you also see that she is obedient to Yao Yiyi, maybe there was Yao Yiyi over there in the past. It ’s also helpful for her recovery. "

Huang Yiyi gritted her teeth bitterly and said, "Dad, you're too vertical to mom."

Father Huang glanced at her angrily, and said, "If it weren't for you to talk nonsense in front of your mother, could things become like this? I haven't troubled you yet."

Huang Yiyi pursed her lips and felt aggrieved: "Dad, I didn't deliberately talk in front of my mother. She overheard. I want to know that she will hear me and won't say anything."

"You know, you know, the things you know in this world are less, okay, I will not break the old account with you. You will be careful in front of your mother in the future, otherwise I will cut off all your credit cards directly. "

"Dad, do you think Yao Yiyi is more reliable than my daughter?"

"Yes, I often call her a wild breed, but she looks much more stable than you. You learn more from people. It's not unreasonable for your mother to depend on her."


Huang Yiyi grinded her teeth bitterly.

"Yiyi, don't blame me for being unpleasant. You should learn from her and learn to dress up and buy luxury goods."

Huang Yiyi lowered her head, covering up her resentment.

Father Huang didn't look at her, he entered the car directly, and Huang Yiyi had to follow him even if he was unwilling.

On the way back, both the father and the daughter were silent, and the atmosphere in the car froze.

Regardless of the gap between the father and the daughter, Mrs. Huang on the plane followed Yao Yiyi back to T City, and was arranged to be admitted to James' private hospital that day. Mrs. Ou and Mr. Ou even came to visit in person. .

"Dear family, hello, I haven't talked to you well before. I didn't expect that we will be in the hospital when we meet again. How are you feeling?" Mrs. Ou walked to the bed and behaved generously Said.

Mrs. Huang pointed to the chair next to her and smiled: "Sit down, I just arrived in T City. It's really hard for you to come to see me."

"You are Yiyi's mother, we are her parents-in-law, and I should have come to see you. Before I heard her saying that you were sick, we never believed it, thinking she was joking with us." Mrs. Ou paused, her eyes revealed. A bit of distress came: "Last time I saw you, your face was rosy, and your skin was fair. You can't see that you are over 60 years old. You can't be ill and get sick. I never expected it to be true."

"It's okay, it's a blessing and a blessing. It's normal for me to be sick and die. I'm sixty years old and I don't have many years to live. I used to be afraid of dying because I still have to find Xiaoyi, but now I see her so well, husband Excellent and handsome, the son is obedient and sensible, you are good to her grandparents, she is a happy family, and I have no regrets. "Mrs. Huang said sincerely.

"Family, I can't say that. Although Yiyi is over thirty, she is still a child in our eyes. She still needs you to guide her in the future, so you can't always say that you don't die, you don't What do you think, but it sounds sad for the younger generation. "

Mrs. Huang smiled: "No, no."

Mrs. Ou thought for a while, and said, "Is my father-in-law too busy? I haven't seen him yet, and if he is there, if your conditions permit, you can invite your family to sit at Ou's main house. New year, you just met her, I think I should really like to know her. "

Madam Huang's eyes lighted up and said, "Can I go now? I have been curious about how Xiaoyi's life has been. Although I know that the Ou Family is rich, I have not seen it with my own eyes. I have always felt guilty for her. I wanted to leave her the best. "

Mrs. Ou froze, and then smiled: "This is not anxious. You just got off the plane, you must be very tired. After a few days, the doctor said that your condition is better, we will go, anyway, Ou's family can't run there. After a pause, as if thinking of something, she said: "Yi Yi, this child, really has an indissoluble bond with the hospital and can always see her in and out of the hospital."

Mrs. Huang laughed loudly, but there was a trace of guilt in her eyes.

Mrs. Ou spoke with Mrs. Huang in the hospital for nearly two hours. When she saw a trace of burnout on her face, she got up and said goodbye.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng personally sent the person out of the ward, and Mrs. Ou said: "Yiyi, take good care of your mother, she is not easy, I can see that she is sincerely for you."

"Got it, Mom." Yao Yiyi nodded. "Dad, Mom, thank you for coming to see my mother today."

"What a fool, she is your mother, An An's grandmother. Although I was angry with you before, I have already released the suspicion. Your business is also the business of the European family. Don't think about it, go in and take care of it. She, my dad and I will go back first. "

Yao Yiyi nodded.

After they sent Mrs. Ou away, Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng went in. She said a few words to Mrs. Huang and coaxed her to fall asleep.

Yao Yiyi specially invited two senior carers to Mrs. Huang. Although she is also taking care of her on weekdays, she also has family to take care of. It is inevitable that there is no place in the hospital.

Yao Yiyi sat by the bed and saw the morning, Ou Qingheng stroking her cheek distressedly, said: "Yiyi, go back to sleep, there are nurses watching here."

Yao Yiyi shook his head, trying to get rid of the sleepiness in his mind.

"Don't shake, the person is not smart anymore, and even smarter." Ou Qingheng put her in her arms and said, "Go home and go to sleep. The plane crashed for three or four days, and you didn't. How to rest, my mother-in-law has a caregiver here to take care of it. I dare to ensure that they do n’t dare to be lazy. You can come back tomorrow to change shifts. Otherwise, if you are so tired, I will directly lock you up. "

Ou Qingheng's words may sound a little angry, but he still has some resentment against the Huang family. Yao Yiyi has been in trouble after having a relationship with their family. This kind of recognition is not very agreeable, but Yao Yiyi recognized him and accepted it, only to see Yao Yiyi who nearly lost her life because of Mrs. Huang's life, he couldn't help burning a raging anger in his heart, and didn't like Mrs. Huang so much.

"Qingheng, why don't you first ..."

"No negotiation, you go back to sleep every day, my only bottom line is that you take care of yourself."

In the end, Yao Yiyi had to go back to rest with Ou Qingheng.

Waking up the next day, Ou Qingheng was no longer there. Yao Yiyi shaved her hair. It was almost eleven when she took her phone. She was too tired these days. The plane landed on a deserted island. Too many mosquitoes bite at night and make her sleepless. She has to cope with all kinds of relatives and friends who come to care the next day after returning home. She has to take a plane to Shanghai in the afternoon ... she has almost no time to be idle She was so exhausted that she fell asleep as soon as she got into bed last night.

She simply groomed, took the bag downstairs, An An was still there, Yao Yiyi walked over and kissed him on the face twice, and said softly: "Baby, I let your godfather and Uncle Fang Hui take you to find your grandma good or not?"

An An raised her face and said, "Mom, are you going to the hospital? An An is going to accompany you. An An wants to meet her grandmother too. I heard that she is sick. When An An goes to call her, she won't hurt. . "

"Really go with mom?"

An An nodded.

"Well, you go with your mother, but you shouldn't make unpleasant things that anger your grandmother, you know?"

"Got it, mom."

Yao Yiyi took An'an to the hospital. As soon as she got out of the car, she saw Li Zhenzhen and June entering the hospital side by side. Their attitude was not particularly intimate.

Yao Yiyi hugged An An. When she thought that Mrs. Huang was also living in this hospital, and she also thought of the holiday between them and June and Li Zhenzhen, she stunned her eyes and quickly followed her. Even the elders of Dare dare to choke. In her view, June, a foreign man, is smelly and harder than stone. He is very oily and salty. He thinks that he is smart and cunning.

"Mom, what's wrong?" An An puzzled.

"It's okay, my mother just wants to exercise your foot strength. Just when you get heavier, your mother can exercise your lower arm strength."

An An rolled her eyes politely and grieved: "Mom, An An is cute."

Yao Yiyi lost her smile and followed his words: "Okay, okay, you are cute, my son is the cutest." Although that said, Yao Yiyi kept following behind June and Li Zhenzhen.

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