Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 727: safe and sound

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

In the afternoon, Ou Qingheng took An An to the headquarters of the organization. Do n’t see that An An was only three years old, but with a small face, he walked quietly to O Qing Heng ’s side. After all, the two faces look quite similar.

People in the organization were surprised when they saw Ou Qingheng carrying a child.

"Boss." Surprised to surprise, they still greeted respectfully: "You brought the young master over."

"Is everyone here?" Ou Qingheng didn't answer the question.

"Back to the boss, except for a few people who performed missions abroad, the rest of them arrived." One of them said.

"Let them go to the meeting room, I have something to say."

"Yes, boss."

After a while, the conference room was filled with the core figures of the organization, Ou Qingheng was sitting on the main seat, and An An was sitting on the small chair specially given to him.

Everyone's eyes glanced towards An An indifferently, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Ou Qingheng coughed twice and said, "Everyone is present. Let me introduce to you that this is my son Ou Zhenxuan. I believe you have all seen him before. Xu Chen and Fang Hui also specifically protected him."

After that, the others all stood up one after another and said respectfully: "Good little master."

An An looked at them in a frightened manner and said, "Hello, uncle, brother, sister and aunt."

All the people who were still stiff-faced laughed out loud.

"The young master is really cute. It is simply the combination of the young lady and the boss. When you grow up, you will be blue and better than blue." One of the enchanting women said.

An An's face was sullen, and she said, "Thank you sister, you are also very beautiful."

After the joke, Ou Qingheng clapped his hands and said, "Dear everyone, today you are called. One is to let you go all out to check the whereabouts of my wife. The other is to tell you that An An will be one of you in the future. I will nurture him with power. In addition to me, you will only obey his life. "

No one was too surprised, but said: "Yes, boss, we will use our lives to protect the young master."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

He was about to say something, and he hurried in without even knocking on the door.

"Boss, the person we installed at the airport called and said that the search and rescue personnel had located the position of the plane, saying that it flew to an unknown island not far from the Indian Ocean. Because of the lack of food, several people have fainted because of hunger. Who these people are is still unknown. "The person who came in said one by one.

Ou Qingheng stood up from the chair with a loud noise, and because of the excitement, the chair was turned by him several times and stopped.

He was excited: "Is the news confirmed to be true?"

"Go back, boss, the news is true." The man said.

Ou Qingheng hugged An An, and he kissed his face several times with his emotions exposed, saying, "Son, your mother has found it, we will pick you up now."

An An finally smiled, and he kissed several times on Ou Qingheng's face, saying, "Well, we will pick up my mother together."

Others looked at the interaction between the father and son, and smiled involuntarily on the face. The young lady found it, and they did not have to feel the cold air pressure of Ou Qingheng.

Not everyone can resist the cold air pressure that Ou Qingheng radiates invisible.

Amitabha, they can finally be liberated.

Ou Qingheng held An'an to prepare a private plane, and then let the person drive directly to the unknown island.

Sitting on the plane, every minute and every second is a torment for Ou Qingheng. He is afraid that Yao Yiyi will be hungry and thin after eating for a few days. For hours, Ou Qingheng thought of countless possibilities, but he calmed down when he came to the island.

Watching the people coming and going on the island, Ou Qingheng walked with An'an walking quickly, searching for Yao Yiyi's figure, but he was stupefied.

He grabbed a passing medical staff and said, "Did you see my wife? She is tall and thin and looks very beautiful."

The medical staff saw that he was a handsome guy. He was originally stopped and wanted to get angry, but also took it back gently. "Sir, some of the people who passed out on the plane have been sent to the hospital by simple bandage. Arranged to rest in the tent too late, if you are in a hurry, go and find it. "

"Thank you!" Ou Qingheng finished, holding An'an and quickly ran in the other direction, and the bodyguard who followed Ou Qingheng did not idle, and quickly followed.

Ou Qingheng found Yao Yiyi in a place with few people. Looking at Yao Yiyi who was talking to Gong Lin not far away, he had a sense of solidity that he had recovered, and his eyes couldn't help but red, he thought He was about to lose her, and he did not expect to meet again after a roundabout, which was simply the favor of God.

Ou Qingheng only looked at Yao Yiyi's back in obscurity. An An had slipped down from him and ran towards Yao Yiyi, shouting excitedly: "Mom, Mom ..."

Yao Yiyi, who was talking to Gong Lin, was stunned. Then she turned her head and watched a little girl run towards her. Not far away, an adult was watching her, and her eyes couldn't help but red. Her husband and son came to see her.

"An'an." Yao Yiyi hugged An'an excitedly, feeling the soft body buried in her arms, and her heart was almost softening into a spring of water.

Ou Qingheng also came over, circled their mother and son in their arms, and muttered, "Yiyi, fortunately you are fine."

Yao Yiyi turned his head to kiss on his lips and smiled: "I thought I was dead, I didn't expect to see your father and son, I was really happy, if Gong Lin was with me, I'm afraid I'm going to starve to death. "

Ou Qingheng frowned and said sternly: "No dead words, you are mine. No one can take you away, not even King Yanlu."

Yao Yiyi knew that Ou Qingheng was frightened, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I was terrified."

Ou Qingheng kissed her lips and wanted to pry open her long teeth, but fortunately, Yao Yiyi also knew there was an An in her arms, knowing that the children could not see some unsuitable children The picture, so I raised my hand to cover Ou Qingheng's mouth and said: "Qingheng, don't, An'an is still there."

Ou Qingheng released her, raised her hand and patted An An's forehead, and said, "An An is already a little man, knowing that this is what the talented people like each other do, right, An An?"

An An rolled her eyes and said proudly: "Big scoundrel, when my mother comes back, I won't care about you, but I won't be allowed to bully my mother in front of me, or I'll wait for me to learn kung fu from you, the first one Challenge you. "

"I will wait and see." Ou Qingheng smiled.

Yao Yiyi raised an eyebrow and said, "Qingheng, are you planning to cultivate An'an?"

"He is almost three years old and it is time to cultivate. After all, the European family's industry will be left to him to take care of. I don't want to raise a dude who only knows how to eat, drink and play." Ou Qingheng said.

Yao Yiyi nodded and didn't say much. The boy grew up and was resistant to beating and stress. It was also better than being a spoiled child since childhood, and developed a strong second generation who only knows how to eat, drink and play.

"Let's go back now. I made a lot of food on the plane, put it in the refrigerator, and heat it to eat." Ou Qingheng whispered.

Yao Yiyi swallowed a bit, and his stomach rang loudly. It took two or three days from the disappearance of the plane to now. The desert island has almost nothing but wild animals and fruits. The white-collar worker who works in the office has no idea how to catch animals all day long at a computer, let alone crawling on a tree to pick up fruits. Fortunately, there is a Gong Lin beside her, who can pick animals and pick fruits. But there are too many people, and they can barely eat half full.

Yao Yiyi followed Ou Qingheng to her private plane, and Ou Qingheng sandwiched her meals that had already been heated up and said, "eat more, you are all thin." After that, he also gave Gong Lin It ’s a rare and gentle way: “Gong Lin, thanks to you taking care of Yiyi for me, otherwise I ca n’t imagine what she will do now. You saved her, and I ’m the life-saving benefactor of Ou Qingheng.”

Gong Lin was flattered and quickly got up from her chair. She was at a loss and said: "Boss, don't say that. It's my duty. I'm here. The young lady is here unless I die."

Ou Qingheng beckoned to her and smiled: "Don't be so serious, it's true that you saved Yiyi. It's my life-saving benefactor. I'll pay you back when I go back to be my son's godmother."

Gong Lin was even more flattered, being able to be an godmother in An'an, from a bodyguard's identity to a godmother's identity, which was a glory for her.

"Thank you boss, I'm sure, I will do it well." Gong Lin was anxious and spoke incoherently.

Yao Yiyi could not help but say, "Gong Lin, sit down and eat. Qingheng is not a flood beast, you don't have to be so afraid of him."

Gong Lin took a bite of rice and said seriously: "Young lady, boss is not a flood beast, but he is a **** in my heart that I can't reach. I didn't expect that I could be a godmother like Xiao Chen like Xu Chen. A kind of trust, I can get the boss's sentence, even if I die, I have no regrets. "

Yao Yiyi couldn't laugh or cry.

After eating, Ou Qingheng asked about the plane's loss of contact.

Yao Yiyi said briefly.

It turned out that the plane was halfway through the night and was affected by the airflow. The plane flew up and down uncontrollably. Everyone on the plane was very panic. I am afraid that everyone would calm down in the broadcast, saying that the airflow passed quickly. As a result, the plane gradually lost contact with the outside world, and flew directly to a desert island. The plane traversed a forest and stopped in a large open space. It was waiting for the whole plane to get out of the plane. It was discovered that the tail of the plane was broken, and the fuel tank was leaking. In short, it could not fly anymore.

They picked up their phones to make calls, but there was no signal. They were tired and surprised. Before the plane was interfered by the airflow, in order to avoid the plane being overweight, everything that could be thrown away was thrown away. The food stored on the plane Almost nothing is left like drinks and fruits.

So they will be so embarrassed in the past few days that they have lost contact, or at least they will be able to use the grain storage on the plane for at least a moment and a half.

Yao Yiyi said an understatement, but Ou Qingheng was very distressed, saying: "Go back and you will eat two or three bowls of white rice every day to make up the lean meat."

Yao Yiyi couldn't help crying, she looked at Ou Qingheng and said, "You are a pig, and I have lost weight. Although I don't have the taste of mountains and seas in these days, Gong Lin has a strong ability to make up many animals The first time I cooked the food, I felt that I was getting fat. "

Ou Qingheng hugged people in his arms and said: "How about you woman, occasionally showing weakness? Do you know if I hear the news that your plane is out of touch, my heart will jump out, I really I'm afraid I will lose you again. "

Yao Yiyi leaned obediently in his arms, she knew that Ou Qingheng was really terrified.

The two snuggled quietly together, while An An, who had fallen asleep, had been carried to the other side by Gong Lin.

For a long while, Yao Yi said: "How is mom there?"

"I don't know. You only happened because of them. I didn't tear the Huang family away. It's your face." Ou Qingheng said indifferently.

Yao Yiyi touched his cheek with his hands, and said in a good voice: "Don't be angry, no one can think of the aircraft losing contact. Regardless of the Huang family's affairs, if you blame them, it seems that we are mad at us.

Ou Qingheng looked down at her and sighed helplessly.

"You woman, never let me worry."

"I'm sorry." Yao Yiyi apologized obediently, but when the words changed, it was rare and playful: "If I let you worry, wouldn't you be more bored in your little life."

Ou Qingheng couldn't help but smile.

He really has no way to take Yao Yiyi.

After flying for more than ten hours, the plane finally returned to its own country. Yao Yiyi stepped down from the plane and stepped on the familiar land.

"It's still my own country." Yao Yiyi was sentimental.

Landing on an uninhabited island, Yao Yiyi was ready to be hungry. She did n’t know if any passing ships would see them, or whether the government search and rescue personnel could find them, let alone the Eurostar Heng was able to find out where they were, always worried.

Fortunately, everything is going in the good direction, and it took them only a few days to find them. These days are a blessing of misfortune. Compared with those who had an air crash, they are already regarded as gifts from heaven. Lucky.

"Let's go, let's go home." Ou Qingheng took her hand and asked Fang Hui to go back to rest first, and said that they had worked hard for the past few days, and let them take a good rest for a few days.

"Thank you boss." The others cheered.

Ou Qingheng waved their hands at them and sat in the long-awaited car there, while Xu Chen, who was left in place, looked at the declining vehicle obsessively, a flash of infatuation flashed in his eyes.

"Let's go, you should be satisfied if the young lady returns safely, don't belong to you, don't expect it, honestly looking for a docile and well-behaved woman to marry and have children." Fang Hui put his hand on it. He said on his shoulder.

Xu Chen just glanced at him and left silently.

Looking at his back, Fang Hui could only helplessly shook his head.

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