Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 724: Plane crash

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Waiting for the plane to disappear, Ou Qingheng drove back to the apartment in the city. He and An An finished their meal. The father and son played the game for half an hour peacefully, just showered An An and coaxed him to sleep. The phone rang, Lin Lin called.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Lin ’s anxious speech was inconsistent: “The plane that Europe, Europe, and the young lady took was affected by the air flow and has lost contact. A friend at the airport knew that I was online. I booked an air ticket for this flight, so I specifically called me. "

Ou Qingheng's face changed instantly, his throat seemed to be locked, heavy and dry.

"I know." After hanging up the phone, Ou Qingheng originally wanted to call Fang Hui to check the authenticity of the incident. As a result, he didn't succeed in pressing the finger on the phone button several times.

"Fang Hui, what's the matter for you to check on Yiyi's flight to Shanghai?" Finally, he made a call, and his voice contained a slight tremor.

"Yes, boss."

Hanging up the phone, Ou Qingheng looked at An An's quiet sleep, he whispered: "An An, you can rest assured, I won't let your mother have an accident, she belongs to me, even King Yan Luo can't take it from me Snatched up. "

The waiting time was exceptionally long. Ou Qingheng was afraid that Fang Hui would call him and looked forward to Fang Hui's good news. No matter whether he wanted it or not, Fang Hui's call came.

"Boss, Madam ’s flight to Shanghai was affected by the air flow just half an hour ago and has temporarily lost contact with the airline, but do n’t worry. Now they are in search and rescue, Madam Madam will be fine." Fang Hui said one by one.

Ou Qingheng only felt a bit of a headache in his head, he said in a deep voice: "Fang Hui, send someone to find, I don't believe in the airline's search and rescue, I need to check it myself, I want to find Yi Yi's existence as soon as possible.

"Got it, boss, I now inform everyone that they will locate the location of the flight within the fastest speed."

"You do it."

Hanging up the phone, Fang Hui summoned all the people with the fastest speed, and one person was as anxious as Ou Qingheng, and this person was Xu Chen.

"Fang Hui, is Yiyi really on that plane that has temporarily lost contact?" Xu Chen said with a cold face.

"Xu Chen, I know you do n’t want to believe this is true, but the young lady is indeed on that plane, the boss is almost crazy, or else everyone will not be notified to locate the plane, we can only hope now The plane was only temporarily out of touch, or else ... But Mrs. Young has the blessing of the gods, and she can always be lucky. You do n’t have to worry about it first. "Fang Hui patted his shoulder with his hand, pale and comforted. .

In recent years, news of the deaths at high altitudes has emerged in an endless stream. Once the connection is lost, the passengers on the plane are nine dead, but they can only comfort themselves now, hoping that Yao Yiyi will be safe and sound.

Xu Chen's fist was clenched slowly, and his face became appalling.

Fang Hui looked at him like this, and the thousands of words of comfort that had passed through his mind several times turned pale and weak.

"Xu Chen, don't think about it any more. We are now trying to find out the location of Mrs. Young, you don't have to think about it first, understand?" Fang Hui said with a serious heart.

He knew that Xu Chen had never forgotten Yao Yiyi from the beginning to the end, just because she was able to have a happy family, she withdrew from her life circle like a stunned child, silently protecting her and An An from harm in the back. No matter what, he kept the distance with Yao Yiyi as much as possible.

He is using his methods to silently guard his love for her.

"I know." Xu Chen said hoarsely.

Fang Hui just gave him a deep look, and he didn't say any more nonsense.

Fang Hui and Xu Chen used the contacts they knew to check the flight that was temporarily out of contact, but just as the police and the airline company thoroughly investigated the results, they found nothing.

On the other side, Ou Qingheng also called for a bodyguard to protect An An, and he drove to the airport, where he was already full of family members who got the news. They were crying and asking the airport staff who their relatives were. How is it, can you live back.

The personnel at the airport did not have the ability to predict, so they could only say pale: "The police station has dispatched police to investigate, I believe there will be news soon."

Those family members were as if they were ashamed, and all their emotions were very excited, and even some of them were crying and crying, letting the airlines pay their loved ones.

Ou Qingheng looked at such a picture, his face was even colder.

He slowly retreated to the outside of the airport. Suddenly he was afraid that he would have heard from the mouth of others that they had found the wreckage of the plane.

Ou Qingheng sat in the car all night, the next day his phone rang, he quickly picked up and asked, "Fang Hui, is there any news?"

"Boss, I'm sorry, but I haven't found anything for the time being." Fang Hui lost his way across the phone.

Ou Qingheng wiped his face, feeling a little irritable, he said: "Continue to check."

"Yes, boss."

The fact that Yao Yiyi lost contact with the plane was still known to others. Mrs. Ou and his father first arrived in the apartment.

Mrs. Ou said urgently: "Qingheng, what happened to Yiyi's plane crash? Did anyone find it?"

Ou Qingheng sat down on the sofa, and it had been a day since he disappeared from the plane. If there was no news, it might have been more fierce.

"Qin Heng, you're saying a word, do you want to die in a hurry?" Mrs. Ou said anxiously.

Ou Qingheng opened his mouth with a hoarse voice: "Mom, I don't know, I sent everyone to check, but there is still no news at all, An An doesn't know about it yet, he comes downstairs later, who Do n’t say this, he ’s already Huihui, I ’m afraid he will be sad when he knows it. ”

Mrs. Ou felt distressed that he became like this, but to no avail, the plane crashed. The government sent everyone to search and rescue, but still found nothing.

"Grandpa, grandma, you are here." An An came downstairs, and said that the interest was not very high.

Mrs. Ou quickly calmed the expression on her face and waved at him, saying: "My good grandson, what's wrong with you? Just look at this, you can lift a bottle of soy sauce."

An An shook his head, looked up at Mrs. Ou, and said sullenly: "Grandma, is your mother in trouble?"

Mrs. Ou froze, grinning reluctantly: "Why does An An say this? Isn't mom taking care of your grandmother in Shanghai now?"

"Grandma, don't lie to me. I heard my father talking on the phone yesterday. My mother lost contact with the plane, but it doesn't matter. I believe my mother will be fine. An An won't cry. When my mother came back, her mother promised An An to watch An An get married and have children. "An An said with a milky voice.

Mrs. Ou listened, and her heart was sore.

Her good-grandson is young, but she is too sensible, and sometimes she looks better than many adults.

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