Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 715: Bruised nose and bruised face

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Huang Lingxuan pulled Huang Yiyi out of the hospital, and found a trail where few people passed by and threw her aside. "Yiyi, you said, did you do something stupid again in front of Yao Yiyi?"

Huang Yiyi looped her hands around her chest and made a precautionary gesture. She said angrily: "Brother, I am your sister. If you don't do something with your mother, you think I did it wrong. You and your mother knew each other. How long did she want to stop her.

Huang Lingxuan's eyes were cold, and he was angry this time.

"You were transferred to me. The family spoiled you on weekdays, not to do whatever you want. Mom collapsed this time. Do n’t think I do n’t know that there is your masterpiece. You ’d better give me some peace, or else I Sending you directly abroad will save you from worrying about how big or small you are. ”Huang Lingxuan said coldly.

Huang Yiyi looked at him, but instead cried out, and the more he cried, the more he felt wronged.

Huang Lingxuan suffered from her crying headache and wanted to scold loudly. She did not expect her to cry more loudly. Both the patient who walked nearby and the family members accompanying him couldn't help but look here.

Huang Lingxuan had a bigger head, he lowered his voice and said, "Don't cry." There is such an uneasy sister who really offends Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi, and Ou Qingheng guards the calf's careful eyes, I am afraid they The Huang family can't walk around.

He can see that Ou Qingheng is not a man who can afford it, even if the Huang family is a person with a head and a face in Shanghai, it is not enough to look at the Ou family. The upper circle is also divided into three and six classes, and the Huang family It is said that it is ranked in the upper middle, then the Ou family is at the top of the pyramid, the gap between the two is not a little bit worse, and he did not thoroughly understand how powerful Ou Qingheng is, so he does not want to because Huang Yiyi ’s Such a big tree was offended by being sensible.

Huang Yiyi is still crying.

"If you cry again, I won't take care of your future affairs." Huang Lingxuan threatened.

Huang Yiyi's cry stopped abruptly.

"Speak, why did your mother faint? I want to hear the truth." Huang Lingxuan said strongly.

"... I told Yao Yiyi that I fell in love with Ou Qingheng and seduce him face to face. She was overheard by her mother and she fainted when she couldn't help her anger." Huang Yiyi thought for a while. Said.

Huang Lingxuan smiled angrily, he said in secret, "Yiyi, can you still make a face?" Then the words turned, he said angrily: "I didn't warn you, don't you provoke Ou Qingheng? You Think of my words as wind in your ears, right? Do you know that you are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire? You want to die, and you are also dragged by the Huang family to be buried. "

Huang Yiyi stared at him and said, "Are you still my brother? I just fell in love with him and wanted to **** him over. Haven't you supported me like this before? Now you blame me for seducing him, I see You do n’t treat me like a sister at all. "

"If I don't think of you as a sister, I will let you die, and I still care about what you do here?" Huang Lingxuan was also angry.

Huang Yiyi is so mindless that she always does things in her own mood. If she is left alone, I am afraid that the Huang family will be dragged in sooner or later.

"If you look at me as a younger sister, you will help me to get Ou Qingheng to take over." Huang Yiyi said with a big voice.

With a snap, Huang Lingxuan slapped her directly.

"Huang Yiyi, I can warn you. You can fall into your own heart. I don't object to the number of men you can find. Only Ou Qingheng can't touch him, nor can he touch it." Turn around and leave.

Huang Yiyi clutched at the beaten cheek and looked at him fiercely, his face sullen and sunny, his eyes burst into hate.

"Brother, you won't let me provoke Ou Qingheng, I'm willing to provoke, I don't believe I can't compare with that woman of Yao Yiyi, I just want to prove that in your heart, I am better than her." Huang Yiyi gritted her teeth. Said.

The repeated obstruction of Mrs. Huang and Huang Lingxuan further aroused the unwillingness and contention in her heart, and also inspired her to conquer Ou Qingheng *. In her subconscious mind, only this man was given Only when I snatched it, can I draw back the eyes of my mother and brother who had only noticed her.

Huang Lingxuan left and saw Yao Yiyi, who had left the hospital, return.

He walked over and smiled warmly: "Sister."

Yao Yiyi saw him and smiled, "Ling Xuan."

"Don't you leave, how come back?"

"I don't worry, Mom, and Qingheng hasn't come back to see the customer, so I just went back to the hospital to have a look."

"In that case, would you mind sitting there with me?" Huang Lingxuan pointed to the table and chairs set up under the big tree for patients and their relatives and relatives, saying: "The scenery over there is pretty good, and we used to chat well. . "

Yao Yiyi nodded.

The two walked over, Huang Lingxuan smiled: "You wait, I'll buy two cups of coffee to drink."

Yao Yiyi originally wanted to say not to be so troublesome, but Huang Lingxuan's long legs had already gone, and she closed her mouth.

"Yao Yiyi, why did you come back?" Huang Yiyi came out from the other side. When she saw Yao Yiyi, there was fire in her heart. Then she found the source of the fire. She walked over and glared at her from top. : "Say, did you deliberately come to see my joke?"

Yao Yiyi said: "You think too much."

Huang Yiyi snorted, "Yao Yiyi, I tell you, my brother and my dad just look at Mom's face and don't want to do more with you for the time being, don't think they accepted you as a wild seed, don't be crazy , You can never be a member of the Huang family. "

Yao Yiyi felt funny.

She kept silent.

Huang Yiyi felt that she was afraid of her, and the fire in her heart was gone.

"Yiyi, what are you doing?" Huang Lingxuan returned with two cups of coffee and said.

Huang Yiyi looked at the coffee in his hand, a dark flash flashed in his eyes, his fists clenched and loosened.

"Brother, are you going to buy her coffee?" Huang Yiyi said.

"Yiyi, stop fooling around and go back."

"I don't. She's better anyway. You have to hold her tightly."

"Is she okay? It's not you who led us to recognize her. Now you come to rake, is it interesting?"

Huang Yiyi was silent.

"Go back." Huang Lingxuan ordered the guest.

Huang Yiyi stared at him as if he wanted to stare out a hole in his body.

Huang Lingxuan also looked at her. Both brothers and sisters stared at each other without losing. It was like a tug of war. Both sides were pulling each other. As long as who let go first, whoever lost.

Watching this farce, Yao Yiyi got up and said, "Your brother and sister, let's talk about it. I'll go upstairs first to see if Mom wakes up."

Huang Lingxuan then looked at Yao Yiyi, and said with a cramped smile: "Sister, sit down, I will chat with you."

"No, you brothers and sisters talk, don't because I hurt each other's peace, after all, for my elder sister added halfway, it's not worth it." Yao Yiyi said casually.

Huang Lingxuan gave her an inquiring glance, and finally did not stop.

As soon as Yao Yiyi left, Huang Lingxuan's face fell. He glanced at Huang Yiyi angrily and said angrily: "You're really lacking in success and more than defeat."

Huang Yiyi said: "Brother, I think you want to climb the big tree behind Yao Yiyi, but what to do, people don't see you as a brother at all."

Huang Lingxuan's face was unpredictable, and finally came to peace.

He turned around and left without taking care of Huang Yiyi. Huang Yiyi panicked for a moment and immediately followed.

"Brother, as long as we work together to win Ou Qingheng, I can follow the forces of the Ou family to let you easily open the branch to T city." Huang Yiyi opened an unrealistic bait.

Huang Lingxuan did not look at her.

"Brother, can you help me? You are only my sister. We are a grasshopper on a boat. The person I am married to is also a big deal for you. Don't think about a missing person for more than 20 years. My blood sister can really help you. "


Huang Lingxuan speeded up even more.

His sister is still having unrealistic dreams, deliberately replacing Yao Yiyi, but never looking at whether he can be compared with Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi grew up in a small family, but her temperament and appearance overcame her, but she was still proud of her identity.

The frog is obviously a bit downhole.

"To shut up."

Huang Yiyi shut her mouth obediently, but twitched again in a minute, making Huang Lingxuan so annoyed that someone could sew her mouth.

Huang Lingxuan got into his car and stepped on the accelerator. The car rushed out like an offline arrow.

Huang Yiyi hooked her lips and said with a sneer: "Brother, you want to make a good relationship with Yao Yiyi, save this heart, I won't let you succeed, anyway, I want you to stand on my side, Help me **** Ou Qingheng, he is mine. "

Huang Lingxuan has drove away, and naturally cannot hear Huang Yiyi's arrogance.

Huang Yiyi walked casually under the hospital in a good mood, thinking about how to get Ou Qingheng in hand, knowing that the danger was approaching her step by step, a jute bag directly wrapped her and brought it into the scrub Before she could scream, she was beaten up by a fat bag across the bag, and she was directly beaten out, and then the men who beat her up quickly left.

This hit was silent, and no one knew that the fainted Huang Yiyi fell in a jute sack. Until a female sanitation worker came to clean the house at night. Seeing such a big bag, carefully untied it, and unconscious and unconscious. She with a swollen nose and a swollen face quickly called for someone else, otherwise she could only suffocate the life in the jute bag.

Huang Yiyi was taken to see a doctor, and Huang Fu and Huang Lingxuan rushed over to hear it. Looking at Huang Yiyi, who had awakened her nose and swollen face, Huang Fu said angrily, "How did you make yourself like this? Who did it?"

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