Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 704: Brain tumor

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After Yao Yiyi went back to discuss with Ou Qingheng, she had planned to go to Hunan this weekend, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Huang's call disrupted her plan.

"Xiao Yi." Mrs. Huang said weakly over the phone.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? I don't hear your voice right." Yao Yiyi cared: "Are you sick?"

Mrs. Huang swallowed saliva there and reluctantly said: "Ma has a terrible headache. Can you come to Shanghai to see Mom?"

"Did you see the doctor?" Yao Yiyi asked anxiously. She was keenly aware that Mrs. Huang's mental condition did not seem particularly good.

There was no sound from there.

Yao Yiyi gripped the phone tightly and said nervously, "Mom, are you still there?"

Mrs. Huang sighed faintly and said weakly: "Xiaoyi, Mom found a brain tumor, which is malignant, and Mom may be dying."

The phone in Yao Yiyi almost fell off.

There was a lot of worry in her eyes, and she smiled reluctantly: "Mom, are you kidding me? You are well in T City. It's not long before you come back to Shanghai. How can you get a brain tumor?"

Mrs. Huang smiled and said: "Xiaoyi, my mother had a headache before, but it was not particularly serious before. Now you are not surprised to be diagnosed with a brain cancer mom. There is no regret to be able to recognize your mom. , That is, I ca n’t help you with your children in the future. Mom has n’t seen you enough. ”

Yao Yiyi said anxiously: "Mom, I will book the ticket immediately, you will be fine."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi went online and ordered a ticket.

Ou Qingheng came out of the study and returned to the bedroom, seeing Yao Yiyi frowning, her eyes were panicked.

He walked over and said softly, "Yiyi, what's wrong?"

Yao Yiyi grabbed his hand and said, "I'm going to Shanghai. My mother just called to say she was ill and was hospitalized. I'll go and see if she has anything to do."

"I'll go with you, don't refuse me, otherwise I won't let you go alone." Ou Qingheng said in an unacceptable tone.

Yao Yiyi lifted her mouth and said, "I have also booked your plane ticket. Our family of three has passed. If my mother's brain cancer is really malignant, I plan to take her to T City for treatment. I just recognized each other, I do n’t want her to have an accident. "

Ou Qingheng kissed her forehead and said: "Don't worry about it, she and your daughter are in pain, it will be fine."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Yao Yiyi took An'an and Ou Qingheng to the airport in the afternoon, and Mrs. Ou and Ou's father also arrived.

"Yiyi, I went to Shanghai to take good care of my baby grandson, otherwise you should leave him alone, and I don't know how many days you go, I will miss him." Mrs. Ou hugged An An Unwilling.

Yao Yiyi apologized: "Mom, I'm sorry, my mom had a brain tumor. The doctor said it was malignant. I want to show An An to her. She hasn't played with An An many times since birth. Miss grandchildren. "

Mrs. Ou is also considerate.

She kissed An An and said, "An An, when she arrives in Shanghai, she will call her grandmother every day, eat and drink well, and don't make herself hungry."

An An kissed her on the cheek and said, "Grandma, An An will miss you. When An An goes to Shanghai, he will call you every day, and you should also think of An An."

Mrs. Ou was instantly pleased by him.

The grandson and grandson Yiyi gave up, and the talent of Anfu handed An'an to Yao Yiyi, saying: "Yiyi, you came to Shanghai and asked your mother to say good-bye to her, and let her take good care of her.

Yao Yiyi nodded and the radio sounded to remind the boarding time was approaching. She said: "Mom, Qingheng and I have passed the security check first. When we arrive in Shanghai, I will let An'an call you to chat."

Mrs. Ou said: "Go ahead, pay attention to safety, don't be hungry for my grandson."

Yao Yiyi was comforted. The family of three passed the security check and went on the plane.

Arriving in Shanghai, Yao Yiyi reported the safety to Mrs. Ou, and then asked An An to speak to Mrs. Ou.

Yao Yiyi directly asked the driver to drive to the Shanghai People's Hospital and paid for it. Yao Yiyi asked Ou Qingheng to quickly walk into the hospital holding An An.

Outside the ward, Yao Yiyi took a deep breath and looked at the ward number, but instead hesitated. She was afraid that she would see a picture she didn't want to see at all.

"Why are you here?" A cold voice came from behind them.

Yao Yiyi turned around and saw that it was Huang Father. At the moment, Huang Father was a lot older, and several white hairs appeared on both temples. The original sharp eyes also had some turbidity, and Yao Yiyi finally turned him into ordinary The elders overlapped, and subconsciously felt that he was old too.

But looking at Huang Fu being so old, she couldn't help but lift her heart up. She couldn't imagine what happened to Mrs. Huang before she could torture the old Huang Huang who had been so spiritual.

"Mom called me and said she was sick, so I flew over to see her, otherwise I wouldn't be relieved." Yao Yiyi coughed artificially, and said a little unnaturally.

Father Huang gave her a deep look and said, "Go in, she should be very happy to see you."

Yao Yiyi followed him in, and she was relieved to see the person on the bed.

Mrs. Huang looked haggard, but it was not as bad as she had imagined. At least her hair wasn't lost, and her bones weren't changed.

"Mom." Yao Yiyi walked over and looked at Mrs. Huang who was still sleeping, whispering softly.

Mrs. Huang did not wake up.

"Mr. Huang, can I ask how she is doing?" Yao Yiyi looked at Huang Fu and asked.

"The brain tumor is malignant and it's almost mid-term, but it's not too late to find out, as long as she actively cooperates with the treatment, there will be a chance of recovery." Huang Huang looked at Mrs. Huang on the bed and said deeply.

He and she have been husband and wife for so many years, and have been arguing for Yao Yiyi's problem for so long. As a result, when she was lying on the hospital bed, she could be killed by the disease at any time. He suddenly felt that his previous persistence Meaningless and ridiculous.

Yao Yiyi pondered for a while and said, "Qingheng knows experts in this field. If you can, she might as well transfer her to T City, where the best medical equipment is available, which also greatly helps her condition. "

Father Huang glanced at her and directly refused: "No, I have already contacted my good friends in this area. He brought his team over the day after tomorrow. Huang's family is not poor, and no outsiders can come to give alms."

Yao Yiyi moved his lips, and there was nothing to refute.

Father Huang seemed to realize that what he said was too cold, and said a little awkwardly: "But thank you very much for coming to see her. She has been nagging you these days, and I didn't expect that she would get a brain tumor. If you think of her being old and still suffering from this crime, I wo n’t do so many things that make her sad when she is young. "

Yao Yiyi looked at him deeply, and she could hear that this was an older elder who was annoyed by what he had done.

She didn't know how to appease.

Father Huang took out a cigarette, and the old man said: "You are watching here, I go out and smoke a cigarette."

After talking, Huang Father went straight out.

Yao Yiyi sighed quietly and said, "Qingheng, can you let James come to Shanghai?"

"I'll call him and tell him in a moment, but don't call him in a brash manner, in case the Huang family disagrees, it will make each other embarrassed."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

"I will ask the doctor first, and then ask the Huang's family for permission before let James come. After all, compared with them, I am still an outsider."

"Don't be sad, you still have me and An An, I won't hurt you."

Yao Yiyi shook her head and said, "I'm fine, but I didn't expect that she would get a brain tumor, or it's malignant, and it might be dead. To know that I won't cause her to be sad, and there is no need to squander each other's time. "

"this is not your fault."

"I know." Just know that Gui knew. Looking at Mrs. Huang on the hospital bed, she was still a little guilty. This may be the drag between the blood lines, and the cessation was constant, only mutual care and concern.

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