Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 702: Intention to match

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At noon, Li Zhenzhen and Mrs. Xu went to a nearby restaurant. As soon as they entered the box, Li Zhenzhen saw a straight long-haired beauty sitting there.

Li Zhenzhen glanced at Mrs. Xu, and Mrs. Xu smiled: "Let's go."

The woman heard the sound of someone coming in, stood up from the chair, turned around, and Li Zhenzhen couldn't help but see a sigh of relief.

Beauty is not enough to describe her beauty. It is the kind of big beauty with classic charm, melon seed face, cherry mouth, beautiful little nose, big watery eyes, fair skin, and a waist that is not grasped. The limbs, like the beautiful women who came out of ancient times, are pitifully pitiful.

"Auntie, you are here." The beautiful woman greeted her gently.

People are beautiful, the sound is more pleasant, soft and slender, listening to people's ears like spring breeze.

Mrs. Xu smiled and said, "Yining, have you waited a long time?"

"No, I just arrived."

Mrs. Xu asked Li Zhenzhen and Yining to sit down, and then introduced them to both of them: "Zhenzhen, this is Yining, the only daughter of Yifeng's Yifeng company. He studied in the UK before and returned to China five days ago. Mom wanted to find a boyfriend for her and met Cheng Xun again. She wanted to get to know the two of them. I asked her to come out for dinner today and happened to find you again, so I took you out together. "

After she finished speaking, she turned to Yining again and said, "Yining, this is Li Zhenzhen. She is two years older than you. Just call her sister."

Yining nodded at Li Zhenzhen and said softly: "Sister Zhenzhen, I am Yining, just call me Yining."

Li Zhenzhen was not very interested in her heart. She glanced at Mrs. Xu in a complicated way and guessed the intention of Mrs. Xu.

She thought that Mrs. Xu would be good to her sincerely, but she was so hypocritical. After her * video was posted online, her attitude towards her was a 180 degree change, although She looks like a good elder, but she knows that the Xu family will not allow women like her with scandals to enter.

The Chinese's sexual concept is much more open, but it is not traditional in the bones. The **** scandal is not a big deal for men, but it is a fatal blow for women. Sometimes it can destroy the backbone of women. Force her to go to a dead end.

She can survive, in addition to her parents' tolerance of her, and she doesn't care about her performance. The more she lives proudly, any gossip is not enough in front of her.

"Yining, you look beautiful, and Cheng Xun must be a match made in heaven. It's no wonder that the aunt will like it, even me, can't help but like it." Li Zhenzhen smiled.

Yining's look remained unchanged, and the eyebrows were still gentle and gentle.

Li Zhenzhen looked at it and thought, if all this wasn't what she pretended to be, then she was really a very gentle girl.

She thought Xu Chengxun would be a good thing if she was with her.

But Xu Chengxun was not her. She chased him for two years and could not get his nod. What qualifications did she have to intervene with whom he wanted to be?

"Sister Zhenzhen is also very beautiful, I don't know what Brother Xu looks like, but my parents told me to come and see it, and I agreed without any loss. Even if I can't be a lover, I can be a friend." Yi Ning Rourou said.

Li Zhenzhen hooked her lips. The girl had a gentle look and a decent manner. She looked like a boudoir. She was very self-confident. She couldn't help feeling ashamed in front of her.

She is beautiful and gentle, and she would like it if she were a man.

"Auntie, Yining is beautiful and gentle. I think Chengxun will like it. I congratulate you on holding your grandson in advance." Li Zhenzhen smiled generously.

Mrs. Xu's face also improved.

Yining frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Li Zhenzhen called the waiter to order, and waited until the dishes were ready, she was eating quickly, and she was quite silent during the meal. After eating, she wiped her mouth with a clean veil and apologized: "Auntie, Yining, the company has another I'm afraid I have to leave the meeting early. I'm really sorry, you guys eat. "

Mrs. Xu stood up and said, "You have eaten so much? Eat some more, and take care of your body no matter how busy you are. People are iron and steel. You can't joke about your body."

"Auntie, I have eaten a lot. You and Yining will eat slowly. I have to go." Li Zhenzhen took her own bag and smiled apologetically, and the person left.

When Li Zhenzhen left, Yining looked at Mrs. Xu and said softly, "Auntie, is this Miss Li in the video?"

Mrs. Xu lowered her face and said angrily: "Yeah, I also wanted her to be the daughter-in-law of the Xu family. I didn't expect her to have such a thing. You also know that our Xu family can have that kind of thing. The daughter-in-law of the scandal, so Yining, thank you for coming to help your aunt today. "

"Auntie doesn't have to be polite, but I think Miss Li is very nice and generous and pretty. She is also a victim of this * video. If Brother Xu likes her, I don't think it's necessary for her aunt to ruin them. Ning said.

Mrs. Xu patted her hand and said, "Yining, you have been abroad all these years, and you don't understand the domestic market. China's sexual concept is much more open, but it is still traditional, if Cheng Xun married like this The woman, I am afraid that others can drown him with a spitting star, not to mention Cheng Xun does not like her, she has always pursued Cheng Xun, you can see Cheng Xun one day, maybe you It looks right, I like you very much. "

Yining nodded.

"it is good."

"It's so good. Come and eat, your aunt will go fishbone for you, and you will choke on it." Mrs. Xu attentively puts vegetables in her dish. "You are too thin, you feel like a gust of wind can blow you go."

"Auntie, I can just eat it myself. You can eat it." Yining sandwiched the fish in the dish to Mrs. Xu. "My parents often taught me that I can't accept the elders' service. If you want to eat fish, I can Pick you a fishbone. "

Mrs. Xu was a little unhappy when she saw Yining re-clamp the fish to her, but when she said so, she was faintly happy.

"Yining, you are very sensible. I have been abroad for so many years and have no bad habits of foreigners. I like girls like you who follow domestic traditions." Mrs. Xu smiled.

"Auntie, it's nothing. I'm Chinese."

Mrs. Xu smiled and was more satisfied with Yining.

Beautiful, generous, decent, honoring elders, gentle, such a good daughter-in-law does not know where to pick.

Mrs. Xu intends to match her and Xu Chengxun.

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