Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 695: This is the first time you praise me

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After eating, the two left the restaurant side by side, and Mrs. Ou said: "Chi Ling, is Qingheng still good to you?"

"Brother Ou now has a wife and child, everything must be avoided, although I am a sister, but in the end there is no blood, so he is inevitably lukewarm to me." Zhang Zhiling shrugged and said casually.

Mrs. Ou pondered, and said, "Go, I will go back to the company with you, and I will talk to Qingheng."

"Goddam, no need. Brother O and I are in the same company. I liked him before. It is normal for him to avoid suspicion."

"Do you still like him now?"

Zhang Zhiling froze for a while, then smiled bitterly: "How can I love someone so easily and let go, but I have decided to go on a blind date, the eldest son of the Qin family, just came back from abroad, my mother said he grew up A list of talents, talkative humor, and foreign education, similar to my experience, I think I should be fit with him. "

Mrs. Ou glanced at her sideways and smiled, "It's time to go on a blind date, that's fine. I talked to you about it with a few acquaintances a few days ago. If they have any suitable youth Caijun introduced it to you, and they also told me a few, and they also looked at the photos, but I was afraid that you would feel conflicted. I did n’t expect you to mention it today. If you look at each other, if you agree, the godmother will go Check it for you. "

Resentment flashed in Zhang Zhiling's eyes. She looked at the vehicles coming and going, and suddenly there was a trace of evil thoughts. She thought that if she pushed the hypocritical old woman beside her into the driveway, then she could never exist. In the world, if she had not given her unrealistic promises, she would not have been so obsessed with Ou Qingheng.

"Chi Ling, what's the matter? The lights are green." Madam Ou's voice brought her back to reality.

Zhang Zhiling woke up and looked at Mrs. Ou apologetically, saying: "God mother, I'm sorry, I just lost my mind."

Mrs. Ou said: "Let's go first, we can't be distracted when we cross the street, otherwise we will be easily hit by a car."

"Got it, godmother." Zhang Zhiling said instructed.

Entering the Euclidean Group, Zhang Zhiling said: "Goddam, I'm going back to the office to work, so I don't deserve you to go upstairs."

Mrs. Ou nodded.

Zhang Zhiling took another elevator to go upstairs, while Mrs. Ou took the elevator for the Ou family to the top floor.

"Good lady." The secretary of the secretary's office saw Mrs. Ou greeted one after another.

"Is Qing Qing in the office?" Mrs. Ou said.

"Go back to Madam, Mr. Ou asked someone to go to the meeting, and it may be half an hour before. Or else, Madam, please go sit down first." Lin Lin invited the man to the office, and then made coffee for the service. It's very thoughtful.

"Your name is Linlin." Mrs. Ou stopped Linlin and asked.

"Yes, what else does the lady tell you?"

"Did Qingheng have dinner?"

"Not yet." Lin Lin said: "But Mickey's restaurant has been delivered for delivery, and will arrive in about five minutes."

Mrs. Ou nodded and said, "You will heat them up after a while, don't let Qingheng eat cold things, you know?"

"Madam, rest assured." Lin Lin said: "Madam, I'm going to work first."

Mrs. Ou nodded.

She waited for nearly half an hour in the office before Ou Qingheng came back. Lin Lin came in with a beautiful box and put it on the table.

"Mr. Ou, I have already warmed up the food for you. You can eat while it's hot. I'll go out first." Lin Lin finished, and left with a sense of interest.

Ou Qingheng pulled the tie, a trace of tiredness flashed between the eyebrows, and the voice said hoarsely, "Mom, why are you here?"

Mrs. Ou pointed to the box on the case and said, "You have to eat first, and mom will talk to you after eating."

Ou Qingheng did not shirk, he was really hungry.

He swallowed his meal and took a wet tissue to wipe his mouth. He said, "Mom, what are you doing with me?"

"The day after tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of the Zhang family's married couple. They are somehow the relatives of the Ou family. You and Yiyi should also prepare a generous gift to participate in. You must not be rude." Mrs. Ou looked at Ou Qingheng and said .

Ou Qingheng said: "Mom, this can be said on the phone."

"Chi Ling and I have eaten nearby and haven't seen you for a long time, so I came over to see you. If you have a family of three on weekends, you can go back to the main house of the European family. Your sister can't go back to her mother's house often when she gets married. Your dad is also quite boring. "Mrs. Ou said her purpose gently.

"Mom, if you are not busy, I will take Yiyi and An'an back."

Mrs. Ou was silent for a while, and said, "You and Yiyi are also remarrying. I am not the kind of unreasonable mother-in-law. The annoyance at her was also smoothed by An An. If you let her come back, I will come and chat with me, mother-in-law. Do n’t make it like an enemy. "

Ou Qingheng said with a smile: "Mom, Yiyi will be very happy if she hears what you say. She has always been guilty of taking An'an away. Despite your forgiveness, she never dared to be close to you. I ’m afraid that you are worthy of her in your heart. Now that you ’re done, you can say this to say that you let go, and she wo n’t even think of guilt for you in her dream. ”

"When I talk about her, you have a smile on your face. Why, I'm afraid I will eat her like a tigress, and then push a woman around you?"

Ou Qingheng smiled and did not refute.

"Qingheng, your mother is not old enough to be indiscriminate, I will let you remarry, and I will not find you a woman to add to An'an, An'an will be pimples with my baby, who I am wronged "Dare not let him be wronged." Mrs. Ou said.

Ou Qingheng glanced at Mrs. Ou, it seemed that he still didn't know enough about his mother.

His mother was a good man and could not be disobeyed, but in many cases he was still willing to compromise for her children and grandchildren to accept her daughter-in-law who was already dissatisfied.

Mrs. Ou got up and said, "I'm going first. Don't forget the banquet for the 30th anniversary of Zhang's wedding."

Ou Qingheng got up and took the person to the door, and Mrs. Ou turned again: "Qingheng, you take care of Chi Ling, don't sneer at others, don't forget that your sister married Shu Jun, Chi Ling said the same Her little aunt, I ’m afraid she will throw her breath on Tingting. "

Ou Qinghang pursed his lips and said nothing.

"It's your mother's request." Madam Ou rarely whispered.

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Mrs. Ou left with satisfaction.

Ou Qingheng rejoined his work.

Just after five in the afternoon, Yao Yiyi came to the Euclidean Group on high heels, took the exclusive elevator to the top floor, and as soon as he got out of the elevator, another secretary greeted him and said, "Mrs. Young."

"Is there Qingheng?"

"Mrs. Hui Shao, Mr. Ou is still in a meeting. Would you like to enter the office and wait, I'll make you a cup of coffee." The secretary politely said.

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "No, I went to the meeting room and waited. It was just that I hadn't seen him in a meeting, so I just had a look."

"Young lady, do you need me to take you there?"

"No need to."

Yao Yiyi went to the meeting room with familiar doors and looked through the glass of the meeting room door. It happened that Zhang Zhiling was very capable of explaining the content on the PPT, while Ou Qingheng was sitting in the right position. Listen to her seriously.

Yao Yiyi couldn't help but feel a little sense of crisis. She knew that her uneasiness was a bit ridiculous, but Zhang Zhiling and Ou Qingheng standing together were considered male and female, and there was almost no sense of disobedience.

She believes that Ou Qingheng ’s feelings for her are true, but there is a woman next to her husband who is worthy of him. If she can turn a blind eye, either she does not love Ou Qingheng at all, or she is right I am too confident.

It's a pity that she didn't have both of them for the time being.

Near the water tower first came to the moon, she was somewhat afraid of Zhang Zhiling, but public to private, private to private, she can not let Ou Qingheng resign Zhang Zhiling because of her willfulness.

Yao Yiyi didn't know how long he had watched outside. Zhang Zhiling explained the content on the PPT and walked with confidence to the Ou Qingheng in front of the document. Yan Yan did not know what to say, Ou Qingheng nodded.

Yao Yiyi rubbed his lips and turned away.

In the conference room, Ou Qingheng played with the gold pen in his hand and said, "Do you have anything to add? If not, just follow the director's plan and go to the meeting."

Everyone packed up and left the meeting room. In a flash, only Ou Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling were left in the room.

"Brother Ou, if you think there is something wrong with my plan, you can ask it. I will go back and change it. I want to make it perfect." Zhang Zhiling looked at Ou Qingheng and said.

"It's already very good. You don't need to change it for the time being. Your work ability has improved a lot, and it is worthy of the position of director." Ou Qingheng rarely praised.

A light flashed in Zhang Zhiling's eyes, and the smile on his face was a little bit real.

"Brother Ou, this is the first time you praise me."

"As the boss of the company, I have a clear distinction between public and private. If you do well, I reward you as you deserve. You leave." .

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