Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 691: Refuse to lend him a loan shark

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I have to say that Fan Junchen is a very powerful man, and I do n’t know how he shot. Brother Yao was not only released, but the people in the bank also spoke out, saying that no one was allowed to go into the underground bank to gamble money. It is an indirect block of his gambling path.

This is a happy ending.

Brother Yao's home was put home, his face green and purple, and the corner of his mouth was swollen like a sausage mouth.

"My son, how can they make you look like this." Mother Yao said crying.

Brother Yao felt his head hurt and was quarreled by his mother.

"Mom, can you be quiet? I have a terrible headache now, and my stomach is very hungry. You can prepare some food for me." Brother Yao said.

Mother Yao said quickly: "Okay, okay, Mom, I'll prepare you for you."

"Mom, I want to eat meat. I'm hungry. You have to prepare a lot of meat."

"Mom knows, you have a good rest, and Mom will prepare it for you." Yao said.

As soon as Mother Yao left, Yao Ting said: "Dad, go help your mother, I will take care of my brother."

Father Yao nodded.

As soon as Father Yao left, Yao Ting's face sank instantly.

Brother Yao's body shrank, and his eyes subconsciously avoided Yao Ting's almost cannibalistic eyes.

"Brother, don't you have anything to tell me?" Yao Ting said with his arms around his chest.

Brother Yao's eyes flashed nonstop, obvious guilty conscience.

"Tingting, I didn't do it on purpose. I just itched my hands, and someone encouraged me to say that he would help me win a lot of money. I didn't hold back and went in again, but I promise this is the last time, if I were Again, I just chopped my hands, really. "Brother Yao swallowed and said.

"If your guarantee is useful, then what the police will do." Yao Ting said angrily. "You are almost forty years old, and this stupid encouragement also believes that if the money is so easy to win, then everyone is going to gamble, do you have no brains or what? Leave it good If you do n’t do your work, you have to learn to gamble. Are you willing to be willing to do it without ruining it? ”

Brother Yao licked his lips and said dryly: "Tingting, I just don't want to. I don't believe my luck will be so bad. I just thought I would go in and gamble, maybe I could turn over. Who knows? I owe so much money. "

Yao Ting smiled angrily.

"You didn't expect it? I think pigs are much smarter than you." Yao Ting is too lazy to scold: "If there is Ou Shao, I think you will be chopped off your hands and feet directly, Ou Shao things are more , I wo n’t be able to save you every time. You can do it for yourself. If something really happens, do n’t blame me as a sister. ”

Brother Yao was silent.

Yao Ting was also irritated. She pointed at him and didn't know what to say for a while.

Yao Yiyi said: "Ting Ting, don't be angry, just come back, but this time thanks to Fan Junchen, let's find some time to entertain people, it is a kind of gratitude."

Yao Ting nodded.

Brother Yao looked excitedly at Yao Yiyi and said, "Mrs. Ou, you said that this time I saved Fan Junchen, the real estate predator?"

"Yes, do you know?"

"I know, how could he not know him, but he is the legendary **** of the local people, except for a few financial magazines, there is basically no news of him. It is simply that the dragon has disappeared, and I want to know it early in the morning. He ’s just that I do n’t want to know anyone like me, even if I want to say a few words to him. ”

Yao Ting interjected: "Brother, don't make trouble, just live with your sister-in-law and raise your nephew and niece, and you don't think so much about the rest."

Brother Yao is anxious: "Tingting, what are you saying, he is my life-saving benefactor, I will say thank you for what happened."

"You're worthy of me if you don't trouble me."

Brother Yao is really angry this time.

Yao Yiyi said: "Big Brother, Big Brother Fan said before, he has many things, people he doesn't know generally don't see you, you also said that he is a real estate crocodile, generally don't see people casually, you don't want to talk Tingting gasped, she has been busy with your business for the past few days, her anxious mouths are all on fire, she is angry, and she wants you to live better, and does not want you to be too addicted to gambling, after all, gambling this Things are not good, but people will lose their wealth, and their wives are scattered. She is your sister, and the last thing you want to see is this kind of ending. "

Brother Yao's face looks better now.

He glanced at Yao Ting and said a little dryly, "Ting Ting, I'm sorry, I promise I won't be like this again."

"Wait until you really do it, otherwise your guarantee will be eaten by the dog." Yao Ting snorted softly and said angrily.

Brother Yao was silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little bad.

Mother Yao came in while eating, breaking the embarrassment and tranquility of this room.

"Son, here comes the food." Yao mother said: "Tingting, you also let Haoran and your friends eat."

Everyone sat down to eat together.

After eating, mother Yao let her son go to rest, and then said to Yao Ting: "Ting Ting, don't blame your brother too much, he also knows that wrong, you can't let him be a faceless one as a sister."

Yao Ting laughed angrily, and said with some sarcasm: "Mom, brother has spent millions of me in three months. I don't even have the right to say a few important things about him? That line, I also I do n’t want to talk about him. You just let him pay my money. My brother and I still have to settle the bills. Besides, I am still a married daughter. I do n’t have to pay for what he did wrong. ”

Mother Yao was short of breath and said with a guilty conscience: "You are rich now, and you are not short of those millions. Why don't you bother with your elder brother when you were a child?

Yao Ting smiled.

Yao Yiyi shook her head at her and said, "Auntie, you have been sleeping hard for Brother Yao's affairs these days. You should be tired if you want to come. You and your uncle should take a rest first."

Mother Yao said: "That line, let's go to rest first, if you have anything, just tell me."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

As soon as the Yao's husband and wife left, Yao Yi said: "Ting Ting, uncle and aunt are not easy. The matter is resolved, just don't be angry, so as not to hurt the family's peace."

Yao Ting said angrily: "My dear, I don't want to be angry either, just look at my parents' attitude ... Forget it, I won't say it anymore, they are not my family anymore."

Yao Yiyi just patted her back and gave silent comfort.

Yao Yiyi rested in Yao Ting's house for an afternoon. The next day she received a call from Fan Junchen and wanted to invite her to eat with Ou Qingheng.

Yao Yiyi said: "Brother Fan, my friend and her husband also want to see you. You should not mind two more friends eating with you."

"Yes, your friend is my friend, come together."

In the evening, Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng took Li Haoran and Yao Ting to meet the family of Fan Junchen.

In the box, Yao Yiyi saw the wife of Fan Junchen who she was looking forward to. She thought that the ghostly dress in Fan Junchen's mouth was at least very non-mainstream, but unexpectedly it was a very fashionable dress, exquisite appearance, petite figure, one head The long curly blonde hair looks very young, just like a Barbie doll, standing with Fan Junchen, just like the uncle and nephew, very little bird Yiren.

"Hello, you are Yiyi. My name is Yang Yangqing. My surname is Yang. My mother's surname is Yang. Yang is Yang Shu, and I was born on a sunny day. So it is called Yang Yangqing. The name is particularly easy to remember? "Yang Yangqing said generously.

Yao Yiyi smiled gently: "Hello, this is Yao Yiyi."

Yang Yangqing gave her a warm hug and said: "You are as beautiful as Jun Chen said, so I forgive him for cheating me here and decided to make this friend with you. You should not Mind it. "

Yao Yiyi looked at Fan Junchen. Fan Junchen shrugged, saying that he could not decide Yang Yangqing's decision.

"Yiyi, is this?" Yang Yangqing looked at Yao Ting and said.

"She is my friend, named Yao Ting."

Yang Yangqing nodded, but his eyes fell on Li Haoran. He praised: "Which star is this? It looks perfect."

Yao Ting took Li Haoran's arm and possessively said: "He is my husband."

Yang Yangqing looked at her and Li Haoran again, and said with a smile: "It's quite decent."

Yao Ting's face looked better now and said, "Don't you think that I don't match his appearance?"

"It's a bit, he's so dazzling, and you're beautiful, but you haven't gotten the attention you want, but you don't deserve the appearance, but what about it? You don't think it's just people who look good Superficial? Anyway, I can see that this handsome guy loves you so much. "

Yang Yangqing said casually.

Yao Ting could not help but look at Yang Yangqing.

Fan Junchen walked up and hugged her waist, said: "Wife, this is the first time you meet, don't scare people."

Yang Yangqing shrugged.

A group of people took their seats and ordered their favorite meals.

During the banquet, Yao Yiyi really felt what it was like his wife in Fan Junchen's mouth was very ghostly.

Yang Yangqing talked very eloquently, and he often did not act according to common sense when he was doing things. He seemed to be casual but not self-willed. He had a lot of ideas. Talking with her, she knew she was a great idea, insight and wisdom. It's no wonder that the woman will have captured Fan Junchen's heart.

What Yao Yiyi did not expect was that she and Yang Yangqing would eventually become good friends, and also helped her many times.

Accidental acquaintance, but became a friend for life, maybe this is destined.

After eating, Yang Yangqing said generously: "Yiyi, Yao Ting, leave me a call. One day when I go to T City, I will find you out and go shopping. I think it's quite interesting to share with you two."

Yao Yiyi left her QQ, WeChat and phone number and smiled: "Welcome to T City, I think we will become good friends."

"I think so too. I quite said that you gave birth to a lovely baby. One day we went to T City and we exchanged experience in parenting."

"it is good."

Yang Yangqing looked at Yao Ting, and Yao Ting also gave her QQ, WeChat, and phone numbers. She memorized them and said: "Yao Ting, you have a baby too, so that the three of us can have a child together. Soy sauce. "

These words made Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting laugh.

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