Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 676: Help me persuade mom

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"You are mean." Mrs. Huang gritted her teeth: "He is your son."

"My son is gone and he can be reborn." Father Huang doesn't mind showing his vileness: "Ma'am, you know, in my heart you are more important than a pair of children, come back with me, I can take the company's right to operate To Ling Xuan. "

Mrs. Huang squeezed her fists tightly, and her long nails were directly embedded in her flesh.

"You are unreasonable." Mrs. Huang took the bag and left.

Father Huang said leisurely: "You come out of this door, Ling Xuan can come to T City to accompany you. Your son-in-law is the heir of the Euclidean Group. I think he will arrange a good job for Ling Xuan."

Mrs. Huang's footsteps froze abruptly.

Father Huang was waiting for his leisure.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Huang walked away. Father Huang put his hands on the sofa, staring at her back with her eyes, her lips together, the green bars between her necks exposed, and her eyes seemed to protrude.

Mrs. Huang walked to the door and turned back again, smashing the bag in her hand hard against Huangfu, and then hit it.

While beating, she scolded: "I made you want to exempt Ling Xuan from inheriting the rights. I have never seen someone so arrogant like you. I killed you, and then I committed suicide again."

Mother is stronger when she meets her.

No matter how powerful or fragile a woman is, most of her children are the bottom line that they cannot be touched by others.

Father Huang let her fight, and did not fight back. She was tired. She looked at her father with a swollen nose and blue face. Not only did she not feel relieved, but she was filled with a feeling of sadness in her heart.

She knelt on the ground and cried out with a mask on her face.

It is clearly a couple of more than 30 years, and they have supported each other for most of their lives. But when they get older, they have evolved into this result. I think they are very sad.

Huang Father looked at her from a condescending position, and it was sour for a while.

He was thinking, was his persistence wrong? For the so-called self-respecting wife, are these really what he wants?

Was his so-called cheating really his wife sorry for him?

He was in a trance for a moment.

His lips moved, and his chest seemed to be squeezed by a rock. It was dull, and he was still not happy after all.

After crying enough, Mrs. Huang picked up her bag and left. There were some vicissuous voices from Father Huang: "If I admit Yao Yiyi's identity, will you come back to me?"

With so much perseverance and stubbornness, when his wife turned to stay away from him, he thought it all became very ridiculous.

Madam Huang's figure huskyly said, "Are you serious?"

Father Huang nodded and compromised: "Really."

Madam Huang's twists and turns turned into a long sigh.

So when Yao Yiyi watched Mrs. Huang and Huang Huang sitting in front of her, she looked at Mrs. Huang with doubt.

Father Huang coughed awkwardly and said, "Small, Xiaoyi, you have recognized your mother. Should I call me Dad?"

Yao Yiyi's pupil shrank slightly and looked at Huang Fu with suspicion.

For an elder who is so prejudiced against her, she does not believe that she can reverse her view of her in such a short time.

Yao Yiyi ’s first feeling was not ecstatic, but doubtful. She wondered if Father Huang had any purpose in acknowledging her. After all, she was not alone, and there was a European family behind her. Have to think more.

"Mr. Huang, may I ask, why can you change your mind in such a short time?" Yao Yiyi said.

Father Huang's face slightly changed, and he looked at Yao Yiyi angrily, and said, "Mrs. Ou Shao, what do you mean?"

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly.

This is the way that Father Huang and her opened, and what kind of father-daughter relationship is really not suitable for them.

"Mr. Huang, I don't mean anything. I don't think you really want to recognize my daughter. It's just that I didn't mean it, so don't try to recognise me." Yao Yiyi didn't take it easy. Said.

Father Huang was furious.

Mrs. Huang said anxiously: "Xiaoyi, you are the Huang family, and you must recognize the ancestors. You don't have to worry about it. As long as you return to the Huang family, everyone knows that you are the elder lady of the Huang family.

Yao Yiyi smiled reluctantly.

She shouldn't have been soft-hearted at the beginning, and now she won't be on the Huang family. After that, there may be a lot of troubles waiting for her to deal with.

"Mom, I recognize you because you really hurt me, and Mr. Huang, I wish I could kill me soon. I want to recognise me, he will not be happy, so I do n’t want to recognize my relatives. "Yao Yiyi refused."

"Yao Yiyi, don't go too far." Father Huang shouted sharply. He put down his face to admit this kind of sin, she picked up Joe, it was too much.

Yao Yiyi shrugged and said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, don't be upset. I don't want to have too much contact with the Huang family. I still have something to do. Let's go first."

Yao Yiyi got up and left, and Mrs. Huang shouted, "Xiaoyi."

Yao Yiyi turned around and said, "Mom, I recognize you, I just don't want to live up to your sincerity, but I don't want to have too much contact with the Huang family. I'm sorry, I'm leaving now."

When Yao Yiyi walked away, Father Huang said angrily: "This kind of evil, pick me up with Joe."

Mrs. Huang frowned, and had mixed tastes in her heart.

"Madam, you have seen it too. I have put down my prejudices and want to recognize her, but now they are married to the Ou family, and they do not look down on the small family like the Huang family. She is afraid that I am a father Fucked her. "Huang Father snorted, said angrily.

Mrs. Huang was silent.

Father Huang got up and said, "I'm back in Shanghai, you can enjoy your mother's filial piety here, I will also call Ling Xuan, you will enjoy the joy of the world, and you will have fun with you. For more than thirty years, I am also tired. "

Father Huang turned and left.

Mrs. Huang supported her head with both hands, and it was not a taste in her heart.

Father Huang left and returned to the hotel and called Huang Lingxuan.

"Dad, are you looking for me?" Huang Lingxuan came in and said.

"You don't need to go back to Shanghai, stay here with your mother." Huang Father said bluntly.

Huang Lingxuan's face changed drastically, his eyes shining with indescribable complexity.

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"Your mother insists on staying here. You, as her son, will also stay and take care of her. I will hand it over to others to take care of the company."

Huang Lingxuan was very angry.

"Dad, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?"


Huang Lingxuan lowered his head, and the whole person didn't know what he was thinking. The atmosphere in the suite suddenly became awkward.

"Dad, are you going to take away the inheritance of my company? I am your only son."

"Married another woman, I can still have a son."

Huang Lingxuan's fist was clenched and loosened, and he said with tolerance: "Dad, I know, I will persuade Mom to go home."

Father Huang turned around and patted his shoulders with a smile, and said, "Ling Xuan, you are my good son. As long as you bring your mother back, I will immediately hand over the company to you. Your mother is old, it's time to take off the burden and walk away. "

Huang Lingxuan lowered his head, concealing the choppy emotions in his eyes.

"Dad, I know what to do."

"Ling Xuan, you have always been the proudest and proudest son of your dad. Do n’t give up your glory and prosperity like your mom. You know that your dad has raised a girl who is similar to your mom, your mom. If I do n’t want to come back, I think she is willing to give me a son. "Father Huang did not hide.

Annoyance flashed in Huang Lingxuan's eyes, but when he looked up, he was obedient again.

"Dad, I see."


After Huang Lingxuan left, Father Huang's face fell and whispered: "Ma'am, don't blame me for being cruel. I have put down your dignity for you and I want to recognize the evil kind, but she doesn't want it, then don't blame me for being impersonal Look, in your face, I did n’t kill her, it ’s already done. ”

Madam Huang naturally did not know his thoughts.

Mrs. Huang returned to the apartment, and Yao Yiyi was playing with An An. When she came back, she apologized: "Mom, I'm sorry, I disappointed you for your kindness."

Mrs. Huang grinned reluctantly and said, "It's okay, I didn't consider your feelings."

Yao Yiyi smiled reluctantly and said, "Mom, I'll prepare something for you."

Mrs. Huang shook her head, "No, you can play with An An, I'm a little tired."

"Then you go to rest."

Watching Mrs. Huang go up, Yao Yiyi did not know what kind of mood it was.

Regarding Huang Fu's recognition of her relatives, she refused too quickly. She thought most of them hurt Mrs. Huang.

An An walked over, hugged her leg, raised her head, and said, "Mom, what's wrong with you, are you not happy?"

Yao Yiyi picked him up and said, "It's okay."

In the evening when Ou Qingheng came back, Yao Yiyi told Ou Qingheng that Huang Fu wanted to recognize her back to the Huang family. Ou Qingheng thought for a while and said, "Do you want to go back?"

Yao Yiyi did not hide, "Not very much, he knew at first glance that he had a big prejudice against me. I'm afraid he wanted to recognize me as just looking at the face of the Oujia family. , Think about it, I think it ’s too impulsive to recognize my biological mother. "

Ou Qingheng embraced the person in her arms and caressed her hair carefully, saying, "Yiyi, you are too horny. Somehow look forward and backwards. If you want to recognize it, don't think about it. I have everything The Huang family is also regarded as a wealthy home in Shanghai. If you cooperate with him, maybe I can get more resources in Shanghai. In other words, maybe I took advantage of the Huang family. "

Yao Yiyi smiled.

She knew that Ou Qingheng was comforting her. With the strength of the European family, where did she need to be a bridge.

She wrapped her hands around Ou Qingheng's waist and said, "Qingheng, I don't have to worry about anything. I'm just afraid of causing you a big trouble."


Ou Qingheng kissed her hair and said, "Go to the bath and let me tell you a story."

Yao Yiyi hooked her lips upward, and her mood was not as bad as she thought.

After taking a bath, Yao Yiyi lay in bed and fell into Ou Qingheng's arms, and then received a call from Yao Ting.

"My dear, tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear." Yao Ting's voice came through the phone, and anyone could hear how excited she was.

Yao Yiyi was infected by her and smiled: "Listen to the bad news first."

"That's because I'm going to get married, and I can't be a free man in the future."

Yao Yiyi could not help but endure.

"Good news?"

"It's just that I got married, and finally a silly man is willing to accept me. The wedding is scheduled for three months. Don't forget to give me a big red envelope."

Yao Yiyi also felt happy for her.

"I will not forget."

"My dear, I will think of you as my bridesmaid at that time, and thank you for sending me the sachet. I will keep it well. If there are really children, I will temporarily put down the work at hand and take a good rest for a year. Yes, I ’m over thirty, and it ’s time to think about having a child. I figured it out, what ’s more important than having a child. ”

Yao Yiyi was even happier.

She said: "You can figure it out. But I may not be able to be a bridesmaid. I have a husband with children. It would be unlucky to be a bridesmaid for you, so you can find someone else. I just give you a big red envelope. Okay. "

"Honey, don't you want to watch me marry?"

"How come, but bridesmaid you really should find someone who has never been married, good boy. I'll see you tomorrow. Let's talk better."

"That line, seeyoutomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi smiled and said: "Ting Ting and Haoran's marriage is settled, Mrs. Li's pass is finally over."


Yao Yiyi nodded.

She is really happy, her husband loves her, her son is sensible, her father-in-law and mother-in-law choose to forgive her, and her best friend also wants to marry a wife. Good things come one after another. The misfortunes she suffered before seem to be far away from her .

Everyone is happy and happy, and soon sleeps over.

The next day, she simply dressed up and went out. Unexpectedly, she was stopped by Huang Lingxuan downstairs.

"Sister, can I call you that?" Huang Lingxuan looked at her gently and said softly.

Yao Yiyi also sincerely smiled at him: "You have called me a sister, can I deny you brother?"

Huang Lingxuan shrugged and was rarely naughty.

"Sister, do you have time? Walk with me. I want something to ask for your help."

Yao Yiyi agreed.

The two walked out of the community side by side, and Yao Yiyi said: "Have you eaten breakfast? Or should I accompany you while eating and talking."

"No, I have eaten it already." Huang Lingxuan refused: "Sister, I came here early in the morning, just to ask you to persuade mom to go home? She knows you listen to you, even I and Yiyi rank Later, when she does n’t go home this time, my dad will deprive me of inheritance and Yiyi ’s pocket money. I ’m willing to do some business to show him, but he ’s in the company. If my mom does n’t When I come back, Yiyi and I will have nothing. He also has other women outside. I am quite unwilling, but there is no way. I do n’t have the power to take over the company right now, so can you advise Advise mom? "

Yao Yiyi glanced at him.

Huang Lingxuan said with a smile: "Sister, I know that the Huang family is sorry for you, but it is not necessary for the elders' grudges to move to the next generation, are you right?"

Yao Yiyi lowered her eyes and agreed: "I try, I can't guarantee that she will listen to me. After all, the marriage is hers. Only her knows the warmth and coldness, and we can't restrain her freedom with affection because of our own self That ’s why she ’s not happy, and her children will not be happy. "

Huang Lingxuan nodded: "Sister said, you just try your best."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Huang Lingxuan pointed to the vehicle parked not far away and said, "My car is parked there. Where are you going? I will send you over."

Yao Yiyi did not refuse.

Huang Lingxuan sent the person to the community where Yao Ting was. Yao Yiyi unfastened the seat belt and said, "Ling Xuan, thank you for sending me over. I will persuade mom. After all, you are a family. I recognized it halfway, and the deep feeling of family will know at a glance. "

Huang Lingxuan reached out and grabbed her, and when Yao Yiyi turned his head, he let go.

He smiled and said, "I have always been expecting a sister. Really, you are kind and decent. The key is to look like your mother, even more like Yiyi. Looking at you, I was so confused to see my mother. My brother may rely on you in the future. "

Yao Yiyi laughed out loudly.

"I'm gone. I'll contact you later." Yao Yiyi opened the door and got off the car. Huang Lingxuan sat in the car and watched her go in, his eyes became very obscure.

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