Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 670: Intend to propose

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Li Haoran found Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi put the bag on the soft chair, sat down, and smiled: "Hao Ran, God mysteriously called me out, is something wrong?"

Li Haoran handed her the menu and said: "You order first, let's talk while eating."

After ordering, the waiter quickly brought the dish up. Li Haoran asked for a bottle of wine and poured a small glass for Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi played with the wine glass in his hand and smiled: "Hao Ran, it is so grand, and he is invited to eat and drink, wouldn't you have any secrets from Tingting?"

Li Haoran raised his cup and touched it, saying, "cheers!"

Yao Yiyi's monk was puzzled, but he took a sip of wine and picked up the chopsticks to eat the dishes. After half-eaten, Yao Yiyi said: "Can you say it?"

"I plan to propose to Ting Ting tomorrow, I need your help."

Yao Yiyi was almost swallowed by the food in her mouth. The good news came too quickly, and she almost became indigested.

"Cough ... what do you say?" Yao Yiyi coughed several times and asked.

"I want to marry Tingting, are you so surprised?" Li Haoran looked at Yao Yiyi, a rare gaffe, funny.

Yao Yiyi took the veil and wiped her mouth, said: "Nothing, I just didn't expect that you can propose to Tingting, I'm very happy, let's say, what do I need to do?"

Li Haoran said his plan.

Yao Yiyi nodded, or repeated the old saying: "Have the Li family agreed?"

"I have talked to my mother, and her attitude has softened a lot, plus she is recognized as soon as Zhang Jiaqi comes, so it is also regarded as a default. Tingting is also quite back these days, I want to talk to her When she gets married, the joyous things can get rid of her anger. "

Yao Yiyi softened.

She raised her glass and said, "Come on, let's touch it. If you really married Tingting, I hope you can treat her sincerely, and don't let her feel a little wronged. She can be like this all these years. Achievement is not easy. Others think that freelance writers can do it by moving their fingers, but you and I all know that she is busy upside down day and night, and she has a stomachache. She lived for a year because of a spine problem In the hospital, there is nothing wrong with the whole body, so you have to bear more. "

"I will." Li Haoran solemnly promised.

"Come on, have another drink, Tingting will be in your hands for the rest of her life, remember, don't let her be wronged, she is not alone, she still has me."

"it is good."

The two toasted, ate, and summed up the pace of getting married.

Li Haoran ordered the dinner at six o'clock on Saturday, in the Lijiang restaurant.

Mrs. Li came with Father Li, while Ou Qingheng took An An and took Yao Yiyi's hand into the box, and Li Haoran and Yao Ting came early as hosts.

The two family members sat down and ordered the food, and the waiter quickly served the food. Father Li raised his wine glass and said, "Qingheng, come, uncle to give you a drink. If there is something my son doesn't understand or encounter in the future What's wrong, you can help him a lot. "

Ou Qingheng stood up, touched it, raised his head, and drank it.

"Okay, refreshing."

Mrs. Li pulled on Father Li's trousers and whispered: "Sit down, don't be embarrassed in front of your juniors."

Father Li sat down.

The two families ate, ate, and drank, and Yao Yiyi ate the food for An An. The atmosphere seemed harmonious.

Mrs. Li had a full meal, took the veil and wiped the corners of her mouth, coughed twice, and said: "Hao Ran, Yao Ting, I also thought about it, no matter how I used it, I couldn't give you both Separated, instead of this, I promised your marriage. "

Yao Ting's hand with chopsticks paused and looked at Mrs. Li in disbelief. She didn't expect that good things would come so fast.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "I don't prevent you from getting married, but I have conditions."

Li Haoran took a sip of soup and said, "Mom, I haven't proposed to Tingting yet. You say this is too early." He also wanted to give Yao Ting a romantic proposal, not to be ruined by his mother in advance.

"You can ask now, I just talk about my conditions." Mrs. Li Rouzhong said with an irresistible force: "I said, you listen, if there is any dissatisfaction, you can mention come out."

Li Haoran had to put down the spoon and pretended to be listening very seriously, but he was nervous in his head waiting for how to propose to leave Yao Ting with an unforgettable memory.

"After you get married, Yao Ting will not write a manuscript, concentrate on raising your body and giving me a fat grandson." Mrs. Li said: "Two, you have to move home to live, Yao Ting as the Li family Daughter-in-law, you have to fulfill the duties of your daughter-in-law and take good care of the elders; three, Yao Ting has to worship the Buddha with me from Monday to Wednesday, to ask the Buddha to make her pregnant early, at least five gold Grandson; Fourth, she has to learn various etiquette rules from Thursday to Sunday. Our Li family is a big family. When Li's daughter-in-law cannot understand the rules at all. "

Listening to such unreasonable demands, Yao Yiyi laughed angrily. This lady Li is really wonderful, and she agreed to marry her son, and so amorously made so many rules to accommodate people.

Yao Ting put down the chopsticks.

"Auntie, I agree to have a baby, but I'm not a sow. I only plan to have two at most. I don't plan to give up the two roles of author and screenwriter, so I'm afraid I can't agree to your two requirements. "Yao Ting looked at Mrs. Li seriously."

Mrs. Li's face sank slightly, and she was obviously displeased.

Yao Yiyi opened his mouth, "Aunt Li, Ting Ting means that she is too busy to use, it is simply a temperament that can't rest. As for having a child, I think it is about fate, not to mention five. It ’s not even a matter of ten, the Li family does n’t care about raising more children if they have money. ”

Mrs. Li's face looks better now.

"Mom, let's talk about it later. After I and Tingting got married, I still plan to spend two years in the two-person world. I don't want to have children so early." Li Haoran said.

Mrs. Li's complexion turned ugly again.

"Ma'am, if they get married, when they have children, their young couple will discuss it. Don't be such a bad guy if you agree. Qingheng and his wife are here. Don't dispel everyone's interest." Li said. .

Mrs. Li only suppressed her anger.

After eating, Li Haoran gave them away, and Yao Yiyi pretended to ask Yao Ting to accompany her to buy clothes and then took the people away. An An wanted to go with them, but Yao Yiyi refused.

"My dear, what clothes shall we buy?" Yao Ting asked.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said: "Just stroll around, I heard that there is a juggling performance in Nanya Plaza today. You will accompany me to see it later."

Yao Ting nodded, it seemed that the interest was not that high.

"What's wrong, still thinking about what Mrs. Li said just now?" Yao Yiyi laughed.

Yao Ting shook his head.

"It's fine if you don't think about it, but Li Fu's head said that it would no longer stop you and Haoran's marriage, but actually tried to make things difficult for you. If you really decide to marry, I'm afraid you will suffer some crimes. Are you ready? "

Instead, Yao Ting hesitated, and she could promise everything else. She couldn't give up on the job alone. She couldn't reach out and ask someone to take money, let alone be the so-called housewife, so she really did it when she gave up her job. Less than.

"Want to flinch?" Yao Yiyi asked.

Yao Ting shook his head: "No, I'm just thinking about whether I can give up work after my family?"

"If you like it, keep on doing it. If you don't like it, don't do it. I don't think Mrs. Li is the kind of unreasonable person."

Yao Ting sighed leisurely, even if she and Li Haoran got married, I am afraid that her small life would not be too peaceful.

"Don't think about it, go shopping with me."

Yao Yiyi took her hand and walked around, and finally walked deliberately towards Nanya Square.

The two walked to Nanya Square, but there was no one. Yao Ting strangely said: "Dear, don't you say that there will be juggling performances today?"

Yao Yiyi laughed: "It may not be time yet."

As soon as the two people approached, a bunch of fireworks flew into the sky, and then exploded. Under the background of the fireworks, many people came out from all corners, and they walked towards Yao Ting one by one. There was a rose in it, and everyone who handed the flower to Yao Ting said, "Ting Ting, promise to marry Li Haoran."

When Yao Ting held all the flowers in his hand, it was just ninety-nine flowers, which represented a long time.

When everyone was aside, Yao Ting looked up from the rose and saw Li Haoran standing not far away.

Yao Yiyi pulled Yao Ting's hand and said, "Ting Ting, when I meet someone who really loves you in this life, the other difficulties are really not difficult.

Yao Ting's cheeks were slightly hot, and he nodded gently.

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