Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 659: Go to the door to explain

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Comforting Yao Yiyi and An'an mother and son, Ou Qingheng and Fang Hui went to the study.

"Has anyone checked the license plates of those two cars?" Ou Qingheng said coldly with his hands on his back.

"Return to BOSS, I have checked, but the two cars are just ordinary people's cars, and the two people have already reported to the police, so I want to check who is doing it through the vehicle, I am afraid it will not be so easy." Fang Hui Bowed his head. "This is also my carelessness, which only surprised the young master."

"No, this time you and Lin Chao are doing very well, protecting An An from the skin and flesh. When I return to the organization, I will reward you two well, and Lin Chao injured his arm. He went to the hospital. Did you say anything after seeing the doctor? "Ou Qingheng took care of his subordinate appropriately.

"I just called him. He said it's fine. It will be fine in a few days."

"Give him a few days off, let him rest at home."

"Thanks BOSS, I will tell him."

Ou Qingheng walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside that was not illuminated by the street lights, his eyes became deep and deep.

"You and Xu Chen thoroughly investigated who was sent from these two vehicles, and proceeded from June and Li Zhenzhen." Ou Qingheng ordered.

"Yes, BOSS, I'll let Xu Chen check with me as soon as I go back."

"Go down."

Fang Hui hesitated and said, "BOSS, this time I fled with the young master, and found his courage is surprisingly large, and the person is very smart, if he is not his reminder, maybe Lin Chao and I will not get rid of it so easily After the chase of those people, maybe you can test the IQ of the young master and stay with him. It is difficult to treat him as a child who is almost three years old. "

"No, he is just a son of Yiyi and I. You just need to treat him as your little master who swears to be loyal to you. In the future, whether he will take over the organization or not depends on his interest. I will not force him." Heng said.

Fang Hui lowered his head and responded: "Yes, BOSS, then I will leave first."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

As soon as Fang Hui left, Ou Qingheng stood for a long time by the window before returning to the bedroom. Unexpectedly, before he walked to the bed, he heard Yao Yiyi's startled dream: "An An, An An, don't, you move me Son, he ’s just a kid, do n’t. "

Ou Qingheng walked to the bed and sat down, stretched her hands to smooth her frowning brows, and said softly: "Good, no one can move An'an. With me in, I will protect you and An'an."

Yao Yiyi rubbed his palm, his eyebrows slowly released, and he fell asleep peacefully.

Ou Qingheng put on her pajamas, went into the bathroom and took a bath, lay on the bed, and stretched out her arms to hold their mother and son in their arms.

The next day, Yao Yiyi called the company and said that An An was frightened yesterday that she had to stay and take care of him.

Taking leave, Yao Yiyi said to Ou Qingheng: "Qingheng, I want to resign. An An is still young. If both of us are too busy, I'm afraid he will be alone."

Ou Qingheng knew that this was just her excuse. She was scared by An An who was almost caught yesterday.

Ou Qingheng nodded and said: "If you don't like to resign in the workplace, you will resign, it doesn't matter."

Yao Yiyi held An An and stroked his hair gently. In her heart, she made up her mind to resign. Yesterday, An An ’s embarrassed appearance really scared her. She was afraid that she was not by his side. He came out. What happened, she was the last one to know.

An An got up from her lap and said, "Mom, are you not working anymore?"

"Yeah, Mom will be with you every day in the future. Is Anan happy?"

"Don't." An An refused.

Yao Yiyi froze.

"An An, why? Don't you like your mother to be with you?"

An An has a small face and seriously says: "Mom does n’t have to work with An An. My mother comes back to work every day and talks to the big bad guy about her work. Her eyes are bright. An An does n’t want her to give up work because of An An. Then you You will be unhappy, just like when you ca n’t see it in Beijing, always try to pretend to be happy. An An does n’t like that kind of mother. "

Yao Yiyi suffered a big shock in her heart. She didn't expect that An An's young age could be keenly aware that the adult was really happy or pretended.

"An An really doesn't want her mother to resign to stay with you all day?"

"No, An An is a little man and can protect himself. An An also has to become as strong as Ultraman to protect his mother from harm."

"It's my mother's good son."

Because of An'an's persistence, Yao Yiyi's resignation will be gone. She still continues to work in the design post, and because of her persistence, her talent for design has been applauded by everyone and has occupied a seat in design.

Of course, this is a later story, so I won't say it for the time being.

Yao Yiyi specially took a day off to accompany An An to play throughout the day. An An was naturally happy, and Ou Qing Heng also chose to work from home so that he could spend more time with their mother and son.

Because Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng were both at the same time, An An played with great interest and had enough experience. Taking advantage of Ou Qingheng's unavailable gap, he asked him to put him on his neck and run up in the room.

This is also the first time that their father and son have played so heartlessly together, and they are also very happy to play.

Fang Hui also heard the news quickly. They caught one of the men who wanted to catch An An, saying that it was a man named Zhang who gave them money to let them catch them, and they just came out of prison. Soon after they committed several cases of desperation, they wanted to capture the elder grandson of the Ou family for a large sum of money.

When Ou Qingheng heard that it was the surname, his eyes turned cold instantly, and a dangerous light came out from inside.

Fang Hui continued to say on the other end of the phone: "BOSS, I followed the clues he gave. I found this surname Zhang is a distant cousin of Master Zhang, almost a bit of a relationship.

"Continue to check if this matter is related to the Zhang family." Ou Qingheng ordered.

If it was really done by the Zhang family, he would let the Zhang family pay the due price. The Zhang family had better pray that they had better not be so brainless.

"Yes, BOSS."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yi embraced him behind his back and said, "What's wrong?"

"Fang Hui called to say that it was a group of desperate people who wanted to kidnap An'an, and one of them caught saying that he was hired by a surname Zhang." Ou Qingheng did not hide it, said.

A cold light flashed in Yao Yiyi's eyes.

"Did Zhang Shujun or Zhang Zhiling do it?" She said coldly.

"It's unclear at this point that they'd better pray that they are still a bit brainy, otherwise I will make them unable to walk around the Zhang family." Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes and said so.

"If it's really them, Qingheng, I hope you don't hide from me. I can allow someone to make trouble for me, but I can't tolerate my son being hurt." Yao Yiyi said angrily, this time she Is really angry.

"it is good."

Yao Yiyi rubbed on his back, said slowly: "Qingheng, we are clearly not enemies, why are they not willing to let go of a child?"

Ou Qingheng turned around and wrapped her waist, said: "Don't think about it, I will deal with this matter."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

After a few days, Fang Hui found out that a woman had asked them to try to kidnap An An, and from the mouth of another deceased, he knew that a foreign man had also found them, and gave them a sum of money, saying As long as Anan was caught and handed over to him, he would give them a large sum of money to leave his city.

Fang Hui just got the news, and then continued to investigate but found nothing.

Behind the desk, Ou Qingheng played with the pen in his hand and said coldly, "Foreign man?"

"Yes, BOSS, I continue to investigate, but the man seems to have the ability to anti-reconnaissance, we can't find anything." Fang Hui lowered his head, said with guilt.

"No need to check, I have my own plans." Ou Qingheng said.

"Yes, BOSS." Fang Hui responded.

Hanging up the phone, Ou Qingheng's face sank instantly.

"June, it seems that the video hasn't taught you anything. I'll give you some more information." Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes.

June, who was named by Ou Qingheng, had a rare experience. He not only asked someone to delete the video on the Internet, but also met overnight to deal with the stock decline. Plus he was a foreigner, and his roots in China basically came. It ’s better to be stable in his own country, plus those officials who received him personally when he came to China as a foreign businessman also chose to watch the fire from the other side because of the scandal, and kicked Tai Chi with him. .

He only now realizes deeply that the Chinese people don't want to read as many books as they did in the 20th and 30th centuries. They are ignorant and very cunning.

June had a terrible headache. When he needed the help of the Yang family, the Yang family also refused to lend a helping hand. He also stubbornly insisted that he only opened the mouth once and did not ask any more. Instead, he chose to roam and call his parents. Request support.

The support of the Edden family arrived soon, and members of the core technology department joined his company. After several nights of hard work, the economic loss was minimized.

June returned to his office, raised his hands and rubbed his head. These days he could only sleep for four hours a day, and the high-intensity work made him exhausted.

He took a break, pulled out his phone and called Yang Kexin, but no one answered.

He squinted, and picked up his suit jacket and left.

"June, where are you going? We have another meeting at night." A tall foreign man stopped him.

"Late till tomorrow, I have something to do." June went into the elevator without looking back, and went straight downstairs.

June drove directly to Yang ’s house, and the villa ’s doorman did n’t stop him from entering, just to see that his eyes were n’t as enthusiastic as before, as if he had watched the man watch the video of Neng Xuehui.

June did n’t care what the doorman thought, he drove directly into the villa, parked the car, and got off the car. Those who wanted to go to the main entrance, but I did n’t expect Yang Kexin, who had just got out of the car with sharp eyes. .

It's really nowhere to break through the iron shoes.

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