Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 647: How can I give your woman away?

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Ou Tingting didn't see Zhang Shujun when she woke up. She frowned, got out of bed, and went out of the bedroom barefoot, but saw Zhang Shujun pushing the breakfast car to open the door and came in.

"Shujun, where did you go? I didn't see you early in the morning, I thought you left me alone for the honeymoon." Ou Tingting walked over, and said with some dissatisfaction and a little coquettishness.

Zhang Shujun reached out and touched her face, and then saw that she was not wearing shoes, his face changed, he stopped his arms and hugged the person, and then gently placed on the sofa, gently blamed: "How Do n’t wear shoes? The floor is cold in the morning, and I ’ll be distressed if I catch a cold. "

Ou Tingting's eyes are silky, and her eyes are a little red, saying: "Shujun, I think your special grandfathers today suddenly feel very happy to marry you, will you always be so good to me?"

Zhang Shujun pinched her nose and said, "You are all my wives, I am not good to you, who will be good to you?"

"This is what you said, if you dare to be bad to me or betray me, I will directly turn you into a waste person, so that you will not leave me." Ou Tingting pinched his cheek, ruthlessly Said.

Zhang Shujun patted her buttocks, spoiled and said: "Be good, brush your teeth and wash your face, I have prepared your favorite breakfast for you, and we will go to the elder brother after eating."

Ou Tingting gave him a strange look, wondering: "Why go to Big Brother?" When she thought of it, she would see Yao Yiyi and An An, and she was very uncomfortable. "I don't want to go, Yao Yiyi and I simply It ’s not the right dish. If you go there, you will only be mad. Let ’s just go to the honeymoon and wait until we get back to the Ou ’s house. ”

Zhang Shujun's eyes hidden in his glasses flashed a dark awn, but his face grew softer.

"Tingting, you are my wife now, and I am willing to spoil you, but do you have to listen to what I said? This is how the husband and wife get along, but we have to live a lifetime, if only I blindly To pet you, but you do n’t take my feelings into my heart, I will be tired, and I want to feel your love for me, do you say that? ”Zhang Shujun looked at her tenderly and said in a tempting way.

Ou Tingting looked at him, and did not know whether she was addicted to his beauty, or she still wanted to be a good wife. She nodded and agreed.

"Good boy, brush your teeth and wash your face. We will go to Big Brother in a while." Zhang Shujun smiled more and more gently.

"Shujun, do you have anything to hide from me?"

Zhang Shujun picked her up, walked into the bedroom, put on her shoes and put on her, Wen Run said: "Did you forget what I said to you in the presence of family and friends? No matter how old or sick I am, I will never leave you. Holding you in your palm hurts you and loves you, without telling you a lie, I will only hurt you in this life. "

Ou Tingting was satisfied.

"If you can talk, I believe you because you love me so much." Ou Tingting proudly said.

Self-confidence at this moment, when she knew the truth, Ou Tingting just felt that her heart was torn apart. Zhang Shujun's tenderness at the moment is like a human face and a beast in the future.

After she fell in love with Zhang Shujun, the more she hated his hypocritical betrayal.

Ou Tingting dressed up, and then finished breakfast with Zhang Shujun, and then drove to the community where Ou Qingheng lived.

Today is Sunday, so neither Ou Qingheng nor Yao Yiyi has gone to work.

When Yao Yiyi opened the door and saw Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting outside the door, she couldn't help but stunned. She thought that the two people who went to spend their honeymoon appeared in front of her. Her first feeling was that today's sun rose from the west?

"Sister-in-law, good morning, Tingting and I came here early in the morning and did not disturb you and your brother?" Zhang Shujun said very politely.

Yao Yiyi turned sideways and said, "Come on, you two advanced."

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Zhang Shujun took Ou Tingting's hand in and the combination of the two revealed the stickiness of their newlyweds.

"Sit down, I'll go in and make tea for you." Yao Yiyi finished and hurried to the kitchen.

Zhang Shujun whispered: "Tingting, everyone is a family, don't be stern, you will come out to call someone later, you know?"

"Zhang Shujun, we are married, do you think you can control me?" Ou Tingting narrowed his eyes and said angrily.

Zhang Shujun was also not annoyed, and fiddled with her hair and said: "You are my wife, I am not in charge of you, I just think that the family should live together peacefully, and you don't want to embarrass the elder brother, do you? Brother's relationship has been stalemate in recent years, don't you really want to fix it? "

Ou Tingting was silent.

"Just for me, eh?"

"Okay, you're so annoying, isn't it just calling me a person, I'm calling when she comes out, you really think I'm dumb." Ou Tingting compromised impatiently.

There was a flash of light in Zhang Shujun's eyes, and Ou Tingting couldn't escape his palm.

What about the willfulness, he wasn't obediently played by him between applause.

Yao Yiyi came out with the tea, Ou Tingting got up and helped her to take it forcibly, said: "Sister-in-law, I'll be fine."

Yao Yiyi was even more stunned, looking at Ou Tingting, who was rude but clearly showed good intentions.

Then she glanced at Zhang Shujun again, and it seemed that this man was really powerful. He could make an arrogant and selfish young lady like a daunting but well-behaved kitty.

Ou Tingting put the tea on the table, his expression was awkward.

"Sister-in-law, what about Big Brother and An'an?" Zhang Shujun asked.

"Qing Heng works in the study, An An was taken down by Xu Chen to play, and may only come up after a while."

"Sister-in-law, I have something to do with my work. I would like to ask Brother, can I go to the study to find him?"

Yao Yiyi guessed that he mostly wanted to talk to Ou Qingheng because of his little lover, so there was no stop. Both she and Ou Qingheng guessed that he had to wait at least until the honeymoon had passed. The next day, the breath came, much faster than they thought.

"Go, I will chat with Tingting."

Zhang Shujun nodded and said to Ou Tingting: "Tingting, you and the sister-in-law have a chat first. I went up to discuss the work with my elder brother. Then we flew to Bali to spend our honeymoon."

"Go." Ou Tingting said reluctantly.

Zhang Shujun went upstairs and stood outside the study knocking on the door, saying: "Brother, it's me, Zhang Shujun."

"Come in."

Zhang Shujun pushed the door in.

"Brother." Zhang Shujun shouted politely.

Ou Qingheng did not lift his head to deal with the official duties on the table, Zhang Shujun could only wait.

After waiting for several minutes, Ou Qingheng put down the pen and raised his head, said: "Aren't you going to honeymoon with Tingting?"

"Something wants to discuss with Big Brother, so I delayed the plane." Zhang Shujun politely said.

Ou Qingheng pointed to the chair in front of the desk and said, "Sit down and talk."

Zhang Shujun sat down obediently.

"What's the matter? Say it."

"Brother, what did you say in my ear yesterday, do you know Shufen?" Zhang Shujun asked straight away.

Ou Qingheng raised her lips and said, "You are talking about the little love you raised outside?"

Zhang Shujun's fingers clenched into a fist subconsciously, and then slowly loosened.

"Big Brother knows?"

"If you mean that you have raised a woman outside for many years, then I know."

"Why didn't Big Brother tell the Ou people?"

"Do you want me to tell my family?"

Zhang Shujun was choked.

He lowered his head to cover up the haze that flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "Brother, I and she have broken off. I love Tingting, and I don't have that guts stepping on two boats with Ou Jia's feet, playing with Ting Ting's feelings. "

"So, can I dispose of the woman named Lin Shufen at will?" Ou Qingheng said quietly, enjoying the thrill of cat and mouse, "I think Lin Shufen looks pretty, soft and weak. Men will like it, just because my subordinates have n’t married their wives yet. Ask them to support her. I do n’t think anyone will mind. ”

Zhang Shujun's fist clenched tightly, and his eyes were clouded.

"Shujun, don't you want to?" Ou Qingheng said quietly: "You can do it if you don't want to, but I have to tell my parents, they will be a baby daughter and I won't let my sister be wronged , After all, I am such a sister. "

Zhang Shujun knew that Ou Qingheng threatened him.

"Brother, I have nothing to do with her. I have no right to interfere with who she is in love with or married to. If the elder brother's subordinates want to support her, I don't think I have the right to ask as long as she wants."

"Okay, okay." Ou Qingheng clapped his hands and smiled, "Shujun, you are a big deal, even your own woman can give it away, otherwise I'll let someone send you a video of her torment In front, how? "

Zhang Shujun only felt that a fire was burning in his heart, and he only needed a critical point to explode.

"Brother, you don't have to be so cruel to a woman? I have been with her for several years, and I'm sorry to break up with her. I can't see her being ruined, otherwise I'm too beast, I do n’t think Tingting would love a man like me. ”Zhang Shujun raised his head and said with anger,“ I ’m sorry for her first. If my brother had a woman before, then I ’m willing to accept your punishment, just beg you. Don't tell Tingting, I really love her too much. "

Ou Qingheng watched with cold eyes, he really wanted to give him the best Oscar actor award, this acting is definitely called the movie emperor.

"Don't you have anything to do with her?" Ou Qingheng said.

"I have nothing to do with her long ago, but I can't ungratefully see her being bullied."

"What a handsome man, Shu Jun, you make me look different." Ou Qingheng applauded and praised.

Zhang Shujun grinned reluctantly, and could not guess what medicine was sold in Ou Jingheng's gourd.

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