Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 635: You are not good, you have to punish

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

When Ou Qingheng came back, Yao Yiyi did not mention the fact that Mrs. Huang had come to T City. He smiled and waited for the father and son to eat, and then accompanied An An to watch An anime before taking An An upstairs to take a bath and coax him to sleep Only then did she return to the bedroom. Ou Qingheng only wore a bath towel under her and wiped her hair out of the bathroom.

"Qingheng, come here, I will blow your hair for you." Yao Yiyi waved at him and smiled.

Ou Qingheng walked over, and Yao Yiyi took out the hair dryer and gently blew his hair to him, and it was almost dry. She turned off the hair dryer and said, "Qingheng, June is back, this time with the Edden family. Even if the mayor and the governor have met him in the name of a foreign businessman who has invested, I am afraid he is prepared this time? "

Ou Qingheng stretched out his hand and put the man in his arms. A slightly stubborn chin tied her cheek. The voice was slightly deep and mellow and said: "Why, afraid that your husband will lose money under his hands?"

Yao Yiyi giggled and put her hands around her neck, saying: "How come, I'm just afraid that you have treated him too badly, but he came prepared, we still have to be careful and guarded, gentleman Yi It ’s hard to guard, especially for foreigners like June who are stingy, we ca n’t help it. ”

Ou Qingheng chuckled and bowed her lips to kiss her, taking advantage of the air gap, he said dumbly: "I do n’t like to hear the names of other men from your mouth, even if I want to count him or me I do n’t like it either. Let ’s do something meaningful. "

After talking, he kissed Yao Yiyi deeply, the night was still long, the two bodies slowly merged together, and the lingering difficulties were inseparable.

During this long night, when someone loves, naturally someone will borrow wine and pour it out.

Yang Kexin sat alone in the corner, with dozens of bottles of whiskey and beer on the table, while the other empty bottles were lazy.

She was holding a bottle of beer in her hand and stomped her head up, her eyes were gradually blurred. At first glance, she knew that she was seven or eight points drunk.

A streamy young man sat next to him with a buttocks, and his hands were so careless that he wanted to touch Yang Kexin's white flowered thigh, but he didn't expect to be caught by his wrist before he even touched it.

"Who dares to destroy Lao Tzu's good ..." Before he finished, he turned to look at a tall foreigner, and immediately counseled him. "Brother, what's wrong, do you have something to tell?"

"She is my girlfriend."

"Brother, I'm sorry. I saw her drinking alone for a long time. I thought she was unaccompanied. I won't disturb you since you came." The young man shook his gripped hands, and he was very boneless. Will run away.

Yang Ke narrowed his eyes and raised the wine in her hand with no focus at all, saying, "Come, drink."

The man sat down and reached out to touch Yang Kexin's face, and said with a glimpse of his eyes: "Honey, I haven't been back to China for a month, you have turned yourself into such a human, ghostless, ghostless look, you Say, do you miss me too much, eh? "

Yang Kexin wanted to wave his hand, but he drank too much and had no energy at all.

She glared angrily and looked at the person in front of her hardly, as if she was a little impressed. She said uncertainly, "June?"

"You finally recognized me."

Unexpectedly, Yang Kexin cried and said: "How could you be that bastard, he has already returned to the country, don't want me anymore, I just said I'm going to return to Ou Qingheng's side, he really gave me a joke , I tell you, he is still very sad to leave me. "She pointed to her heart, drunk vomiting mantra:" That bastard, after playing with me for so many years, I gave him nothing I returned to China, but when I returned, no one would control me anymore, and I would be free. I did n’t miss him. I love Qingheng. I love Qingheng so much. How could I think of the pervert? . "

June's eyes sank and pinched her chin: "Honey, women are not cute at all."

Yang Kexin was hurt by the pinch, raised his hands and waved, murmured: "Let go, let go, I hurt."

June bullied and said in her ear: "As long as you tell me that you miss June, and you love him the most, I will let you go."

Yang Kexin just went to work: "My favorite is Qing Heng. I did so much for him. I wouldn't like that big pervert. Besides, all the big perverts returned to China. I couldn't like him any more. He abandoned me. "

"No, he didn't abandon you, he returned to the country, he just wanted to return to you in the best possible state, avenge you, and give you the best life, he has been entangled with you for so many years, Why are you willing to give you to other men? "June said charmingly.

Yang Kexin looked at him and said in a sinking way: "Really?"

"Really. He loves you so much, how can he be willing to leave you here alone?"

"But I love Qingheng."

"No, you love him."

"No, I always love Qingheng. I only have Qingheng in my heart."

June's eyes became more gloomy: "Honey, you're not good but you have to be punished. Don't you want to sleep tonight."

He directly hugged Yang Kexin, Yang Kexin struggling with his feet hanging in the air, very insecurely struggling, he whispered: "Honey, good boy, I will take you to find the bad guy now, only us two, you Say okay? "

Yang Kexin suddenly became obedient, just like a docile kitten who would not resist, and it looked very lovable.

June took her directly to a nearby hotel, opened a double room with an ID card, and took the elevator upstairs. As soon as he took the room card and opened the door, he couldn't wait to put the person on the wall.

After a fierce entanglement, the two walked upstairs like a conjoined baby and entered the bedroom. June storm invaded Yang Kexin and lingered.

For a long night, even the moon in the sky was ashamed to shine light from the window.

The next day, Yang Kexin woke up in a sore body.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar environment. Her first feeling was that she opened the quilt and looked at her. She saw her whole body naked and then turned her head to look at the side. There was no one left. It was terrifying that some people escaped after she ate and wiped her clean and could not be forgiven.

She propped her body up and wanted to sit up. She didn't expect a bit of numbness in her lower body. She grinded her teeth bitterly. Yesterday the stinky man who took advantage of her really crushed her like a twisted bag. Thorough, if she is found out who she is, she will never let it go.

Just when Yang Ke thought about how to knock the man over, the door was opened, and a tall and handsome man pushed in the breakfast van.

Yang Kexin looked at the person, his pupils widened subconsciously, blurted out: "June, why are you here?" Then she reflected, threw the quilt on the bed and threw him at him, angrily: "You beast, Did you make me look like this? "

June took the pillow and said with a smile: "Honey, you can't be so angry early in the morning, or you will get older easily."

Yang Kexin was even more angry.

"You pervert, beast." Yang Ke scolded angrily.

June walked over, the big palm clasped the back of her head, and kissed her cursing mouth deeply.

Waiting for parting, Yang Kexin gasped violently.

"Honey, look how good you are. Good, go brush your teeth and wash your face. I have prepared your favorite breakfast for you." June is like a calming kitten, soothing softly.

Yang Ke glared at him bitterly, then got out of bed and entered the bathroom, simply refreshed, and she opened the bathroom door again, protruding her head and saying, "June, what about my clothes?"

"I bought you a new set, come out and get it."

"Bring me here."

"Honey, you haven't seen you all over your body, don't be shy."

"June, you brought me the clothes, don't let me say it again."

For no reason, June actually took the clothes obediently.

Yang Kexin changed his clothes and put his hands around his chest. He looked down at the man sitting on the sofa and said coldly: "When did you come back? And why do we get together?"

"Honey, I think you will come back after a while, and then use some means to know that you are in the bar. Just looking for you in the past, I saw that you were entangled with a streamy man and was eaten a lot of tofu. I do n’t know. ”June ’s eyes flashed a little bit of cruelty, and said,“ Honey, I ’m not by your side, you ’re * not reduced. In order to punish you for messing with men, I punished you a little yesterday. But I think you are enjoying it too. I photographed your appearance. Would you like to take a look? "

"You are perverted."

"Don't you like my pervert? You cuddle my neck yesterday and said you miss me so much, but I recorded it. Do you want to listen?"


Yang Kexin was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, turned away and left, and no need to eat breakfast.

June looked at her in a hurry and ruined, and couldn't help but tickled her lips.

How cute his little pet is, so charming even with an angry look, he really can't put it down.

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