Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 633: June is back as a foreigner

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In the ward, Father Yao coughed twice and said heavily: "Wife, why do you say this to Yiyi?"

Mother Yao said: "Otherwise what? We haven't raised her yet, but I have received a lot of favors from her. I still need this old face. It's better to be guilty than to get alms from her. It was cleaned from the beginning, is n’t that good? "

Father Yao was silent, and his spine bowed even more.

For a long time, he sighed faintly.

"My wife, maybe you are right, when the son is ready, we will leave T City and never show up in front of Yiyi. Maybe we only gave her a little love."

Mother Yao was just silent.

I do n’t know if James ’s medical skills are too clever, or if Brother Yao himself is desperate. His body recovered quickly after the operation. After half a month, he could barely get out of bed and walk.

This handsome middle-aged man, Yao Yiyi, who came straight to see him, said: "Yiyi, thanks to you for this period of time, otherwise I would really go directly to see King Yan Luo, causing so much to you I'm really sorry for the trouble. "

Yao Yiyi looked at him and smiled softly: "Brother, don't say that, you can get better, my parents and I are very happy." The relationship between her and him as a child was not particularly good. In case of illness, they can still say a few words calmly, perhaps because of their old age, people have become more interested in family, instead of fighting with each other like a child, even using words as a weapon It hurt a little girl mercilessly.

Brother Yao gave his head a bit of guilt and said: "Yiyi, I had to say sorry to you as a child. I can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to treat my illness regardless of what I suspected. I really don't know how Thanks, you can rest assured that when I get better and make money, I will definitely return the money to you. "

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "No, it's all a family. As long as you go back and live with your sister-in-law, you can raise your nephew and niece."

"Yes, I will." Brother Yao said excitedly.

Yao Yiyi chuckled.

She and Brother Yao were also disgusted, at least she thought that the Yao family was very indifferent, but not so indifferent, was it?

It can be regarded as the end of her heart for so many years. Even if she does not contact her in the future, she thinks she will not have so many regrets.

Brother Yao was recuperating in the hospital for a few more days. When the doctor said he could be discharged, Mrs. Yao packed up and went home.

Yao Yiyi booked three plane tickets for the three of them, and then personally took them to the airport. When they were about to pass through the security check, Yao Yiyi still couldn't hold her back and hugged them, saying: "Dad, mom, brother, there is You can still call me when you are free. I will always be your family. "As long as you are also my family.

Mother Yao's eyes couldn't help but she said coldly, "Okay, please go back, we're going to go through security screening too, don't think about getting on the plane after crying for a while."

Do not know why, Yao Yiyi laughed out loud instead.

She thought that this kind of mother Yao was a little cute.

"Mom, I love you too. Call me if you have time. Don't deny me my daughter."

Mother Yao gave her a white glance, and then called on Father Yao and Brother Yao to go through the security check, and then the eyes they couldn't help turned red.

"You are a stubborn person. Tell Yiyi that you will also think about her."

"Think about it, I won't miss her."

"So what are you crying for?"

"Where am I crying, I just have sand in my eyes."


Yao Yiyi watched the three people's back disappear, and then turned back, but there was still a trace of nostalgia left in his eyes.

This time, I don't know when I will see you again.

She got into Ou Qingheng waiting for her car outside.

Seeing her like this, Ou Qingheng said, "To be really reluctant, we will see them later. The traffic is very developed now."

Yao Yi leaned on the back seat and said, "I'm afraid they don't want to see me."

"In the final analysis, you are also their daughter, and no parents do not want to see their daughter."

Yao Yiyi glanced at him, she was not sure.

"New Year this year, let's go back to Yao's New Year." Ou Qingheng suggested.

Yao Yiyi thought for a while, and said, "No, the Yao family didn't like me before. If I see my current status changed and deliberately come up, it might be better to not meet at first."

"Think of it?"

Yao Yiyi smiled: "Drive, I am not as fragile as you think, and I have to put myself into work when I go back."

"If there is something unhappy in your heart, you will tell me."

"I know."

After the Yao family returned home from the hospital, Yao Yiyi was back on track and began to work seriously.

On this day, she was still working, and Feng Yixuan led a foreigner into the room, clapping his hands and saying, "Everyone, take up your time."

Colleagues in the design department raised their heads. Yao Yiyi saw the foreign man standing next to Feng Yixuan. She felt her forehead jump suddenly, and the man blinked at her playfully.

"Yiyi, long time no see."

Feng Yixuan smiled and said: "June, do you know Yiyi?"

"I met before." June laughed: "Today I chose your company to cooperate. One is to meet Yiyi. The other is that I have heard of your company's equipment, technology is hard, and there are many talents, so I plan to see. See, if we can really cooperate, I hope Yiyi can become the person in charge of this project. "

Feng Yixuan said: "June, Yiyi is mainly responsible for designing drawings. I am afraid it is difficult to keep up with the progress of this project."

"Yiyi people are very good and are all-round talents. I believe in her very much. If you ask her to talk to the office, if she wants, I can sign a contract with your company immediately. I come to T City as a foreign investor to invest, but I get your province. During the long interview, on behalf of the Edden family, I came to China to find a company that can cooperate for a long time. I think Feng will not be stupid enough to refuse such a good opportunity. "June said with intent.

Feng Yixuan pondered, then said to Yao Yi: "Yi Yi, you come to the office with me."

Yao Yiyi just hesitated and then got up and went to the office with Feng Yixuan.

In the office, Feng Xuan said: "Yiyi, since you and June know each other, I won't give much introduction."

Yao Yiyi glanced at June and said, "Feng Zong, Mr. Huang and I are not very familiar with it. We have only had a few reasons before."

"Yiyi, I was sad when you said this. I came back to think about you during my time back home. I think we can talk very well. As long as you agree to take over this project, I will agree with your company. Cooperation, once this project is completed, it will definitely win a lot of profits. "

June took a document and handed it to Yao Yiyi, saying.

Yao Yiyi didn't even look at it. He turned directly to Feng Yixuan and said, "Feng, if I have nothing to do, I'll go back to work first."

Feng Yixuan was a little embarrassed, but June clapped his hands and said, "Yiyi, I haven't seen you for a while. Your little character is getting more and more hot. Well, I promised to cooperate with your company, but I only have one The condition is that Yiyi will translate for me. "

Feng Yixuan was the peacemaker: "June, don't you speak Chinese?"

"Sometimes I don't want to speak Chinese. Besides, my team only speaks English, so I need a translator around me." June said nonsense with his eyes open. "As long as President Feng promised Yiyi to be the interpreter for me, I will be on the contract Signed. "

A flash of anger flashed in Yao Yiyi's eyes.

Feng Yixuan said, "June, you need a translator. I will provide you with two other professional translators. French, English and Chinese will be available in three languages. You will definitely be satisfied."

June shrugged and said with a smile: "Feng, you are a joke, since you don't agree to let Yiyi translate as me, then the cooperation will be fine. When we can figure it out, we can sign the contract. "

June turned around and was about to leave. Yao Yiyi stepped forward to stop his path and said: "Mr. Huang, as a foreign businessman, you want to invest in T City. You should not be so irresponsible about your work. . "

June looked at her with a smile, and said with a smile: "Yiyi, as long as you nod your head and promise my translation, I promise you without saying a word."

Yao Yiyi glanced at him, Feng Yixuan stepped forward and released: "June, since you came to my company, no matter whether you can cooperate in the future, you still need to eat this lunch."

Instead, he looked at Yao Yiyi, and said with a smile, "Yiyi accompanies me, I don't mind eating this meal."

Yao Yiyi knew that she would not be able to escape anyway today, not to mention that it was a matter of work, and she would not delay her work progress because she forgot her privately.

"Eating, isn't it? Or call the people from the entire design department. The crowd is so lively, I don't think Mr. Huang would mind."

June smiled softly: "Yes."

So at noon, a group of people went to the hotel to have dinner. The crowd pushed the cups to help each other, and they all greeted June, and Xing Rongrong took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Huang, I and Yiyi sister When I went downstairs for dinner, I had a relationship with you. I do n’t know if you know me yet? "

June said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I only noticed Yiyi at that time, but forgot that there is a beauty like you beside her."

The smile on Xing Rongrong's face froze.

June said again: "But now I remember that Miss Xing really is a pretty girl. You guys, did you say that?"

Others are very sympathetic to the face.

Throughout the game, only Yao Yiyi and Gong Lin didn't give June a face, Yao Yiyi just bowed her head to eat, and Gong Lin looked at June with cold eyes. It's fake here.

"Young lady, there are annoying people, can you make a joke after eating? If not, I will get you bowl noodles to eat." Gong Lin said.

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked at her.

Yao Yiyi put a dish in Gong Lin's dish and said, "Gong Lin, eat it." Then she looked at her colleague in the department and said, "Gong Lin is a straight character, don't worry about her."

Everyone talked to June and laughed and died.

Yao Yiyi whispered: "Gong Lin, eat quietly, don't sweep away everyone's interest."

"Got it, Mrs. Young." Gong Lin pouted and whispered.

Yao Yiyi couldn't laugh or cry.

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