Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 629: Introduce her to the people in the circle

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The next day, as the host, Mrs. Ou took the entire floor of the fifth floor at the Marriott Hotel, and invited a lot of people with faces and faces in T City, all of whom brought their own mouths, and gave Ms. Ou the face. .

Mrs. Ou and Mr. Ou also came in after everyone was seated. Mrs. Ou laughed: "Since you are busy, you are still willing to give me this old face a little face. I have three main things to say when I feast today. The first one is that my son and daughter-in-law have remarried, and the family of three is having a sweet life. The second one is that I have newly recognized a dry daughter. This is my second time to recognize a dry daughter. The third Well, my daughter is about to marry, and husband-in-law, you have heard of it before, that is Zhang Shujun, the eldest son of the Zhang Group. "

Everyone got up and congratulated, wishing Mrs. Ou was Sanxi at once.

Mrs. Ou always had a smile on her face, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"I'll sell a pass here first, and the dry daughter I recognized will be grandly introduced later." Mrs. Ou laughed.

"Yazhu, you have also broken your studies, and even the learners are trying to escape, knowing that we are all curious who can get in the eyes of you and Lao Ou, you are hiding it, but it is really bad enough." A celebrity lady with a good face and a good smile laughed.

"It is said that the daughter is the mother's intimate cotton-padded jacket. I just got an intimate cotton-padded jacket. You just let me hold it for a while, and the province will take it out for you as soon as I take it out." Mrs. Ou laughed.

"Yazhu, you are now broken, and we are all treated with caution." The crowd roared.

Mrs. Ou, Ou's father laughed.

Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi attended with An'an attire. They came to the attention of everyone as soon as they entered, and countless pairs of eyes fell on them.

When Mrs. Ou saw her good-grandson, her eyes immediately burst out with a gentle light of love.

She walked over and hugged An An and smiled: "Oh, my good-grandson, you look so handsome today, and Grandma almost can't recognize you."

An An kissed two on Mrs. Ou ’s cheek, and said like an adult: "Grandma, there are a lot of people watching. You should pay attention to the image. If you mess up the combed hair, it will become unsightly."

Mrs. Ou has been spoiled by his appearance. What is sensible and all manners are nonsense.

She really hurt the grandson to the bone marrow, so even Yao Yiyi, who kept saying that she would not forgive, also chose to forgive, and even retreated 10,000 steps to remarry her and Ou Qingheng.

Other VIPs invited by Mrs. Ou also looked at An An, and several of the ladies who had made good friends with Mrs. Ou also came up and smiled: "An An, do you remember your mother-in-law? I told you last time at the banquet Talking. "

An An looked at these noble ladies with big, dripping eyes, with a small face, and the very little adult said, "Remember, you are all grandmothers, as beautiful as grandma."

No matter how old a woman is, she likes nice words, especially when they say it from An An's mouth, they are even more excited to hear it.

"Ouch, it's such a cute baby. We An'an are also very handsome. We will definitely be a great handsome guy who can awesome people in the future." The ladies said with great praise.

An An looked up and snorted proudly, saying proudly: "Of course An An is a handsome guy."

He succeeded to make everyone laugh again with this small appearance.

The people present, regardless of whether they were male or female, praised An An. Mrs. Ou listened with joy and couldn't help but talked more happy than she bought a lot of brand-name bags and clothes.

So when the Zhang family appeared, they saw the picture of An'an Zhongxing Gongyue.

There was a touch of jealousy and resentment in Zhang Zhiling's eyes.

She bit her lip, and Mrs. Zhang gave her a subconscious look and whispered: "Do n’t be foolish. This is not home. The people present are all heads and faces in the circle, as long as they have a bad impression of you. Well, you do n’t want to marry in the future. "

Zhang Zhiling took a deep breath and nodded, "Mom, don't worry, I still know the size."

Mrs. Zhang nodded and said to Zhang Shujun: "When is Shujun, Tingting?"

"She just finished shopping, and it may be half an hour before she arrives." Zhang Shujun said with no emotion.

There was a glimmer of gloom and dissatisfaction in Mrs. Zhang's eyes, but she also controlled her emotions very well.

"Yazhu, Lao Ou, I'm so sorry. There's a traffic jam on the road. We're still late." Mrs. Zhang said with a smile Yan Yan walked over and couldn't see that she was still in a bad mood when she came in.

Mrs. Ou smiled enthusiastically: "It hasn't started yet, but we have all arrived early." In other words, your Zhang family has a great momentum, so that everyone will wait for your family.

Mrs. Zhang pretended not to hear anything, but just laughed: "We are too late, and my husband and I will punish myself for three cups."

Others smiled vainly.

The development of the Zhang family in the past three years in China has not been particularly good. It can even be said that it has stagnated. When it is almost impossible to see a profit, everyone in the circle knows that they are afraid they ca n’t afford it. In terms of their friendship with the Ou family, I am afraid that they have long been moved out of the upper circle.

Whether a person really has money is really not a secret in the upper circles.

Mrs. Ou asked everyone to be seated, and then quietly asked, "Shujun, what about Tingting?"

Zhang Shujun said warmly: "She was on her way, and the bags she had seen a few days ago had just been put on the shelf, so I gave her money to buy with some girlfriends."

Mrs. Ou Meiyu is also very satisfied with Zhang Shujun. After all, being a mother of course hopes that her daughter can live happily, even if her daughter has ten thousand kinds of problems and deficiencies.

"Shujun, you can't spoil her too much. She is about to marry you. It will be tiring to shop only when you are old." Mrs. Ou said with meaning.

"Auntie, no, Tingting is very considerate except when new products are listed," Zhang Shujun said warmly and beadedly. His polite attitude is the elder's favorite, and Mrs. Ou can't pick any contradiction from him at all.

But sometimes, the more perfect a person is, unless he is by nature, otherwise he can be too disguised.

Mrs. Ou didn't know which one was Zhang Shujun's true face, but she was about to become a family. She would rather believe that Zhang Shujun's character was excellent.

Ou Tingting was late, and Mrs. Ou just glanced at her, and then let her sit down and smiled: "Everyone, while you are all here, I will solemnly introduce my newly recognized dry daughter to you."

All eyes were on her.

Mrs. Ou pulled Zhang Zhiling, who was sitting beside her, and said with a smile: "You all know my son's daughter-in-law and grandson, and I will not repeat it. Today I mainly introduce my dry daughter to everyone. She is the Zhang family. Qianjin Zhang Zhiling, I know that there have been rumors in the circle that Qingheng and Zhiling are going to get engaged, but this is a misunderstanding. The child of Zhiling was intentionally recognized by me, so it is inevitable to get closer to Qingheng. I'm not going to ignore those buzzwords, but I will focus on the fact that Chi Ling also wants to marry. She will be my goddaughter in the future, and everyone here will take care of her for me. "

Ou Qingheng didn't hear much response. Zhang Zhiling was just a stranger to him.

"Mom, you have to tolerate Zhi Ling as the daughter. After that, I married Zhang family to call her sister or young aunt? Isn't your identity confused?" Ou Tingting frowned and couldn't help opening his mouth. Road.

Mrs. Ou was stunned. She really hadn't thought about this. She wanted to recognize Zhang Zhiling as her daughter, but only to compensate for her previous commitment. As for the follow-up, she really hadn't thought about it.

"Tingting, we are of the same age. Even if you marry my brother, we will only be commensurate with the name. What does this generation matter?" Zhang Zhiling said generously: "I became the aunt's job Daughter, will only make us a good sister who talks about everything. Other things, I really do n’t think it ’s any problem. "

Ou Tingting thought about it and nodded.

"Also, I will serve my parents-in-law at the Zhang family in the future. You will take care of my parents for me." Ou Tingting rarely said human nature.

Zhang Zhiling just smiled.

This daughter is recognized, and the people present know that there is something stupid, but the most important thing in the upper circle is the stupidity and gossip. Everyone present will have more or less embarrassment. Things, so many things they will choose to open one eye and close one eye, saying it will only hurt the sentiment on the bright side.

These people all praised Mrs. Ou's foresight, and recognized such a cute and lovely daughter who knew everything. As for Zhang Zhiling's troubles with Ou Qingheng, no one could mention it.

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