Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 608: Guilt almost crushed her

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Huang Yiyi followed Mrs. Huang down the stairs. She hurriedly grabbed Mrs. Huang's hand and whispered: "Mom, don't make trouble, shall we go back? Okay? Dad is really angry this time."

Mrs. Huang shook her hand straight away and said, "You go back first."

Huang Yiyi followed quickly, begging: "Mom, I'm begging you. Isn't our mother-daughter relationship for nearly thirty years really inferior to Yao Yiyi?"

Mrs. Huang's footsteps paused, but she quickly walked up again.

Huang Yiyi filled the whole heart with anger, she said angrily: "Mom, do you have to make me hate Yao Yiyi?"

Mrs. Huang stopped.

Huang Yiyi was relieved.

She grabbed Mrs. Huang's hand and said softly, "Mom, let's go back first."

Mrs. Huang looked at her in a complicated way and held her hand in her backhand. She said, "Yiyi, Mom loves you the most, and I am convinced that you know Mom the most at Huang's house. Compared to your dad's arbitrary decision, I miss you It should be the one who knows the mother best. What do you support, do you support it? "

"Mom, I can rely on you for other things, but this matter will not work, you go back with me, otherwise I will intervene in the relationship between sister and brother-in-law, you can do it."

Mrs. Huang's answer was that she slapped her directly.

Huang Yiyi's face was beaten to the side.

She covered her face and stared tearfully at Mrs. Huang, sadly: "Mom, you beat me again, okay, you insist that as long as your daughter is right, I don't want to think of you as a mother, I will I don't want to control you anymore. "

After talking, Huang Yiyi turned around and ran.

Mrs. Huang looked at the running Huang Yiyi, and finally there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes. She raised her hand and wanted to call Huang Yiyi, but the words were so heavy when she reached her mouth. Finally, she didn't have a word. Called out.

Until Huang Yiyi's figure could not be seen, Mrs. Huang sighed heavily, walked out of the community quickly, and went straight to the hospital.

She appeared in the ward. Father Yao and Mother Yao looked at her strangely. Father Yao said hesitantly: "This lady, are you?"

"Hello, I think you should be Xiaoyi's adoptive parents. I am Xiaoyi's biological mother. I have found her for more than 20 years. I met her under the chance of Beijing. You raised her special. Well, I came here today just to thank you very much. "

Father Yao and Mother Yao looked at each other.

Father Yao was surprised and recovered, and said a little embarrassedly, "Are you Mrs. Huang?"

There was a doubt in Mrs. Huang's eyes, saying: "Have you heard of me?"

A trace of confusion flashed quickly in Yao Yao's eyes.

Mrs. Huang looked at him suspiciously and said, "I have not said that my husband's surname is Huang. Why would you call me Mrs. Huang?"

Father Yao lowered his head, thinking quickly how to answer.

"Mr. Yao, can you answer me?" Madam Huang said a little step by step.

Father Yao raised his head and said: "Mrs. Huang, don't get me wrong. It's just that Mr. Huang has been to the hospital before and told me about the relationship between him and Yiyi, and you said that you are Yiyi's biological mother. I know you are Mr. Huang's wife. "

The dark awn in Mrs. Huang's eyes flashed quickly.

"My husband really visited the hospital?"


"Did he say anything?"

"Mr. Huang has been to the hospital and praised Yiyi very much. He said that we taught Yiyi very well, and he was polite and gentle. He also said that he wanted to recognize Yiyi. It ’s just that we struggled to raise Yiyi. He could n’t bear it. "We have to bear the separation of flesh and blood when we are old," Yao said, and suddenly raised his hands to wipe his tears, choked with sobs: "Mrs. Huang, please don't take Yiyi. Although we have no blood relationship with her, we treat her There is not much love at all. Please do n’t deprive us of her love. ”

Mrs. Huang looked at him deeply, and her heart was mixed for a while.

Father Yao knelt down and broke the old tears of his minimum self-esteem: "Mrs. Huang, I know that the Huang family is financially strong. I recognize Yiyi as the best choice, but she is also our hard-working raise, please, do n’t Take her away. "

Mrs. Huang stooped and wanted to help her up. Unexpectedly, Father Yao was just lying on the ground, grabbing her hand with her backhand, crying: "Do n’t take Yiyi away, I heard Mr. Huang say you already have a son and a daughter Now. "

Mrs. Huang looked at him deeply and said gently: "I checked Xiaoyi and secretly went to the hometown where she lived. From the mouth of the neighbors, you know that you are not particularly good to Xiaoyi. , I come to see you, I just want to thank you for not really abusing her. "

Father Yao's face stiffened and his eyes flickered constantly.

"Mr. Yao, can you get up first? The two of us are about the same age, and I don't know if I really bullied you." Mrs. Huang increased her strength secretly.

Father Yao had to climb up from the ground.

Mrs. Huang said: "Mr. Yao, have you calmed down?"

Father Yao nodded.

"I heard that Mr. Yao's son has been hospitalized. Has his condition improved? I have met experts in this area in Shanghai. I have also contacted them by phone. If you need it, I will let them sit down immediately The plane flew over, "Mrs. Huang said.

Mother Yao hurried over, squeezing away Father Yao.

"Mrs. Huang, do you really know an expert in this field?"

Mrs. Huang nodded.

"I beg you to bring them in, as long as you can cure my son, Yiyi you can acknowledge it, we don't have any opinions." Mother Yao said eagerly.

Mrs. Huang frowned as she heard it.

She didn't like Yao's mother pushing Yao Yiyi out just like pushing an unwanted Chinese cabbage.

She had heard that Yao's family was not particularly good with her daughter before, but she didn't expect this attitude, which made her very uncomfortable.

"I can call them over, it's just Mrs. Yao. What I want to say is that my daughter is not Chinese cabbage. You should have a little affection for raising you for more than 20 years. Don't make her so cheap. In my heart, she is Priceless treasure. "

Mother Yao looked at her suspiciously, as if she could not get what Mrs. Huang said.

Mrs. Huang walked to the bed and looked at Brother Yao who was asleep, then took out her mobile phone and called, saying: "Dr. Feng, I told you before, I have a friend's son who has liver cirrhosis in T City. His situation is a bit serious, can you come over here? "

Don't know what was said there, Mrs. Huang said: "Dr. Feng, I will thank you first, and I will invite you to dinner when you come to T City."

After a pause, she continued: "Okay, that's it. Let's talk later when you come to T City."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Mrs. Huang said: "Dr. Feng, their plane in the afternoon, and they will come to the hospital as soon as they arrive. You will have a good discussion with his attending doctor, rest assured."

Mother Yao ran up and excitedly said: "Mrs. Huang, will my son be really okay?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor, I can't guarantee, but I can guarantee that the doctor will definitely do his best to treat him, rest assured."

Mother Yao was somewhat lost and nodded weakly.

Mrs. Huang took out a gold card from her bag and handed it to Mother Yao, saying: "Mrs. Yao, holding this card is my reward for the 20 years of raising my daughter. Your son is sick now. Well, it costs money to do anything, take it. "

Mother Yao hesitated. When she wanted to reach for it, Father Yao rushed over and pushed Mrs. Huang's hand back, saying: "Ms. Huang, I am very grateful for your charcoal in the snow, but we really can't ask for this card. We have n’t fulfilled our parental responsibility for Yiyi in recent years, so do n’t do that. "

Mother Yao quickly grabbed the card and hurriedly said: "My wife, we have also provided her with food and put on college, and we have given her as much material as possible. Now I can get a card to compensate us. My son is sick. We need money for everything we do, and we cannot accept Yiyi's help everywhere. "

Father Yao wanted to take back the card in her hand, but Mother Yao guarded him.

Mrs. Huang looked coldly, and the more she saw Yao's family, the more she felt distressed about Yao Yiyi. Her daughter was treated so unfairly.

While they were fighting, Mrs. Huang left the ward without saying a word, took the elevator down the stairs, and went out of the hospital. She walked aimlessly on the tree-lined path, with an extraordinary Wuwei Chen miscellaneous.

She couldn't imagine how her little Yi grew up in such a neglected environment, how much grievances she has suffered, how can she become sincere and polite to people today, and how many setbacks she has experienced to do things calmly and well.

She couldn't help crying. She was ashamed of Yao Yiyi for too many years. From the mouth of others, she knew what life Yao Yiyi had lived. This guilt almost crushed her.

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