Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 497: I found someone to follow

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Ou Tingting clasped his hands on his chest and said, "Do you want to get married? Give me a word."

Zhang Shujun sat next to her, took her hand, and pulled a person directly into his arms. The round chair she used to sit on fell to the ground because of the collision.

Ou Tingting collapsed in Zhang Shujun's arms, his nose happened to hit his chest, and there was only one left feeling that it was-pain.

Ou Tingting clutched his nose, raised his hand and patted on his chest, said: "What are you doing? It hurts me."

Zhang Shujun held her face, looked carefully at her red nose, and kissed her, saying, "Sorry, it was my negligence, I just wanted to hug you, you are so cute today, I really want to do you directly here, but unfortunately this time and place are wrong. "

Ou Tingting's anger only subsided, and she boldly sat directly on Zhang Shujun's lap.

She took off Zhang Shujun's glasses and looked at his face carefully. She rarely praised: "Shujun, I only found out that you are pretty good now. Although it is a little worse than my brother, it is not worse than me. Imaginary difference. "

Zhang Shujun grabbed her hand and smiled, "My Princess, thank you for your compliment."

Ou Tingting grabbed his suit and tie with the other hand, then looked at the waiter looking in their direction and smiled: "Shu Jun, those waiters are looking at us, you said we want to be really there If they do something, will they call the police? "

"Even if I call the police, I won't let the police treat you."

"Shujun, it turns out that you are not as elegant as your appearance."

"I only show my beast to my princess."

Ou Tingting was thoroughly pleased by his words.

"Shu Jun, let's get married. I rarely have the idea of ​​getting married. After this village, there will be no such shop." Ou Tingting said with some intent.

"Have you really figured it out?" Zhang Shujun asked, looking back at her eyes.

Zhang Shujun knew that it was not a good time to get married. Mrs. Ou had some misunderstandings about him. It is not the best time to mention the matter of getting married, so for Ou Tingting ’s proposal, he was only playing with her.

Ou Tingting pulled his tie, and said with a bullish look: "Shujun, do you not want to marry me? Or do you say that I am just kidding me, you have a new relationship?"

Zhang Shujun smiled and said, "I wish I could stick with you for 24 hours. Everything is about you first. The background of our two families is the same. If I really like you, why do you think I appeared before you? Around? "

Ou Tingting thought about it, it really looks like this.

"For your love of me so much, I allow you to marry me, but after I marry you, you can't restrict my freedom, I can't restrict my situation of making friends, I can't ask me to cook for you , Can't ... "Ou Tingting said a lot of conditions.

There was a cold flash in Zhang Shujun's eyes, secretly saying that this woman would really say, if he did it one by one, then he married home not a wives, but a man who could not fall, touch, scold Unbelievable ancestors.

He sneered in his heart, his fists clenched and loosened.

"Why, do you think the conditions I mentioned are too excessive? When you first pursued me, you said you would respect me and treat me like a princess. This is not married yet. The conditions imposed on me are Feeling excessive? "O Tingting said dissatisfiedly.

Zhang Shujun recovered, gently kissed Ou Tingting's angry eyes and smiled: "How come, my little princess."

Zhang Shujun said a lot of good things, and said that marriage is a woman ’s life-long event, so sloppy, you need to plan well, of course, the proposal is made by a man, he asked Ou Tingting to wait, he will plan a beautiful Absolutely romantic proposal.

Ou Tingting was so coaxed that he couldn't find North.

Waiting for Ou Tingting to send home, Zhang Shujun's face sank completely, sitting in the car, watching the traffic that had fallen at night, others could not help being a little irritable, hiding the very good evil during the day Silver couldn't help but jump outside.

He lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, swallowed the clouds, and soon, a choking smoke filled the car.

When he had finished smoking a cigarette, he drove to a community and dialed the phone. He hung up the phone after only two words. After a while, he saw a very clean woman with straight hair. Out of the community, he walked towards his car.

Looking closely, the woman is the woman who accompanies Zhang Shujun in the morning.

Entering the car, Zhang Shujun directly pulled the woman and kissed.

The two kissed for a long time before they separated, and a flash of flashes flashed a short distance away, but the two of them in the car didn't notice it.

Waiting for the parting, the woman asked softly, "Shujun, are you in a bad mood?"

"It's okay, it's just a little annoying." Zhang Shujun waved his hand, then fastened the woman's seat belt, stroked her cheek, and said, "As long as you are obedient, don't make trouble, even if I marry someone else, my heart You are still your favorite. "

The woman looked at him affectionately and said, "Shujun, are we not so good? I don't want a luxury car, as long as you are by my side, don't you marry Miss Ou? Can I follow? You ’ve been around for so many years and really do n’t ask for anything else. ”

"Fool! Don't talk silly, wait for me to grow the company, really have the right to speak, I will divorce and marry you as your wife, you can rest assured, I love you from beginning to end." Zhang Shujun comforted : "I haven't eaten until now, you accompany me to eat, I'm hungry."

The woman cleverly did not argue, but obediently followed Zhang Shujun to eat.

She has been with Zhang Shujun for so many years. She has known her identity for a long time. She is said to be Zhang Shujun ’s lover but she has no reputation. Her food and clothing are provided by Zhang Shujun. It is better to say that she is a maintenance than a lover. More appropriately, she is a canary that Zhang Shujun keeps in a more luxurious bird cage.

She was smart, so she knew the current affairs without competing, but instead got Zhang Shujun's pity and got more material compensation from him.

If you do n’t get the credit you deserve, you might as well get something that can guarantee the rest of your life.

Zhang Shujun drove away, and a car not far away also drove up. The person in the car took out his mobile phone and made a call. After talking, he said: "Ou Shao, Zhang Shao's information and photos It ’s all photographed. Will it be sent to you now? "

"Send it over." There was Ou Qingheng's voice over there.

"Okay, I'll deliver it to you now." After hanging up the phone, the man turned the car.

In the study, Ou Qingheng looked at the photos and materials sent to the table. He flipped casually and said, "Is this woman?"

"Back to Europe, this woman is Zhang Shao's girlfriend who has been in contact for many years, or can be said to be a mistress who has been keeping her for many years. This woman has been staying with Zhang Shao. Seeing their intimacy, Zhang Shao is true to her. Emotional, "said the man.

Ou Qingheng's lips were ticked, and he looked at the intimate two in the photo with interest.

"It seems that Zhang Shujun is much more interesting than I thought. If I have a woman, I dare to play tricks on my Ou family. He treats the Ou family as a fool." Ou Qingheng said quite playfully.

The man dared not answer.

"You can leave." Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said.

The man was relieved and hurried away.

Yao Yiyi came into the study with a cup of freshly warmed milk, watching Ou Qingheng looking at the pictures, saying, "Qingheng, what are you looking at?"

Ou Qingheng put down the picture in his hand, waved at her, and smiled: "Yiyi, come here and show you something interesting."

Yao Yiyi walked over with interest, seeing the photos on the table, her eyes changed.

"This man, wouldn't it be the one I know?" Yao Yiyi pointed to Zhang Shujun in the photo, still not quite convinced.

Ou Qingheng pulled the man into his arms, and the chin with a little beard gently rubbed Yao Yiyi's delicate cheeks, and Yao Yiyi moved her body with a little itching.

"Qingheng, don't make trouble." Yao Yiyi said struggling.

Ou Qingheng had a trouble with her for a while, and then bypassed her. Her hands wrapped around her waist and smiled: "Do you think the two people in this picture are suitable?"

Yao Yiyi glanced at him, and for a moment he couldn't guess what Ou Qingheng thought.

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