Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 493: Invincible thick-skinned

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"Shujun, you are a talented person, and you are also very good. I was very optimistic about you at the beginning, but An'an had something like this. I couldn't be angry with you at all. You just think I'm ashamed and angry. Just such a grandson, seeing him suffer in vain but still let him be the culprit in my Ou family free access. "Mrs. Ou said bluntly.

Mrs. Ou was really angry about this incident in An An, and she was extremely annoyed about what Zhang Shujun and Zhang Zhiling did. She also knew that such a thing might not blame them, but it still spread. She was a good grandma who loved her grandson, and she had no reason at all.

Zhang Shujun's eyes flashed several times, he took a deep breath, looked at Mrs. Ou, and said seriously: "Auntie, you are very unfair to me. I am sad that An'an was in trouble, but I love Tingting, and I chased her two She was only willing to be my girlfriend in the year. I cherish her very much, and the relationship between Zhang and Ou is also very good. You really have to deny my true feelings for Tingting because of this accident by An An? "

Mrs. Ou said leisurely, "Shujun, are you questioning your aunt?"

Zhang Shujun looked at her gently and said, "Auntie, I don't mean that. I'm willing to take responsibility for this mistake, but Tingting, I won't give up. I know you are worried about An An. Come, I wo n’t mind. "

Mrs. Ou sneered.

Mrs. Zhang sitting on the couch pretended to cough twice, and said, "Yazhu, you see the two children are very affectionate, and they are at the age when they are talking about marriage. Not to mention the feelings of the child, it also hurts the feelings of Zhang Ou and the two. Are you really willing to do this? "

Mrs. Ou played with fingers that were well maintained, and did not speak.

Mrs. Zhang saw her like this, and her heart was raised a bit. She smiled pretendingly and said, "Yazhu, I know you are angry. I want to be me, and I am angry too, but we are also friends for many years. It hurts you to say that. "

Mrs. Ou sighed.

"An An is not in a good situation now, I am in a state of upset mood, and the tone of my speech is also rushing, don't go to your heart, or you should go back first, wait for An An to be good, and then come back to talk about the marriage of Shu Jun and Ting Ting, and ask them to be sincere I wo n’t interfere. ”Mrs. Ou said softly.

Having said this, Mrs. Zhang and the three of them are not good to stay cheeky.

The three of them left Ou's house a bit gray.

In the car, Mrs. Zhang's face fell completely.

Zhang Zhiling couldn't see where she was going. She pondered for a moment and said with uncertainty: "Mom, we were swept away by Aunt Ou?"

Mrs. Zhang snorted coldly and said, "Isn't this an obvious thing? That Yazhu is getting more and more excessive, and this life was so angry that he didn't even give Zhang's face."

Zhang Zhiling couldn't turn her head for a while.

"Mom, aunt let brother and Tingting cool down temporarily, what about me and Qingheng? Will she disagree with my daughter-in-law?" Zhang Zhiling clenched her fingers tightly, her eyes panicked: "No, I have to go back again A trip to the Ou family, I ca n’t let my aunt misunderstand that I do n’t like An An, and have ulterior motives to harm him. ”

Zhang Zhiling restlessly, his hands on the front seat, anxiously said: "Brother, stop, I want to go back to Ou's house, I have to explain clearly to my aunt."

Zhang Shujun glanced at her coldly and shouted: "Don't drive me crazy, sit down fast, you think of a car accident, I'm not ready to sit down with you to die."

Zhang Zhiling still slapped Zhang Shujun, but Zhang Shujun turned around the steering wheel in an upset, causing the whole car to slip.

Mrs. Zhang was taken aback and quickly pulled Zhang Zhiling back to her original seat. She slapped her hand and slapped her slap, shouting sternly: "Zhang Zhiling, do you want to die? Open the car door and jump directly. Come on, I do n’t think you will be killed by the fall. You saved me and your brother for funeral. "

Zhang Zhiling covered her beaten face, and reason gradually returned.

"Mom, sorry, I just lost control." Zhang Zhiling apologized with her head down.

Mrs. Zhang took a deep breath and pressed down the anger that burst out of her heart, saying: "Chi Ling, you are already a mature woman. Do not be so impulsive to do things. You have always been more important than clever. Daughter, you have to be clever and sensible, Yazhu will agree to enter the door of Ou ’s house, she just did not say anything about you and Qingheng, it means that she still agrees with you as a prospective daughter-in-law, do n’t scare yourself Instead, he lost his measure, did you know? "

"I know my mother." Zhang Zhiling calmly said.

"Let's go to the hospital some time. An An has happened. You have shown your performance and let Qingheng see your virtuous side. I heard that he and Yao Yiyi have not remarried. You still have great hope. , I believe that there are no men who are not stealing, only women who will not seduce men, I think you should know how to do it? "Mrs. Zhang looked at the front and said calmly.

Zhang Zhiling thought about it and finally nodded.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Zhiling brought the meals specially prepared by the servant to the hospital.

Yao Yiyi opened the door for her personally.

Zhang Zhiling just glanced at her, bypassed her, and went directly into the ward.

Yao Ting, who was sitting on the side of the bed feeding An An, was shocked when she saw Zhang Zhiling. She didn't expect that there would be such a cheeky woman, so she entered the room so shamelessly.

"Yo, what's the wind today, blowing Miss Zhang, your big Buddha," Yao Ting said a little ecstatically.

Zhang Zhiling had n’t heard the sarcasm in Yao Ting ’s words, and put the things she brought on the table, and then took out the customized version of Ultraman that she asked her friend to give to An An, saying: “An An My aunt thinks that you will be bored in the hospital, so I will bring you several toys. Let me show you an Ultraman first. If you like it, leave it in the bag. Take it out if you want to play. "

An An looked at Altman in front of him, and looked at Yao Ting with her small mouth, said: "Goddam, An An doesn't like Altman, An An is tired of playing, when An An is discharged, you and your mother take An An Let ’s go to the amusement park and it ’s been a long time since An An thought about it. "

Yao Ting grinned, and was so peaceful that he was too good to know how to fight the bad guys.

"Okay, when you are discharged from the hospital, the godmother and your mother will take you to the amusement park, but now, you eat well, will you?"

"it is good."

Zhang Zhiling held Altman's hand a little stiff, and the expression on his face was not so pretty.

"Ms. Zhang, it is rare that you come to see An'an intentionally. The visitor is a guest. Sit down and drink a glass of water. An'an has been hospitalized these days. I have no intention of buying any tea or drinks. Only boiled water, don't you mind? "Yao Yiyi opened his mouth and relieved Zhang Zhiling's embarrassment."

Zhang Zhiling withdrew Altman and sat on the sofa, saying, "How about Brother Europe?"

"The company has a document that he needs to sign. I don't think An An is going to let him go to the company without any major problems. He will come to the hospital after a while." Yao Yiyi said with a smile.

Zhang Zhiling only felt that the smile on Yao Yiyi's face was particularly dazzling.

"Yao Yiyi, Brother Ou is not here, and you don't need to act with me." Zhang Zhiling blurted out.

Yao Yiyi put the glass of boiling water that she poured in front of Zhang Zhiling and smiled: "Miss Zhang, there are children here, I hope you don't speak to scare him."

Zhang Zhiling's good face was slightly twisted, but soon returned to normal.

She stood up and took out all kinds of meat dishes and a bowl of porridge that she prepared from the bag she brought, and placed it on the table meticulously.

Looking at at least seven or eight meat and vegetarian foods, An An on the hospital bed stared blankly, tongue licking his lips subconsciously.

"An An, this is specially prepared by the maid for you. They are all light taste. I just asked the doctor specially. The doctor said that you can eat such meat. Come, aunt will feed you a little, is it okay? ? "Zhang Zhiling picked up a small piece of braised pork with chopsticks and said temptingly.

An An stared at him. He hadn't eaten the braised pork for two or three days. This would be really greedy.

Zhang Zhiling also continued: "An An, do you eat? This braised pork is delicious. It is our chef's best dish. You only want to eat it once if you eat it once."

An An swallowed a few saliva next time.

"Mom ..." An An looked at Yao Yiyi very grievously and said, "An An wants to eat meat, but does not want to eat the meat brought by this strange aunt. She is poor An An like a little beggar when An An is like a Anhui This feeling, Mom, will you drive her away? "

Zhang Zhiling's face was dark, and Yao Ting laughed out of nowhere.

"Baby **** son, well said." Yao Ting praised with a breathless smile.

"Mother, thank you." An An opened his mouth, Yao Ting smiled and scooped him a spoonful of porridge, "An An, good boy, wait for you to be discharged in two days, and Gan Mum will make a big table for you. The food is more delicious than that brought by this strange aunt. The most important thing is that the food prepared by the godmother will definitely be non-toxic, unlike some women with ulterior motives who have to put things in it and play innocent. "

Zhang Zhiling was naked and humiliated, and his face was not pretty.

"Miss Zhang, childish words, don't worry about it. Thank you for bringing so many delicious foods, but An'an is still not in good health. You should still eat these things." Yao Yiyi smiled decently. .

"Yao Yiyi, what do you mean, do you think I can't be poisoned in my meals? I'm not stupid enough to do this." Zhang Zhiling said angrily.

Yao Yi wanted to speak, and Yao Ting cut her off.

"Yo, Miss Zhang, you also have self-knowledge. If it were not for you, An An would not be here anymore. He was only two years old. Why did you succeed in ruthlessness? Gee, they all said the most poisonous woman heart, I See you are the best example of a viper beauty. "

Yao Ting said sarcastically.

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