Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 478: Won a battle

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Yang Kexin pushed away June, and got out of bed regardless of his body pain. He quickly came out from the cabinet with a black and white professional suit, put it on June's face, and then left the bedroom without looking back.

June came down from the bed leisurely and satisfies him with enough food and drink. He also felt very interesting for Yang Kexin ’s occasional resistance. In his view, he and Yang Kexin were like cats and mice Kexin, this little mouse struggled hard to run, he let her escape, he chased slowly, he enjoyed the feeling of playing Yang Kexin in the palm of his hand, he slowly tore up Yang Kexin so-called 'S self-esteem came, and then slowly waited for her tenacity to wear off, then she would belong to him completely, and there would be no more thoughts to run away.

After coming here for so many years, he cast a net and slowly waited for Yu'er's willingness to take the bait. He believed that Yang Kexin would eventually be his. In Yang Kexin's view, his methods were fierce, like a pervert The same, but in his view, these are just the performance of his love for her.

Yang Kexin ran downstairs, and Mrs. Yang hurriedly stopped her: "Kexin, where are you going? It's almost time to eat."

Yang Kexin looked at her with red eyes, and said in a dumb voice: "Mom, you let your daughter follow the perversion, that is, to kill her daughter, just let him be your son to you and dad."

After that, Yang Kexin ran out directly.

Mrs. Yang froze, she didn't even know what happened.

June came downstairs, and the assembly of white clothes and black trousers made him look like a foreign handsome man who lied to others.

"Auntie." June shouted politely.

Mrs. Yang gathered her hair and said, "June, what's wrong with you, Kexin?"

"Auntie, don't worry. She just made a little conflict with me. It's okay. I'll go find her later and apologize to her." June said.

"This child." Mrs. Yang said with some dissatisfaction: "You are very good to her, she still doesn't know how to be grateful, she has always been casual, and I blame me for spoiling her. Eat in a while, leave her alone. "

"Auntie, you eat it alone. I'll go find her first. Her own woman was originally used to love her. It doesn't matter if she's wayward. If I don't hurt her, who can hurt her?" June's gentle face, Speaking of Yang Kexin's eyes, there was even a spoiled light, and it was a perfect interpretation of a boyfriend who indulged his girlfriend.

Mrs. Yang is more and more satisfied with her.

"June, it's really hard for you."

"Auntie, it's not difficult, in my opinion, her willfulness, her arrogance, even when she was angry made me roll so cute, love her, her shortcomings have become advantages." June gentle Laughed: "Auntie, I will go first. I will definitely come back with Kexin to eat with you someday. Now I have to coax her, otherwise she should make trouble and say I don't love her at all."

Every whisper in June, as if Yang Kexin has become a little cute in love.

After June left, Mrs. Yang nodded with satisfaction. She felt that her daughter had found a good destination, but she did n’t know that her future son-in-law, who was 100% in her eyes, had been carrying her daughter for two years The place of desire is constantly sinking, and indulging in the corrosion caused by this luxury, it is almost a step away, and it has entered a situation where there is nowhere to go.

Mrs. Yang didn't know, so she was more and more satisfied with June, and she loved him more than she loved Yang Kexin.

Yang Kexin drove directly to the Euclidean Group. She parked the car and went straight into the building. She wanted to go to the elevator, but she was stopped by the front desk.

"Miss, do you have an appointment?" The front desk asked politely.

Yang Kexin looked at the front desk, but she didn't know her. She frowned and said, "Has someone changed?"

"The front desk had something to leave." The front desk saw Yang Kexin even knew the previous front desk, and saw that she was well dressed, and the front desk was not good with a tough attitude and offended people: "Miss, may I ask who you are looking for? Did you make an appointment with someone? "

"I am the only daughter of the chairman of the Yangs Group, and the two Yangou families are the families that have been in contact for many years. I came to Qingheng. Could it be that you, a small front desk, dare to stop me from succeeding?" Said.

The front desk was shocked and more respectful.

"Miss Yang, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you, but Ou always ordered that all idlers who did not make an appointment with the company in advance should not enter the company without permission. Call the person in the secretary's office. If President Ou really has an appointment with Miss Yang, I will let you in. Wait a minute. "After the front desk finished, you had to pick up the phone and make a call.

Yang Kexin held her hand directly and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

The front desk said grumpily: "Yang Kexin, I just follow the procedure, or would you like to call Mr. Ou?"

Yang Ke thought, if he can answer my phone, why am I so quarreling with you.

"I'm telling you, don't be too deceiving, or I will mention it to Aunt Auntie, and I will let you get out of the Euclidean directly." Yang Kexin threatened.

Just when the front desk was embarrassed, a female voice came: "What's the matter?"

Seeing the person at the front desk, he was relieved and said with a smile: "Director Zhang, this Miss Yang said she wanted to see President Ou, but she and President Ou did not make an appointment in advance."

Zhang Zhiling walked over and looked at Yang Kexin, recalling it carefully, and said uncertainly, "Yang Kexin?"

She and Yang Kexin have met several times before, but it ’s no wonder that she did n’t recognize Yang Kexin. It is really that Yang Kexin has become too thin. Even though she is wearing makeup, her face is also very pale, and she looks weak. It seems to fall down at any time.

Yang Kexin immediately recognized Zhang Zhiling and sneered: "It turned out to be Miss Zhang. I heard Yao Yiyi came back, and Qingheng was kneeling like glue, I don't know when Miss Zhang plans to marry Qingheng Coming? Now people in the upper classes are rumoring the news that you are going to get engaged, but yesterday I saw Qingheng taking good care of Yao Yiyi. I'm afraid I don't have your position. "

Zhang Zhiling's face changed and changed.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her mood with a professional smile: "Miss Yang, how can I and Qingheng and I have nothing to do with you? You are at best Qingheng's ex-girlfriend, and I am now Aunt Ou praised me a lot, Qingheng and Yao Yiyi were as good as a knee, and finally I was married under the pressure of the family, was n’t it? So speaking, I am still a winner for you. "

Yang Kexin sneered twice.

What a shameless hoof.

She said in her heart.

"By the way, Miss Yang, Qingheng specifically issued the latest rule, that is, no Yang family can enter the Euclidean group, and you will not forget how your Yang family came to the company a year and a half ago. , Obviously a wealthy and wealthy family, but doing things that the city's rogue doesn't bother to do, even the Euclidean Group has followed you with a bad reputation. If it weren't for Ching Heng's fierce means, I can't imagine you and your mom How much loss has been caused to the Euclidean group by a trouble, if I were you, I really have no face to come here. "Zhang Zhiling reminded sinisterly of the uncomfortable things that Yang Kexin had done.

Yang Kexin also remembered the fact that she encouraged her mother to make trouble together more than a year ago. The two young Yang Ou completely tore their faces. Ou Qingheng's cold eyes also made her completely chill. This led Jun to gradually indulge in the extravagant and chaotic scene.

"Looking at Miss Yang's appearance, I'm afraid I remembered all the things I did before." Miss Zhang Gao coldly said: "Miss Yang, please come back, otherwise you will not look good if I call the security guard."

Yang Ke looked at her deeply and gritted his teeth: "Miss Zhang, don't be complacent. I can leave now, but I won't give up. If you can stay with Qingheng, I can too."

After that, Yang Ke turned proudly, stepping out of the building on high heels.

Zhang Zhiling ticked her lips and said to the front desk: "After seeing her come in, you can just ask the security guard to invite her out. Remember, she is the woman that President Ou wants to see the least. Don't be stupid, or else You just leave the Euclidean Group. "

"Yes, Director Zhang." The reception desk said politely.

Zhang Zhiling turned and walked towards the elevator. She had just won a victory battle, and her mood became surprisingly good.

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