Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 471: High rank

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Yao Yiyi returned to work in the company, the company's colleagues naturally condolences her, and also said that Lin Yuan is a terrible person. Everyone is a colleague in the same department, and he can do such a thing. The company's face was lost.

Yao Yiyi just said lightly: "Thank you for your concern. I do n’t want to say anything about Lin Yuan ’s affairs. I ’ll leave it to the police to deal with it. The police want to educate her and let her go. It ’s not something I can decide to stay in jail for a few days. ”

"Yiyi, don't worry, the police will punish her in accordance with the law. Her mischief has seriously affected your work and life, and it has also had a certain impact on your body and mind. She must beg for a little benefit. Go. "Sister Rin said this. Since knowing that Yao Yiyi is the wife of the heir to the Euclidean Group, she has deliberately and unintentionally flattered her, compared to Xing Rongrong's flattering flattering, she is much brighter.

"Thank you Rin, with all of you concerned, I don't think I'm so sad." Yao Yiyi said.

After all the people talked about it, they went back to work.

Manager Zhang was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and he seemed to be in his early thirties. The long, fair young man came over.

"Everyone, everyone, be quiet, the boss is here." Manager Zhang clapped his hands and said in a loud voice.

The employees of the design department all stood up.

"Good boss," everyone shouted in unison.

When Yao Yiyi saw the face of the youth, a surprise flashed in his eyes and blurted out: "Feng Yixuan."

The young man also looked at Yao Yiyi, and his lips could not help but turned up, saying, "Yiyi, it's really you, O Shao specially called me, and I was a little bit confused when it came to the name of Yao Yiyi. Yes, I wondered if it was the one I met in college. I did n’t expect it to be true. We have n’t seen it for many years. At this sight, you will become an employee in my company. "

People in the design department looked at Yao Yiyi one after another.

"Boss, do you still know Yiyi?" I don't know who opened the mouth, and others looked at Feng Yixuan one after another.

Feng Yixuan is not particularly outstanding, but his temperament is quite good. There is a taste of Confucian merchants. There is no hint of impatience between his hands and feet. A light smile appears on the corners of his lips. It looks like elegant. Like a handsome boy.

"Yi and I are college classmates and have different majors in the same class. She lost contact after graduating from university. I didn't expect to meet in the company after all. This is all fate. I am very happy today. I got off work early in the afternoon. Play for a while. "

"Aoao ... Long live the boss."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone in the design department got off work early. The boss waved his hand and said that he was going to invite them to dinner. After eating, he went to KTV to sing and relax.

Yao Yiyi was a little hesitant, because she still wanted to eat sauerkraut fish cooked by Ou Qing Heng at night. If they were going to eat, only their father and son would be left at home.

Since she entered the workplace again, sometimes she has no way to control the distribution of time.

"What's the matter, old friends wouldn't be rewarded for dinner?" Feng Yixuan walked to her side and said with a smile.

Yao Yiyi put away her phone, shook her head, and said, "No, I just promised that Qing Heng will go back to eat with him tonight, and let him do the pigeons again. I'm afraid he will be really angry. By then, you will be the boss. It ’s going to be blocked for me. "

Feng Yixuan smiled and said, "I dare not, I was like a little shrimp in front of Ou Shao. I received a call from Ou Shao not long ago. I was scared of what I promised. Mrs. Young came to serve as the Queen Mother, but I didn't expect you to find out that you were an employee of my company. I also thought you would say a few words for me in front of Ou Shao. How dare you get an axe before Ou Shao. "

Yao Yiyi looked at him funny.

If you did n’t know it at the university, she would think that Feng Yixuan was a profiteer who tried to judge the situation, but with the understanding of the university, she knew that Feng Yixuan was a servant, and liked to say compliments to someone who was stronger than him, but it did not mean that He is stubborn.

His compliments will make people boast like a spring breeze without showing any traces.

"Boss, if you say this, it will make me think you intend to borrow me to climb the tree of Qingheng." Yao Yiyi glanced at him without the kind of restraint from his boss and subordinates.

Feng Yixuan shrugged and said, "I had this plan. I don't use such a good resource. Can't you take many detours to get into the eye of Ou Shao? I'm not stupid. Go, just walk the thorny path, twitch. "

Yao Yiyi is not annoyed, but feels very relaxed talking with Feng Yixuan, because he is a man who does not give too much pressure and is very thoughtful.

"Boss, if you look like this, if I don't know you, I will slap you in my heart that you are a profiteer, and even the employees will not let you go."

Feng Yixuan listened for a while, then laughed.

Everyone else who was still waiting for the car looked at this one, and Manager Zhang beckoned to Xing Rongrong, and came over: "Boss, you and Yiyi are really interested, I will also come to chat with you , You do n’t mind it. "

"Let's talk, anyway, the car hasn't come yet, and multiple people can solve the boredom." Feng Yixuan didn't mind.

Xing Rongrong moved to Yao Yiyi without showing any traces, and took out a small bottle of things from his pocket. He said, "Sister Yiyi, I bought this for you."

Yao Yiyi glanced at Xing Rongrong, took the bottle, looked at it, and didn't see what it was. She said doubtfully, "Rongrong, what is this?"

"You take it, I think it tastes pretty good, I bought two bottles." Xing Rongrong said.

"Thank you." Yao Yiyi put the small bottle in the bag, and he was no longer polite to Xing Rongrong.

"This is?" Feng Yixuan looked at Xing Rongrong, a little familiar, but could not remember the name.

"The boss, my name is Xing Rongrong, and I am also a member of the design department. I used to be a nanny for Yiyi when I was in Beijing. It was too wasteful for Yiyi to read me as a nanny after graduating from college. Go, and then came here for some reason. "Xing Rongrong's attitude is very humble.

Feng Yixuan suddenly realized that he finally remembered who Xing Rongrong was. When Xing Rongrong was transferred, the people over there also called her to take care of the girl who had just graduated and said that she was introduced by Li Haoran. Yes, I ca n’t afford to offend, but because he was very busy with work during that time, he forgot the matter for a while, and only told the manager of the design department to take good care of it. No wonder he would feel familiar because before Manager Xing Rongrong was also brought to his office by Manager Zhang, but he has many nobles, so he didn't remember Xing Rongrong's appearance for a while.

"It turned out to be you. It's very young. Do a good job. It's a blessing to know Yiyi. As long as you are really talented, the company will not bury talents like you. Yiyi was designed in school at the time. Talents, if you learn more from her, you will definitely get unexpected gains. "Feng Yixuan said.

"Yes, boss."

"Yiyi, you can teach this younger generation."

Yao Yiyi just laughed and said nothing.

Others looked at Xing Rongrong with Yao Yiyi's light and what Feng Yixuan was able to say. They were very jealous in their hearts, but they were helpless. They were only envious of Xing Rongrong's envy.

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