Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 466: Love can't hide

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Ou Qingheng came back from the outside, ignored the guests in the hall, kissed on the lips of Yao Yiyi who opened the door, and then pryed her teeth off and kissed deeply.

Yao Yiyi couldn't help but indulge in this French kiss and groaned unconsciously.

Everyone in the hall subconsciously watched the couple who were performing a kiss, Xing Rongrong's eyes flashed a bit of jealousy and envy, and Yao Xin'er applauded excitedly, blowing a whistle: Cool, brother-in-law, comeon, I kissed my sister on the wall for a hotter kiss. I have n’t seen enough. It does n’t matter if you come to a nineteen ban on the spot, I will take the camera and record it online. Absolutely hot, handsome men and beautiful women, plus the title of heir to the Euclidean group, ohmygod, that can definitely make a fortune. "

Everyone looked at Yao Xin'er, who was excited, and Yao Xin'er still didn't know it.

And Yao Yiyi, who was addicted to kissing Ou Qingheng, also recovered, immediately pushed Ou Qingheng away, raised his hand to adjust his hair that was not messed up at all, his cheeks were red, and he did n’t dare to look at Ou Qingheng ’s eyes. , Just hurriedly said: "Someone is here." After that, she walked towards Yao Xin'er on their side.

Yao Xin'er really didn't wince, she said: "Sister, you blush, but your blush looks better, it's even better than the stars on the TV, what to do, I'm going to be fascinated by you . "

Yao Yiyi felt that the heat on her face was even worse. Yao Xin'er really did not open which pot. She was a 30-year-old woman. It was really embarrassing to make kissing in front of so many people.

Yao Yiyi was so shy that he wished to drill a hole and climb directly.

An An also interjected: "Mom, you blush best, just like the pretty little fairy."

Yao Yiyi's face flushed.

She looked up at everyone who was still looking at her, took a deep breath, and reluctantly calmed herself down, saying: "I went in to see if the water in the kitchen boiled."

"Sister, have you been stunned? There is no boiling water in your kitchen at all." Yao Xiner reminded funny. Yao Yiyi's blush is so cute, and watching it makes people unable to help tease her.

Yao Yiyi glanced at her, and the heat on her face faded a lot.

"You sit down first, I'll go in and make tea for you." Yao Yiyi said generously.

Yao Yiyi entered the kitchen, Yao Xiner turned her head to tease Ou Qingheng, "Brother, you are so cool, you can kiss your sister in front of so many people, this is a lever."

Ou Qingheng couldn't help but bend his lips and said, "You will learn more in the future and may come in handy."

"Sure, I have to ask some tips in front of my brother-in-law." Yao Xin'er said.

Ou Qingheng didn't say much, just went to the sofa and sat down, turned to look at Huang Zhanglin.

"Zhang Lin, when did you come?" Ou Qingheng asked.

"I just came, my sister-in-law has been back for a while, and I should come and see my little nephew, otherwise the little nephew wouldn't even know that there was my uncle." Huang Zhanglin smiled.

"You are coming less, we still need a polite set, Yiyi can find you a lot of effort, originally Yiyi also told me yesterday to personally invite you to have a regular meal, did not expect you guy You are not invited. "


"Do I have to lie to you?"

Huang Zhanglin smiled heartily, and his mood became comfortable.

Wu Ma came back after buying a lot of vegetables. Huang Zhanglin greeted her and took the vegetables in her hand. She said sweetly, "Wu Ma, I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you."

Wu Ma smiled, like a loving elder: "Master Huang, I haven't seen you in a few years. You look more and more handsome. I can't recognize you when I get older. You are so handsome. Are you friends? The young master is married and has children, so hurry up, don't be compared by the young master. "

Huang Zhanglin did not take it seriously and said, "Wu Ma, Qingheng has had his own idea since he was a child. He has planned his life long ago, when he plans to read the book, and when he plans to advance his career to the next level. Everyone thought he would be the latest, but he didn't expect him to give back a blow to everyone. The wife had it, and now the child had it. Only after thirty he solved all the major events in his life. It was him who made up his mind, and our friends really ca n’t compare with him. "

Wu Ma just likes to praise his son, smiling like the thinner version of Maitreya Buddha.

"Several years later, Master Huang still talks like this. It's rare that you come here. I will give you a good meal later. I remember that Master Huang likes to eat drunk shrimp?"

Huang Zhanglin immediately made an intoxicated look, as if a plate of drunk shrimp had appeared in front of him.

"The drunk shrimp made by Wu Ma is delicious. I have plate after plate of drunk shrimp in my mind. I really want to eat it."

Mom Wu was amused by his appearance and clapped his hands, saying: "Master Huang, you are still so poor. Find a woman to accompany you a little early."

"What Wu Ma said is that I will put a lifelong event on my agenda."

Put the dishes in the kitchen, Huang Zhanglin came out, Ou Qingheng said: "Zhang Lin, your proficiency is still not reduced."

Huang Zhanglin was barely choked by his saliva.

Flirt, flirt girl?

Huang Zhanglin wondered, was this saying from Ou Qingheng?

"Qingheng, would you say that too?" Huang Zhanglin said with a frightened expression on his face.

Ou Qingheng looked at Huang Zhanglin with a look you rarely saw, and said indifferently: "Isn't there a lot of such online language on the Internet?"

The point is that in addition to your work, you don't want to read this boring online language at all.

"Dear, you are out. I am keeping pace with the times. There is a child at home. I don't want him to say to me with contempt after two years. Dad, you are out. I don't even know what a girl is. Despised by a child, can you bear it? "


Ou Qingheng, you won.

Wu Ma, Yao Yiyi and Yao Ting worked together to make a large table of dishes, with meat and vegetables, it looks very bright and delicious.

"Let's eat, you eat first, and I will feed An An." Yao Yiyi went to An An's bowl and said.

Mom Wu came over and said, "Young lady, I can just feed it. I will take the young master to feed, and take the young master to play with the children in the same community."

Yao Yiyi looked at An An and asked softly, "An An, Grandma Wu will take you down to feed, is it okay?"

An An nodded.

Wu Ma took An An down, and the group sat down.

Yao Yiyi greeted everyone to eat like a hostess, and then asked Ou Qingheng to take out the wine he had kept for many years.

Ou Qingheng opened the lid and said, "Does anyone not drink?"

No one should.

Ou Qingheng personally poured wine for them, others were a little surprised and sincere and fearful, to know that Ou Qingheng is the governor of the Ou Shi Group, only someone else pours his wine, where can he pour wine? .

After pouring the wine, Huang Zhanglin quipped: "Qingheng, this is the wine you poured for me. We have known it for almost thirty years. This is the first time you poured wine for me. I finished drinking, and maybe I can go back See the sun rise from the west. "

After talking, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was not so restrained.

Halfway through the meal, Xing Rongrong stood up from the table and said very sincerely, "Sister Yiyi, brother-in-law, I would like to sing you a cup. I am very grateful to my sister who took care of me when I was in Beijing, even though I was her My nanny, but it ’s my sister who takes care of my emotions everywhere. I ’m very grateful. I ’m going to respect this cup first. ”

With that said, she really looked up and drank the wine from the glass.

Yao Yiyi also stood up and drank the wine, and Ou Qingheng took a sip of meaning. If it were not for Yao Yiyi's face, he would not give face to such a woman's toast.

After drinking the wine, Xing Rongrong glanced at Ou Qingheng by wiping his mouth without any trace, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Xing Rongrong sat down, but Yao Ting deliberately made things difficult: "Rong Rong, you can be so kind. You and Haoran take care of you very much in Beijing. Why haven't you seen us thank you?

She didn't like Xing Rongrong's sudden smoothness, and she just looked at Ou Qingheng's eyes very obscurely, but she was not blind but she could pay attention to it. She liked Li Haoran before and now she loves Ou Qingheng again. It's really big. I like this all of a sudden, and I like that all of a sudden. This so-called like is nothing more than the inexhaustible amount of money behind a man.

Such forces are really unpleasant.

Xing Rongrong poured a glass of wine from the chair and stood up too fast. But when he stood too fast, he accidentally hit the corner of the table, and the wine in the glass almost splashed out.

Her face suddenly turned red, and her heart was ashamed, sullen, and angry. She felt particularly embarrassed, especially in front of Ou Qingheng.

Holding a cup, Xing Rongrong looked at Ou Qingheng with some helplessness. Seeing that Ou Qingheng only calmly gave Yao Yiyi a dish, she couldn't even give her alms, and she suddenly flashed a thick loss in her heart. .

Yao Ting coughed, she had never seen such a brainless person, she liked it when she liked it, and she was so shamelessly watching her husband. She had watched more TV shows, and thought that Xiao San was a bright career So there is no shameful want to grab someone else's things and enjoy it.

Xing Rongrong regained her mind, and with her sneered smile on Yao Ting, her obsessive love in her busy eyes condensed, and she reluctantly raised her glass and said: "Sister Yao Ting, Li Shao, I would like to give you a drink. Yes, but I ’m afraid you will think I ’m deliberately pleasing you, so I hesitated. "

"Is it not?"

Xing Rongrong's face was embarrassed.

"Rong Rong." Yao Yiyi warned that everyone was present. She didn't want Yao Ting to make people off stage too much. Everyone was friends.

Yao Ting shrugged and accepted Xing Rongrong's glass of wine.

Xing Rongrong was relieved, and after drinking, people sat down, and his mood was indeed affected.

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