Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 463: Xu Chen's troubles

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After eating the noodles, Yao Yiyi asked Xu Chen to go upstairs and sleep with An An while she packed the tableware into the kitchen.

After finishing, Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng with a funny face, reached out and squeezed on his cheek, and said, "Laugh a little."

Ou Qingheng pressed the person against the wall, lowered his head, and exhaled breath sprayed on Yao Yiyi's face. Yao Yiyi moved his nose, feeling a little itchy.

Ou Qingheng kissed her lips and said lowly: "You have been too attentive to Xu Chen, I am a little jealous, how can you compensate me?"

Yao Yiyi looked at him brightly, his fingers still restlessly drawing circles on his chest, and his eyes were silky, as if he was deliberately seduce Ou Qingheng: "Are you really jealous?"

Ou Qingheng's eyes were deep, and in front of him was like a goblin who could hook people. With one eye, he could let him surrender, and he discovered that this is the difference between love and unlove. At the beginning of the combination of the two, he just regarded it as a simple one after another, but slowly get along, he found fun in the lust, before he realized his heart At the same time, he was already sinking into this **** and slowly became unable to extricate himself. Although at that time he still thought of Yang Kexin, but he did not want to touch Yang Kexin's thoughts. The love of the heart, if you really want to really love someone, how could you not want to touch her.

Yao Yiyi's hand covered his face, and he smiled exasperatedly: "What are you thinking? I am right in front of you. You dare to be distracted. I want to punish you."

After finishing talking, Yao Yiyi stood on tiptoe and took a bite on his lips.

After biting, Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng with a smile on his face, and said, "Qingheng, are you satisfied with this punishment?"

Ou Qingheng's answer was that he pressed the person against the wall, and their bodies were close to each other, with almost no gap between them.

"Women, you are making fire." Ou Qingheng's voice was even more hoarse.

Of course, Yao Yiyi knew that she was getting angry, and her eyes went back after blindness, and then met with Ou Qingheng again. In the matter of love, Yao Yiyi became more daring. She thought that **** was the most primal palpitation between men and women. Moved, in other respects you can be the purest good girl, but in the piece of **** you can do the best fit, why do you want to be a dead fish without emotion.

So Yao Yiyi became more daring in this area, and loved to flick Ou Qingheng, but it was more appropriate to seduce each other instead of flicking.

Yao Yiyi hugged Ou Qingheng's neck with both hands, and said softly: "Go upstairs, I will do whatever you want tonight."

Ou Qingheng grabbed the man and hugged him up, striding upstairs at the meteor.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, Yao Yiyi was naturally tossed by Ou Qingheng from the inside out, and Xu Chen stood in the window quietly for most of the night until the next door seemed to be nothing The moan disappeared, and his tense facial expression slowly relaxed.

With a cigarette in his hand, Xu Chen wanted to think about it, but when he saw the sweet little figure sleeping on the bed, he pushed the lighter into his pocket again.

Xu Chen was standing clinically, and his heart was not particularly tasteful. He was fascinated by Yao Yiyi, but he could n’t be more satisfied. He also faced the sweetness of his family of three every day. He was happy and pained, and happiness was still close. Guarding Yao Yiyi and An An, the pain is watching the woman she fell in love with smiling at other men. This kind of feeling, no one who really falls in love will not realize it, it is like a kind of self-masochism. I know it hurts, but I ca n’t help but want to guard her, just to see that her face is not a smile for him.

If you really love, you can really make an iron man humbly become humble and become not like yourself.

Xu Chen couldn't help but sigh, listening closely to the woman she loved groaning around on others, he had extraordinarily mixed flavors in his heart, he didn't know if Ou Qingheng was intentional, although the soundproofing of the room here was very Well, helplessly, his hearing is also very good, or they can clearly hear their moans one after another.

Xu Chen held his cigarette, which was not lit, and took out his mobile phone to make a call. After that, he said, "Are you sleeping?"

"Not yet, still searching for the BOSS information in front of the computer, it's almost done. Why are you still asleep at this late hour?" Fang Hui's voice came from the phone.

"I'm on the BOSS side." Xu Chen said.

There was silence for a while before saying: "You have not been swept out by BOSS."

"No, he kept me for one night."

"BOSS extra-legal enlightenment is rare to leave you as a rival. You do not sleep well and call me in the middle of the night to do what?"

"They do that in the next room, and I can't sleep."

Fang Hui almost didn't spray water, wondering: "Brother, don't you have such a heavy taste?"

"Their voice is a bit loud, and I'm in a panic, so I can't help but give you a call. If it bothers you, I'll hang up." Xu Chen didn't have much to say, so I was able to find it. Fang Hui was the only one chatting. They had been fighting side by side for many years, and they really looked at each other as brothers.

"Hey, wait." Fang Hui shouted.

Xu Chen didn't hang up, but just didn't know what to say.

There was also a silence for a while, Fang Hui coughed a few words intentionally, said: "Xu Chen, you have to know that you can't win BOSS, she is a woman of BOSS, why do you ask for guilt when you are a family of three? If you are missing a woman, I will introduce to you, you and BOSS rob women, there will be no good ending, listen to me a persuasion, tell BOSS to transfer you back, our brothers fought side by side, after forty, BOSS We have also cultivated a new batch of bodyguards, and we can retreat gloriously. Then, we will go to the Euclidean Group to take up a casual position, take the money we have saved over the years, marry a wife, and enjoy the life of the wife and children. "


Xu Chen was silent.

"Hello, wood, have you listened to me?"

"I listen."

"Wood, what I said just now is sincere. It is impossible for you and the young lady to come together. If possible, she would have been with you for the past two years. After all, she was divorced, but you I also saw that she has maintained a friend relationship with you, and do n’t be stupid. Our profession says that it ’s nice to be the bodyguard of BOSS, but everyone knows that our profession is a bit overwhelming. All of them have been killed, and some of the tasks performed are not visible. Do you think that you deserve the young lady? "Fang Hui said sharply, just because Xu Chen could retreat from difficulties, do not stay in Yao Yiyi. The two hanged from the tree. The two of them seemed obviously unworthy. However, he would not hit Xu Chen with such a hope, but he knew that it was impossible for him to sink into the quagmire, which hurt him.


Xu Chen was silent again.

"Hey, wood, you are saying something. Don't be like a dumb. If you want a woman, find someone who matches your identity or you are a little bit weaker than you but absolutely gentle and genial." Fang Hui suggested: "Find someone to live at home, young lady, you can't afford it, don't make me stupid."

"I'm sleepy, go to bed first." Xu Chen frowned, and hung up the phone when he finished speaking coldly, and the person who didn't dare to call yelled at all.

After talking with Fang Hui on the phone, Xu Chen was even more upset. Everyone was telling him that Yao Yiyi was not important. Even Yao Ting, who was interested in matching him with Yao Yiyi, appeared after Ou Qingheng appeared. It's also fart, but he didn't even give him a little breathing time.

He didn't expect Yao Yiyi to respond to him, but even he quietly looked at Yao Yiyi's chances, everyone else would have to claim it. This kind of taste, he was in it and he didn't know how to say it. Everyone He has not been asked if this person will have any pain in his heart. Everyone thinks that leaving Yao Yiyi is his best choice.

He scratched his hair irritably, like a trapped beast trapped in a cage.

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