Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 425: I just remind you

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After being separated from Mrs. Xu, Yiyi Yi thought that the company went to find Ou Qingheng. She stopped a car, got on the car and reported the address, took out her mobile phone and called Ou Qingheng. Almost connected.

"Qingheng, are you busy?" Yao Yiyi smiled sweetly, as if Mrs. Xu's sudden invitation did not affect her in any way.

"No, have you eaten yet?" Ou Qingheng over the phone said very softly.

"I've already eaten, have you eaten? Don't be too busy working and forget to eat, otherwise I will be angry." Yao Yiyi said.

"I've already eaten."

"Then you are busy first, and I will make you very delicious when you come back at night."

"Kiss me before I hang up."

Yao Yiyi looked at the driver who was not squinting, and his cheeks were a little hot, but he still took a slap in the phone.

Hanging up the phone, the driver smiled and said: "Miss, it seems that your relationship with your husband is very good. At first glance, it is an enviable pair."

"He is busy at work, but he still loves me."

"Looking at how beautiful the young lady looks, her married husband will not be too bad."

"It's decent, just raise a family."

In the car, Yao Yiyi and the driver had a pleasant conversation.

And Ou Qingheng in the Euclidean Group looked at the phone that had been hung up, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The tension in the meeting was also dissipated by Ou Qingheng's laugh, and the seniors who were frightened by Ou Qingheng's cold air pressure also relieved.

Ou Qingheng swept the eagerly awaiting crowd, and everyone quickly lowered their heads, daring not to make another one.

Ou Qingheng coughed artificially, and the voice was not so cold: "Manager Lin, what you just planned was quite good. You go back and give me a slight modification of the shortcomings I pointed out. , As long as other people have no other questions, this meeting is here. "

The named manager Lin secretly raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He nodded and said: "European President, I will definitely change it back and I will not let you down again."

"Manager Lin, take your time, look at your fat body, I was so scared of the sweat all over my body, go back and drink a cup of tea and be surprised." Ou Qingheng said rare and Yan Yue color.

Manager Lin was simply flattered, and others were very curious about who called Ou Qingheng. It was so magical that Ou Qingheng, who has always been fault-finding in his work, could rarely reveal his beauty and appearance. Come.

They really want to know where the phone is sacred, maybe they can save them when they make a big mistake.

The meeting was over and other senior leaders left. Zhang Zhiling followed behind Ou Qingheng and said, "Brother Ou, was that phone call Miss Yao just now?" She asked, but her expression was firm. She was also very jealous in her heart. She was jealous of why Yao Yiyi had such a great magic power for Ou Qingheng, which made a man who was just reprimanding his subordinates smile instantly, and all the troubles were gone.

Ou Qingheng stopped and turned to look at Zhang Zhiling coldly, and said, "Director Zhang, I transferred you to the planning department not to let you go to the boss's private business. Don't think that I won't dare to have my mother's support. What to do to you. "

Zhang Zhiling's face changed, she took a deep breath, pressed down the grievances that rose in her heart, and grinned reluctantly: "Brother Ou, I just didn't expect you to be separated for two years, and it's better to have no feelings and look better. I ’m just a little envious. "

Ou Qingheng turned around and lifted his leg away.

Zhang Zhiling quickly followed him and went directly into the office.

Ou Qingheng picked up the phone and dialed the number in the secretary's office. After connecting there, he said, "Linda, come in and ask Miss Zhang to leave."

Hanging up the phone, Ou Qingheng was busy working.

Zhang Zhiling leaned on the edge of the desk and bit her lip, saying, "Brother Ou, do you hate me so much?"

Without waiting for Ou Qingheng to answer, a knock was heard outside the door, and Ou Qingheng said loudly, "Come in."

Linda pushed the door in and walked directly to Zhang Zhiling's side, politely said: "Director Zhang, please outside."

Zhang Zhiling gave her a cold look and said with air: "Get out, it's not your turn for a little secretary to intervene between me and Brother Ou."

Linda raised a professional smile and glanced: "Director Zhang, it's working time now. I just follow the boss's order. Please don't make me embarrassed by this part-time job."

"Do you believe me make you directly unemployed?"


Linda has never seen such an arrogant and unwillingness, but she is a little secretary, and she ca n’t compete with Miss Zhangjia, and the words of others may make all her previous efforts disappear. , Become worthless.

"Linda, if some people are arrogant and unreasonable, I don't mind your use of brute force. This is the privilege I gave you, and in the company, no one can fire you except me." , Said without looking up.

Zhang Zhiling's face changed and changed, and Linda's mouth was twitched. Ou Qingheng meant that she could actually be a martial arts girl, but in fact she only wanted to be a lady. Grandma Ou's grandmother, she can't offend anyone of the two, and if she offends any one, she may lose her job.

"Director Zhang, please ask outside. You and Mr. Ou have a lot of opportunities to meet in private. There is no need to make the scene so embarrassing, which will only make each other unhappy." Linda made a gesture of invitation.

Zhang Zhiling stared at her fiercely, and went out angrily.

Linda breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ou Qing: "Mr. Ou, I'm going out first." After that, she went out directly, and there was no Zhang Zhiling outside.

"Linda, you are not easy. It has been sandwiched between President Zou and Director Zhang in the past two years. It's not easy to offend anyone. It's really hard." Another secretary said, expressing deep sympathy for Linda .

Linda also had a similar feeling and grinned reluctantly: "It's all about working part-time, the boss is in trouble. Those of us who are subordinates must come forward first, Mary, will you leave it to you next time?"

"Don't, I can't enjoy such a beautiful difference. Going in once or twice, I may not be able to bear my heart and just resign and leave. You can spare me."

Linda pouted, but didn't say much.

Zhang Zhiling, who was irritated, took the elevator directly down the stairs. She had just walked out of the elevator and had not walked out of the building. She saw Yao Yiyi who had just gotten off the taxi.

When two love rivals meet, it is inevitable that they will be especially jealous.

Yao Yiyi looked at the rushing Zhang Zhiling, the smile on the corner of her mouth faded.

"Miss Zhang, what a coincidence." Yao Yiyi said lightly, but his eyes involuntarily passed the work card Zhang Zhiling hung on her chest.

Zhang Zhiling looked at Yao Yiyi coldly and said coldly: "Yao Yiyi, why are you coming back? I and Qingheng are about to get engaged. Why are you still coming back and ruining all this? What is your intention?"

Yao Yiyi looked at the person without the Ou family, Zhang Zhiling with a terrible look, she couldn't help but laugh, this woman is really acting, how gentle and considerate and generous in front of Ou Qingheng, how prosperous in front of her Ling people.

She actually wanted to say that with two different masks, is she really not tired?

"Miss Zhang, here is my home, my lover, and my roots are here. I have no reason not to come back, do I?" Yao Yiyi said Yan Yandao with a smile. Yao Yiyi's calmness and Zhang Zhiling's aggressiveness formed a stark contrast.

Zhang Zhiling's good face twisted slightly.

"Miss Zhang, please pay attention. This is the place where you work, and all your colleagues come and go. I don't think you want your colleagues to think that you are a **** with teeth and claws. Qingheng's ears are gone, you are right, "Yao Yiyi said calmly.

"You threaten me?"

"Miss Zhang, this is wrong, I just kindly remind you, of course, you are not afraid of ugliness, this is when I haven't said it."

Zhang Zhiling looked at her coldly. After two years of absence, Yao Yiyi was more clever than she thought.

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