Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 410: Embarrassed

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Back at the apartment, Yao Yiyi just put An An down, and An An raised her head and asked, "When will Mom, Daddy and Godmother live with us again? I think the three of you, I do n’t want to go back to the place just now, The people there are very scary. "

Yao Yiyi listened to this and subconsciously looked at Ou Qingheng.

Ou Qingheng strode towards An'an, and Yao Yiyi was shocked. He subconsciously blocked An'an in front of him, but waited to do so and reflected how hurtful she had just behaved.

Ou Qingheng was also stunned by Yao Yiyi's calf. Yao Yiyi's behavior seemed to tell him that he was a very brutal person and would directly beat his own children.

Yao Yiyi was somewhat at a loss, wanting to explain: "Qingheng, I, I don't mean that."

Ou Qingheng's eyes dimmed, and then he smiled and said, "Silly woman."

Yao Yiyi looked at the smile on Ou Qingheng's face and couldn't help it. In two years' time, he really changed a lot and learned how to be inclusive, but changed Ou Qingheng but let her She felt distressed invisible, she couldn't imagine what a person who had been so high had experienced before she would converge her original domineering leak.

Ou Qingheng raised her hand and touched her hair and said, "Silly woman, don't think about it. Also, only useless men will beat their wives and children. In the future, if you think I will beat An An again, I can really Will be angry. "

Yao Yiyi felt a pain in his heart and said hoarsely, "Qingheng, I'm sorry, I really don't mean that."

Ou Qingheng pulled Yao Yiyi, then crouched in front of An An, stared at An An, and said in a tone to an adult: "Do you really like Xu Chen?"

Ann nodded.

"He is my daddy, of course I like him."

"Really hate me that much?"

An An tilted his head and looked carefully at Ou Qingheng before saying: "It's not really that annoying, my mother also said that you are my dear father, but I don't like you and my mother together, as long as you don't Taking my mother away, I tried not to hate you. "

Ou Qingheng smiled, this was the first time someone dared to say in front of him that he hated him, and this person was still his biological son.

It's ironic to think about it, he was disgusted by his son.

"Your mother, I will not give up, and you, destined to be my son, I believe it will not take long, you will like me."

An Anao Jiao hummed.

"You like Xu Chen, well, I promise you to let him continue to protect you by your side."

"Qingheng, you ..." Yao Yiyi stopped talking.

"An An likes Xu Chen, then I will let Xu Chen come back."

"Do not you mind?"

"My woman was thought by another man, Xiao, and said he didn't mind that it was hypocrisy, but I believe you haven't happened anything in two years, and nothing will happen in the future, will you?"

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng and wanted to recognize whether it was his sincere words or that she only said it for her happiness. When she came back this time, she obviously felt that Ou Qingheng had really changed a lot, as if everything had changed Taking her as the first, such him makes her feel distressed invisible.

"Qingheng, you don't have to do this, and I don't want Xu Chen to protect me and An'an. Some of them are overkill, and I'm destined not to respond to his feelings. Let him continue. It will be unfair to you and him." Yiyi thought about it and said her thoughts: "I used to be too selfish. I knew he had feelings for me, but I still have to act silly and stunned. Now I don't want to delay him."

Ou Qingheng stood up and came to her.

"Do you really think so?" Ou Qingheng said.

Yao Yiyi nodded.

An An ran up and hugged Yao Yiyi ’s thigh and said, "Mom, I want daddy. Please do n’t rush daddy away. An An really likes daddy."

Yao Yiyi showed a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.

"An An, you are good. Your godfather has his own business to go. He is very busy. He will come to see you when he is free." Yao Yiyi crouched down and said.

An An red eyed and cried: "Mom, you lied, I just ran to find daddy, daddy promised me, as long as you agree with him, he will come back, you now have to break the connection between An An and daddy for him, An An is very unhappy. "

Yao Yiyi felt a bit of a headache.

An An's accusations made her a little embarrassed, and she felt guilty for Ou Qingheng.

She didn't say goodbye at first, she shouldn't bring Xu Chen's, maybe it won't cause such an irreversible situation now.

All of this was caused by her one hand, really can't blame others.

"Mom, I want daddy." An An continued.


Yao Yiyi was silent.

Ou Qingheng looked at the mother and son, and his heart was rolling with uncomfortable discomfort. His fists were slowly clenched and loosened. He was angry, but he couldn't send it to An'an, and he didn't want to embarrass Yao Yiyi. He had to pretend to be very generous, so that Yao Yiyi really didn't care about him.

It is even harder to be a man, to be a man who takes care of his wife thoughtfully, and even more difficult to be a man whose wife has to understand.

This is the unprecedented taste of President of the University of Europe.

In the past, he played the world in the marriage with Yao Yiyi, and did not care about her feelings at all. Now that the retribution is coming, it is really not to report, but the time has not come yet.

Ou Qingheng could only smile bitterly.

Yao Yiyi persuaded An'an for a long time before he stopped.

Ou Qingheng also agreed to allow Xu Chenlai to continue to protect An An. Although Yao Yiyi refused but was troublesome, An An finally nodded and agreed.

Ou Qingheng accompanied Yao Yiyi to drive to work for a while. He has been with Yao Yiyi to treat eyes in the United States these days. He has piled up a lot of work that his subordinates do not have permission to deal with. So he didn't stay to accompany Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi took the person to the door and actively kissed him on the cheek, saying: "Drive carefully on the road."

Ou Qingheng clasped her head and gave her a French kiss very enthusiastically.

Waiting for parting, he resisted her head and whispered: "An An just insisted on asking another person to be his father, which has already hurt my soul. Tonight you can compensate me, otherwise I'm really sad Now. "

Yao Yiyi's cheeks were a little hot, but still said: "At night, I will surprise you."

Ou Qingheng's eyes were dull, and the burning masses deep in his eyes seemed to want to burn Yao Yiyi.

Ou Qingheng left, Yao Yiyi closed the door, turned around but saw An An standing not far away.

"An An, isn't your mother coaxing you to sleep, why did you get out of bed?" Yao Yiyi walked over and squatted down to ask.

"Mom, I have seen it all." An An milk whispered.

Yao Yiyi knew he was referring to her kissing with Ou Qingheng.

"An An, parents love each other, so kissing is quite common." Yao Yiyi carefully considered, and then said. But what she thinks is, is it really appropriate for her to talk to a two-year-old child?

"Mom, do you really not like daddy?" An An asked quite sadly.

"An An, your mother doesn't know how to explain the relationship between you and your mother. Your mother and your father are just good friends. You watch TV and you know that only husband and wife can like each other. Mother and father are together. Are you not happy? "Yao Yiyi thought for a while and said.

"But An An is so big, it's all looking at you and daddy. The big bad guy has never appeared. Why did he become my daddy all at once? Shouldn't daddy be my daddy? "An An tilted his head. He really couldn't figure out why his mother didn't like daddy, but instead liked the big bad guy?" The villain's family are terrifying and hostile to his mother. He doesn't like it.


Yao Yiyi was poor for a while.

"Mom, we want daddy, don't want that big bad guy, okay?"

Yao Yiyi was a little irritated.

"An An, you're still young. Mom doesn't know how to explain it to you, but Mom wants to discuss something with you. In the future, don't you call Xu Chen daddy in front of your dad? Your dad will be upset when he hears it, and his mom will be upset as well. "Yao Yiyi said in consultation.

An An pursed her small mouth, her face sloppy, and looked at Yao Yiyi a little unhappy.

"Mom, are you with the big bad guy, do you want to alienate me from daddy? Why don't you adults like something, you have to let the children follow you?"

Yao Yiyi was asked for a while.

"An An, my mother didn't mean that."

"Mother just meant that. My mother was afraid that the big bad guy would misunderstand and deliberately opened up daddy. If today I wisely avoided those nasty people and found daddy, are you going to stop me from seeing daddy?"

"An An, why do you think so?"

An An reached out his hands and suddenly wrapped around Yao Yiyi ’s neck, crying: "Mom, I want to play with daddy. I don't like the people who let me call her grandma at all. She doesn't like her mother at all. An An likes daddy. Mother and mother, we go back to our previous home, it ’s not good at all here. "

Yao Yiyi has mixed flavors.

An An has always been very sensible, and has never been troubled. This is the first time he heard from his mouth that he does n’t like someone. She thought that An An would like the people of the European family, but did not expect that ... she really did not I knew which link was wrong and why everything was off track.

It was really embarrassing for Yao Yiyi to hold An An. She didn't expect that her and Ou Qingheng's emotional path, An An's unintentional move also became a resistance.

She didn't know whether the children of other people would not like her biological father, but shouldn't An An adore him such an excellent man like Ou Qingheng, why did he turn it around?

Yao Yiyi's head hurts. For a while, she really didn't know what to do to deal with the relationship between their father and son.

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