Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 406: To return to An'an's custody

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An An was brought back by Xu Chen. As soon as he saw An An, Yao Yiyi ran over quickly and squatted in front of An An, just like recovering the lost baby, Yao Yi Yi held An An in his arms, Almost wanted to rub him into the bone blood.

Yao Yiyi cried and laughed and said, "An An, where are you? You are really terrifying your mother. If you are really gone, what will you do to your mother?"

An An also cried out loudly, and his little hand patted Yao Yiyi, saying: "Mom, grandpa and grandma said that you want to marry someone, don't be safe, they said that you will have other little babies when you marry others. I do n’t love An An, is that really the case? "

An An is quite clever, but he is still very young. Many right and wrong cannot be clearly distinguished.

Yao Yiyi's eyes changed and her mood became more complicated. She never thought that Father Ou and Mrs. Ou would be so incompetent. Saying such a lie in front of a child is simply to provoke disagreement and to be right and wrong. It is shameless to say such words in front of a two-year-old child who has not yet formed.

Ou Qingheng also looked at Father Ou and Mrs Ou in a complicated way after hearing An An.

Both Mrs. Ou and Ou's father flashed awkwardly.

"Dad, Mom, I know you still have some misunderstandings about Yiyi, but you shouldn't talk nonsense in front of the children either. The two of you are adults. You should know that saying this in front of the children will only hurt him. It will make him think that his mother doesn't love him and has to abandon him. "Ou Qingheng said in a deep voice, inevitably with a trace of blame.

Mrs. Ou slapped her shawl on her shoulders, and showed a gentle lady's tenderness: "Qing Heng, my dad and I are not malicious. Yiyi has divorced you. He has also lived with Xu Chen for the past two years. We do n’t know whether she and Xu Chen have happened, maybe the two have been together for a long time, maybe Mom knows that you do n’t want to believe in your heart, but she and Xu Chen have lived together for nearly two years. It is an indisputable fact that our Ou family does not want to have a daughter-in-law who is entangled with other men. "

Ou Qingheng's face became particularly ugly, and Yao Yiyi holding An An's back was also stiff. She did not expect that Mrs. Ou would say something like this.

"Mom, Yiyi is my woman, I hope you can respect her." Ou Qingheng said in a deep voice.

Mrs. Ou looked at Ou Qingheng.

Mrs. Ou sat on the sofa with Father Ou's arms on her shoulders, and looked very high.

"Yiyi, I think you and Xu Chen are quite humorous. As soon as you come, he appears with An An. You two have such a deep heart. If you really don't have anything, I really can't believe it." Mrs. Ou looked An An, hiding in Yao Yiyi's arms, said stingingly.

Yao Yiyi felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mom, I know that it was wrong to take An An without saying anything two years ago, but you ca n’t talk nonsense in front of An An either. Xu Chen and I are just good friends. You said that I could, but I could n’t pull Xu Chen on Come in. "Yao Yiyi hugged An'an, saying neither humble nor humble.

Before Mrs. Ou said anything, An An intervened: "Mom, why do you say that you are a good friend with daddy? We are a talented pair."

As the words fell, everyone's complexion changed, and each had their own thoughts.

Instead, Mrs. Ou calmed down. She looked at An An and said, "An An, what did you just call Xu Chen?"


"An An, have you always called Xu Chen daddy? How is his relationship with your mother?"

"Of course it is ..." Before the words were finished, An An's mouth was covered by Yao Yiyi.

"Mom, An'an is still young." Yao Yiyi said stiffly. She was really afraid that An An would say something misleading.

Mrs. Ou looked at Ou Qingheng and smiled: "Yiyi, you and Qingheng are also divorced. In principle, we ca n’t control who you are with. You and Xu Chen are also good together, but An An Can't bring it to you. "

An An embraced Yao Yiyi's neck and said crisply: "I want to be with my mother and daddy, not here."

Mrs. Ou squatted down, stared at An An, said very tenderly: "An An, you have grown up, your mother is going to pursue her own happiness, you have to be good, go back to grandpa and grandma, grandma plays with you every day , Grandma will treat you very well. "

An An buried in Yao Yiyi's neck, grieved: "Mom, I don't want to be separated from you, let's go back, here is terrible, we go back, there are you, daddy, godmother and beautiful uncle, don't want here."

Yao Yiyi listened sadly.

Ouqing Heng walked to Yao Yiyi's side, supported their mother and son, and then embraced An An from Yao Yiyi's arms, perhaps frightened by Mrs. Ou and Ou's father, An An was in Ou Qingheng's arms Rarely did not struggle.

Ou Qingheng coaxed An An and waited for An An to calm down before he looked at Mrs. Ou and said: "Mom, An An is grown up by Xu Chen looking at him, it is inevitable to be close to him, he is the godfather An An recognizes, An An It is understandable to call him daddy. Xu Chen and Yiyi are only good friends. I hope you can respect me. "

Mrs. Ou was also saddened. She gave her son with high hopes to resist her everywhere. This taste is beyond words.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are the cats and dogs of the previous life, so in this life they became the enemy who looked down on each other. In the previous five years, she loved Yao Yiduojiao because of Ou Qingheng ’s neglect of Yao Yiyiduo. Her sympathy and display, she is more fond of Yao Yiyi, and now the relationship is reversed, her status is threatened, her son is gradually out of her control, she could not help but sounded the alarm bell, Subconsciously, Yao Yiyi tried to make things difficult.

The daughter-in-law she wanted was the kind of obedient, but she was obedient, and Yao Yiyi obviously did not meet her conditions. She resisted any woman who could endanger her relationship with Ou Qingheng.

"Qin Heng, your son has called others daddy, and you have been sheltering all the way, do you have to wait until you see you before you are willing to believe that you have been wearing a green hat?" Mrs. Ou said.

Ou Qingheng took a deep breath and said, "Mom, An An was shocked today. I'll send them two mothers and sons back. Let's talk about something else."

"She can leave, An'an stays, I have already submitted the application to the court, and I want to get An's custody right back." Mrs. Ou said with surprise.

Yao Yiyi was shocked and subconsciously hugged An An tighter.

"Mom, An'an's custody right was negotiated with me from the beginning, you can't regret it." Yao Yiyi said as an enemy.

"I promised you, I thought you and Qingheng's divorce was just a joke. I didn't expect you to leave An'an without saying goodbye and give An'an to you. One day you took An'an and suddenly left. Where should I go to see my grandson? I should n’t argue with you in the face of An An, but An An, I ’m going to make up. He is the grandson of our Ou family. He will inherit the Ou Group in the future, and you will marry someone else. Road.

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng subconsciously.

Ou Qingheng felt that his head was jumping suddenly.

"Mom, don't do this." Ou Qingheng said helplessly.

"This is the result of my consultation with your father. An An, we must come back. Your father also plans to make An An the heir of the Ou Group in the future. When he grows up, the property of the Ou family will be inherited by you. You After marrying other wives, no matter whether they give birth to boys or girls, they do not have the right to inherit the Ou Group, this is the privilege that my father and I gave An An. "Mrs. Ou said her plan. For An An, she really hurt in the bone marrow.

"Mom, I am very grateful to you and Dad for their love for An An, but I only have Yi Yi. We have An An. She will regenerate her mood in the future. An An is the eldest son. When he grows up, I will hand over the company. To him, if he has other brothers and sisters, he also has to take good care of his brothers and sisters as a brother. You do n’t have to worry about so many. "

"Qingheng, are you mad at your mother?"

"Mom, I respect you. I hope that you and your dad will live for a hundred years, and your dad is almost out of the company. You can go around the world. I can arrange all this. Dad is busy working when he is young. I have n’t been able to accompany you, now is a good time. "

"Qingheng, you think your mother is old, do you want to drive her away?"

"Mom, I don't mean that."

"I think that's what you mean." Mrs. Ou also became tough: "Qingheng, your wings are hard. Don't forget that your dad still has the most say in the company. Ou Group still has the final say. , If he takes back the company's management rights, you will become nothing. "

Ou Qingheng lowered his eyes, and no one could see the emotion in his eyes.

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