Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Mrs. Ou calmed down and asked the servant to prepare some nutritious porridge and side dishes with various meat and vegetables, and went to the hospital with Ou Father.

Entering the ward, Yao Yiyi was still sleeping, while Ou Qingheng sat at the bed and looked at her quietly.

There was a lot of guilt in Mrs. Ou's heart. She put down the food in her hand and touched Yao Yiyi's head lovingly, whispering: "Not yet awake?"

Ou Qingheng shook his head and whispered: "Just fell asleep."

Mrs. Ou beckoned and said to Ou Qingheng: "Qingheng, come out with your mom."

Ou Qingheng got up and walked out of the ward with Mrs. Ou behind.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Ou Qingheng guessed how much Mrs. Ou wanted to find him.

Mrs. Ou looked at him seriously and said: "Yi Yi, the main messenger behind the car accident, do you know who it is?"

Ou Qingheng nodded.

Mrs. Ou thought for a while and said, "Qingheng, don't blame your sister too much. I have let her leave the Ou family to live alone."

Ou Qingheng glanced at Mrs. Ou, he knew that this was Mrs. Ou's biggest concession.

"Mom, I won't move her, but I won't help her if she has anything to do. I can't forgive someone who intentionally hurts my wife and children, even if this person is my sister."

Mrs. Ou sighed, Ou Qingheng said it was reasonable, but Ou Tingting was her daughter after all, no one would be so cruel to ignore her daughter's life and death, even if she committed a heinous crime.

"Qingheng, Mom knows that Tingting was wrong this time, and Mom is very angry and disappointed, but she is not a saint, it is impossible to make mistakes all her life, you should teach her a lesson this time, she is still young, she will go The road is still very long. If you can help, just help. Do n’t really care about her. Mom is your two children. Whoever is in trouble, mom is unwilling. "

Mrs. Ou said sincerely, there was also a slight pleading in her tone.

Ou Qingheng looked at Mrs. Ou very complicatedly.

Mrs. Ou's eyes flickered, and under Ou Qingheng's gaze, she was somewhat guilty.

"Mom, did you consider Yiyi's feelings at your request? Have you considered the grandson who is still in the baby's room? Yiyi has been giving birth to him for several days, but she hasn't seen her son at a glance. She even laughed aloud all over her body, and there was a blood clot in her head that was compressing her nerves, and she might be blind at any time. You said that treating her like her own daughter now makes me forgive the real murderer who wanted to kill her? "

Mrs. Ou was silent, with unspeakable pain in her eyes.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Tingting, both hands and back are flesh, and whoever gives up is a painful thing for her.

She treats Yao Yiyi as her own birth, but Ou Tingting is her biological daughter after all. She said that she was disappointed with Ou Tingting. In fact, after all, she still thought about Ou Tingting.

Born in October after pregnancy, Bai Yi Bai Shun spoiled growing up, how could it be said that if it does not hurt, it does not hurt.

Ou Qingheng's mood is also very complicated. He lowered his voice and said, "Mom, I don't care what you are from, I just want to say, for the time being, I won't forgive Ting Ting, in the future, will I help her, also Depends on her attitude towards Yiyi, if she still does n’t change her life, I ’m sorry, between wife and child, and sister, I will definitely choose to stand on the side of wife and child, after all, it ’s my wife who lives with me, and sister, It's unpleasant. She married someone else's family, and her heart is naturally biased towards her husband. This is understandable. Mom can't force me to be treated equally. "

Mrs. Ou looked at the closed door of the ward. For a moment, Wuwei Chenzai's emotions poured into her heart, making it difficult to expel her.

Ou Qingheng's tone softened. After all, he was his own mother, and his attitude was not too strong.

"Mom, you do n’t have to worry about her. She has done something wrong. She should be punished. I do n’t want to control her, but when she gets married, I will definitely give you a gift. It will make her too bad, and Yiyi will not see her wronged. "Ou Qingheng said.

Mrs. Ou nodded.

"Qin Heng, Tingting is looking for someone to hit Yiyi. Don't tell Yiyi. I don't want the gap between their aunts to grow bigger and bigger."

Ou Qingheng nodded.

"Mom, I didn't plan to tell Yiyi about this. I don't want her to encounter too many dark sides."

Mrs. Ou sighed again.

She knows that Ou Qingheng's prejudice towards Ou Tingting is getting bigger and bigger. The two brothers and sisters, who had originally had deep feelings, eventually evolved into this way. It can only be said that Ou Tingting's self-inflicted life cannot be lived.

In the end, the two mothers and sons did not continue to talk deeply.

Ou Tingting found someone to hit his sister-in-law, no longer mentioned by everyone in tacit agreement.

With the care of Ou Qinheng who asked for help, Yao Yiyi recovered very quickly. After spending more than half a month in the hospital, she was able to go to a small area for activities.

She was sitting in a wheelchair, and Ou Qingheng pushed her to the warm room, and the nurse specifically allowed her to see her son.

When he saw his white and tender son for the first time, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but turn red.

This is her son. She looks really good. Her eyebrows and nose look like Ou Qingheng. Her skin is also very good. She can't blow it up. She really can't see enough.

Yao Yiyi raised his hand and wanted to touch him, but he was afraid that his hand would damage the child, and he looked at the nurse innocently.

The female nurse couldn't help laughing: "Young lady, just touch it if you want. The children are not as vulnerable as you think, just don't touch them too many times, their skin is very delicate."

Yao Yiyi was relieved. She gently touched her son's small face. The soft touch on her skin softened her heart instantly.

"Qinheng, look, our son." Yao Yiyi's eyes showed a happy light, "His cheeks are so tender, so touched."

Ou Qingheng raised her hand and stroked her hair, spoiled and said: "He knows his mother came to see him today, so he behaved particularly well."

Yao Yiyi smiled happily, his chest was almost filled.

"If the son is awake, I want to see if his eyes look like you or me." Yao Yiyi said casually.

"The son's eyes are like you, and your eyes look good, so he looks like you, the water is spirited, and he looks at him, his heart can be softened by half." Ou Qingheng indirectly praised Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi gave him a sneer.

The female nurse covered her lips and smiled and said, "The relationship between Shao Ou and Mrs. Shao is really good."

Yao Yiyi smiled generously: "Thank you. Ye, you look so beautiful, and your husband should love you very much."

The female nurse named Ye Zi smiled and said: "It really hurts me. He is an honest man and he has no great skills. The only advantage is that he will hurt his wife, but it is definitely not less than Europe."

"Husband and wife's life is plain and ordinary. Husband will hurt people. When he is a wife, he also knows to be considerate. There are one or two babies in the family who are very caring, and it's enough to live a good life."

Ye Zi laughed: "Mrs. Young, I agree with this. Ou Shao got his wife like this.

Yao Yiyi lowered her eyebrows and bowed her head, her shallow smile rippling on her face.

"Qingheng, did your son take the name?" Yao Yiyi said.

"Daming hasn't married yet. My parents mean that if he can be discharged from the hospital when he is on the full moon, he will get it when he holds the full moon wine. If he can't be discharged, he will get it from the hospital. There is a nickname, It ’s called An An, and it means that he hopes he will be able to live a peaceful life. ”Ou Qingheng stroked Yao Yiyi ’s head and said softly.

Yao Yiyi looked at Sweet Sleep's young son tenderly and said softly: "An An, An An ... I'm your mummy. Before Mummy had surgery, she couldn't move all over her body. You couldn't see you for the first time, you will Don't blame mommy? "

An An just lay quietly on the bed, but I do n’t know if she sensed Yao Yiyi ’s mother ’s love. An An smile appeared on her lips, but it was fleeting.

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng with some excitement, and said with a smile: "Qingheng, look, look, our son smiled."

Ou Qingheng also smiled and said, "Our son likes you mom very much, he must have known that his mom came to see him, so this is to say hello to you."

Yao Yiyi's mood became very good.

The two spent about twenty minutes in the holding room. When they came out, Yao Yiyi was full of reluctance.

"Tomorrow we will come to see, An An has someone to take care of it, there will be nothing wrong, you can rest assured." Ou Qingheng widened her heart.

Yao Yiyi was still uneasy, "Qing Heng, if you and your mom take the children home, I always have a feeling of being not at ease in the hospital."

Ou Qingheng pushed her and said, "Mom said that An An will take him home in two days, but you can rest assured that I have let the bodyguard protect him in secret. No one of our Ou children can move. "

Yao Yiyi was relieved.

The two walked away slowly, and a man and a woman appeared on the other side of the corridor. The woman looked at Yao Yiyi in a wheelchair very resentfully.

"Honey, see. Your so-called lover is greedy and considerate to another woman, considerately." June said her arms around her chest, stimulating deliberately.

Yang Kexin's pale face was twisted, very ugly.

She clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of resentment.

"Qingheng is only pitying her, and when she is well, Qingheng will still come back to me." Yang Ke deceived himself.

June's eyes were cold, his hands clasped his chest and said: "Honey, before, I thought you were quite smart, but now it seems that you are playing the piano to be stupid. You don't believe what you saw, you have to deceive yourself, I can tell you You are my woman. I retaliated for both of you. You must go back with me. I think your mother should prefer me to be her son-in-law than Ou Qingheng. "

Yang Kexin did not look at him.

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