Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 192: Have a fever again

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Just as everyone was watching the operating room nervously, a ring of cellphone ringing suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked at Yao Ting collectively according to the sound source of the mobile phone ringtone, and Yao Ting still didn't respond.

Mrs. Ou pointed at her bag, and Yao Ting reacted at this moment. She hurriedly took out her cell phone from the bag, and the word "Zhong Li" was displayed on the screen.

Yao Ting's brows were subconsciously wrinkled, and she could not talk about how Li Haoran would call her, but when she thought that Yao Yiyi was still in the operating room, she hung up the phone directly.

Unexpectedly, there was also perseverance, making five consecutive calls, Mrs. Ou said softly: "Yao Ting, you just answer it, maybe the people over there may be in a hurry."

Yao Ting nodded apologetically at her, and then took the phone to the other side to answer the phone.

Yao Ting was not very emotional and answered the phone. There was a keen sense of what was wrong in her voice.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Li Haoran's very magnetic voice came.

I don't know the reason. When I heard Li Haoran's voice, Yao Ting's nervous emotion broke out at once, and his voice was a little choked: "I'm fine, Mr. Li. If you don't have anything, I'll hang up the phone."

"Slow down. Where are you now? I used to look for you immediately, not allowed to slap me. You know I have many ways to find out where you are." Li Haoran said very **** the phone.

Yao Ting had better say that she was in the Municipal People's Hospital.

Li Haoran was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I am going right now, everything is with me, don't worry."

After talking, Li Haoran hung up the phone directly.

Yao Ting looked at the dimmed screen, her heart slowly calmed down strangely, unlike the previous rare breathless.

Yao Ting put the phone back in the bag and walked back to the operating room. Mrs. Ou glanced at her and asked with concern: "Who called? Is there anything urgent for your friend?"

Yao Ting shook his head and said, "A friend, he thought I was thinking about coming to me at home. I said he was not there, and he didn't say anything."

Mrs. Ou nodded, and was not in a mood to say much.

The atmosphere outside the operating room suddenly became heavy and condensed again.

Li Haoran came in about 45 minutes. When he walked towards Yao Ting, it seemed like a beam of light was coming over. His excellent appearance almost eclipsed everything.

"Have you been injured?" Li Haoran went directly to Yao Ting and asked with great concern.

Yao Ting just looked at Li Haoran blankly. She didn't expect Li Haoran to come so fast.

"You, are you here?" In front of Li Haoran, Yao Ting once again lost his ability to speak without any interest, and his speech was stuttering.

Li Haoran raised her hand and touched her cheek, repeating again: "Where was injured?"

Yao Ting froze for a while, and said like a lost soul: "I'm fine, it's Yiyi."

Li Haoran frowned, looked up at the operating room, and said, "What's wrong with her?"

Yao Ting's eyes dimmed at once, and he shook his head a little unconsciously.

Mrs. Ou pretended to cough and said, "Yao Ting, is this?"

Yao Ting remembered this, not here she and Li Haoran.

Her cheeks couldn't help getting hot, and she couldn't help but glared at Li Haoran. Li Haoran was calm and said very gentleman: "Auntie, hello, I'm Li Haoran, currently the owner of the publishing company to which Yao Ting belongs, soon It ’s her boyfriend, or her husband. "

Yao Ting is anxious. This man really dares to say anything.

"Mr. Li, don't talk nonsense."

Li Haoran blinked his eyes, his innocent expression was rare: "I am telling the truth, is there something wrong?"

Yao Ting was anxious.

Mrs. Ou looked at Li Haoran from head to toe without showing any traces. Rao was a lot of handsome men and women she had seen, but Li Haoran's outstanding appearance still surprised her a lot.

This man, who looks almost like a demon, has such a look. I am afraid that not many men can reach it. Even if she is proud of her son, I am afraid that he will be inferior in front of him.

Mrs. Ou said: "Mr. Li, you look very good."

Li Haoran smiled decently: "Thank you Aunt for her compliment, just call me Haoran."

Mrs. Ou nodded slightly.

"Horan came here today. We all know each other. Are you planning to pursue my **** daughter?" Mrs. Ou asked straight away.

Li Haoran tilted his head in doubt.

Mrs. Ou said with some alienation: "I just recognized Yao Ting, so I have the right to ask her suitors."

Li Haoran looked the same and smiled, "It's a blessing to be able to have a temperament like aunt as a godmother. She also saves her because she doesn't match me with thousands of miles because of her mismatch. Where I ca n’t tolerate it, this is better. The identity of Ou Jiaqian ’s daughter is worthy of the owner of a small publishing company. ”

Mrs. Ou looked at Li Haoran without showing any traces. Although he smiled on his face, his eyes did not change because he heard the five words of Ou Jiaqian's daughter, and his appreciation of him was a little more.

"Hao Ran, you are a very good man. In terms of appearance, even my son Ou Qingheng can't compare with me. Seriously, I'm really not sure that you are after my dry daughter." Madam Ou said.

Li Haoran just said: "Auntie, her appearance is nothing but a stinky skin. True love is coming. Actually, it has nothing to do with appearance, is it?"

Mrs. Ou nodded.

"My daughter-in-law is still in the operating room, and I'm not in a good mood to talk about anything. Waiting for Yiyi is really good. Everyone has an appointment to drink tea and talk. I really like the dry daughter Yao Ting. Hard work here, I must also help her as a goddamn. "Mrs. Ou's voice is very gentle.

Gentleman Li Haoran nodded.

He stood behind Yao Ting innocently, gently held her hand, Yao Ting was surprised, and looked up at him.

Li Haoran smiled at her soothingly, and said with her mouth: "Don't worry, I'm here."

Yao Ting's atrium was hit at once, her eyes became a little wet, and she whispered: "Mr. Li, thank you!"

Li Haoran disregarded the others present and raised his hand to pat Yao Ting's head. Yao Ting's eyes widened at once, and he looked at Li Haoran blankly.

But Mrs. Ou looked at Li Haoran, who was out of the cabinet, and didn't say much.

Several of them waited in the morning outside the operating room before the door of the operating room was opened, and a group of doctors led by James came out from inside.

Ou Qingheng walked forward to James in one step, and it was difficult to say calmly: "James, what about Yiyi?"

James looked tired, but his expression was a little excited.

"Hang, don't worry, the sister-in-law's situation is still under control. She is a postoperative complication and accidentally caused a high fever. If you find it longer, it will really cause pneumonia." James said.

Ou Qingheng was relieved, and the heart he lifted finally dropped.

He raised his hand and patted James on the shoulder, saying: "James, thank you, this time I count on you."

James shrugged.

Ou Qingheng looked at the other doctors and said, "Everyone, thank you. When Yiyi's situation stabilizes, I will definitely host a banquet to treat you well."

Dr. Zhang said with a smile: "Ou Shao is kind, this is our job."

Ou Qingheng said: "You have worked hard today, so go back and have a good rest. When the situation is stable, I will definitely repay you."

The two sides politely talked to each other before Dr. Zhang and other doctors left.

Ou Qingheng followed Yao Yiyi's bed into the ward. He looked at Yao Yiyi seriously and couldn't help but correct it. His mood was unspeakably complicated.

If he can, he really would rather be the one lying on the bed.

Ou Qingheng squatted down, gently grabbed Yao Yiyi's hand and placed it on his cheek, his brow could not help but wrinkle, Yao Yiyi's hand temperature was lower than he thought, cold and cold, This gave him the illusion that the woman lying on the bed was about to leave him.

"Silly woman, when will you let me not worry?" Ou Qingheng said in a low voice.

Mrs. Ou put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Qingheng, don't be like this. Isn't James saying that Yiyi is not dangerous? After she rests well, she will wake up."

Ou Qingheng was buried in the palm of Yao Yiyi's palm, and his mood was very mixed. He said in a muffled voice: "Mom, I'm fine. It's not too early now. You and dad go back to rest first. All night, my body must be very tired. "

Mrs. Ou thought that Ou Qingheng should now want to say something to Yao Yiyi, so she nodded and agreed.

"Okay, let's all go back to rest first, can you take care of Yiyi alone here?" Mrs. Ou said with some uneasiness.

Ou Qingheng nodded.

"Then let's go first, call Ma if you have anything to do."

Ou Qingheng did not speak.

Mrs. Ou said to Ou and Yao Ting: "Let ’s go first and leave them alone."

Mrs. Ou and his party left the ward.

In the ward, Ou Qingheng was still half kneeling beside the bed. He looked up and looked at Yao Yiyi with deep eyes. He whispered: "Women, you look really ugly now, pale and bloodless. It ’s not the same as the charming and charming women I know. If you do n’t get well soon, I will take back the feeling of loving you, and then you will become unrequited love. ”

Yao Yiyi was still asleep in bed, and she didn't respond at all.

Ou Qingheng gently rubbed Yao Yiyi's cold hand and said, "Okay, I was just kidding. My woman, no matter what it becomes, is very beautiful. You don't want to listen to my love Are you? As long as you are well, I will tell you the three words you want to listen to the most. "

Yao Yiyi was still lying in bed quietly.

Ouqing Heng reached out and gently stroked the oxygen cylinder on her face, saying: "Have a good night's sleep, wait for you, I will definitely tell you what you want, if you want plain happiness, I will Try to give you as much as possible and will never let you down. "

Ou Qingheng stood up and unfolded the folding chair. The tall body curled up on top of it, but the hand still firmly grasped Yao Yiyi's hand, and he gently stroked the back of her hand.

"Women, good night, you sleep well, I've always been there." Ou Qingheng lay on the folding chair and said softly.

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