Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

James stumbled forward a few steps, and Mrs. Ou quickly helped people, saying, "Qingheng, what are you doing?"

Ou Qingheng raised his hand to cover his forehead and said: "Mom, he is fooling, why are you fooling with him too? He loves to play, there are countless women around him, if Yao Ting is introduced to her, I'm afraid Yiyi will kill you."

James raised his hands and refused to accept the air: "Heng, without you, I really want to find a Chinese daughter-in-law, you must not take me into the gutter, or my friends would have to do it. "

Mrs. Ou was crying and laughing because of the two.

"Okay, okay, I am just kidding."

James stepped in front of Mrs. Ou and said, "Auntie, you can't joke. I'm serious. Yao Ting is also good. Although not as good as the sister-in-law, she is also a beautiful woman. Her temperament is also very appetizing for you. give it to me."

Mrs. Ou was surprised, "Are you serious?"

James immediately put out a very serious face.

But Mrs. Ou said nothing. She was just joking more than she was serious.

So when Yao Ting came in, she keenly felt that the atmosphere was a little strange, especially James's gaze that fell on her intentionally or unintentionally, so she couldn't help goose bumps.

She glared at James angrily, and she could n’t go too far due to the presence of her elders. She had to pretend not to see James ’s explicit eyes and greeted him very politely: “Uncle, aunt, you slept well yesterday. ?"

Mrs. Ou pulled the man over and smiled: "What aunt, uncle, did I tell you to recognize you as a daughter? I will be called a mother in the future. You and Yiyi are good sisters. Even a family. "

Yao Ting was a bit unnatural, she just went back overnight, why everyone's attitude seemed to have changed.

Yao Ting laughed unnaturally and changed the subject: "Auntie, how is Yiyi? Have you woke up?"

Mrs. Ou said with a smile: "Don't worry, Qingheng said she had woken up once this morning, but she was still too weak to sleep after a while."

Yao Ting was relieved.

Yao Ting leaned to the head of the bed and looked at Yao Yiyi carefully. His face was very pale, and he was obviously thinner.

She was very distressed and said, "Yiyi is thin."

Mrs. Ou said: "It's a lot thinner. When she is discharged from the hospital, you must make good food for her to make up. You should lose a lot of weight. You should make up well. You have lost a lot of blood to Yiyi and you have n’t been able to take a good rest. Your complexion does n’t look particularly good, otherwise I ’ll let James accompany you to the restaurant for some delicious food. "

Yao Ting had a strange feeling in her heart. She had an illusion that Mrs. Ou seemed to intend to put her and James together.

"Auntie, no, I ate a little when I first came." Yao Ting found an excuse.

James squinted up.

"Beauty, let's go, let me be a gentleman." James made a very gentleman's gesture.

Yao Ting felt his brain twitching.

A weak voice came: "Mom, Tingting, you are all here."

Yao Ting drew back his gaze on James and said in surprise: "Yiyi, are you awake?"

Squatting by the bed, watching Yao Yiyi, who was slowly rejuvenating in front of her eyes, Yao Ting felt real.

"My dear, you scared me to death. You have been in the operating room several times. I'm really afraid that you won't wake up anymore." Yao Ting said, and couldn't help crying: "My dear, you It really scared me, it really scared me. "

Yao Ting can only repeat this sentence when he is sad.

Yao Yiyi raised her hand hard, patted Yao Ting's head, and said: "Good, don't cry."

Yao Ting wiped her tears, crying and laughing, looking very embarrassed.

Yao Ting said: "My dear, do I look particularly ugly?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said: "No, you are beautiful, even if the makeup is spent, it is also very beautiful. In my heart, it is the first beauty in the world."

Yao Ting Ren Jun couldn't help.

Mrs. Ou also leaned over to the bed and grabbed Yao Yiyi's hand.

"Yiyi." Madam Ou exclaimed emotionally.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said apologetically: "Mom, I'm sorry to worry you."

Mrs. Ou shook her hand and shook her head: "You can just wake up and watch you enter the operating room continuously. Mom is really worried about it. She will not be so scared in the future. Mom has a bad heart. If you are so scared, you will have a heart attack one day. "

Yao Yiyi was even more guilty: "Mom, sorry."

Mrs. Ou spoiled and said: "Stupid boy, don't say sorry to mom, as long as you are good."

Like thinking of something, Mrs. Ou said with a smile: "The little baby is very cute, the little hands and feet are very powerful, the nose and eyes look like you, and the lips are like Qingheng. He almost combines all the advantages of the two of you. He looks handsome, although he was just three days old and grows faster than other children. "

Yao Yiyi's longing look: "Mom, can I watch now?"

Mrs. Ou patted her hand and said, "I know you are in a hurry, but you are not in good health yet, and the little baby is now poorly resistant. After a few days, I will let the doctor hug you and show you."

Yao Yiyi had to wait for the anxiety in her heart.

Mrs. Ou said: "The child is very good and very healthy. Doctors say he can do nothing after the car accident. It can be said to be a medical miracle."

Yao Yiyi is also full of relief.

When the car crashed into her, her hands subconsciously protected her belly. When the car crashed her out, there was only one thought in her mind, that is, her child could not have an accident. I can't remember it anymore.

Mrs. Ou said: "Everyone says that you are a great mother. You gave your child protection and strength, so when he was born, nothing happened."

Yao Yiyi smiled happily.

Whatever the reason, as long as her child is fine.

Mrs. Ou dialed her hair: "Don't think about it anymore. Take care of your body. When you are ready, we will be discharged to the home of Ou's house. I will take care of you and your children there.

Yao Yiyi just smiled, and did not respond to Mrs. Ou whether she agreed to return to the home of Ou's house.

James opened his mouth and looked for a sense of presence: "Sister-in-law, do you remember me?"

Yao Yiyi looked at James and smiled: "James."

"Sister-in-law is really memorable. I haven't seen you in a few months. You can still remember my name. This is really a great honor for me. I am very happy." James said very exaggeratedly, and as a result, Yao Yiyi laughed.

"James are handsome and have good medical skills. The most important thing is that you are Yao Ting's life-saving benefactor. I want to forget that you are difficult. I am very grateful that you can spare time to save Tingting when you are busy." Yao Yiyi said very sincerely.

James is a little proud.

"Sister-in-law, you can survive this car accident. I am also indispensable. When you are ready, please give me a big meal in return." James said cheeky.

Yao Ting could not help but glared at him, she had never seen such a big man with such a thick skin.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "James, thank you. When I'm ready, I will treat you well."

James continued to jokingly say: "The grace of life-saving, when Yongquan tells me, sister-in-law, I will not let you agree with me, or you will introduce me the good girlfriends around you, what do you think? "

Yao Yiyi froze for a moment.

Yao Ting politely kicked his ankle and said, "You are talking nonsense, I tear you up, do you believe it?"

James took care of his chest with both hands and made a terrified look.

"Sister-in-law, do you think your friend is like a tigress, don't you teach me something?"

Yao Yiyi couldn't help laughing, but unexpectedly pulled the wound, and she gasped when she hurt.

Yao Ting politely yelled at James and said, "Tell you to talk nonsense, tell you to talk nonsense."

Yao Yiyi waved her hands and couldn't help crying: "Tingting, James is anyway a guest from across the ocean. Don't be so violent to people."

Yao Ting stopped.

Ou Qingheng carefully hugged people in his arms and whispered: "Are you all right?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

Ou Qingheng raised his head and glared at James, indicating that he should stop talking nonsense.

James raised his hand and said: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I'm just kidding you, don't mind."

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "I'm fine, you are too nervous." Then, she looked at Ou Qingheng and said, "How much is it now?"

"It's almost eleven."

Yao Yiyi nodded and said: "Dad, Mom, James finally came to China. You are the host. If you take someone to eat, I will leave two care workers here to take care of it."

Mrs. Ou looked at Father Ou. Father Ou nodded at her.

Mrs. Ou said: "Qingheng is taking care of you here. James and his mentor also took part in saving you last night. Otherwise, it is still unknown whether you can wake up so early. It is appropriate to invite guests to dinner."

James waved his hands and smiled, "Auntie, no need, I just made a joke. I ran around all these years. I haven't eaten any good things. Don't worry at this moment."

Mrs. Ou said with a smile: "No, this meal should invite you and your tutor and the doctors in the hospital, but they are busy and do not know if they can get it. If they are not available, they will each seal a big red envelope. All right."

Finally, Mrs. Ou sincerely invited James to go, and Yao Ting was taken by James with a strong hand.

Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi were left in the ward at once.

Yao Yiyi thought deeply and said weakly: "James wants to chase Tingting?"

"He is just playing around, don't mind him." Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said.

Yao Yiyi looked at him and suddenly said: "Zou Ou, I said earlier, I don't like foreigners, I just think that James and Tingting are not suitable. He is too jumpy and too dazzling. There must be all kinds of people around him. All kinds of beauties, Tingting is either not good, or thinks that two people belong to two worlds. "

Ou Qingheng touched her face, a bit cold, he could not help frowning, said: "How come your face is so cold?"

Yao Yiyi looked at him helplessly and said, "Zhou Ou, have you listened to me?"

Ou Qingheng couldn't help but pinched her cheek, helplessly said: "Women, you are still ill, the doctor even asserted that you may die, now, your task is to take care of yourself, the other, you Less brainy. "

Yao Yiyi couldn't laugh or cry.

Ou Qingheng kissed her lips softly and said: "Don't worry about others, eh?"

Yao Yiyi compromised: "Mr. Ou, Ting Ting is no one else, she is my good friend."

Ou Qingheng's eyes were very firm, and people couldn't help taking a step back: "Okay, I promise, James won't be harassed by Yao Ting, but if the two fall in love at first sight, then I can't control it."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Ou Qingheng originally wanted to stay with Yao Yiyi for a while. Unexpectedly, the door of the ward was opened. Ou Qingheng looked over and looked at the people who came in. He couldn't help but frown.

Even Yao Yiyi saw the smile on his face slowly dissipated.

"Heng, I heard that Miss Yao was also hospitalized, so my mother pushed me over to see her." Yang Kexin was sitting in a wheelchair, his face was pale, and his speech was a bit weak.

Yao Yiyi wanted to sit up, but didn't expect to get a wound as soon as she moved.

Ou Qingheng immediately supported her, distressed and said: "Don't move."

Yao Yiyi smiled at him.

Yang Kexin in the wheelchair looked at the picture of the two people's love, his fingers clasped the wheelchair tightly, and the pale back of his hand was exposed.

"Heng, after you left me yesterday, I also passed out, don't you care about me?" Yang Ke thought.

Ou Qingheng frowned.

"Keep in mind, you are good, I will take the time to look at you. Now Yiyi is not very comfortable. She needs to recuperate, so you can go back first, can you?" Ou Qingheng patiently said.

Yang Kexin looked at him hurtfully and said repressively: "Heng, you wouldn't treat me like that before. Even if my finger was cut off before, you will feel distressed all day. Do n’t you feel distressed if you cut your wrist to commit suicide and almost fell downstairs? "

Ou Qingheng is very irritable.

Yao Yiyi raised his hand and patted the back of his hand, compromising: "Mr. Ou, I think Miss Yang's condition is not particularly good. You might as well send her back to the ward first."

Ou Qingheng just looked at her.

Yao Yiyi avoided his eyes subconsciously, and said with a deep voice: "Mr. Ou, you should send Miss Yang back first. After all, you owe her an explanation."

Ou Qingheng understood the meaning in her words. This emotional entanglement was caused by him. He should be dealt with by him. If one is not handled well, two women would be injured by him at the same time.

In vain, he was able to deal with a billion-dollar project without changing his face, but now, he is caught in the entanglement between two women and has some headaches.

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