Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 179: Depressed mood

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Mrs. Ou sighed.

She can only hope that Yiyi is okay now. She treats Yiyi like her own daughter. She naturally hopes that she can be well and her son can be well.

Father Ou hugged her shoulders and said, "Don't think about it, I still say that, children and grandchildren have children and grandchildren, everything will be fine."

Mrs. Ou nodded and said nothing more.

On the other side, Ou Qingheng, after leaving the ward, met Mrs. Yang who was approaching. When Mrs. Yang saw him, his face turned black instantly.

Mrs. Yang came towards him impatiently, holding her breath: "Qingheng, you finally remembered it."

Ou Qingheng just glanced at her lightly and said calmly: "Aunt Yang, I still have something to do, but I'll ask you to take care of it."

After talking, he was about to go around Mrs. Yang, but was directly blocked by Mrs. Yang.

Mrs. Yang said with a anger: "Ou Qingheng, what do you mean? But she committed suicide for you. She is still in the ward. Although she was awake, you never came to the hospital to see her, the doctor said She has a tendency to depression. Is this how you love her? "

Ou Qingheng lowered his face, his eyes sharp, and gave Mrs. Yang a look of self-esteem.

When he looked at him like this, Mrs. Yang felt a little timid as if she didn't have a good time.

When she realized that such a gaze in front of a junior made her feel very faceless, she was even more angry at this thought.

"Ou Qingheng, what the **** is going on with you? But after suffering so much for you, you plan to give it up so badly?" Mrs. Yang said a little aggressively.

Ou Qingheng felt a pain in his head.

"Aunt Yang, don't make trouble, okay? I really have something to do. When I'm busy, I must go to the door and apologize." Ou Qingheng patiently said.

Mrs. Yang became even more angry when she heard it.

"Ou Qingheng, what do you mean? What do you think of us as a beggar? A beggar? I tell you, if you do n’t look at Kexin today, I ’ll have no end with you, I ’m such a daughter, If she has a short or a long one, I'll be out. "

Ou Qingheng's fist was slowly clenched, and the fire was also on the verge of spiritual realm.

"Aunt Yang, I respect you as an elder, but can you be like an elder?" Ou Qingheng's voice was almost cold and indifferent.

Mrs. Yang stared at him.

Ou Qingheng took a deep breath and said, "Aunt Yang, I still have something to do. Let's go first."

Mrs. Yang still stopped him indifferently.

Faced with Ou Qingheng's eyes, Mrs. Yang subconsciously softened, and her voice begged a little: "Qingheng, Auntie has just been impulsive, please go and take a look at it. The situation is not particularly good. You have been Avoid seeing, not answering the phone, go to your company to find you, they all say you are not there, I do n’t know what you are busy with, but it ’s because you and Kexin used to be really in love, go check Kexin, She seldom speaks when she does n’t eat. The only thing she said was when she came. The doctor said she might get depressed if she went on like this. If the aunt begged you, the aunt would be her daughter. The aunt ca n’t lose her. ”

Ou Qingheng felt his head swell.

The two women who were deeply entangled in his life had an accident at the same time. He didn't know which side the balance was inclined to, but his heart clearly told him that he was more worried about Yao Yiyi. He didn't want Yao Yiyi to have an accident. He was also a little unbearable, but compared with Yao Yiyi, who was alive and dead, he could only apologize.

"Aunt Yang, I ..."

Ou Qingheng's words were not finished yet, and Mrs. Ou's voice came from behind him: "Qinheng, why are you still here?"

After talking, Mrs. Ou and Ou father saw Mrs. Yang at the same time.

Mrs. Yang looked at Mrs. Ou, the expression on her face was a little complicated.

Maybe it was a little unpleasant before, so the atmosphere between them felt a little awkward.

"Don't the people of Zhen Guo be with you?" Mrs. Ou took the lead and broke the unspeakable embarrassment.

Mrs. Yang said: "He accompanies Kexin in the ward."

"Will you wake up? Is she okay?" Mrs. Ou asked with sincere concern.

"I can't die for the time being." Mrs. Yang's tone was a little rushed, and she realized that her tone was not right after she said it. She softened again. "Yazhu, Lao Ou, we have known each other for a few years now. How deep, but in the end it is an old friend, you can ask Qing Heng to go and see with me. She seldom speaks when she wakes up, and her desire to survive is not particularly strong. The doctor said she may get depression. , I think I have to be the bell person to solve the ringing. Qingheng is her medicine. As long as he goes to see Kexin, Kexin will definitely get better soon. "

Mrs. Ou gave a subconscious look to Ou Qingheng.

"Qingheng, you happen to be in the hospital, so you can go check it out. My dad and I will go to see Yiyi first."

Mrs. Ou thought, and said.

Without waiting for Ou Qingheng's answer, Mrs. Yang immediately grasped the core of the question: "Is Yao Yiyi also hospitalized? She was born? I remember her due date is not these few days, why, premature delivery?"

Mrs. Ou shook her head and said lightly: "Her body is a little uncomfortable, come to the hospital for a check."

Mrs. Yang apparently did not believe it, but instead turned to the words: "I'll go and see her with you, and it happens to be in the same hospital. She is the daughter-in-law of the Ou's family. It ’s unreasonable not to look at it. ”

Mrs. Ou was clearly impatient.

Ou Qingheng said: "Aunt Yang, can you stop the trouble, okay? Is it funny that you are so foolish?"

Mrs. Yang's eyes widened and she sneered again and again: "My daughter is almost melancholic. Your Ou family obviously chose to turn a blind eye in the hospital. Now it's my fault. Who is bullying."

Mrs. Ou's eyes burned with anger, and this woman really wanted to exhaust the love of the two Yangou families over the years.

She is so troublesome, don't you want to think about what happens when you meet in the future?

Mrs. Ou never thought that Mrs. Yang would be such a conspicuous woman.

Father Ou said: "Qingheng, please go check it out. It's because she is like you. You are a man, so you should take on the responsibilities you should take."

Ou Qingheng's fists were held and then slowly released.

"Dad, Mom, let me go for a while, and Yiyi will take care of your second elder."

Mrs. Ou nodded.

After Ou Qingheng and Mrs. Yang left, Mrs. Ou said angrily: "What the **** is going on with this woman? She used to think she knew the book rationally, and there was a woman's charm in her hands and feet, how could it be like that Is it unreasonable? "

Father Ou patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be angry, she will feel like a daughter. After all, Qingheng did something that wasn't very kind. In any case, in this three-person emotional contest In the case of women, the injuries are always more than those of men. "

Mrs. Ou frowned, and finally sighed, but she didn't say much.

Father Ou and Mrs Ou came out of the intensive care unit. Yao Ting greeted them when they saw them coming.

Mrs. Ou looked distressedly at Yao Yiyi with a tube in her ward, and said, "Is Yiyi still the same?"

Yao Ting nodded.

"The doctor just came and said that her physical resistance is still very weak, and we can't go in to see it yet."

Mrs. Ou couldn't help turning red.

Just then, her cell phone rang, and she took it out and saw it from Uncle Liu.

She took it and said, "Hey, old Liu."

"Yazhu, are you and Lao Ou free now? Come to my office and I have something to tell you." Liu Shu said on the phone.

Mrs. Ou's heart was raised at once. She had a hunch that what Liu Shu said might be related to Yao Yiyi's condition, and it was very bad.

"Okay, old Ou and I are passing now." Madam Ou said with a trembling voice.

After hanging up the phone, she said reluctantly: "Yao Ting, please look at Yiyi here. Your uncle and I will go to the dean."

Yao Ting nodded.

When Mrs. Ou and his father left, Yao Ting's heart was ups and downs. Ringer patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't think about it for a long time. The Yiyiji people have their own appearance and they will be fine."

Yao Ting sighed, watching Yao Yiyi, who was filled with tubes all over the intensive care unit, couldn't help but pull into a ball.

"Brother Lin, you don't know, Yiyi is actually quite painful. Before she had a small wound on her hand, she could grieve and say that it hurts, but since she married Ou Qingheng, she made herself stronger. It seems to be open to everything, but who knows that she is bitter in her heart, the wealthy daughter-in-law is not as bright and beautiful as the outsiders see. Many times she pulls me to drink, half-smoked and not drunk , She said a lot about Ou Qingheng, she really loved this man miserably, but also because of this man ’s frequent accidents, this car accident, I think most of this man is also related to this man. Such an embarrassment, she loves beauty so much, I ca n’t imagine how she can tolerate her becoming a body that can only breathe but cannot think if she ca n’t wake up. "

Yao Ting could not help crying as she said.

Ringer was at a loss, he didn't know how to comfort the crying woman.

Regardless of the rules of the hospital, Ringer took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, lit it, and took a breath. There will be a solution. "

Comforted by him so lame, the sad and strange smoke in Yao Ting's heart disappeared.

She couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Lin, I'm sick, sorry, let you read the joke."

Ringer waved his hands, looking at Yao Yiyi in the glass with a very complicated gaze, with a mixed mood.

He didn't think of the shining woman not long ago, but he was lying on the hospital bed at the moment, letting the cold instrument be inserted into his body, and he could only say that he was making a fuss.

In front of life, even if he has a lot of money, it is actually a helpless one.

Yao Ting and Ringer are in a low mood.

Yao Ting said: "Brother Lin, the hospital can't smoke. I think you should put out the smoke first, otherwise the nurse will know that you will be successful."

Ringer obediently extinguished the smoke.

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