Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 940: What a mistake in cultivation!

Tony, the guide, really found the right one.

Jiang Heng was very satisfied with Tony's answer and said that the money was well spent, but he also had more doubts.

"Then do you know why these military people do this?"

"This.....My lord, you think too highly of me. To put it bluntly, I am only a small domain owner. Although there is still some connections in the one-acre three-point land in Wanxing City, how can I know the plan of the high-level officials in the southern border?" Nah." Tony was speechless, thinking that this lord really wants to ask everything, but unfortunately he is just a small person.

"Well, I did ask something inappropriate, then let me ask you, do you know that after these people were taken away, did the martial arts field and the martial arts hall have no complaints at all?"

This is also Jiang Heng's question, because the demigods here are not comparable to casual cultivators outside, they are all star players, how much profit can they create for the martial arts arena every year.

And although the military did it in a more subtle way, they suddenly took away all the demigod-level powerhouses in packs. There was no way to hide this in Wanxing City. This seemed to run counter to the purpose of the previous high-level officials who wanted to hide it.

"How can there be any opinions on this. The high-level executives of the Wanxing City Martial Art Museum and the Martial Arena are considered important figures here, but in the eyes of the dignitaries in Tiannan City, they don't even count as farts."

Tony said helplessly, although he said he was a small person, he was very clear about this.

Wanxing City is just a cornucopia for the rich and powerful to make money.

If the high-level people in the southern region want Wanxing City to prosper, then Wanxing City can prosper. If they don’t want it to prosper, then Wanxing City is nothing!

"I probably understand."

Jiang Heng nodded, and then the topics between the two became much less.

After a while, Tony seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Tony smiled and said, "But it's not entirely true that the demigod-level competition system will no longer exist. Although the demigod-level regular league has been temporarily suspended, there will still be occasional entertainment competitions." of."

"Anything else? Didn't you say that the demigod players have already been taken away?" Jiang Heng was puzzled.

"Hey, that's true. But we don't only have these martial arts players here. It's different from the league where you can only participate in the competition through the martial arts. Individual registration can participate in the entertainment competition system of the martial arts arena.

This kind of competition system often does not restrict background, so many strong military players will come to sign up to play when they have nothing to do. The current entertainment competition system is almost all about the military's strong players competing with each other. Opening a handicap in the martial arts field can make a lot of money, but it is not as popular as the league. "

Tony told the original.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly. It is not uncommon for military experts to come to Wanxing City to participate in this kind of competition.

As for their Wuqian team, the captains Fu Gang and Liu Que have also come here to play before, and even the captain Fu Gang was a star player in a certain martial arts gym at first, and even played in the league at that time.

It's just that not long after becoming famous, Fu Gang left Ten Thousand Stars City, joined the Legion, and was finally assigned to the Tianyu Eye team.

In the past, I probably felt that such small fights in the martial arts arena were no longer interesting, so I simply joined the legion.

It's just that he didn't expect that even if Fu Gang joined the Legion, his talent would still be astonishing, and in the end, he would be able to break through to the fourth-order median level not long after joining the Eye of the Heavenly Domain.

It took about half an hour to fly in the roundabout Wanxing City by shuttle before arriving at a relatively quiet neighborhood.

Most of the buildings in Wanxing City are hundreds of meters high, while the block in front of me is relatively low, with an average of less than 50 meters.

As for the martial arts school where the destination is located, it is a small courtyard with a simple one-story structure.

This is very rare in the Ten Thousand Star City where every inch of land is expensive and full of high-tech metal buildings, and it also shows that the status of this martial arts school is not simple.

Walking into the compound, you can see posters of various characters in the corridors on both sides. These should be posters of star players trained by this martial arts gym over the years. Each of them put on some fighting moves, which seemed very imposing.

Walking through the corridor, you can see about a hundred people training neatly in the front yard.

These people's cultivation bases are roughly in the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy, and they should be the reserve players of the Master of the Galaxy level competition system trained by the martial arts school.

"Master Hong sees you again with the same complexion as before. You are really powerful and amazing. Look at the things I talked to you just now..."

Tony hurriedly stepped forward and chatted with an old man who was lying on a rocking chair and watching the apprentices practicing martial arts with a smile.

Tony's posture was very low, and it could be seen that he was in awe of the old man in front of him.

"Hmph! Don't come here. Although this old man has something to do with your grandfather, the rules must be followed. You have to pay enough. The training room I built at a huge expense is for our own people in the martial arts gym. It can be used by outsiders. , either give money, or join my martial arts gym!"

The old man snorted softly, in front of a stranger like Jiang Heng, he didn't give Tony any face.

"Of course! Of course! Money... Qian..." Tony quickly looked at Jiang Heng behind him, his eyes beckoning.

"I don't know how much this old gentleman needs?" Jiang Heng also asked at the right time.

"How long do you want to use it? Let me tell you, I charge you here on an annual basis, 10,000 a year! If you want to use it for ten years, you can get 50,000, and in fifty years I can charge you 200,000!"

What the old man was talking about was of course Imperial Coins. Imperial Coins are still very strong, and often one hundred thousand Imperial Coins can buy a good low-level semi-artifact.

But if their gravity training room really meets the requirements, Jiang Heng really doesn't think the other party's asking price is ruthless.

"How much gravity can it reach?"

"At the highest level, even a demigod with a physical body of the sixth level can enter and train. Are you satisfied with such an intensity?" The old man showed a smug expression as he spoke.

No wonder he had to, because even if Jiang Heng knew about this kind of equipment, the headquarters of Tianyu Eye didn't have it.

It's not that the Eye of Tianyu organization, as an intelligence organization under Nanwang, would not have the capital to purchase this kind of equipment, but that the actual use of this thing is not particularly great.

First of all, the sixth-level demigods of the Eye of Heaven are almost rare, and secondly, the sixth-level demigods of the physical body are even rarer.

And the gravity room can also train physical martial arts. Whoever uses this thing in the general temple system is simply courting death.

As for why the old man's martial arts gym prepared these things, it was actually just a gimmick.

There is a lot of emphasis on one first in many things, for example, his martial arts gym can use the best training room for external publicity.

The benefits of this are also extremely obvious, at least the popularity has been improved.

Practicality is much worse.

After all, it's really hard to say whether the gravity chamber is a necessity for a martial artist in the physical body.

Because many martial arts practitioners in the physical body pay attention to absorbing energy, and they like to temper the physical body by drawing the power of the stars to temper the body.

Asking them to use such an expensive gravity room for training is a bit tasteless, and the training effect is generally not mentioned, and it is a waste of money.

It was only Jiang Heng who took advantage of him and came here.

"The strength is okay, but I need to lower the price. I can rent it for fifty years, one hundred thousand! I can rent it if I can, and forget it if I can't."

Jiang Heng spoke flatly, but his tone was unquestionable.

However, the old man agreed after only a moment of silence.

Without him, even the people in his martial arts gym can't use this thing. Instead of leaving it idle, it's better for someone to use it and make some money.

Jiang Heng also nodded in satisfaction, but he felt guilty when his eyes fell on the old man.

Because this old man is also a demigod-level powerhouse, but now he is sitting here well and not sent to the front line, which is very strange.

"This old man seems to be at the low third-order level, and his age should be around three million years old. This age should have almost reached the end of this realm.

Is it because of this that he was not sent to the front line? "

Ignoring these for the time being, Jiang Heng greeted Tony and went straight into the gravity room.

After closing the heavy special metal door of the gravity room, Jiang Heng began to slowly raise the gravity valve.

Of course he didn't rent this gravity room, which seemed to be extremely cost-effective, because people were stupid and had a lot of money.

One reason is that this closed environment is not easily disturbed by people.

The surrounding structure of this level of gravity chamber is smelted with a lot of void gold, which shows how expensive it is to build such a gravity chamber.

Only this martial arts school that has been operating for millions of years in Wanxing City has huge financial resources to dare to do so.

It is also because of this structure that no matter how much noise Jiang Heng makes inside, it will not have the slightest impact on the outside world.

Secondly, it is similar to the former one. In order to prevent the internal gravity and high pressure from leaking out, the isolation force of such a gravity chamber is also extremely amazing.

No matter how huge the star power tempered body Jiang Heng is pulling inside, it will not cause the slightest reaction from the outside world.

This is simply the cultivation environment that Jiang Heng dreamed of.

Without him, if one cultivates the astral body outside, the movements produced are absolutely astonishing.

As for the special environment of Wanxing City, the flow of people is too large, and once it causes a huge reaction, it will definitely be a commotion level. And here the planets and stars are so densely populated, it is impossible to give up such a perfect environment for cultivating the astral body.

Therefore, you can only spend money to choose this kind of place.

The third is to cultivate the star body to pull the power of the stars to temper the body, and then cooperate with the high-pressure gravity environment, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and the tempering of the physical body will also achieve the best effect.

Shen Xiaxin, Jiang Heng, did not delay at all, and quickly circulated the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art. When the whole body's acupoints were activated after running for a week, Jiang Heng quickly circulated the star body.

With the star-like orifices shining brightly, the surrounding planets and stars are shaking uncontrollably.

This kind of shaking is difficult to capture with the naked eye and some equipment, but if you use some energy detection devices with relatively high precision to observe carefully, you can find that as time goes by.

The astral energy on the surface of all the stars in the entire Ten Thousand Stars City star field is slowly passing away.

This elapse does not actually have much impact on the star itself.

These energies are just formed by the planet capturing the free energy of the universe under the action of its own strong gravitational mass, and Jiang Heng just absorbs the dense free energy captured by the planet.

After that, it only takes a while for these stars to recapture much of the free energy with their own mass and gravity.

It is equivalent to Jiang Heng decontaminating the surface of these stars, but these stars are usually sucking pollution.

During cultivation, warriors have a very familiar concept of time, especially at the level of demigods.

Fifty years of cultivation is just a blink of an eye to Jiang Heng.

Hong Haitao was looking at the 50-year deadline and planned to urge the guy who rented his gravity room 50 years ago to go out.

But the disadvantages of this high-level gravity chamber are also reflected.

If the people inside don't want to come out, the people outside really can't help each other.

Unless Hong Haitao is a high-ranking demigod, it would be foolish to want to break the gravity chamber where void gold was smelted.

Although this thing can be opened from the outside, it cannot be opened from the outside if the inside is running at high pressure.

Because once the external pressure leaks out, a violent explosion will occur instantly, and Hong Haitao dare not bear the consequences.

Ever since, Hong Haitao could only be depressed.

And this depression is another fifty years, and then another fifty years, until ten fifty years.

When the time came to five hundred years later, Hong Haitao felt that he would be boiled to death by the guy inside.

At his age, he was already at the end of most demigod powerhouses in this realm.

I really can't tell if I will burp someday.

"Damn, this guy doesn't want to boil me to death, and then take the opportunity to hack my gravity room, right?" Hong Haitao looked depressed, and he was about to vomit blood in his heart.

Once such a gravity chamber is opened, the annual energy consumption is astronomical.

After five hundred years of consumption, the money he earned from Jiang Heng is not enough for energy consumption.

And just when he looked hopeless, the door that hadn't been moved for a long time finally opened.

When seeing that damned guy again, Hong Haitao inexplicably felt a lot kinder.

"Sorry, the time I stayed inside may have been a bit overdue. My communication equipment is broken under the high pressure and gravity, and I don't know how long it has been. That... how many years have passed now?"

Hearing these words, Hong Haitao had the urge to vomit blood again.

Fortunately, he held back.

"Five hundred years! You have been inside for five hundred years!" Hong Haitao replied angrily.

"Five hundred years?"

Jiang Heng was taken and immediately became anxious.

He casually took out a spare communication bracelet from the portable cave, opened it, and as expected, there were dense messages all over it, all of which were unread messages.

In the beginning, the messages were relatively frequent, with intervals ranging from one year to several months, until decades later the span became very long.

For example, the most recent one was about a hundred years ago, from Liu Que.

'Alive? Reply a message if you are alive, now the organization is going to judge you as a missing person. '

Jiang Heng was embarrassed.

It is said that as a member of the staff, he disappeared for five hundred years at one time, which is really inappropriate in the Eye of Tianyu, which has a very high frequency of missions.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng hastily replied with a message, 'He is still alive. '

As a result, it didn't take a while for the dense bombardment of messages to come.

'Alive! Where are you from? '

‘The captain and I are dying of anxiety, where have you been all these years? Was it forced to go to the front line? '

'did you see? Get back to the message! '

Without exception, these messages were all sent by Liu Que.

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