Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 934: Shinza!

Even under the double perception of Jiang Heng's energy and spiritual sense, it is still the same, and the others are even more unbearable.

Like Liu Que, he didn't even realize that the danger was approaching. As for Fu Gang, he was barely on par with Jiang Heng, because his spiritual sense was far superior to Jiang Heng.

On the other hand, the barrier of the sixth-order demigod on the surface of Xing Yun, which has gathered the power of thousands of people, quickly opened up.

The moment the protective barrier opened, countless flying shuttles nearby exploded rapidly.

These flying shuttles were not far from the battle formation, but with the appearance of the law, the distance was naturally closer at hand. As the barrier was propped up, they were directly squeezed into powder by the barrier.

Seeing the spear that was getting closer, Nebula quickly stretched out his left and right hands, and clusters of nebula gathered in the palms of both hands and turned into two round shields. At the same time, the nebula flickered behind it and turned into a phantom of the law that was 70 to 80 percent similar to the nebula.

Law Phantom also opened his eyes and stretched out his arms, but he pulled out a simple ax with one hand.

The moment Jiang Heng saw the axe, he knew it!

This is the sky-opening axe!

Law Phantom swung his arms round, and the surface of the precious ax in his hand shone with dazzling blood-colored rays of light. The terrifying gravitational field began to converge towards the precious axe. Immediately with a wave of his arm, the precious ax slashed down.

The sky and the earth changed color in an instant, and the ruins of the surrounding battlefields began to be engulfed by gravity, and under the action of gravity generated by the chopping of the precious axe, it turned into a terrifying giant ax of metal ruins.

The gigantic ax is tens of billions of feet long, as if picking up one of the links of the Tianhe Fortress and smashing it out.

With Xing Yun's move, even if the Tianhe Fortress wants to rebuild, it will not be able to reproduce its previous appearance.

Because at least one or two of the inner three rings were directly sucked off by at least half of the gravitational field generated by the force of the giant axe.

It seems that the devastation of the war is more serious now than before.


The spear first collided with the giant axe, and the place where the collision occurred was the third ring area in the Tianhe Fortress. The shock wave generated by the instant collision once again caused a carpet-like damage to the Tianhe Fortress.

The destruction was even more thorough. Countless towering metal buildings were directly bulldozed, and many intact foundations of the Middle Third Ring Road were even rolled up layer by layer by the shock waves.

However, from a distance, there is actually a huge difference in size between the two. Although the spear is a huge celestial body with millions of feet, it is like a toothpick under the giant ax with hundreds of millions of meters.

Not long after the stalemate, cracks appeared on the surface of the spear.

Although strength does not simply depend on size, as far as Jiang Heng knows, it is inevitable to defeat the spear with the increase in strength of this incomplete version of the mountain-breaking axe.

What surprised Jiang Heng was that the opponent's spear was able to hold on for a breath or two even when he used the mountain ax with the power of a sixth-level demigod.

Just because of this point, Jiang Heng felt that something was not quite right.

But the others didn't know this, they only knew that their own commander-in-chief defeated the opponent's ultimate move with one blow, and they all blushed with excitement.

Only Jiang Heng and Xing Yun looked dignified and showed no joy at all.

After smashing the spear, the giant ax still flew towards the distance, and the remaining strength seemed to kill the culprit together.

But it was defeated by an invisible force not long before, turning into scattered metal wreckage and scattered in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a light and shadow swayed in the void in the distance, and a huge figure slowly emerged.

It was a huge metal giant, the whole body was made of brand new special metal, in the shape of a human, but the surface structure had a very elegant streamlined shape, and the metal color on the surface was red and white.

Seeing such a huge metal body tens of thousands of feet in size, the image of the combination of Gundam and EVA mecha instantly appeared in Jiang Heng's mind.

To put it simply, it looks like a streamlined structure with an EVA mecha and a Gundam painting.


Jiang Heng is a little kind, because this thing is very similar to the methods of the mechanics in his hometown in the Milky Way.

Of course, he knew very well that the opponent must have more than the strength of the mechanic on the side of the Milky Way. It is enough to prove that the opponent's previous metal spear almost canceled the blow of the mountain axe.

Just as everyone was in shock, a passageway was suddenly opened on the chest shell of the giant mecha opposite, and a streamlined metal humanoid object sitting on a metal throne slowly floated out of the passageway.

There are many special fine currents flowing on the surface of the metal throne. At the same time, the structure is composed of countless dense and complicated metal structures, which looks cumbersome but adds a lot of dignity.

The streamlined figure sitting in it is dark purple all over, with countless metal tentacles floating freely in the void on the top of the head, like a head of metal hair.

The other party did not have the facial features of a human being, but only a gorgeous and strange light cluster on his face, as if looking directly at the gorgeous light cluster, he could see endless wisdom and knowledge.

"God seat!"

When the whole picture of the other party was completely displayed in front of everyone, some people couldn't help but whisper.

Jiang Heng immediately turned his head to look at his own team leader, just now Fu Gang also exclaimed.

"Captain, is this the seat of God?"

"That's right! The Super Dimensional Divine Kingdom is second only to the super omnic lifeform under the command of the True Mechanic God, God-level!"

Fu Gang's complexion was extremely ugly, and there was even a hint of despair.

"Damn it, how could there be a god-level here! Didn't it mean that the war just started?"

Fu Gang was depressed for a while, why didn't the other party come out according to the routine, and even this kind of king bomber was sent out without saying a word.

I have also heard about the god-level Jiang Hengdao.

It is said that it is quite special to have such a group of omnic beings in the super-dimensional kingdom of God, because they have the authority to sit on the throne anytime, anywhere except for the mechanical gods!

This is not just a status symbol, but a symbol of strength and authority.

It is said that in the group of omnic beings, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to give birth to a high-level demigod level existence beyond the middle level.

If you want to gain combat power beyond the middle level, you can only get power from the true mechanical **** in the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

And the way they gain power is through the carrier.

The Mechanic True God personally casts some divine thrones, and pours his own law power into them. Only the omnic beings who have obtained his permission can gain high-level combat power by sitting on the divine thrones.

Therefore, this is not only the key to unlock high-level combat power, but also a symbol of power.

This also makes the God seat class very recognizable in the universe.

Seeing such a strange omnic life form sitting on a throne, there is no need to run away! Escape as far as you can.

Seeing this scene at this time, the hands and feet of countless legion soldiers who formed the battle formation felt a little cold for a while.

Damn it, who would have thought that a god-level powerhouse would suddenly appear in the name of a person, this is no luck.

"Which lord are you from the southern border? I'm Arthurs God Throne! It's great that you can block my casual blow!"

Just when everyone was in doubt, the figure sitting on the throne opposite had already spoken.

As soon as he opened his mouth, many people were stunned.

Only Jiang Heng reacted in surprise.

"Master is holding a mountain-opening axe. With his current sixth-level strength, he can maximize the power of the precious axe. His strength should be comparable to that of an ordinary high-ranking seventh-level master. It's no wonder that the other party will mistake him for a seventh-level marquis."

"I just don't know how long I can hide it!"

Jiang Heng murmured to himself, this simple increase in strength is of course a seventh-level combat power in terms of destructive power, but in other aspects it is obviously stretching the hips, and it may not be long before it will be exposed.

At the same time, Nebula has also slowly opened his mouth.

"Your Excellency is a majestic god-level powerhouse, why did you suddenly appear here? Don't you know the regulations set by the three major powers in the early years, and high-ranking powerhouses are not allowed to come to the battlefield except under special circumstances?"

As soon as Xing Yun opened his mouth, he was verbal and verbal, as if he was at the same level and responsible for the other party. There is no downfall in momentum.

"Regulations? There is indeed such a regulation in my information database, but I'm sorry, my god's order is above everything else! What's more, didn't you, a marquis like you, also appear on the battlefield?"

This Arthurs. God's head is not rigid at all, and the rebuttal seems to be quite reasonable.

"Okay, good! Today you and this Marquis have done a good job, and now you leave here, I can pretend that this incident has never happened! Otherwise, even if I can't instantly kill you, I can quickly call the nearby Lord Hou to encircle and suppress you! "

Xing Yun shouted loudly with a look of being annoyed.

After being scolded, the other party seemed to be in deep thought for a while.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "I'm sorry, according to my observation, you seem to be lying!

Based on my observations of you and the life forms behind you, I calculated that the probability of you lying is 90%, so I came to two conclusions. First of all, you are not in a high position, and you may have been forcibly promoted to a high position with the help of some means.

Judging from the information I have about you creatures, your martial arts, mystical powers, and even the semi-artifacts of battle formations have the ability to instantly increase your combat power. So the probability is 90%.

Second, there are no reinforcements nearby at all, and you are indeed a high-level demigod, but this possibility is only 10%!

So I don't think I can retreat, I want to fight you! "

Arthurs said the series of analyzes calmly. His face full of gorgeous light did not show the slightest emotional change.

This undoubtedly gives people a great psychological oppression.

As far as Nebula is concerned, it would be better not to fight.

Not to mention that his current sixth-level strength is still forcibly raised by the power of the battle formation, but the increase of this precious ax is also very simple. If you really fight with a god-level powerhouse, you don’t need to think too much. leak.

What's more, the growth of the battle formation is not permanent. As the people in the main formation consume more and more power, the people responsible for forming the formation will accelerate the consumption of power.

In other words, if Xing Yun broke out with all his strength, these subordinates would not be able to hold on for long before they would be exhausted, and the battle would be broken by then.

"It's over! The **** seat class can't fight in the first place, if this fights!"

Fu Gang frowned into a bitter face. Although he didn't know how the commander could pretend to be a seventh-level high-ranking officer, this was a situation that must die.

"Then fight!"

The instant this Arthurs Shenzuo finished speaking, Nebula had already made a move.

I don't see what kind of method he used. A starlight aisle quickly extended in front of him. With a light step, he directly crossed a light-year distance to the front of Arthurs. Gao Yang charged to the peak, and the moment he reached it, he was struck down with an axe.

The side of the ax blade seemed to be radiant and pulled into darkness by the terrifying gravitational force, like a naturally formed black hole carrying a terrifying mass towards Arthurs.

Arthurs reacted quickly, almost at the same time, his arms were raised upwards, and at the same time, two giant metal blades were quickly ejected from his arms.

At the moment when he supported the mind-controlled mech to respond, Arthurs, who was originally outside, also quickly entered the inside of the mech.

It's just that the piercing alarm sound displayed on the internal podium made his calm mood slightly astonished.

These prompts are all indicating that the mecha is overloaded, which is an alarm that will only appear after a strong impact.

However, this is an existence with a hardness comparable to that of the seventh level, and such an urgent alarm for such a body shows that the strength of the other party has reached a terrifying level.

After persisting for a while, the two giant arm blades were shattered by a huge impact.

Immediately afterwards, the giant ax landed on both arms again unabated. This time, Arthurs body quickly braked, and countless parts in his body began to rotate rapidly, and the last force was released in an excellent way.

Seeing this, tens of thousands of densely packed hidden blastholes were quickly opened behind Arthurs, and densely packed heat energy rays were reflected from these blastholes almost instantly, and these high temperatures reached trillions of degrees in just an instant.

The terrifying high temperature is enough to cause great scorching damage to demigods below ordinary high positions.

This was Arthurs' small way to deal with group battles, but when the heat rays touched the body of Nebula's demigod, he was surprised to find that the body had been burned again, and the severity was not low.

"Aren't you a high-ranking demigod?"

Arthurs quickly came to such a The next moment he didn't hesitate to open his arms at a faster speed, clasping Nebula's arms on the left and right respectively.

At the same time, the dense heat energy rays shot towards Xingyun's chest and even his head like crazy.

The terrifying thermal energy rays gathered together to form a terrifying high temperature reaction.

The barrier representing the strength of the sixth-order demigod was instantly shattered.

At the same time, the chest and head began to melt rapidly, just like the wax figure in the wax museum gradually melted after being baked at high temperature.

The flesh and blood is like a wax figure, which is the appearance of Xingyun at this moment.

The physical body tried its best to break free, but the opponent's arms were like pincers that could not break free.

Even four mechanical arms sprang out from the left and right ribs of Arthurs, respectively, and clasped the legs and torso of the demigod Xingyun respectively.

It's like an octopus trapping Nebula tightly.

This is going to kill him!

At this moment, the phantom of the law behind Xingyun has completed charging again.

This made Arthurs slightly taken aback, because the phantom of the law itself has no entity, and it is difficult for physical means to affect it.

"Die to me!"

Xu Ying roared angrily, and the huge ax in his hand delivered the deadliest blow.

The terrifying coercion made Arthurs has to spread his arms to block separately.

With one strike of the axe, Xing Yun also took the opportunity to break free from the opponent's arm.


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