Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 920: Shura Legion

Starships came in and out in an orderly manner. From time to time, starships returning from patrols returned to the port to replenish energy or rest, and there were teams of teams that received sufficient replenishment and rest set sail again.

From time to time, a demigod might be seen coming in and out of the camp behind the port.

Many buildings above the port are inscribed with a line of imperial characters, and the characters are all the same as the "Champion Legion".

There are three divisions in the Champions Legion, but only insiders know that the so-called three divisions are actually only one, that is, three divisions.

At this time, in the command center of the legion, there are thousands of commanders gathered together. Of course, there are also ten thousand commanders, but there are only three ten thousand commanders in the army. It is said that ten thousand commanders can only command three. It's just a team of 3,000 people with a commander in chief.

They are both the head of the ten thousand and the deputy head of the legion.

At this time, everyone gathered in front of a giant three-dimensional star map and pointed at the densely packed red and green dots marked on the star map.

"Everyone, this is the third time that our army has played in rotation. This time, no matter how you say it, you have to enjoy yourself."

A captain of ten thousand laughed heartily. He liked the atmosphere and preferred to charge forward. Of course, this is also the legion's craft of their legion.

There is no way that they are all legions composed of a group of physical and moral reckless men. Even if such a group of reckless men do not need to be led by the superiors, the subordinates will not be able to relax.

"This rotation should be our department's first attack! All of my subordinates are those who pay the most attention to physical training, charge ahead and cooperate with our department's mountain and sea battle formation to keep it immovable and indestructible!"

Another burly, bearded and bald-headed Wanfu quickly said that he must seize the opportunity of this first battle.

"Yes, your mountain and sea battle array is indeed powerful, and it is true that it is as immovable as a mountain and indestructible, but this is the first battle that pays attention to all efforts, if the first battle does not show its prestige, it will be a situation of decay and exhaustion.

To say that our department is the most suitable for the first battle, our department is a monstrous war to stimulate the morale of the generals, and the power of the law of blood is layered like a tide. Legion rivals! "

Immediately afterwards, the third Chief Wan gave up. It was a joke, and no one wanted to give it to others in the first battle.

"Okay, it's our turn to come here this time, it's not just for us to gain military exploits in vain, besides, although the prince and the high command did not give a clear order in this war, there are still some guesses about what will happen.

That is military training! "At this time, General Huo, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't hold back and said in a deep voice.

"The boss, I think our department should be the vanguard!" A ten thousand head still said in a somewhat hesitant manner.

General Huo glanced at the other party lightly, and then glanced at everyone.

"I will know that you are extremely brave, and in terms of bravery, our three champions are the crimes of many legions in the southern border. Even those little white rabbit ace legions are not even worthy of carrying our shoes. They are a bunch of rabbits, and we are wolves. , A wolf who is not afraid of bleeding and not afraid of injury!"

have to!

Hearing this, all the senior legion members in the camp couldn't help but slander.

Xin Shuo still has Boss Huo's character, he always likes to compare everyone other than his own army to rabbits.

It seems that there is no other analogy in the eyes of the captain except the story of the rabbit and the wolf.

"But even if we are not afraid of bloodshed or casualties, we still need to know how to maximize our benefits!" General Huo glanced at everyone coldly.

"You all know how many brothers we lost in the previous two rotations. This is the result of our fighting side by side with the other three legions. Over a hundred brothers have been killed in the two battles!"

"But Boss, the other legions lost twice as much as we did, and the Super-Dimensional Kingdom lost five times as much!" said a ten thousand husband weakly.

"You **** compare us to them?" Unexpectedly, General Huo became angry when he heard this, and kicked the ten thousand commander to the ground.

"Fucking labor and management have long said that we are wolves, and they are a group of rabbits. It is a shame for you to compare rabbits with us! You will be punished later that you will not be able to participate in the next two waves of battles, be honest with me Really reflect!"

Hearing this order, the Chief Wan who was kicked to the ground didn't even care about the pain. He only had the desire for war in his mind, and immediately his legs softened and he knelt down and hugged General Huo's thigh and cried loudly.

"Boss! Boss! You don't remember villains, I'm the one who can't talk, I was wrong, I was wrong! Don't let me truce! I...I want to fight, I want to go to the front line!"

The Wanfu didn't care about his image at all, and cried with snot and tears.

This situation is almost unthinkable in other legions.

In other legions, some with a better morale are okay, and they still have the courage to fight in the face of war, but some legions with a bad morale are even eager to shirk in the face of war.

But it was the turn of Champions III. Any punishment was acceptable, including salary or even demotion, but if they were punished not to kill the enemy and fight for a while, it would really kill them.

Seeing this scene, many officers in the camp gloated.

And those commanders who belonged to the commander-in-chief looked like dead parents.

Seeing this scene, the relatively low-key demigod Xingyun couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

"It's still the original taste, and the familiar atmosphere!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but miss his good apprentice.

"I don't know if my apprentice has come to the southern border now. If he came, he should have entered the army by now, but this kid didn't choose to join the three championships, right?"

Thinking of this possibility, Demigod Xingyun felt a little worried for no reason.

Having stayed in the Champions Division 3 for a long time before and now, the demigod Xingyun has gradually been brainwashed by General Huo, and he has a contemptuous attitude towards other legions in the southern border, even the ace legion.

Naturally, I still hope that my apprentice can join the three championships. It is better to be a wolf than a rabbit.

What he didn't know was that although his good apprentice had joined the southern military, he hadn't joined the army at all.

But at this time, he had arrived at the front line again like the demigod Xingyun, and the distance between the two was only one legion garrison.

At the same time, within a hundred light-years away from the champion legion's garrison, within the adjacent legion garrison—

This is the garrison of a second legion named Shura.

The so-called Asura Legion, like the three champions, is a legion that is strong on the outside but capable in the middle. In fact, all the legions in the southern border are of this type.

On the surface, each legion has several, but in fact that one is the only one.

Similarly, the second part of Shura is also the only part of the Shura Legion today.

To say that this Asura Legion is actually the most special legion among all the legions in the southern border.

Because this legion should be regarded as an ethnic system.

In other words, the members of this Shura Legion were not recruited from the entire southern border, and all the old and new members were bred from a specific ethnic group.

At this time, Jiang Heng, Fu Gang and Liu Que had already arrived at the Asura Department's station. After some inspections, Jiang Heng and others were arranged by the Asura Department soldiers in the station to the designated rest area for rest.

This time, the task of their group is not a task of probing the enemy's situation or assassination investigation, but a relatively simple war recruitment task.

This task is now a large-scale task in the Eye of the Sky Territory, and almost all the resting teams have received the task and arrived at the four legions currently stationed on the front line.

Of course, those people with the Eye of the Heaven Realm also had their identities disguised, and they pretended to be officers of the Tiannan City City Defense Army who were recruited.

And their mission here is also very simple, not to join the legion to participate in the frontal war.

Just as the patrol captain of these legions.

After all, if they rashly join the legion, if they are not familiar with the battle formation and cooperation of the legion, it will only be a disservice.

Therefore, the task of all the disguised teams is to come to assist the legion in patrolling the garrison to prevent enemy raids.

In fact, this kind of work can be done by the army itself.

It's just that the number of legions is limited now, and if the war is too fierce, the soldiers of the legion are already very tired, so it is not convenient to carry out the garrison patrol mission.

However, even if the patrol work is mainly based on domain master-level auxiliary soldiers, every hundred domain master-level auxiliary soldiers still need a demigod powerhouse to sit in the patrol team.

In this way, there is room for Jiang Heng and others to use their skills.

"Captain, we came here this time to do chores for these legions. Sigh, thinking about it, my old lady was also a member of the legion. If she is still in the legion now, she might be able to participate in the real battle like them!"

Several people gathered in the temporary dormitory, Liu Que said very melancholy, and looked at the legionaries outside through the porthole, with envy in his eyes.

Not to mention her, Fu Gang and Jiang Heng are also very envious.

Especially Fu Gang and Jiang Heng are eager to participate in the frontal war. This may be the reason why both of them are martial arts fighters in the physical body.

"Actually, let's not underestimate this patrol mission!" Seeing that everyone's emotions were not too high, Fu Gang, the captain, still tried to comfort him.

"It's just a patrol mission. There are also large-scale reconnaissance artifacts such as the Eye of Heaven in each station. I think that as long as the super-dimensional kingdom of God has a normal mind, it will not rashly attack. Otherwise, we will not be able to touch a single enemy!"

Liu Que just said, "Eye of Tianyu is also named after their organization, but it has another representative, which is a large-scale reconnaissance artifact that covers almost the entire southern border.

Even if there are only some small eyes of the sky in these stations, they still have the ability to cover several superclusters of galaxies.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help looking at the giant obelisk standing tall in the center of the port outside the porthole. He remembered that there was also such a thing in the headquarters of the Eye of the Sky, but the one here was much smaller than that scale. .

Azure blue light bloomed above the obelisk, as if it could dispel the coldness of the void and dark environment outside.

Fu Gang also realized this, he stroked his stubble in embarrassment and said: "That may not be the case, after all, the Chaowei Divine Kingdom has always been ahead of all forces in terms of technology, and there may be some who can hide it from the sky." The means of detection by the eyes of the domain.

Well, in short, everyone must cheer up, even if this mission seems safe and easy. "

Fu Gang was a little helpless, but he still had to cheer up his teammates, otherwise he would be too loose and would die if he encountered danger.

"Captain, why don't you tell us what's going on with the Shura tribe. I've also heard that they are a group model, but this legion is too exclusive, and it has always been relatively mysterious. Do you think they will have a rivalry?" The strength of the ace army?"

Liu Que changed the subject to talk about the Shura Legion here.

Fu Gang frowned, as if he was thinking.

"This Shura Legion is very mysterious and I don't know much about it. But they are indeed a group model!"

"Ethnic group mode? In this way, their personnel are supplemented from their own ethnic group, so what kind of ethnic group can give birth to so many demigod-level powerhouses at once?"

Jiang Heng was also interested. This model is truly unique in the entire Southern Territory.

"This is not so unusual. In fact, looking at the entire universe, there are a huge number of groups like this, and there are still quite a few groups with excellent talents.

For example, one of the three main generals of the Central Army, Dihuohou, has a group of natural fire demigods composed of pure fire spirits! "Fu Gang knows a lot about ethnic groups, at least it makes it easier for him to talk about the mysterious Shura tribe.

It's just that after seeing both of them were a little surprised, he couldn't help but smile mysteriously and continued:

"Actually, there are quite a few such ethnic groups, but these special ethnic groups often do not live in the main universe plane."

"If you don't live on the main universe plane, do you live in a high-dimensional world? But it is difficult for high-dimensional life forms to come to the main universe plane?" Liu Que was surprised.

"It's not a high-dimensional plane, they just live in some small planes attached to the main universe plane.

For example, in the dark matter plane that most of us are familiar with, there is a group of shadow dragons there, but this group is difficult to capture and is very good at reclusiveness, and its number is not too many.

But there are also groups of special planes that are very suitable for subjugation. Just like the Fire Spirit Race in the Fire Spirit Plane.

It is said that this ethnic group is born with the Dao of Fire There are rumors that these special ethnic groups may be some natural creatures bred by the long river of the Dao in ancient times, and have a natural affinity for the Dao like the ancient gods.

Of course, I think there is some basis for this, but after so many years, their talent may have been diluted.

And what's interesting is that the upper and lower limits of these ethnic groups seem to be stuck! "

"Stuck?" Wen Yan Jiang Heng and Liu Que were a little surprised.

This is the first time they have heard that the upper and lower limits of the overall ethnic group are fixed.

"Yes, it's just stuck. The lower limit of the Fire Spirit Clan is the Lord of the Galaxy, and the upper limit is the fourth-order demigod."

"This has been confirmed by many special ethnic groups, so I guess that the Shura tribe may also have an upper and lower limit of ethnic groups, and it is still a third-level demigod!"

As he spoke, Fu Gang pointed to the members of the Asura Legion who were walking around outside the porthole.

Indeed, Jiang Heng also found that these people's realms seem to be very unified, they are all demigods of the third level or even the second level and the first level, and there has never been any existence beyond the third level.

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