Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 917: sudden war

Jiang Heng nodded without any hesitation and took Fu Gang to move again and again several times. He didn't know what was going on there.

But the ever-increasing aura behind him told him that more than a hundred demigods had already gathered there.

Most of the dense demigod breath, without even thinking about Jiang Heng, can guess that this should be the masterpiece of that Hans!

"Is this guy crazy? With such a dense gathering of demigods, even if this place is extremely far away from Tiannan City, he will be detected by the eyes of Tianyu, and he will face the sanctions of the entire southern region!" Fu Gang frowned very tightly. It is puzzling.

At the same time, more and more demigods gathered, and the expressions of these gathered demigods were slightly stiff. They had different appearances, and their realms and auras were also very different.

But if Fu Gang is here, he will definitely be able to find these. They are all colleagues of his adjacent team in the past, and they are all colleagues of the Eye of the Heavenly Realm. Of course, some are nearby casual cultivators and even some lost members of the Southern Legion.

And all of this was actually done by Hans quietly.

How ambitious they are before they can complete such a layout so quietly.

However, just as the powerful demigods were gathering here, the four legions that had been stationed nearby had gathered.

They are all wearing standard armor. These are legion standard styles that can maximize their overall strength. This is complementary to the battle formation. Once formed, it will be an unbreakable whole.

It is like a war machine composed of countless parts.

At this time, there were four such war machines in total, and they rushed towards their desired destination in unison.

With the passage of time, nearly a thousand demigod powerhouses and densely packed domain master level powerhouses have gathered in the Rosyth Kingdom.

However, the scene was extremely silent, there was no sound, only Hans thought of a dense electronic sound in his mind.

"The synchronization rate of the experimental subjects is above 50%, and the second step can be performed!"

"Establish spatial coordinates!"

Instructions came again in his mind, and upon hearing the series of instructions, Hans nodded and said without the slightest emotion: "Start establishing space coordinates!"

As soon as he finished speaking, nearly a thousand demigod powerhouses present at the scene erupted in unison at the next moment.

In an instant, the entire supergalactic cluster surged with a majestic energy tide, and these demigods sent energy to the same area above, and in an instant, the void began to surge, as if something was flickering to form a swirling energy air mass.

"Coordinate retrieval, lock coordinates!"


At this moment, a dazzling blue light suddenly exploded in the sky. After the blue light flickered, the vortex suddenly expanded dozens of times in size.

Soon, a huge space vortex with a diameter of a million miles took shape.

However, the vortex didn't seem particularly stable yet, but after a while, it gradually became stable and formed into a stable space channel.

When the space channel was formed, there was a humming sound in the channel from time to time, as if countless giant beasts were roaring.

Soon these behemoths gradually showed their prominence, and super giant starships with a diameter of nearly a million miles slowly drilled out of the passage, accompanied by many densely packed small frigates.

These starships seem to be endlessly pouring out of the channel.

The terrifying energy tide surged, and icy humanoid bodies flew out of starship frigates one after another, and began to fly rapidly in all directions.

At the same time, these gushing starships also headed to the four directions in batches very purposefully, as if they wanted to completely occupy the entire super galaxy cluster.

"A large space channel is forming! Hurry up! Speed ​​up, big trouble is coming!"

At this time, one of the legions that was rushing to the destination, a heroic middle-aged man sitting on the battleship, looked at the dazzling red logo suspended in mid-air, and his complexion changed slightly.

"General, this is already the fastest speed, and the local stargate has been destroyed over there, we can only sail at normal speed!"

A commander said a little depressed.

"Then use the Tianyu main nuclear portal to Tiannan City! I don't believe it can be difficult!" The middle-aged man obviously has a full-fledged iron-blooded soldier's style, and everything he says and says is a soldier's style.

"Boss, who the **** is this brave?" At this moment, a person walking by looked at the dazzling red mark and frowned slightly.

The middle-aged man glanced at the latter and nodded, then said in a deep voice: "I don't know yet, but there is a high probability that it is the temple of the gods, followed by the super-dimensional kingdom of God, otherwise there is no small and medium-sized force that does not have eyes to provoke us!"

"That's right, but it's good, I just returned to the team and I'm worried about not having a fight!" The man looked excited, looking at him like this, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Heh, don't be too happy too early. The opponent must be prepared for such a large-scale raid. I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up with such frequent battles after you have been away for many years!"

The middle-aged man glanced contemptuously at the sneer on the latter's face.

"I..." Hearing that, the man had a depressed expression on his face.

If Jiang Heng was present at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize the person in front of him. This person is none other than Xingyun demigod who has returned to the team.

At this time, he was promoted to the rank of commander-in-chief of the army, but he could only be a good baby under the boss, General Huo.

The demeanor of a master in front of Jiang Heng in the past was completely gone.

The whole way was fast and fast, but he could fly away for a long time. Jiang Heng found that the demigods behind him hadn't chased him, which made him a little dazed.

But immediately his complexion changed suddenly, and even his forward movement stopped in place.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, Fu Gang asked suspiciously.

"Space! Someone opened a large space channel!" Jiang Heng looked back to a certain place with a complicated expression.

His ability to perceive space is extremely keen even without borrowing any equipment. Naturally, he was the first to notice the abnormality behind him.

"Large space channel! Damn it! These guys from the pantheon are planning to come for real this time!"

Hearing this, Fu Gang gritted his teeth immediately. He is loyal to Da Zhou, even more loyal to King Nan, and also loyal to this land. How does this make him not angry.

"The bastard's **** don't seem to be afraid of being beaten yet, I'm going to go back and kill them all!"

"Don't be impulsive! I know that you are very angry, Captain, but you also know that the situation has developed to this point and it is beyond the power of one or two of us to reverse it!" Jiang Heng grabbed Fu Gang and shouted calmly.


Fu Gang's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he had no choice but to slap himself hard in the face!

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault! If I could have just killed those guys directly, then this kind of thing wouldn't have happened! I.... I'm simply a heinous sin!"

Fu Gang slapped himself one after another, as if the only way to alleviate his crime was by doing so.

Jiang Heng just watched silently and didn't stop him. If the other party didn't vent his anger, he might be depressed for a long time.

It's just that Jiang Heng couldn't help raising his brows slightly under the glance of his divine sense.

"Captain! I'm afraid the situation is different from what we thought!"


Fu Gang was still immersed in self-blame and sadness, and he was still a little confused after hearing the words.

Jiang Heng just pointed to the direction he came from and said in a deep voice, "Our enemy is not the Temple of the Gods!"

Hearing this, Fu Gang was startled all over and hurriedly used his divine sense to explore the past, but he was stunned after sweeping away.

"How could this be? Aren't those guys members of the temples? When did the super-dimensional kingdom start recruiting demigod-level powerhouses on a large scale?"

Fu Gang had a look of disbelief. After all, the Chaowei Divine Kingdom had always fought with an army of omnics, and it was rare to see them use life forms to fight, especially when there were nearly a thousand demigod-level powerhouses.

And even if the super-dimensional kingdom wanted to recruit, most demigods would not be willing.

It's not that the Chaodimensional Kingdom of God is unwilling to spend a lot of money to recruit helpers, but that many demigods don't trust such aliens as the Chaodimensional God Kingdom.

After all, no one wants to be dissected on the laboratory table by their employer one day.

This is not without precedent. A long time ago, the Super-Dimensional Kingdom of God did some research on the rules of research in private. Even the demigod-level powerhouses that were synthesized and cultivated in the late stage like the alien species were the products of the Super-Dimensional Kingdom of God's laboratory.

Moreover, many people suspect that the upgrade of each generation of omnic warriors in the super-dimensional kingdom of God is inseparable from the ** experiments.

Because the upgrading of omnic lifeforms is not simply replacing parts or changing to a bigger body.

With the omnic beings who have reached the level of demigods, often times, simple hardware upgrades are no longer enough, and technological innovation in the true sense must be achieved.

At this point, the true mechanical **** of the super-dimensional kingdom has reached its peak.

But it is said that the path of the True Mechanic God cannot be copied on a large scale to a large number of omnic legions, which still cannot escape the unique law of the avenue.

If the Mechanic True God wants to cultivate demigod-level omnic life on a large scale, he will inevitably share his own Dao Law, and in this way, his own strength will be weakened virtually.

Therefore, the demigod-level combat power of the omnic legion is now through a different method.

"Are they planning to break out of an all-out war? My God, they even moved an entire arsenal here!"

Fu Gang was horrified when he saw it under the investigation of his spiritual sense.

If those seemingly endless starships and warships don't care about it, because as long as the Southern Territory Legion gathers to destroy these things, it will only be a matter of time.

But this means something unusual for an arsenal.

In the past, the contests between the southern border and the super-dimensional kingdom of God were on a small scale, mainly because there were almost no systematic arsenals near the southern border of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, which also made it difficult for them to explode in a short period of time.

In this way, it is naturally difficult to form military suppression or even crowd tactics against the southern border.

But it's different now. As long as an arsenal is stabilized, the super-dimensional kingdom is equivalent to placing an indestructible anchor point next to the southern border.

And you have to target this anchor point all the time, otherwise, if you relax a little, one arsenal will turn into two arsenals in a short time. Once the number increases, the southern border may change hands.

"Let's go back first! I'm afraid we still have some work to do!"

At this time, Fu Gang had gradually calmed down, he gritted his teeth and turned around towards the nearest star gate teleportation point in Tiannan City.

Jiang Heng nodded, staying here is not very useful, individual combat power is really of little use in such a large-scale interstellar war.

Unless they are high-ranking demigods.

Half a month had passed when I returned to Tiannan City. This was mainly due to the fact that all the stargates in the Kingdom of Rosyth had been destroyed, but I had to walk to the nearby super galaxy cluster to move with the stargate.

It's just that when he returned to the headquarters of the Eye of Tianyu, Jiang Heng was a little surprised by the news from the front line.

Looking at the information that kept popping up from the bracelet, Jiang Heng couldn't help but twitch his brows.

"Hmph! The guys in the legion are completely happy now. The four full-stacked legions have fought more than a dozen large-scale battles in succession, which can barely stop the expansion of the super-dimensional kingdom of God to the territory outside the Rosyth Kingdom. "

Fu Gang also looked at the projected information and couldn't help being envious.

"I think we have to continue to add legions to the southern border!" Liu Que, who was lazily lying on the sofa, also commented excitedly.

Since returning to Tiannan City, Jiang Heng found that she gradually regained her sanity and control over her body. When asked what happened back then, she said she didn't know anything.

In this regard, Jiang Heng and Fu Gang had no choice but to send her to the Tianyu Eye Medical Center for a day, and they were released only after a thorough investigation of the strange condition of the mind and soul.

It's just that the abnormality of the soul is gone, but her soul is still damaged after being eroded for many days, and now she is lying in the team dormitory to recuperate.

"It is inevitable to send additional legions. The previous four legions were all regular legions, and the three champions are the most capable. Next, the ace legion may be directly transferred to the past."

Fu Gang said with a thoughtful expression.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng slightly raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking: "In this way, isn't it afraid that the gods will take the opportunity to make trouble?"

It is reasonable to ask such questions, because every ace legion in the southern border has an extremely important mission.

"That has to be transferred!" Fu Gang shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Old Shen, you don't know how powerful a super-dimension divine kingdom arsenal is, especially this time it is a demigod-level arsenal, which can manufacture demigods in batches. Super omnic life. If we let this thing continue to be produced, I'm afraid none of us will have a good life!"

"I heard that the arsenal of the super-dimension **** kingdom is extremely Such a demigod-level arsenal must be more resource-intensive, right? As long as we block them in the territory of Rosyth Kingdom, we only need to wait Wouldn’t it be enough for them to run out of resources?”

"Oh! Then you have to close the high-dimensional channel first! Now the super-dimensional kingdom of God is continuously sending resources and strategic materials to the arsenal. I'm afraid that the second arsenal will come soon."

Fu Gang shook his head with a rather cloudy face.

"Now we'll see when the prince and the princes will make their move. We can't afford to wait. Once these guys from Chaowei Divine Kingdom really get their momentum, it will be a big trouble!"

Jiang Heng is also suspicious about this point, thinking that it has been a few days. Could it be that Nan Wang is a fool who doesn't know how to block the high-dimensional passages and even clear the arsenal in time?

"No! Such a person can never be a fool! Then what purpose does he have?" Jiang Heng knew very well in his heart that if he really regarded Nan Wang as a fool, then he would really be a fool.



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