Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 908: 1st mission

Chased that woman?

The Xiaoliu Jiangheng mentioned by the other party immediately reminded him of the extremely plump woman he saw earlier, but when he wanted to look at the middle-aged uncle, his eyes were weird.

"Haha, when you come in, you are a brother. I am Fu Gang, the captain of Wu Qian's team. I don't know what to call a brother?"

Fu Gang stretched out his exaggerated arms and patted Jiang Heng's shoulder, but his body was too huge, with a height of ten meters, like a walking humanoid King Kong, and Jiang Heng's body was compressed to only five meters at the moment. Physically, it is like a father consoling his children.

"Silence, I have met Captain Fu!"

"Haha! Don't call me Captain Fu, it sounds like the vice-captain. You can call me Lao Gang just like Xiao Que in the future!"

Fu Gang obviously hadn't recovered from his excitement and was still laughing.

"Come on, let's connect the information, so you will be a member of our team!"

Fu Gang said, Jiang Heng nodded, and the two immediately touched each other with their respective bracelets.

Soon the two sides completed the information exchange and registration, and the names that were silent at the headquarters will soon be included in the sequence of the five thousand team.

With the collision of the bracelets, all members of Team Five Thousand received the new member's silent identity information.

Sure enough, Jiang Heng found that when the two of them saw his message, their faces froze.

"That **** is too much! Why do you do this? She can just target Lao Gang and you alone, why should she target our Wu Qian team!"

The blond and enchanting girl Liu Que opened her mouth to swear, her voice was obviously so charming, but now she was swearing without any ambiguity.

"shut up!"

Fu Gang's voice immediately stopped Liu Que's voice, but her expression was still not very good.

"I'm sorry to be silent brother, Xiao Que didn't mean it, but you can rest assured that since you join my Wu Qian team, you will be my brother Fu Gang from now on."

Seeing this, Jiang Heng just smiled, and naturally he had nothing to say when he was prepared for this.

"Captain, I didn't care about this at all. Since I'm here, I will naturally try my best to contribute to the team."

On the contrary, Jiang Heng's modesty made Fu Gang a little ashamed. He sighed and looked at the man in front of him who had already experienced a lot of vicissitudes. Realm requirements are not particularly important, but experience is sometimes more useful than realm!"

"Xiao Que, are you right?" As if wanting to make his words more convincing, he looked at Liu Que aside.

Liu Que was silent for a while and finally nodded, "The captain's words are true."

"Let me just say, it's better to have a lot of combat experience in our Eye of the Sky Territory. Like that old woman's team some time ago, a guy with little combat experience made a mistake and the three members of the team fell!"

"In this case, let me introduce our place first. It can be regarded as the home of our Wuqian team."

Fu Gang's description of the team's rest area was very unique, which made Jiang Heng feel very weird.

"You don't mind, the captain is like this sometimes. It is said that this is to adjust our killing mentality on weekdays."

Liu Que seemed to have adjusted her mind and accepted Jiang Heng as a stranger.

"This method of adjusting mentality is quite unique!"

Jiang Heng also felt a little interesting in his heart, but he didn't reject this feeling.

For introducing the team's dormitory, Fu Gang is full of enthusiasm, as if he has done this countless times, even so, he still enjoys it.

"That's how the captain is!"

This is the sentence that Liu Que said to Jiang Heng the most every day, because Fu Gang can always give some different performances.

"The captain's temperament is not bad!" Jiang Heng smiled, the two happened to be chatting outside, and Captain Fu Gang was immersed in the training room.

This is already the fifth day when Jiang Heng joined the team, and Fu Gang can be seen immersed in it almost every day.

"Captain wasn't like this before!"

The blond girl Liu Que lay lazily on the soft sofa chair again, holding an electronic cigarette similar to the earth in her hand, puffing out a puff of smoke, her expression was very melancholy.

It looks like there is a story?

Without waiting for Jiang Heng to ask, Liu Que changed his posture and began to speak slowly.

"The captain joined Wu Qian's team five hundred years ago, and Wu Qian's team was the most outstanding ace team in the entire Tianyu Eye at that time. Even though it has fallen to the second-class team now, if you go out, no one will Look down on our five thousand team!

Just because our Five Thousand Squad is the first and only one that has not been killed collectively for nearly 10,000 years, we have always maintained the formation of the Five Thousand Squad. "

As he spoke, Liu Que took another deep puff of the cigarette in his hand, then smiled and reached out to Jiang Heng to signal.

"Have a taste? This is the latest Yunyou model, even a demigod can relax you!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand. He knew this thing. It was mixed with a lot of hallucinogenic substances and the device itself was engraved with psychedelic formations, just to strengthen a hallucinogenic ability. But this thing is highly poisonous to the domain owner, and it is really just smoking to the demigod.

Of course, long-term use will also damage the soul, but many demigods who take it don't care about it. If this little thing wants to damage the soul of the demigod, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of thousands of years, and these depleted souls can only It is not a small problem at all to have the next soul breakthrough.

Even the spirit toxins accumulated in the mid-level demigod can be easily discharged.

Jiang Heng just didn't like it to affect his judgment.

"Tch, you who just came out of the legion just don't understand the benefits of it, forget it, after you perform a few missions, you will know how good this thing is."

Seeing this, Liu Que didn't care too much, took a deep breath and started talking again.

"In the past, the Wu Qian team was not called this name, but the captain changed it shortly after joining the team. It is only because the number of members killed in the previous teams has reached Wu Qian, and maybe it will be changed in the future, but the premise is that the Wu Qian team will not Because of one mission, the entire army was wiped out. Otherwise, the establishment of the Five Thousand Squad would be completely wiped out.

I seem to have gone too far. "

Liu Que shook his head and smiled lightly.

"The captain who just joined Wu Qian's team was just an ordinary member at that time. I don't know the details of what he experienced back then. I only heard him say that the captain at that time was very kind to him. It's just that the captain died after a few missions. He was the only one left alive.

After only five missions, he was automatically promoted to captain because he was the only one left in the team. At that time, he was only a low-ranking third-rank demigod, and after that, the rating of Team Five Thousand plummeted.

It didn't take long for the Wuqian team to quickly replenish the team, and I joined the team at that time. It's just that we have gone through many missions in the follow-up. Before you entered the team, we have killed five batches of team members one after another. After the death of the second group of players, the captain changed.

Become more and more cheerful, like the pistachio of the whole team. But also became more and more silent. He used his silence to practice.

As long as the mission is empty, he will not go to be happy and unrestrained like other teams, but will lock himself in the training room all day long. "

Having said that, Liu Que paused slightly and sighed.

"Actually, I am very worried about him. I know that his cheerfulness in front of us is just pretending. It's just that he has experienced too much. He is used to seeing the death of many players, and he has also seen the death of a team member or an old captain. These In 2010, he kept forcing himself to become stronger for training, and even several times I felt that he was on the verge of distortion.

But even so, he still worked even harder and wanted to save the lives of the team members at all costs. But this is the mission of our Eye of the Heavenly Territory.

Everyone in the team has their own responsibilities. In order to complete the task, it is necessary to go to various regional stations and even perform various tasks such as disguised assassination, intelligence spying and so on.

In this situation, the captain can't take everyone into consideration, because there are always people who are temporarily far away from him because of mission needs, and this separation is likely to be a farewell. "

Speaking of which, Liu Que took a deep look at Jiang Heng, and said in a deep voice, "It's also very likely that I didn't treat you very well at the beginning. But I hope you can understand, it's not because I think your poor level will slow you down. It's because I'm worried that you will die, which makes the captain even more enchanted!"

"I don't want to see my teammates fall again!"

Jiang Heng fell into silence for a while, hearing these inexplicably feeling a little complicated.

From what Liu Que said today, Jiang Heng understood what kind of person Fu Gang was.

"I will be careful. But you should also be careful." Jiang Heng didn't say too much about the extra words.

As he continues to understand the Eye of Tianyu, he is not fully sure about his future now. But I have to say that my heart is getting hotter and hotter. This is a desire for danger.

"Maybe I'm used to this kind of danger!" Feeling that his mentality was different from ordinary people at the moment, Jiang Heng smiled wryly in his heart.

Liu Que nodded. She seemed to want to talk about some things that need to be paid attention to when carrying out the mission, so that Mo Mo, a new member, would have a greater chance of surviving the next mission.

But before she could speak, there was a rush of footsteps in the training room.

"Everyone, get ready, our new mission has arrived!" Fu Gang came out sweating profusely and said without caring about other things.

"So fast?"

Liu Que was a little surprised. The mission was sent directly to the captain's bracelet every time, but the last mission was only a year ago. Judging by the demigod's lifespan, the one-year rest period is indeed pitifully short.

"I can't help it. It is said that the front line is already confronting the Temple of the Gods. Now most of the teams have gone out to assist the legion in intelligence collection and have been assassinated." Fu Gang looked helpless.

"But we haven't made up the staff yet, isn't this a little too hasty?" Liu Que was still a little reluctant.

"This is a military order, we can only execute it!" Fu Gang said solemnly.

Seeing this, Liu Que could only nod sullenly.

But Fu Gang looked back at Jiang Heng while walking, thought for a while and said: "Stay closer to me during the mission later!"

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't help feeling warm when he realized it.

A group of people tidied up one after another and came to the meeting room in the team.

Because there were only three of them, Fu Gang hardly spoke any opening remarks, but explained the details of the task concisely.

"The time is three days later. After three days, we have to arrive at the Rosyth Supercluster, an affiliated force in the outer border of our southern border. Our mission this time is not complicated. My dear friend, I will defend the Rosyth Kingdom as the guest elder of the Rosyth Kingdom!"

As soon as Fu Gang finished speaking, Liu Que glanced at the coordinates of the star map displayed in the middle of the meeting room, with a playful taste: "It's not easy, but this kind of guardianship task is probably more difficult, right?"

As an old man who has followed Fu Gang on many missions, Liu Que naturally knows the way.

Fu Gang took a deep breath and nodded.

"That's right! The quest indicates that our quest needs to pretend to be a friend invited by the Rosyth royal family, and serve as a guest elder of the kingdom as a friend. And this will inevitably involve the spies of the temples, and even..."

As he said that, Liu Que on the side already took over the topic and said, "Even if you suspect that the Palace of the Gods has secretly recruited many important figures in the Rosyth royal family, and even this mission may be a conspiracy of the Palace of the Gods, the so-called Rosyth The ancestor may have been controlled by the powerhouses of the temples long ago, right?"

"That's right! This is the worst situation I've ever imagined!" Fu Gang nodded heavily, and his face was also a little gloomy.

"This kind of situation happens a lot. The entire army of many teams was wiped out because the enemy secretly controlled the surrounding subordinate forces and forced the local royal family to ask for help from our empire. As long as the people of our Eye of the Sky team go there, they may be escaped! "

"Such things happen often?" Jiang Heng couldn't help asking from the side after hearing this.

"Not really But this kind of situation happens quite often. But we have to go. Of course, the destruction of these subsidiary forces will not have a particularly big impact on our southern border. But this kind of thing Considering the overall situation, we have to do it, otherwise our southern border will not take action, and the many forces attached to our southern border will completely lose their minds.

Once most of the affiliated forces join the Temple of the Gods, we are afraid that our southern border will face enemies several times our size! "

Hearing these Jiang Heng nods, things really had to be done.

"Then what else can we do? It's still the old rules? Pretend to sneak in!" Liu Que folded her hands on her chest, making the pair of terrifying weapons on her chest even more towering.

"Anyway, it's not the first time. As for the life and death of the Rosyth royal family, I don't bother to care about the life and death of these affiliated forces. To me, they are all a bunch of soft bones. As long as anyone with big fists will soon stick upside down like grass!"

Hearing this, Fu Gang on the side had a black line on his face, but still coughed lightly, "So let's set off now. Xiaoque, you are good at camouflage and detection. You will sneak into a merchant ship heading to the Kingdom of Rosyth later. Shen Mo and I Just put it in the open and go as the old friend of Rosyth's ancestor!"

Liu Que nodded at this. They had done this kind of thing before, and they seemed to be very familiar with it.

As for Jiang Heng, he didn't need to make arrangements deliberately, anyway, he followed Fu Gang all the way to play by ear.

The group of people quickly left the Eye of Tianyu—

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