Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 906: Eye of Heaven

"sit down!"

The prince's voice had a very characteristic deep and magnetic feeling, and he waved his hand to signal Jiang Heng to sit down next to him.

Jiang Heng nodded, and then sat down in the next seat next to him.

It's just that Jiang Heng sat down, and Nan Wang didn't respond after a while. Jiang Heng was a little suspicious, and looked at Nan Wang in front of him calmly.

This is definitely an extremely handsome middle-aged uncle, wearing a black robe, but perhaps in his own home, the robe is open, revealing his strong chest and abdominal muscles.

The face is sharp-edged, dark golden overall, with a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows, but there are knots on the brows, which makes him obviously not angry, but there is always a kind of angry-looking King Kong!

There are beards at the corners of the mouth, but not many, which belong to Zhuge's beards, which makes this person's appearance have both the recklessness of a warrior and the strategy of a wise man.

And it was suspended behind Nan Wang's head. . . . No?

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this was a little abnormal. Could it be that King Nan deliberately restrained the divine brilliance behind him?

But isn't it tiring to hold back all the time?

It's just that his eyes unconsciously fell on the Fangtian painted halberd hanging on the wall behind Nanwang.

"Isn't it possible that the prince's divine brilliance and the will of the law and martial arts can be condensed into a solid body?"

Jiang Heng was suspicious in his heart, but he didn't dare to use his spiritual sense to probe, so he could only suppress the doubt in his heart for the time being.

"You don't want to ask me why I want to see you?" Nan Wang finally spoke after a long silence.

The magnetic and deep voice sounded like a subwoofer in Jiang Heng's ears.

Just by hearing this kind of voice, one can know that its owner must be extremely majestic.

"Since the lord doesn't say anything, there is a reason for the lord, I just need to obey orders!" Jiang Heng said with neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

"It's not so good for young people to be so mature. But here, it's just you and me who have something to ask and talk about. This king doesn't like guessing people's ideas."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng looked at the other party's expression, saw that the expression was not false, he hesitated for a moment and said: "I want to ask the prince, what can I do for the prince? What can I get by serving the prince?"

"Two questions, but it can also be called one question." Nan Wang nodded, his face was as calm and indifferent as before.

"First of all, when you grow up, you can add a high-ranking combat power to this king, and secondly, serve this king. This king will spare no effort to provide you with all kinds of help during your growth process, whether it is this king's personal guidance or the help of many pills and weapons. Support! This king can give you all these, but only if you can show enough strength for this king to appreciate!"


Hearing this, Jiang Heng's heart skipped a beat. He had long guessed that he might have to go through another school exam on Nan Wang's side!

"I don't know how to prove it?" Jiang Heng asked in a deep voice.

"If you live in the Eye of Heaven for a thousand years, this king will give you half of the resources you promised earlier. If you survive for ten thousand years, this king will support you without reservation!"

Nan Wang is not dragging his feet at all.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng secretly sighed and sure enough, it seems that Futian's guess is quite accurate.

"I won't provide you with any help before that, from now on you are just an ordinary black eye who has joined the Eye of Heaven!"

Hearing Nanwang's words, Jiang Heng felt a little disappointed, but he laughed thinking about Futian's evaluation of Nanwang.

"Why are you laughing?" Nan Wang raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise.

"Because I am satisfied with the prince's decision!" Jiang Heng clasped his fists and said.

"Aren't you afraid of death? The mission of the Eye of Tianyu is extremely dangerous? I believe these dog days have told you beforehand, right?" Nan Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the young man in front of him.

"Scared! But I'm even more afraid that the prince will let me eat and wait to die!"

Hearing this, Nan Wang was taken aback for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth showed a slight arc, which was extremely rare to see on Nan Wang's face that was as cold as ice.

"Well, I hope you can give me a bright performance!"

Leaving the palace, looking at the mask in his hand, Jiang Heng was still a little dazed, recalling the previous conversation with the prince, he had a preliminary understanding of the prince.

This is a person who does things vigorously and does not like to be vague and sloppy.

"According to the lord, he will ask someone to upgrade my information to the highest level of confidentiality, and give me a fake identity. And I will use this fake identity to enter the Eye of Tianyu in the future and become an ordinary lowest-level newcomer." Jin Hei Mou."

Jiang Heng fumbled for this mask, which was a breath-suppressing semi-magic weapon bestowed by the prince.

Its effect is relatively simple, that is, to change one's appearance, and to slightly disguise the aura that originally belonged to Jiang Heng.

Looking at the unfamiliar alleys around him, he thought that one second he was still in the palace, and the next second he appeared here without even having time to say hello to Futian.

"It seems that the lord is planning to treat me as a dark child!"

Jiang Heng sighed softly, now only the prince knows his disguised name, and even he appears here in a small teleportation formation behind the main hall of the palace that only the prince knows.

Sighing lightly, Jiang Heng put the mask on his face.

As the mask came into contact with the skin, the mask twisted for a while, and soon a calm middle-aged face emerged.

The face is somewhat upright and peaceful, with an obvious scar on the cheek, and overall it can only be regarded as an ordinary face.

No one recognizes this face here, but Jiang Heng knows that it is the disciple's silent face.

Even the name he and the prince proposed to pretend to be silent.

"An old man from the Four Elephants Legion, has he participated in the Battle of Tianhai, the Battle of Futu Mountain and the Battle of Dingxinghai?"

Jiang Heng was silently thinking about the past experience that the prince had set for himself.

"Because the oldest member of the legion, he was sent to the Eye of Tianyu by the head of the legion, which can be regarded as making up for the elite quota that the Four Elephant Legion has to provide for this century."

Jiang Heng smiled helplessly. Just looking at his new resume, he was too old to be disliked by the head of his own legion. It happened that the Eye of Tianyu would recruit people from each legion every hundred years, so he just filled in this quota.

"Okay! This time I'll be an old man!"

Jiang Heng smiled and walked out. The mask can not only fake his breath, but also his bone age to a certain extent.

Jiang Heng felt that this mask might still be a high-ranking semi-artifact.

Otherwise, the effect of this thing is too comprehensive, which is equivalent to completely changing a person's appearance.

Now Jiang Heng can say that even if his mother-in-law stands in front of him, she will not recognize him.

"Damn this time, they sent such a group of crooked melons and cracked dates in a hundred years?"

At this time, in a small militarized town in the eastern region of Tiannan City, within a guard post located at the gate of the town, two guard posts were listening to a middle-aged man holding a recording board cursing and saying something.

"Uh...Master Recruiter, you are mad at us and we can't think of a way!" A sentry was about to cry.

This is simply a disaster for no reason. I thought that although we all belong to the same department, we are just a group of small sentries.

"Of course I know that, but I'm not in a good mood today, I'm sorry to invite you to drink next time!" The middle-aged man said cursingly, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart. After all, although they belong to their organization, there is no need to suffer such an indiscriminate disaster in general.

Waving his hand, he found a chair in the sentry post and sat down on his own, looking at the record board in his hand with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Hey, this is going to be difficult. Now there is going to be a big war. Some time ago, the loss of manpower was so serious that they couldn't make up for it. Once the intelligence collection is delayed, I'm afraid it will suffer!"

Sighing secretly in his heart, the middle-aged man was also a little helpless.

It's not that people really can't make up for it, at least the limited personnel of each legion must be sent over every year. It's just that the middle-aged people are worried that this group of people who came over is really not very good.

The Eye of Tianyu is an organization that pays great attention to personal quality. If the strength and quality of members are not up to standard, I am afraid that when the time comes to perform the task, the casualties will be more rapid and tragic.

In fact, when a person dies, he dies. If the mission is delayed during the mission, it will be really troublesome.

"Where is Black Cross Street? I want to find a guy named Old Wang!"

Just as the middle-aged man was silently thinking and worrying, a man outside the sentry came up and knocked on the window of the sentry and asked.

Hearing this, the two guards looked at the middle-aged man sitting inside.

"What are you looking for, Lao Wang?"

The middle-aged man got up quickly, and looked at the young man in front of him with a little scrutiny in his eyes.

"Old Wang is a relative of my family!"

"Lao Wang is a relative of your family, so what does Lao Wang do?"

"Old Wang is a starship repairer. His skills are very good and he is very popular. I want to join him to learn starship repair technology!" The young man spoke very fluently, as if he was speaking certain lines.

"Very good! I'm Lao Wang!" Hearing the other party's complete code, the middle-aged man Zhou Ming nodded his head here.

"Come with me!"

Looking behind the young man, seeing no one else following him, he beckoned and strode out of the sentry post to somewhere in the town. .

Zhou Ming just received a newcomer, but Zhou Ming's mood did not improve. He asked the other party's name as he walked.

According to the other party's name, Zhou Ming quickly found one of the newcomers on the list.

Glancing at the other party's resume, Zhou Ming's face was not even good-looking.

"A low-level first-order demigod. He has participated in many battles and has been seriously injured more than a hundred times. He is also 800,000 years old."

Silently reading the other party's information in his heart, Zhou Ming already had a preliminary definition of the ordinary-looking middle-aged man in front of him.

He belonged to the kind of old soldier with extremely ordinary qualifications but extremely rich combat experience.

Although judging from the performance of the opponent who has participated in many large-scale battles and is still alive, the opponent's combat experience has perfectly met the entry standard of the Eye of the Sky.

Because such a person can indeed be called an elite, it is also in line with the rules for the opposing army to send such a person over.

But Zhou Ming just said hehe.

First of all, the task intensity of the Eye of the Sky Domain alone is not something such an old man can handle, and secondly, the other party's cultivation base is still too low. Furthermore, although such an old low-ranking demigod has rich combat experience, his reaction ability and danger insight are far inferior to some young people.

However, the missions of the Eye of the Sky Region are often extremely dangerous, and the danger is caught off guard every time, so Zhou Ming feels that the old man may fall within one or two missions.

"Silence, huh?"

When he came to a dark alleyway, Zhou Ming turned around and looked at the middle-aged man behind him.

"Master Hui's subordinate is silence!" The ordinary-looking middle-aged man hurriedly cupped his hands.

"I'm about to enter the Eye of Heaven. I want to ask you, do you really want to enter my Eye of Heaven? It’s ten deaths and no life. If you refuse, then I can discuss with your legion commander to replace someone.”

Zhou Ming said in a deep voice, he was right.

If the head of the opposing army sent such an extremely reluctant crooked melon over, it would be reasonable for him to sue the prince.

I believe the head of the opposing legion will understand how much the prince attaches to the Eye of Tianyu, and it is not difficult to change someone.

"This subordinate doesn't know why your lord is asking, but this subordinate has made up his mind!" The solemn tone with a silent face was even more resolute.

Seeing this, Zhou Ming was slightly astonished, and couldn't help showing a hint of approval.

"Although this old man's talent is not high and he's a bit older, he has a passion and a lot of courage!"

Eyes of Tianyu likes people with such a character the most, but there is no way.

Thinking of the other party's talent and age, Zhou Ming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Without saying much, he pointed his finger at the dead end in front of him according to a specific frequency and direction, and saw that the front wall began to change suddenly, like a trap wall, and then a long corridor came into view.

"Go in! Once in, it will be difficult to get out!"

With a sigh, Zhou Ming has already stepped into it first.

As a dagger hidden in the dark under the command of Nanwang, the Eye of Tianyu has the highest secrecy mechanism.

From the outside, it seems that this is just an ordinary town in Tiannan City, but only a few local people know that there is a huge terrorist organization that collects assassination and intelligence hidden is. . . . "

Walking in the long and narrow passage, Jiang Heng felt slightly surprised by the strange situation around him.

"Don't be surprised, this is a very hidden independent world somewhere in the high-dimensional plane. The headquarters of our Eye of Heaven is here!"

Zhou Ming explained.

Jiang Heng looked around and couldn't help being a little surprised. The opponent's move can be said to have reached a very high level of secrecy.

Especially the high-dimensional independent space here is completely different from when I was in the nebula sect treasure house.

The treasure house of the Nebula Sect is only a few hundred square meters in size at best. And here is actually a huge space with tens of thousands of mu at a glance.

Moreover, tens of hundreds of isolation formations were faintly arranged around this place, so that Jiang Heng didn't realize that this was a high-dimensional plane at first.

The purpose of doing this is to make this place an isolated island in the universe, whether it is a high-dimensional or a main universe.

Even some space law demigods have difficulty perceiving the existence of this place from the outside.

At least Jiang Heng didn't notice it at all before, even after entering the tunnel, he didn't know that he had unknowingly entered a small independent world somewhere in the high-dimensional plane.

"Sure enough, I can't perceive any of the space anchors that I left on purpose just now after entering it!"

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