Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 895: mess with something that shouldn't be messed with

Looking at the flesh and blood suspended below, Jiang Heng grabbed the blood with his big hand and quickly gathered it into a ball and began to spin until it turned into a blood pill.

Without the slightest hesitation, he swallowed it in one bite.

This is the flesh body evolved by Heavenly Tribulation, and it is extremely pure without any impurities. The blood pill refined in this way is also a kind of blessing from Heavenly Tribulation.

With the complete disappearance of Tianjie's incarnation, rays of light from the physical body Daotianjie began to pour out, and the light poured into Jiang Heng's body like countless filaments.

Many filaments even entwine layers of light on Jiang Heng's body surface. For a moment, Jiang Heng seemed to be wrapped in a white cocoon, and he was sitting on his physical body to further improve and accumulate.

This is the blessing of Heavenly Tribulation, and this blessing lasted for a long time, obviously it will not end all at once.

At this time, everyone had gradually come to their senses. It was inconceivable to see that Jiang Heng really cut down two incarnations of catastrophe, and easily resolved the crisis with a method they couldn't understand.

Especially Xuan Guizi is a bit confused, this is normal, no one will know the feeling of this kind of invisible and intangible, even in the eyes of many strong people. The power that was only inferior and superficial in the past will have such terrifying power.

Qi Jin has always been ignored by people, just like Lu Yixin who just stepped out of the Qinglan Realm. At that time, many people felt that his Qi Dao was completely contrary to the Dao of the physical body, and his future achievements would be limited.

Even Jiang Heng had doubts for a period of time at first, but as he continued to explore Qi Jin until he was ahead of Lu Yixin, Jiang Heng now has another level of understanding of Qi Jin.

It's true that it's just an ordinary level of energy, it's not worth mentioning, it's far less powerful than the physical strength.

But as Qi Jin gradually turned into Qi Dao, and now, after using the blessing of Heavenly Tribulation to condense Qi Pill in one fell swoop, Jiang Heng could feel the power of this Dao more and more.

If it is said that ordinary physical martial arts fighters can only be regarded as scraping fighters in front of some special law experts, then physical martial arts masters who master the way of air are really blasting warriors.

Ordinary physical martial arts fighters are indeed very powerful in a broad sense, and it is not an exaggeration to call them invincible in close combat, because as we all know, once a physical martial arts fighter gets close, it is equivalent to being powerless to fight back, and can only be forced to be beaten continuously.

But in the face of some special law powerhouses, they will be restrained miserably, such as some powerhouses who are strong in slashing and known for the law of killing the enemy with one blow.

What these people are good at is one-shot kills, and they will never give physical warriors a chance to get close. For example, Jian Wushen and others, his swordsmanship is superb, if a martial artist of the same level does not have some special treasures to protect the body or pull him into the distance, he will only be killed by the opponent with a kite or even a single blow.

Secondly, there are some law powerhouses whose physical body is stronger than that of martial arts warriors, injected into the previous Tiangang demigod, if Jiang Heng did not open the heart opening in time, if the other party's spirit has a protective treasure, I am afraid that Jiang Heng's physical body will be even stronger Times can only be consumed by the opponent.

All in all, physical martial arts lack the explosive power that is powerful enough to instantly kill opponents.

This instant kill is not simply a punch to blast the opponent's body, because there are some elemental laws and demigods, even if you blast the opponent's body, it will not help.

On the other hand, the airway is like countless small and pervasive sharp knives, which can give the opponent a complete beheading with the most precise angle like surgery.

Of course, this move is not without flaws. At least in Jiang Heng’s view, his current airway is not strong enough to instantly kill the opponent. Continuously poured into the opponent's body.

Similar to superimposed continuous damage, until the superposition reaches a critical point in the opponent's body, and finally the enemy can be defeated with one blow.

However, Jiang Heng is already extremely satisfied that the airway can have such an effect.

At this time, in the light cocoon, countless pure physical powers are continuously being input into Jiang Heng's body, and the blessing is still going on. This process cannot be done as quickly as the airway, but can only continue.

Many people who saw this scene were a little silent, and even Eva, the consul who had been watching, showed a thoughtful look on her face. She was thinking about whether her previous decision was a little hasty.

This Jiang Heng seems to be a bit evil.

Maybe the other party may really survive the demigod tribulation.

It's not that Eva doesn't believe that Jiang Heng won't be able to survive this catastrophe, the main reason is that the catastrophe Jiang Heng attracted has already exceeded the strength of ordinary domain masters breaking through demigods.

Generally speaking, if one breaks through a demigod, the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation Evolution can barely reach the level of a low-level demigod at best, and the energy level can barely reach the million level.

But the incarnations of Heavenly Tribulation attracted by Jiang Heng have already exceeded one million, directly reaching five or even six million.

Of course, the performance of the short-term energy level can only be regarded as the highest explosion. In fact, the two incarnations of the catastrophe are only at the level of three to four million.

Rao is so, this is already an extremely incredible thing for the demigod.

However, the other party managed to survive the first catastrophe with unimaginable results.

"I just don't know if you can continue like this in the future!"

Eva murmured softly, now she is not sure whether Jiang Heng can create a miracle.

Time passed little by little, and at this time starships began to depart from the Virgo supercluster of galaxies.

The previous fluctuations have already alarmed dozens of nearby super galaxy clusters. Although they have not been able to affect the respective star clusters, the terrifying high-energy reactions here are still detected.

Starships started galloping this way, wanting to grasp the situation as soon as possible.

In the silver field lord's mansion, Mingshuang, who is the chief executive, also quickly issued a series of orders, aiming at the possible consequences of this incident.

"My lord, it stands to reason that we should notify the lord in time, but we have been unable to contact the lord, what should we do?"

At this time, Zhao Kai, who had already been promoted to the head of the Sheriff of the Lord's Mansion of the Silver Domain, frowned and said.

Zhao Kai's promotion to this position can be regarded as his early relationship with the lord Jiang Heng. However, he can be regarded as the group of people with the highest cultivation level in the Milky Way, and his strength can be regarded as entering the middle stage of the domain master level.

Although this kind of strength cannot completely convince the public, it is barely justified.

"Send an investigation team to investigate first, order martial law in all areas, and prepare to open a large defensive formation at the border."

Mingshuang didn't respond directly to Zhao Kai but talked about her own solution.

"As for the lord, I have no way to contact them now, but I have already reported the matter to the governing hall. I believe that the Eva consul can give a clear solution!"

How did Mingshuang know that such a big momentum was actually created by her own lord.

Now she still has a headache how to contact her lord.

After all, this is the aura that is suspected to be unscrupulously emanating from a strong demigod. It is obvious that the comer is not good!

At the same time, time passed by little by little, and the top of Jiang Heng changed again. The crack representing the Heavenly Calamity of the physical body has not changed, but the Heavenly Tribulation crack representing the air path has already begun to change.

"Not good! One of the catastrophes passed too fast, and now the second catastrophe of this catastrophe is coming first!"

Seeing this scene, Xuan Guizi couldn't help exclaiming.

Because the speed of the first heavenly tribulation in the air way is too fast, and the blessing is too fast, so that it is one step faster than the physical body, and it begins to brew the second heavenly catastrophe.

A stream of dense air was bred in the cracks.

"The second catastrophe is the law catastrophe. This catastrophe is more dangerous than the first catastrophe!"

Xuan Guizi was a little anxious, but Jiang Heng was still in the blessing of the physical body.

If this is interrupted, there will be a lot of backlash!

This scene was naturally seen by Eva and the others.

The next moment, countless gaseous states surged out of the crack, and suddenly the area where Jiang Heng was located was shrouded by these gaseous states, forming a special field, like a cage that bound Jiang Heng in it.

I don't know if Jiang Heng speeded up the absorption process, the light cocoon was quickly absorbed into Jiang Heng's body, and every inch of the body exuded divine light, as if it was already the body of a powerful demigod.

However, before Jiang Heng was happy, he noticed the situation around him and frowned.

"How is this going?"

Looking at the strange situation around him, he didn't quite understand what kind of calamity the second stage of the qi path would be.

"not good!"

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng couldn't help being frightened.

I just felt that the Qi in my body started to scurry around as if it was out of control, and launched an indiscriminate attack on the internal organs.

The Qi Dan is more like crazy, running around in the dantian.

"Is this the Law Tribulation?"

Jiang Heng was shocked in his heart, he naturally understood each step of the demigod calamity.

The calamity of the law is a kind of punishment from heaven and earth to you by law. How much you relied on this law in the past, how much pain you will suffer in that calamity.

For a moment, Jiang Heng couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was like the previous incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation, not only vomiting blood but also starting to vomit blood.

He vomited out big mouthfuls of dark golden blood. If Jiang Heng hadn't had a strong physical body, his physical body would have collapsed in an instant.

Even so, he didn't think that his physical body could withstand such a horrible situation. With the lessons learned from the past, Jiang Heng reckoned that he could last ten breaths at most.

With every mouthful of blood spit out, the breath on Jiang Heng's body became weaker.

At the same time, countless small cutting blades in the body frantically crushed all organs and visceral tissues, and even the physical strength that was trying to recover was ruthlessly crushed.

This is the horror of Qi Dao, of course, it would be okay if there is not much Qi Jin.

But there is a qi pill in my body that contains terrifying energy, and the qi pill riots, and the degree of danger is even worse than that of the previous incarnation of the catastrophe.

Seeing Jiang Heng vomit blood continuously, Lin Yanwei in the distance couldn't help but her heart ached.

"Senior, can you help my husband?" Lin Yanwei didn't speak before, but this time she couldn't help but did so.

"I can't take action, I can protect it, but others can't intervene in the catastrophe. Other people's intervention will only intensify the intensity of the catastrophe, and he will only die faster!"

Xuan Guizi shook his head and sighed.

Seeing this, Lin Yanwei's heart ached even more, and she couldn't help but shed tears. She trusted Jiang Heng, but she couldn't see her man suffer so much.

At this time, Jiang Heng was in extreme pain. Every cell in his body was mercilessly dismembered. Nerves and even souls.

The qi pill in his body is like a naughty egg hiding a little devil, jumping up and down constantly, jumping to the upper dantian for a while, and the lower dantian for a while, the most important thing is that he really exudes a completely riotous spirit all the time. Vigorously destroys everything around it.


Suddenly, for some unknown reason, Qi Dan jumped too far, unexpectedly bumping into a hard object.

Qi Dan was a little dizzy, and when he reacted, he flew into a rage, but when he took a closer look, he saw a strange metal thing that looked like a simple compass.

Seeing this Qi Dan was even more annoyed, he was the only overlord in this dantian, he didn't expect that there was such a guy in his dantian, without thinking too much, Qi Dan directly controlled Qi Jin to crazily strangle this weird compass.

It's just that when the compass was touched, the compass seemed to be awakened immediately, emitting a layer of pale golden light waves, the speed of which was as fast as a layer of shock waves sweeping through the Qi Dan.

Qi Dan didn't take it seriously, but when the light wave radiated, its body froze, and immediately calmed down immediately.

Everything was like pressing the pause button, and the original riot subsided instantly.

As if there was nothing to disturb him anymore, Compass shook his body lightly, as if humming softly, and found a comfortable place to continue to fall into a deep sleep.

"How is this going?"

Feeling the energy in his body suddenly quiet down, Jiang Heng was stunned. Is this the end?

Why does it seem to be anticlimactic?

"Isn't this a little too childish?"

Jiang Heng raised his head in confusion and looked at the crack on the top of his head representing the airway.

It seemed to be stimulated by Jiang Heng's gaze, and there was obviously some irritation in the crack.

However, when it tried to use the power of rules to force the laws in the victim's body to run wild, it was stunned.

Why still no response?

Could it be that the power of blessing is insufficient?

I didn't think much about it strengthening its strength again, but it was still as still as water.

This special meow is outrageous.

Jiang Heng now always feels that the catastrophe above his head seems to be very aggrieved, the air waves in the cracks are constantly surging, and in the end it seems that a crying child can only be forced to compromise.

Strands of air flow helplessly flow into Jiang Heng's seven orifices and even the whole body again, this is actually the second blessing of heavenly calamity

This scene stunned the onlookers.

"Why can't I understand this old man now?"

Xuan Guizi scratched his head in At his age, he has seen a lot of friends go through robbery, but like Jiang Heng, it was extremely dangerous at the beginning, but the situation improved instantly in the blink of an eye. seen.

Just like the calamity of laws in front of us, general domain masters crossing the calamity often have the power of laws far less deep than Jiang Heng's foundation, and naturally their power when the calamity comes is not as terrifying as Jiang Heng.

But even so, after finally surviving the catastrophe, only half of his life was left.

"Senior, has my husband succeeded?" Lin Yanwei didn't understand the key. But when Jiang Heng's condition improved, his mood naturally improved.

"It should be considered a success."

Xuan Guizi responded with some embarrassment, how could he know what Jiang Heng was going through now, he had never seen it before!


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