Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Crossing robbery (below)

In fact, the rating of the Great Zhou Empire is somewhat similar to the longevity of each level of powerhouse, but the rating of the true **** is not evaluated by longevity.

It's just a symbolic meaning. After all, even the detection equipment of the Great Zhou Empire is difficult to accurately judge the level of strength of the true gods.

For example, the judgment of a demigod powerhouse is about 1 million to 99.99 million.

And even if the nearest distance of 100 million is only a little difference in energy level, the gap is also the gap between heaven and earth, because the Great Zhou Empire cannot accurately judge the energy level of the true god, and 100 million is just a symbolic meaning for the true god.

At the same time, the level span of demigods is relatively large.

For example, the low level is one million, while the median is ten million to thirty million.

As for the high level, it is the level above the 40 million energy level.

This is also why the span of any small realm between the high positions of the demigods is extremely large, and those who can leapfrog the ranks in the high ranks are without exception those with outstanding talents and profound opportunities.

Because it is difficult to make up for the simple realm gap in the future with general martial arts secret arts, and the only thing to fight is various combinations of secret arts and even supernatural powers and law strengths.

"The energy level fluctuates from one million to several million. This is already the level of a demigod at the low-level first and second levels. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with this information? Looking at the information in front of her, Eva frowned suspiciously."

In Eva's opinion, low-ranking demigods are nothing special. Among the many main armies under the Southern King's command, low-ranking demigods can only be regarded as the most common soldiers.

What surprised her was that Jiang Heng was obviously only a peak domain master, but he didn't expect that there would be a sudden burst of low-level energy fluctuations around the second level.

The energy levels of low-level demigods are divided into one million to two million for the first level, two million to five million for the second level, and five million to nine million ninety-nine million for the third level demigod.

"Sir, this is indeed information from the Ministry of Supervision, and..." the young consul was speaking, but at this moment her bracelet vibrated quickly.

"What's going on?" Eva asked quickly.

"It seems that there is another urgent message from the Ministry of Supervision."

As she spoke, she lightly tapped her bracelet, and soon another piece of data popped up.

As in the previous data, there is almost no big difference, it is still Jiang Heng's data analysis, but this time it is a bit unusual.

"Five million? Has it reached five million?"

Looking at the string of eye-catching data, Eva frowned.

"Check! Using 30% of the computing power of the Executive Office and 70% of the function of the Eye of Punishment of the Supervision Department, I want to monitor the situation there in real time!"

Eva directly issued an emergency order.

Soon the entire governing hall was quickly mobilized, and even the nearby connected parts were also in rapid operation.

For the third largest force that often confronts the other two major forces in the universe, all the government affairs mechanisms of the Great Zhou Empire are operating at an extremely high speed.

Especially the Southern King's Department, because it often confronts the troops of the Super Dimensional God Kingdom on the main universe plane.

Faced with the machine-like precise and efficient war operation mechanism of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, Nanwang's troops naturally became extremely efficient in order to adapt.

In just ten breaths of time, a clear picture has already appeared on the large display screen of the governing hall. This is the picture shared by the Eye of Punishment of the Ministry of Supervision.

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment is a special kind of equipment with an extremely large size, so the Great Zhou Empire can only be deployed in some special control areas.

And the newly included areas of Hundred Kingdoms and Hegemony will serve as bridgeheads with the Temple of the Gods in the future, so this place is also equipped with such equipment for the first time.

The function of this device is to monitor hundreds of super galaxy clusters at most, but it can only maintain low-efficiency operation on weekdays. Similar to this kind of direct display operation, the energy consumed by each breath is extremely terrifying.

"Is this breaking through?"

Seeing the scene in front of her, Eva was stunned immediately, not only her, but the entire staff of the governing hall were also stunned.

Because according to their expectations, the previous monitoring may have been wrong, and such a sudden energy level explosion is a bit suspected of foreign enemy invasion.

After all, the energy level response target is completely inconsistent with the actual information.

But the scene presented on the screen in front of me told everyone that it was not a problem with the Eye of Punishment, but a problem with this person.

"Jiang Heng! Quick! I need all the reports about Jiang Heng from the previous Hundred Kingdoms Battle!"

Eva quickly realized the seriousness of the matter.

The response speed of the governing hall was once again confirmed, and soon some staff members transferred the relevant information in the database to the memory in the brain of Eva, the supreme consul.

Although she had browsed through it once, Eva couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when she browsed again and looked at the situation displayed on the screen in front of her.

"According to the analysis, Jiang Heng is suspected to have the potential of a prince, do you want to upgrade the other party's information?" the young consul girl wearing glasses said weakly.

"Well, seal up his information, and no one else can browse it without my order, and also record the breakthrough and energy level analysis. Afterwards, it will be packaged with the other party's information and sent to the highest administrative office in the Southern Region."

"Send....send it to the highest governing office in the Southern Region?" The young consul was a little confused.

"Is there a problem?" Eva glanced at her subordinates.

"! That is, does this need multiple reviews?"

"No, of course it has to wait for the final judgment of the person's situation after the breakthrough. If the breakthrough fails, or if there is no situation that I expected after the breakthrough, then there is no need for follow-up operations."

Eva waved her hand, and her eyes fell on the screen again.

At the same time, the breakthrough is still going on, and at this moment, Jiang Heng is like a black hole that is madly absorbing and stirring up everything around him.

And as the aura climbed to the limit, the realm and aura in Jiang Heng's body could no longer conceal the will of the universe.

Seeing that there seemed to be gaps in the void above Jiang Heng, like a long and narrow Eye of Heaven's Punishment, the huge pupil slowly opened.

The crack opened to reveal the bright light inside, as if a true god's eye was looking down on the common people, and the eyes glanced at Jiang Heng and finally fell on Jiang Heng.

"Be careful, kid, the first physical calamity is coming!"

Xuan Guizi's voice came to Jiang Heng's mind through sound transmission.

Lin Yanwei was protected by Xuan Guizi in the distance, but her eyes were fixed on Jiang Heng who was like a god-man.

The demigod's catastrophe is no longer a simple thunder, but a concrete punishment and test mechanism.

If you pass it, you can get great benefits, if you don't pass it, you will die!

At this moment, everyone in the governing hall seemed to be watching this scene with bated breath. They had actually seen it many times, but every time they watched it, they still couldn't help but feel anxious for the person who crossed the catastrophe.

At this moment, a ray of light slowly shot out from the crack on the top of Jiang Heng's head, and the ray quickly condensed and twisted in midair, gradually evolving into something.

Seeing this, Xuan Guizi couldn't help but said: "Don't wait for the opponent to completely condense, take a shot to defeat the opponent, so that you can relax a little bit later!"

Xuan Guizi's proposal was correct, but Jiang Heng was indifferent, just watching leisurely, as if he was waiting for the other party to completely condense into shape.

"Could this kid be crazy? It's unimaginably difficult to wait for the other party to completely condense into shape!" Xuan Guizi was a little anxious.

This kid is confused!

Even the consuls in the governing hall are frowning. They have seen too many scenes of people breaking through the demigods, and they know the process.

Destroying some of the condensates of the Heavenly Tribulation in advance can at least increase the success rate of the first Heavenly Tribulation by at least 40%.

It's not uncommon to be like Jiang Heng, but that kind of person is too rare. Any one of them is probably the son of Lord Hou, but the real dragon and phoenix among people!

That kind of person is more than rare to describe.

Eva just watched quietly. Through the previous series of data and analysis, she has some inexplicable confidence in this Jiang Heng at this moment,

It's not just her, Lin Yanwei who is standing next to Xuan Guizi has never doubted every decision of her husband from the beginning to the end.

Jiang Heng is naturally not confused, at this moment he just wants to wait for the other party to completely condense into shape.

For it is both a test and a blessing.

The first stage of Heavenly Tribulation is to defeat the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation. If the opponent's cohesion process is broken up in advance, it will certainly increase the efficiency, but in the end, the benefits of blessing will be much less.

Jiang Heng wanted this blessing, the increase of the blessing to the physical body was unimaginable, he didn't want to miss it.

Time passed little by little, and when the rays of light spouting from the crack became rarer, the twisted and wriggling figure of light in midair seemed to gradually take shape.

After a while, after the light dissipated, a figure similar to Jiang Heng's scene was suspended in the air.

This figure has exactly the same aura as Jiang Heng, but the difference is that the power emitted by the opponent's physical body is far better than Jiang Heng himself.

"The first test is to fight against monsters that are exactly the same as me, but with a stronger body!"

He grinned and showed an excited smile. He was already a little excited, but he was a little upset that the other party was holding his face. It was a bit like beating yourself, which was very strange.

It can't be explained that Jiang Heng's body was covered with golden light, and his figure quickly disappeared in place, and he reappeared above the opponent.

And Jiang Heng's figure also turned into the appearance of a behemoth fighting, which was obviously activated by the Holy Physique of Brahma Martial Arts.

Hold five cards in one hand, and punch out in the next moment, Chongyun Fist!


A wave of energy accumulated in the wrist like layers upon layers of waves, and the next moment it was like a cannonball, and it hit the opponent's head directly like a piece of heaven and earth.


With a roar, Jiang Heng retreated slightly, his expression a little ugly.

But I saw that the incarnation of Tianjie wiped out Jiang Heng's blow with just a light wave of his hand.

The terrifying method made Jiang Heng somewhat unexpected.

I didn't feel any other power, just pure physical power.

"At least a hundred times stronger than mine."

Jiang Heng's breathing was slightly rapid, and he used the Brahma Martial Saint Body, while the opponent still had a hundred times stronger strength.

What kind of power is this?

After a rough estimate in his heart, Jiang Heng guessed that the opponent's pure physical strength was not inferior to the power of a low-level third-order physical body Tao demigod.

Jiang Heng knew very well that his strength was already comparable to ordinary low-ranking demigods, and he even had a record of beating low-ranking second-, third-, and even fourth-tier demigods.

But most of those were unexpected moves by relying on God Slashing Gourd.

And the person who really relies on the physical body to cut is the Skyhawk demigod, but that guy is not a demigod in the physical body, even if it is so, Jiang Heng has to do his best to barely compete with the opponent.

In terms of real strength, Jiang Heng felt that his own strength was equivalent to the level of the first and second ranks.

And this is the limit of many mystical and supernatural powers, such as Nebula Palm Star Body and Faxiang Tiandi Star Picker.

"It looks like I still need to play some flowers!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng slapped the gourd on his waist, and the next moment, the nine-handled flying knives flew out quickly.

However, the throwing knife, which is often effective against ordinary demigods, is useless in front of the person in front of him.

When the flying knives were sacrificed, Jiang Heng used the sky-shading scarf to suppress his breath, and among the nine flying knives were invisible blades, space blades and even soul blades.

It would be difficult to detect these blades without careful observation, but the other party seemed to have a complete insight, and first slapped those tangible blades away, and then avoided the slashing blows of the space blade and invisible blade.

And the last soul blade pierced the opponent's forehead, but the opponent didn't respond at all.

Jiang Heng was terrified in his heart, and couldn't help being surprised after a little exploration, the other party didn't have any soul at all, just like a puppet.

But if you think about it carefully, you will be relieved. The other party is just the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation, so why talk about a soul.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng simply withdrew the throwing knife, stretched out his body, and the joints in his body crackled, and the next moment a giant with a height of ten thousand feet appeared.

Faxiang Tiandi, Xingyun Palm Picking Stars suddenly erupted.

Surging power penetrated the whole body, like a star-gathered palm slamming towards the opponent's head.

Almost instantly, the opponent's body size also exploded suddenly, and in an instant, like Jiang Heng, he used many secret techniques such as Faxiang Tiandi and Xingyun Palm.

The only thing that cannot be imitated is the star catcher.


The two palms hit each other, and suddenly a surging force swept in all directions.

The large array arranged by Xuan Guizi shook endlessly, countless nodes of the array exploded like firecrackers, and wisps of extremely strong aura escaped.

At the same time, the Shuiyuezong fleet, which had regrouped and was about to leave this area quickly, swayed wildly as if it was in a huge wave in the water.

The brilliance of the formations on the surface of the starships quickly The energy of each starship was quickly evacuated by the energy shield, and the tail flame of the engine representing the power quickly misfired.

However, the shield exploded after only holding on for a few breaths.

Seeing this, the elder of Shuiyuezong couldn't bear it anymore and crushed the inscription given by the elder of his family.

"Please protect us from our ancestors!"

With a low shout, a ray of light like moonlight flew out from the shattered light of the inscription, and finally an old phantom figure condensed above the starship.

The figure seemed to be a little conscious, and after a little exploration, he quickly stretched his hands, and a more surging shield radiance emerged.

In this way, the starship group can stabilize the formation, but the elder Shuiyuezong in the starship is still ashen-faced.

Because the demigod phantom above his head seems to fade extremely fast.


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