Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Crossing robbery (Part 1)

As the silence gradually broke through, Jiang Heng also had a clear understanding.

"It's almost time, we should go!"

"Are you going to break through?" Lin Yanwei asked softly.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, and the next moment he stroked with his big hand, the two of them disappeared instantly in this other garden where they had lived for nearly decades.

When it reappeared, it had come to the edge of the Virgo supercluster.

After moving through space several times in succession, Jiang Heng took Lin Yanwei to appear in this starry sky that was as dead as dead.

Looking around, the surroundings are silent, and even the starlight can only be vaguely seen in the distant area, and the closer area is an extremely dark space.

This is already a far region outside the Virgo supercluster, and Jiang Heng dare not break through inside the supercluster.

He also didn't know how much movement would be caused by breaking through the demigod, but in any case, the farther away from the life zone, the better.

"Should we break through now?" Lin Yanwei looked suspiciously at the empty surroundings.

"hold on!"

As soon as Jiang Heng's voice fell, a great light in the distance came quickly.

I saw a huge figure like a planet approaching quickly, the closer you get to feel its huge size.

"A turtle?"

Seeing what came, Lin Yanwei's beautiful eyes widened in astonishment.

"I've seen Senior Xuanguizi!" Jiang Heng clasped his hands and said loudly.

"Haha! I was also ordered by that boy Xingyun to protect the way for you. With me here, you can break through with confidence!"

A hearty laugh came from the old tortoise's mouth, and then the giant tortoise shrank rapidly, turning into an old, slightly sloppy gray-clothed old man in a moment.

The person who came was the senior Xuan Guizi who was in charge of the treasure house of the Xingyun Sect, an old senior who had lived for many years and mastered the laws of life.

It's just that this time Jiang Heng couldn't help being shocked when he saw this existence again.

He hadn't noticed the opponent's specific cultivation before, but this time he could vaguely feel that the opponent was at least a middle-level demigod powerhouse.

The origin of the other party is unknown, Jiang Heng felt that the other party might belong to the starry sky behemoth family because of his size, and he also grasped the law of life.

As we all know, the masters of the law of life have always been known for their strong vitality and extremely abnormal resilience, and they are also members of the starry sky family who are already terrifying in the flesh.

Jiang Heng felt that the opponent's actual combat ability might not be inferior to his master Xingyun demigod, but the one in front of him seemed to be lazy, staying in the treasury all day and living off wine and sleep.

As long as the other party intends to come out of the mountain, I'm afraid it will be a terrifying demigod powerhouse.

"Then thank you, Senior!"

Jiang Heng arched his hands, and after realizing that he had realized himself, he sent a message to Xingyun demigod.

At the beginning, I didn't know why my master wanted to notify him before breaking through, but now it seems clear that he was worried about him, so he invited such a big mountain as Xuan Guizi.

"It's okay! It's okay! But I see that you are full of energy and spirit, and your body is full of no time. I think you are very sure, but the catastrophe when you break through should not be underestimated. I brought this thing from your master this time!"

As he said that, he saw Xuan Guizi flicking his sleeves and a quaint brass bell levitated out. The brass bell is invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected by the power of the soul and soul.

It is indeed the precious protective gear of the demigod Xingyun.

"Breakthrough demigods only have triple lightning tribulations, but the third tribulation of triple thunder tribulations is the most dangerous mental demon tribulation. Even if you have a very strong soul, you need to be extremely careful in this calamity. With this protection, you may increase your chances of success! "

Jiang Heng doesn't refuse anything at this moment, and there is no need to thank him at this time, as long as he can step into the demigod, that is the best reward for his master.

Otherwise, don't look at Jiang Heng's amazing combat power at the moment, which can almost match most low-level demigods, and even compete with some casual cultivators and mid-level demigods.

But if you don't break through the demigod, you will only have 50,000 years of lifespan after all. Only by stepping into the body of a demigod and transforming into a divine creature can you have a million years of lifespan.

"And these, you take them together, I don't have a single bit of mud on my body right now!"

However, when Xuan Guizi raised his hand again, more than ten black mud pellets flew out of his hand.

Seeing these things, Jiang Heng's face immediately darkened.

Isn't this just the dirt on other people's bodies?

But not to mention that the effect of this thing is indeed amazing, but Jiang Heng can only put it away.

He also didn't know how terrifying this catastrophe would be, and no matter how well prepared he was, he couldn't have too much preparation.

"You adjust your breath on the spot for a period of time, and try to keep your state at its peak. In the past few days, I will arrange a breath-isolation formation and a spirit-gathering formation nearby."

Xuan Guizi is obviously very experienced in this matter, and after saying a word, he hurriedly turned into a streamer and quickly started to work around,

After Jiang Heng gave Lin Yanwei some orders, Lin Yanwei didn't dare to neglect her and began to sit cross-legged in the void, closing her eyes while adjusting her physical state and mental state.

He must maintain the peak and most concentrated state so that he can face the catastrophe with a perfect posture.

Time passed day by day. On this day, a long-distance fleet was doing the final material supply work at Sanhua Port.

This is a chamber of commerce with the emblem of the crescent moon printed on it. This chamber of commerce is called the Water Moon Chamber of Commerce.

It is a large-scale chamber of commerce from a supergalactic cluster galaxy in the original hegemony, and behind it is the Shuiyue Sect who has a close relationship with the current Lord Jiang Heng.

Of course, the Shuiyue Dynasty has become a thing of the past.

With the takeover of the Great Zhou Empire, the supercluster of galaxies ruled by the Shuiyue Dynasty was also named Water Region, just like the area ruled by Jiang Heng is now named Silver Region.

Of course, in the end, they all belong to the management of the Imperial Government Office.

It's just that outsiders don't know the relationship between Shuiyuezong's water area and Jiang Heng's rule of Yinyu, but those who are interested can still vaguely guess some.

After all, the commercial trade between the silver domain and the water domain far exceeds that of other domains.

"Is it all assembled? The time is almost up, and if we delay, we can only wait for the next wave of star gate transmission."

"The elder has been assembled!" A Shuiyue Sect disciple quickly responded.

And the elder of Shuiyuezong nodded upon hearing this, and without any nonsense, he quickly ordered the fleet to leave the port and start sailing towards the star gate.

As Jiang Heng ruled several supergalactic clusters and established the Yinyu, the Sanhua Port, which was a trading hub, became extremely prosperous.

This directly caused the utilization of the stargate to become extremely tense. If you want to sail the stargate for an ultra-long-distance flight, you need to make a queuing appointment.

"Elder, I wonder if there will be any problems this time."

A Water Moon Sect disciple in the command room of the bridge said with concern on his face.

Hearing this, the elder frowned and said in puzzlement, "Something went wrong, what could go wrong?"

The elders are very puzzled, now they are in the territory of a strong man whose strength is close to that of a demigod, it is impossible for star robbers to exist here, right?

"Elder, haven't you heard of it?" The disciple was surprised.

"Have you heard anything? Has anything happened recently?" The elder became even more suspicious.

There's something else I don't know.

The domain master-level mid-term elder was even more puzzled.

"I heard that in the past few days, some abnormal spatial fluctuations have often occurred in the star gate of the eastern route from the Virgo supercluster to the outer galaxy cluster!" Seeing that the elder really didn't understand, this disciple didn't dare to delay and said hastily.

"Spatial fluctuations? How could there be such a problem with the star gate? Could it be that the fault of the star gate here has not been checked in time?" The elder frowned and expressed his guess.

"That's not true. I heard that the problem of the star gate has been ruled out, and even the star gates at both ends are fine. According to the analysis of the technicians here, it may be that there is some unknown interference in the interruption of the star gate transmission, which leads to some unnecessary problems in the space. fluctuations."

"Interrupted interruption?"

The elder frowned suddenly, he had never encountered such a thing before.

The so-called interruption interference means that there are some weird situations on the way to the transmission route.

This Shuiyuezong elder also has a certain understanding of Stargate technology.

The star gate is said to be space teleportation, but in fact it is not the real space teleportation like the master of space law.

It is a technique similar to the extreme multiple folding of the generalized space, just like comparing the distance between the two sides to the length of a piece of white paper.

If you walk normally, you must walk through this white paper completely, but if you are teleporting through the star gate, you only need to fold the paper several times or even dozens of times, so that taking a light step is like crossing countless distances .

In other words, this is a more extreme space folding technology.

This technology is actually installed in some long-distance starships, such as some current light-year acceleration engines.

It's just that the starship cannot be equipped with such an extreme extreme space folding technology, and can only make shallow space ripples in space to speed up the starship's navigation speed.

"That is to say, some unknown accidents occurred during the voyage. Has Yinyu sent someone to investigate now?"

The elder looked at this well-informed disciple and asked

"It's still under investigation at this time, but Yinyu has initially investigated that the problem may appear in a starless belt area on the outer edge of the eastern Virgo constellation.

Now many caravans traveling on the eastern route have lost contact, and it is likely that they were interrupted from the star gate transmission and moved to some unknown areas. "

This disciple's analysis is very reasonable.

If there is a problem with the space transmission, at least it will break away from the transmission and enter the unknown star field, and at the worst it may be directly crushed into powder by the power of space.

"So Elder, do you think we should wait until the problem here is resolved before returning to the sect?" the disciple discouraged with a worried look on his face.

The elder was also lost in thought, but he shook his head after a little thought.

"No! The clansmen need this batch of supplies very much now. Every day that is delayed is a great loss to the sect. Besides, this kind of space fluctuation phenomenon does not appear often, as long as we are careful, it is not a problem, not to mention that there are too many people in this seat. A talisman seal bestowed by the elders can keep the ship safe in times of crisis!"

Following the elder's words, the disciple didn't hesitate any longer.

After all, the elder Taishang is the real **** in the hearts of all their clansmen, a real living demigod-level powerhouse, how can some subtle spatial fluctuations compete with the demigod's means.

At the same time, the instructions from the command platform at the port sounded in the command room, which meant that it was their turn to transmit this batch of star gates.

Without hesitation, the caravan starship group composed of nearly hundreds of thousands of starships, large and small, began to fly towards a large long-distance teleportation stargate in the distance.

This teleportation will send them to the original territory of the Sike Empire, and then the star gate over there will be teleported again to reach the original hegemony. During this period, they will have to go through two or three teleportations before they can reach the Shuiyue Zongmen.

It has to be said that this is a long journey, but I heard that the Great Zhou Empire has recently started infrastructure construction teams to set up the latest ultra-long-distance stargates in some important ports under its rule.

Maybe then they won't have to bother so much.

As this huge group of starships from the Chamber of Commerce entered the stargate, all the disciples of the Water Moon Sect sitting in the starship saw countless starlights pulled into long and narrow strips of light and flashed outside the window through the portholes.

Everywhere is a magnificent sight. ,

It's just that many Shuiyuezong disciples are not used to seeing this situation. They know what they should do during this period of time, and they can temporarily put down their work and take a rest.

However, within ten minutes of this transmission process, the entire transmission channel suddenly trembled.

The tremor in the space caused the entire fleet to shake violently. For a while, many Shuiyuezong disciples wandering around in the starship flew around, and many of them were smashed to the ground.

"Space fluctuations!"

Seeing this situation, the elder of Shuiyuezong's complexion suddenly became ugly.

I didn't expect such a small probability to be met by them.

"Everyone looks for nearby stable objects for reinforcement!"

"Turn on the starship shield!"

"All elite disciples are on standby to check the damaged parts of the starship!"

A series of instructions were transmitted from the command room.

However, the order had just been issued, and before everyone could execute it, the tremors of the starship became more intense.

At the same time, a more horrifying scene happened. The stretched starlight outside the porthole began to quickly return to normal, and became a little bit of starlight again.

"Elder, I...we are out of the stargate navigation state."

"Of course I know that!"

The elder snorted coldly, his face was particularly ugly, because it also meant that they might enter an unknown galaxy.

This kind of escape from the state of space navigation, if you are lucky, you may still fall to the midway area of ​​the route, but if you are unlucky, it is not impossible to fall to a strange galaxy at the other end of the universe.

Space is sometimes like is full of various uncertainties, after all, the star gate transmission is not controlled by a real space master.

"Quickly scan the nearby star field and redraw the star map!"

The elder quickly issued an order.

Soon a star map was re-projected onto the console in front of him.

"Phew! That's great, Elder, we are still within the flight path, and we should be in the starless belt area outside Virgo." The technician student let out a sigh of relief.

Hearing the words, the elders also heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts. This is really a blessing in misfortune. If it is only like this, as long as their starship sails, they can still return to the nearby super galaxy cluster.

It's just that there is no star belt here, and there is no force to build a star gate, so we can only use the starship engine to sail a little bit.

But this is already good news, at best it is just a waste of time.


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