Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Satoru 3 go!

Time is really unforgiving!

Mo Mo roared impotently in his heart, but it couldn't affect the opponent in the slightest, and the opponent's attack was still violent and ferocious.

Shen Mo could feel that if he was hit by such a blow, the result would be his death on the spot!

"Haha! Escape? Where are you going?"

The big man felt extremely excited, like a cat catching a mouse, especially since the other party was still a fourth-rank master.

Seeing a majestic fourth-rank master being chased and hacked by him, unable to fight back, the big man became even more relaxed.

Feeling the opponent's pressure, and his physical strength falling rapidly under such dodging and maneuvering, Mo Mo was already a little desperate.

Go on like this, and when your physical strength is exhausted, you will be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Shen Mo sighed, he was already in a broken state of mind.

Exhaustion and weakness almost completely dragged his will into the quagmire, and under such circumstances, his fighting spirit had almost disappeared.

At this moment of silence, he even wanted to put down the gun and wait for death, it was better than continuing to support and increase the pain.

At this time, I began to recall all kinds of past in my mind.

He thought of his not-so-beautiful, tragic childhood, and the scene of him working so hard to learn every move and a half when he was a child.

He also thought of the various pasts in the gang, as well as his wife and a pair of children at home.

His heart is full of nostalgia, even now he is still afraid of death!

Yes, he was afraid of death, he didn't want to die here.

The opponent's attack was even more ferocious. The big man in front of him seemed to be afraid of being silent, so he was even more unscrupulous.

Dangerously avoiding another fierce slash, the silent breath became more chaotic, and the blood in the body was not flowing smoothly, as if there was a sense of powerlessness.

At this moment, Shen Mo thought of himself when he was young for some reason. He looked at the big man in front of him, and he seemed to vaguely see the shadow of himself in his eyes.

Back then, he seemed to be so brave and fearless.

"Heart, breath, guts!"

Like an electric current, the secret mantra that Jiang Heng had told him not long ago suddenly came to mind, among which Nei Sanhe was like this!

"When I was young, I lacked nothing in heart, energy, and courage, but now I have none!"

I woke up suddenly in my heart. At this moment, the silence seemed to connect with many things, and I couldn't help but think of the means I used to fight against the enemy just now.

It is true that the moves can also be called exquisite, but the biggest shortcoming is that he is afraid of hands and feet, and he is quite life-threatening.

This kind of dismissal is of course not to be injured for nothing and harm oneself, but it is a big taboo for people who practice spears.

When practicing guns, you can have the idea of ​​protecting yourself and avoiding unnecessary casualties, but if you cherish your life too much and feel timid, you will be courting death!

With a clear idea, he let out a low drink in silence, and his whole body's moves changed suddenly.

The burly man was taken aback by the sudden change of move, because the move of the fourth rank in front of him was no longer complicated and exquisite, but replaced by a streamlined and capable move, and the moves were all practical killer moves.

Shen Mo suddenly used the family-inherited marksmanship of his youth. This set of marksmanship is not exquisite, but it is practical and straightforward. Facing marksmanship, everyone is full of flaws, but at this moment in this face-to-face battlefield, this set of marksmanship But extraordinarily ferocious.

The most important thing is that the burly man found that the fourth-rank strong man in front of him swept away his previous timid appearance, and came out with an aura of defying the world and going forward.

The terrifying killing intent was as real as it was, and a thunderous explosion rang in the big man's ears.

The huge sound made the burly man pause even more, and before he could react, he shot at the tip of the opponent's spear with a flash of cold light.

The big man squinted his eyes, his body reacted quickly and quickly blocked with the big axe, and at the same time, he was about to kill the man in front of him with the axe.

It's just that he thought the opponent would dodge as before, but Mo Mo didn't dodge or dodge, quickly approached him at a faster and more tricky angle, and then stabbed out.


The strong man's body froze in place, but the big ax in his hand couldn't cut it down, because the shot directly pierced his neck.

The severe pain and the piercing of the throat, the air flowed along with the strength, the severe pain caused the big man to cover his neck unconsciously, hissing sound from his mouth.

"Guarding is also a kind of courage!"

Shen Mo gritted his teeth and spit out these words, and flicked the tip of the gun, the big man was thrown away, and he could only breathe out but not breathe in.

At this moment, Mo Mo has clearly realized the true meaning of inner sanhe, mentality, courage, and courage. The combined combat power of the three has greatly increased.

"So that's how it is! After the triad, my martial arts cultivation has actually slackened a lot. How is this possible?"

Mo Mo thought it was inconceivable, but it also made him feel quite novel, but there is still a lot of distance to step into the upper third rank at this moment.

He exhaled softly, silently looked cold, let out a low drink, held a long gun and once again killed the fearful rebels in the distance.

In the eyes of this group of people, Silence is like killing gods. Even their commander-in-chief has already died in battle, so they can ask for it no matter where they go.

Shen Mo charged away at high speed, with the spear in his hand poking or stabbing or picking again and again, the moves were simple, but each move was just right and lethal.

A group of soldiers uttered terrified voices, but there was no way to hide. It would have been easier to say if it was in an open area, but right now on both sides of this narrow city wall are female walls, and behind them are companions.

As Shen Mo's side showed its power, the officers and soldiers and gangsters gradually gained a firm foothold, and this section of the city wall was gradually taken back.

"Bang bang bang!"

With the sound of gold ringing outside the city, many rebel soldiers who were still climbing the ladder began to retreat quickly, while those who were still lingering on the city wall looked desperate.

As the last part of the rebel army was wiped out, even if everyone on the city wall was exhausted, they cheered at this moment.

Silent is silent, and his eyes keep scanning back and forth to find the figure of the leader.

Soon he found the brothers in his own gang and knew where the gang leader was, and rushed over without hesitation.

It was only when he arrived that he realized that Huo Ming's state seemed to be not quite right, his face was pale and he was supported by someone, and he looked closely at a bright red blood hole on his left shoulder.

"How did you protect the gang leader!" Seeing this silence, he immediately became angry, but he was just talking, and he also knew that the brothers had tried their best.

"No problem!" Huo Ming smiled weakly and waved his hands.

"Guild leader, how can you come up in person? If there is a mistake, how can I face the old gang leader?" Shen Mo said ashamedly.

"Why can't I come up, I can't bear to watch my brothers go to die, but I hide behind, greedy for life and afraid of death." Shen Mo shook his head with helplessness and determination on his face.

"How much have you lost this time?"

Silence asked with a sigh.

Hearing that Huo Ming was silent for a while, he sighed and said: "There should be a thousand casualties. This time the rebel leader went into battle in person. A martial artist of the third rank participated in the battle. He even beheaded several masters of the fourth rank in the city. The major gangs suffered heavy losses. , In the end, thanks to General Liu Shen, we were able to stabilize the formation."

Silence raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He thought that the brother who almost lost the city gate must have lost a lot this time, but he didn't expect the loss to be so heavy.

As for General Liu Can, the chief general guarding Cangzhou City in the official army, he is a peak fourth-rank martial artist.

With a fourth-rank against a third-rank, silently guessing that even if the opponent repels the opponent, it will be a lot of damage.

"The rest of the matter we go back and discuss."

Back at the head of the gang, the few remaining five high-ranking members of the Canglang Gang gathered in Juxian Hall.

Except for Huo Ming and Shen Mo, the rest are three newly promoted elders. The older generation has long since died in battle, and now these people are all newly promoted fifth-rank masters.

It stands to reason that even if they are strong enough, they still need to pay attention to certain qualifications in the Canglang Gang, but they can't care about other things right now.

"Everyone, after this time, we are running out of brothers left, and it is time to make the final decision."

Huo Ming sighed and spoke first to break the silence

"Elder Yang, you are the youngest and most talented person in the gang. Tonight, you call the younger brothers in the gang to pack up their belongings and prepare to leave the city. I will hand over the only remaining property and classics in the gang to you."

"But now that the city is under martial law, I'm afraid the officers and soldiers won't allow me to go out!" The young Elder Yang felt a little guilty when he heard the words.

It doesn't mean that he is afraid of death because he didn't oppose the leader's decision, but it's clear to everyone now that everything is a foregone conclusion.

The official army did not arrive with reinforcements, and the day when the city was broken may be in the near future.

"It doesn't matter! My grandfather made preparations when the gang was founded. He dug an area one mile outside the city in the back hall of the main rudder. It is a forest. If you walk at night, you will not be spotted by the rebel patrols. "Huo Ming has long been prepared for this.

This can be regarded as a backup that many gangs will prepare. In fact, let alone gangs, some big families in the city will more or less dig tunnels in their homes for emergencies.

This high-level meeting is not a motivational mobilization meeting at all, but an explanation of preparations for the funeral.

Huo Ming was giving orders throughout the whole process. He would help all the brothers and their families to make arrangements, and the younger generation of brothers escaped from the city.

And the rest of the people who are willing to live and die with the gang will continue to fight with him Huo Ming these few days, as for the Huo Ming who is not willing to die, he just let them change into civilian clothes on the day they break the city in order to escape a few days. Doom.

After giving instructions to these elders, only Silence, the deputy leader, remained in the hall.

"Uncle Shen, you can go too. As the leader of the gang, I won't leave. Although my grandfather created such a huge family business, even though I can't keep it, I have the integrity to follow the gang to destroy it!"

Huo Ming sighed, he was at the end of his rope.

"I'm not leaving!" Shen Mo shook his head.

"Uncle Shen, why do you do this? You have paid too much for the gang, and you still have family members, so you can take your family members and flee. Now that you are a fourth-rank martial artist in this troubled world, you can do it if you want to." Everyone is safe and sound, if they are allowed to escape on their own, they will be in great danger!"

Huo Ming can be regarded as earnest, he knows that Shen Mo has a family, and he heard that he is going to have a grandson again recently.

Coupled with Shen Mo's age, he paid too much for the gang when he was young, and he has to sacrifice his life when he is old, which makes Huo Ming feel that he owes Mo Mo a lot.

"Needless to say the leader of the gang, although Shen is just a rough man, he also knows loyalty and loyalty. I was taken care of by the elder Wang in the gang before, and after the elder Wang died of illness, I was taken care of by the old gang leader.

It can be said that Shen's current achievements are inseparable from the Canglang Gang, and I will never leave. Besides, who said that if I wait, there is no hope? "

Silence's tone was firm, even full of a strong self-confidence.

"There is hope?" Huo Ming was a little confused at first, he didn't understand the meaning of the silent words, but then his eyes lit up and he hurriedly said: "Could it be that Uncle Shen, you have stepped into the third rank?"


Hearing this, Huo Ming was immediately discouraged.

But then Shen Mo continued: "However, I have a hunch that breaking through to the third rank is only a few days away, and it won't be too long!"

Mo Mo's words were full of confidence, which made Huo Ming look at Mo Mo solemnly.

"Uncle Shen, is what you said true?"

"Yeah!" Nodding silently, he vaguely felt that his blood began to boil again, like a dead tree rejuvenated in spring.

These changes shocked Silence.

Because he understood something.

"Perhaps the decline of qi and blood after old age is the law, but this is by no means an excuse!"

Silently thought to himself, he could feel that since he regained the courage and courage and the indomitable mentality of his youth, the blood in his body that had been silent like a constantly dimming flame was burning again.

"It's still a little bit! I'm still a little bit short of fire, I'm still a little short of a life-and-death battle!"

Mo Mo thought to herself At this time, Huo Ming had recovered from the shock, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

"Haha! Uncle Shen, if you step into the upper third rank, then we will be qualified to negotiate with the rebels from now on, and the situation will undergo earth-shaking changes."

Huo Ming looked excited. In today's troubled times, although the upper three ranks can't influence the direction of the world, they definitely can influence the tough offensive and defensive battle right now!

For nearly three months of tough battle, Huo Ming can be sure that not only their side is suffering, but the rebels would have scolded their mother for a long time.

In the early years, there were hundreds of rebels, but today there are only four rebels. These four rebels are all crazy and want to seize and divide up Daqian's territory.

But right now, one of them is fully restricted by Cangzhou City, and it has been restricted for nearly several months.

This is definitely what the rebels don't want to see. If it weren't for this rebel army to attack other major state capitals at the same time, I am afraid that the main force of the rebel army is now gathering in Cangzhou City.

But right now, this is an opportunity. If Canglang helps out a third-ranker, not only can he negotiate terms with the rebels, but even the positions of the officers and gangs in the city will change.

Strength, everything is strength!

After bidding farewell to Huo Ming, Mo Mo cleaned up casually at home, and then came alone to the small courtyard where Master Jiang was with a spear on his back.

Nowadays, the streets are deserted due to the war, and Shen Mo didn't meet many people along the way.

Entering the small courtyard, as always, I saw Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang painting one and the other playing the piano, a peaceful scene like calligraphy and painting.

I don't know why, as soon as I entered here, Mo Mo felt that the tense atmosphere of the war outside seemed to dissipate without a trace, but it was replaced by a peaceful and leisurely scene.

"Don't bother him yet!"

Seeing Shen Mo was about to speak, Lin Yanwei hurriedly said softly.


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