Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 883: Comprehension (below)

"Well! I know, I also believe in my husband and only my husband!" Lin Yanwei nodded and looked at her husband with admiration.

She leaned her head on the shoulder of her man, regardless of each other.

Jiang Heng looked at the ancient scenery of Jiangnan water and lake in front of him, then looked at the woman on his shoulder, and the feeling of emptiness in his heart dissipated a lot unknowingly.

"My way should not be confused. Maybe children, relatives and relatives are the constraints on the road of practice in the eyes of ordinary people, but in my opinion, this is irrelevant. This is not an obstacle on the road of practice, but just an excuse that many people make for themselves. !"

Jiang Heng let out a long breath, and his thoughts suddenly became clearer.

In the past few years in the rebuilt Qinglan Realm, Jiang Heng has been confused about one thing, that is, whether there is a trade-off between his practice and his family, and he is also thinking that if he really steps into the realm of demigods in the future, he will get a million years of life, and But I can only watch my relatives die one after another in the long life.

Because this kind of obsession is also one of the main factors that hinder Jiang Heng from stepping into the demigod realm, but after thinking about it, everything seems to be clear.

Since I don't want to see my relatives leave me one by one, why don't I work harder to win the chance of longevity for my relatives and heirs.

Even if the true **** can't do it, what about stepping into the realm of the strongest?

Those strong people are the ones who can really open up a world, and creating life is as simple as eating and drinking for the most powerful people.

At this moment, Jiang Heng no longer confines his gaze to the demigod realm, but to Xeon!

No one else knew about this idea at the moment, not even his wife or even Shizun Xingyun demigod.

At this moment, it seemed that because of the change of mentality, the compass in the dantian trembled slightly as if resonating.

"What the **** are you?"

Feeling the changes in his dantian, Jiang Heng was also a little confused and inquiring.

He had a hunch that if he could figure out what the things in his body were and what their functions were, maybe he might not be far from the road to the sky.

However, the compass only trembled slightly and then remained motionless as before, like a dead object.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng sighed secretly and ignored it, and walked towards the pier with his wife.

It's just that after a short walk, I found something strange.

"Husband, something seems to have happened in the distance!"

Lin Yanwei pointed to a large group of people gathered in the distance.

Seeing this, the two men leaned over curiously. At this time, there were already a lot of people around, and the inner three floors and the outer three floors surrounded them several times.

As for the inside, it looks like a martial arts competition, no wonder it can attract so many people to watch.

"Tsk tsk! This kid really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. He dared to challenge the Canglang Gang. He really thought that he could stir up troubles in Cangzhou after learning a half-style in another state."

"However, I think the Canglang Gang is indeed a bit arrogant now. It seems that this kid just has no money to pay tolls. In the end, he insisted on pulling him to do illegal work. This is because he knows martial arts. People are left as slaves on the docks as helpers."

"No way! The Canglang Gang is going too far now, but there is nothing to do about it. Who told me that the leader of the gang has something to do with the Lord Fujun?"

Some people couldn't help but feel sorry for the young man inside, and they were quite shameless about the behavior of the Canglang Gang, but everyone present spoke in a soft voice, as if they were afraid of being heard by the nearby Canglang Gang.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but look at the situation of the two people in the field. They were a middle-aged strong man and a young man holding a long gun.

A strong man with a mouth full of beards and a burly body looks like a man with blood like a rainbow, while the young man is much weaker in comparison. However, the young man did not see the disadvantage in the fight between the two, but there were back and forth.

This scene made Jiang Heng a little interested, and even Lin Yanwei, who was used to many martial arts, watched this scene with her neck stretched.

"Husband, this young man's moves are quite suitable for actual combat. Every move seems to be a killer move, and every move is aimed at killing people."

Lin Yanwei saw some clues, and Jiang Heng thought so too.

The young man in front of him is like a tiger descending the mountain, every shot contains murderous intent, every move is to go to the other person's vital point, and his attack is also in a fearless style, even if he will be beaten, he will exchange injuries with others.

"This kid's martial arts will is quite tenacious, full of vigor and bravery of a young man!" Jiang Heng praised from the bottom of his heart.

He has seen a lot of young wizards. During the time when he was sitting in Sanhua Port a few years ago, every day, openly or secretly, various forces tried their best to bring their outstanding children to Jiang Heng, wanting to see if they could enter. He got the eyes of the lord Jiang Heng.

But Jiang Heng's selection of apprentices has long passed the point of looking at qualifications, but he doesn't particularly value qualifications.

After all, what is the biggest advantage of qualifications?

It's nothing more than using the least amount of precious medicine and cultivating faster.

Now that Jiang Heng's family has a big business, he is naturally willing to invest in taking an apprentice, so there is no shortage of resources, so he really doesn't pay much attention to qualifications.

On the contrary, the will of martial arts is the most important thing, aptitude can be compensated by better medicine and martial arts, and the will of martial arts, Jiang Heng, a master, can't explain it in detail, it still depends on one's understanding and ability. innate condition.

The young man in front of him is like a piece of rough jade, his aptitude may be mediocre, and even his martial arts moves are not ingenious, it can only be said that the opponent's stalemate with this big man for so long is due to this kid's fearless style of play.

The big man feared his own life and did not dare to make a move with all his strength, but the young man made progress step by step, as if he was going to push the strong man into a desperate situation step by step.

"Husband, are you optimistic about this kid?"

Although Lin Yanwei still can't see other people's martial arts will, she can still guess what Jiang Heng is thinking after the two have been married for so many years.

"Well, this kid is a good seedling."

"Then do you want to take him in as an apprentice? I see that your apprentices, especially your two sons, are becoming more and more lax now. Maybe you need such a person to stimulate them!" Lin Yanwei joked with a smile.

"We still have to test and test. Whether this kid is a piece of rough jade is still open to question, but you are also right, especially Yizhen, this kid is about to pass away. I remember he looked pretty good before."

Jiang Heng was a little depressed, but he remembered that Jiang Yizhen was born with a medium warrior cultivation, and now he has grown up to be a handsome boy, but he is only in the realm of the master of the galaxy.

This is also the point that Jiang Heng is not very optimistic about the qualifications. If you want to talk about the qualifications of his two sons, it goes without saying that Jiang Yi is really far better than his brother Jiang Wenwu.

But right now, the one who has officially stepped into the realm of the domain master last year, and Jiang Yizhen is still wandering in the early days of the master of the galaxy.

"But husband, I don't think you should worry too much. After all, the children have grown up, and they each have their own interests. And I didn't see that you attached so much importance to Jiang Yanwei's martial arts."

Lin Yanwei's words made Jiang Heng a little dumbfounded, how could he bear to reprimand his daughter.

But there is one thing to say, Jiang Yanwei, this girl, Jiang Heng, is not in a hurry to supervise her martial arts, he can see that this girl has her own ideas, and she has almost filled up her talents in the field of science and technology.

When he came back some time ago, he saw that this girl had helped the mechanics of the Luohui Imperial Academy of Sciences break through the domain master barrier.

The first domain master-level mechanic is officially born!

That is red!

The former number one mechanic is still the same now.

It's just that the price paid was quite high. In order to keep up with the fighting speed and frequency of domain master-level powerhouses, Hong's physical body has been completely discarded.

At the same time, thanks to Jiang Yanwei's transformation of the computer, the original Luohui Empire's optical brain technology has been iterated.

If the previous optical brain technology wants to keep up with the battle frequency of the master of the galaxy, it needs an optical brain computing unit equivalent to the size of a planet.

But right now, Jiang Yanwei directly condenses its iterations to the size of an ordinary human brain, thanks to some of the technology of the Great Zhou Empire given by the Nebula demigod.

It's just that the technology is still immature, and master-level mechanics who want to mass-produce domains are still under study.

Jiang Heng didn't quite understand the specifics. I heard from Na Nizi that the reason why the super-dimensional kingdom can produce omnipotent life comparable to domain masters or even demigods comes from its super core hub.

According to her guess, this core hub is the true **** of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, the true **** of machinery.

This is also the reason why neither the Great Zhou nor the Temple of the Gods can reproduce the life of the omnic.

The reason why Jiang Yanwei was able to find a new way to create a domain master-level mechanic this time was also due to the special profession of a mechanic.

The specific Jiang Heng is not very clear, and he is a little bit borrowed from the soul of martial artist practice.

It seems that a domain master-level mechanic like Red now is not a pure omnic life, but a living soul at its core. This kind of technology surprised Jiang Heng very much.

For this reason, Jiang Heng even went to the research institute and saw their research with his own eyes.

I thought it was a group of pure researchers there, but I found out in the past that Brother Changchun was actually a special consultant of others, even Qingyue Qingtian was the same.

Based on their understanding of practice, they will jointly explore the higher-level domain of mechanics.

This concept of combining martial arts and machinery made Jiang Heng feel very novel, and he couldn't help feeling that there are really many talents here.

Not only did Lu Yixin open up acupoints to absorb Qi, but he also created an alternative path of mechanics and martial arts.

This is also the reason why Jiang Heng is not in a hurry to urge this girl, and now let this girl do whatever she wants.

Although this girl is obsessed with machinery, she seems to consider that she may need a lot of martial arts concepts to be a mechanic, so she also practiced martial arts as well.

Now it is already the peak of the upper class, and it is possible to step into the level of the master of the galaxy at any time.

Therefore, Jiang Heng also looked away, and we will talk about the future.

At the same time, the battle in the arena has reached a fever pitch, the man seems to be cornered, if he restrains his hands and feet again, he may really be poked out by this young man.

"Stop it all!"

Just when the young man was about to poke a shot at the head of the strong man, there was a loud roar in the distance, and then a calm middle-aged man in a black cloak leaped forward and counted on the shoulders of the onlookers. The figure suddenly came to the battle between the two.

Seeing that the man flicked his finger, the boy's gun jerked and went out.

The young man only felt his tiger's mouth go numb, but instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, with a trembling of his arm, the tip of the gun swung towards the face of the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared.

Seeing this situation, the middle-aged man was slightly stunned, and then he laughed loudly: "Good boy, you have blood, but your strength is too weak. Although you need to be skillful in shaking a big gun, your strength is small and you can change it in front of absolute power. It's useless!"

The middle-aged man was obviously very optimistic about the young man, he saw his big hand clawed towards the gun barrel.

A claw mixed with a fierce wind directly flew the sawdust caught by the wooden gun barrel, and the young man knew that he had encountered a master and backed away repeatedly and did not dare to do it again.

With one strike, the middle-aged man no longer made a move but stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the boy with a look of approval.

"Good boy, what's your name, would you like to join my Canglang Gang?"

Hearing this, the young man was silent for a while, his eyes looked at the middle-aged man in front of him as if he was thinking about something, he still cupped his hands and said, "I don't know the name of senior yet!"

"It's easy to say, I am the Seventh Elder of the Canglang Gang, Luo Feiyan, the Iron Claw Flying Eagle!"

The middle-aged people are very optimistic about the young people in front of them. The young people in front of them are very ruthless. Even if they do not progress quickly in martial arts, this kind of people are still one of the best in actual combat.

"I'm not really interested in gangs. I just want to ask if the Canglang Gang has a gun gang. If there is one, I would like to join!" The young man looked calm. It is martial arts.

"Of course there are. Looking at the whole of Cangzhou, almost all the masters and masters are in my Canglang Gang. As long as you join my Canglang Gang, little brother, then I will introduce some guns and sticks to you. It depends on you how much you can learn by then." good luck!"

Hearing this, the young man bowed to the middle-aged man without any hesitation.

Jiang Heng and Lin Yanwei in the distance also saw this scene in their eyes.

Lin Yanwei glanced at Jiang Heng and said slightly teasingly: "Husband, are you poached?"

"No problem!"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "The future is long, and I also want to see if this kid can continue to maintain today's bravery and martial arts will after many years of grievances and secular baptism. But in this way , we may have to live near here for a while."

"Husband wants to stay, of course I am willing to accompany you. Didn't you just say that you would use this time to help me sort out martial arts?" Lin Yanwei said with a smile.


Jiang Heng nodded, his wife's talent is not bad, the reason why she is still only in the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy is mainly because there are too many secular worlds, and Jiang Heng gave birth to two sons and a daughter one after another, which hurt the foundation.

However, in Jiang Heng's view, these are not irreparable. The only thing Jiang Heng wants to help Lin Yanwei is to reorganize and reshape the heart of martial arts.

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