Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 880: The house is full of children and grandchildren?

Demigod Xingyun had chatted with Jiang Heng on the starship before, so the gifts he gave were also different. For example, the gift given to the boss was a set of martial arts carefully selected by him. With Xing Yun's eyesight, it couldn't be easier to see at a glance what kind of martial arts a person is suitable for in the future.

As for the second child, because he likes to study omnic machinery, Xingyun presented some basic technological theories of the Great Zhou Empire as a gift. He couldn't get the cutting-edge ones, but he still had the basic ones. And these scientific and technological theories that are only basic to the Great Zhou Empire are unimaginable treasures to the second child, Jiang Yanwei.

So as soon as Jiang Yanwei got these materials, her eyes lit up, and she looked at Xingyun half-god with a smile.

As for the third child, Jiang Heng really didn't know the other party's interest, but Xingyun looked at it half-heartedly and still gave a set of martial arts classics, but it was more basic than the boss's.

A group of people chatted for a while below and then went directly to the banquet hall.

As the current lord of the entire Virgo supercluster, and even the co-lord of several nearby superclusters, Jiang Heng's return has already caused a sensation.

Since the empire officially took over the Hegemony and the Hundred Nations Alliance, the conferring of territories for Jiang Heng and others has also been completed.

For example, Jiang Heng's current territory is the Canes Venatic galaxy cluster, the Virgo galaxy cluster, Virgo II, Lion II, and Virgo III, these superclusters of galaxies.

After the conferment, this news was also broadcast directly to the entire Hegemony and the territory of the Hundred Nations Alliance through the super-dimensional communication system of the empire, so almost all the forces in these super-galactic clusters knew that Jiang Heng was their current master.

Therefore, today's Sanhua Port is extremely lively, and there was even space congestion at one time, which is already a bit unbelievable.

There are almost no obstacles in space, except for some scattered meteorites and planets, space is a vast place where you can roam freely. But today's Sanhua star system is densely packed with tail flames and lights of countless starships, like a dense spotlight.

Similarly, the banquet hall also came in with a host of major forces. The venue chosen for the banquet hall was not small, with an area of ​​one million square meters. It was temporarily remodeled from a former space warehouse.

If so, looking around, there are people sitting at the tables and tables, and most of them are domain masters, followed by the juniors of the master of the galaxy brought out by these domain masters.

Jiang Heng glanced at it casually and was not too surprised. After all, the Virgo supercluster was such a behemoth as the Tianshuang Empire before.

And there are hundreds of domain master-level powerhouses in Tianshuang Empire plus some casual cultivators, and if these people bring a few cronies or juniors, there will be thousands of people.

As for the tens of thousands of people here now, there are far more than the estimated tens of thousands, because many of them are Jiang Heng's old department and former friends.

Jiang Heng even saw a familiar person, that is Li Yu, the emperor of the Luohui Empire. When he saw Li Yu again, Jiang Heng could clearly find that the other person's appearance had become more calm and profound.

Li Yu looked like a kid before, but now Li Yu is more like a majestic emperor in his middle age.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also discovered that the other party's cultivation was only at the peak of the upper class, and he didn't even break through with the Lord of the Galaxy.

"Husband, are you looking at Li Yu?" Sensing her man's gaze, Lin Yanwei said.

"Yes, he seems to be doing well now." Jiang Heng nodded.

"He has gradually delegated power. I heard that he plans to regain martial arts. Before, he was the emperor to manage the entire Luohui Empire and assisted the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce in managing the silver flow. This made him unable to practice martial arts. For this reason, he has a lot to say. Our acquaintances complained. But I think he enjoys it." Lin Yanwei smiled.

"Yes! Each has its own way of life. Li Yuzhi is not in martial arts, and his future attainments will at most stop at the Lord of the Galaxy, but I don't think he seems to be a person who struggles with martial arts. Maybe he is living more easily than me now. .”

Jiang Heng also smiled, he thought it was good for Li Yu to live like this, and sometimes living for a long time does not necessarily mean happiness.

"By the way, my husband, I heard that many of the people who came out of your hometown in the past have died of old age, but their descendants are doing well now, and they are currently active in all levels of Yinliu. Some of them want to practice martial arts. Let them go to the secret cave you left behind for trials, maybe you can see a few good seedlings when you go back this time."

"That's a good relationship. I'm going to stay in my hometown for a while this time. During this time, I also want to sort out the martial arts and start stepping into the demigod. I don't mind giving pointers to the younger generation in my spare time." Jiang Heng looked at him with a serious expression. The eldest and the third, solemnly said: "Especially you two, I have to give you some pointers after a while!"

Listening to his father's words, Jiang Wenwu couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine, and his brain suddenly recalled the scene when he was practicing martial arts when he was young and was often beaten by his father.

In contrast, the ignorant and fearless old San Jiang Yizhen was a little ignorant, but after he realized it, he was also a little excited, he didn't want to practice martial arts.

"I have seen Master! I have seen Master!"

Just as they were walking and chatting, they saw two young people facing Jiang Heng and Lin Yanwei and half kneeling on the ground.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Heng looked at the two, and he recognized them.

These two people are not others, they are the two brothers Long Yun and Long Qiu who came to worship him as teachers when Jiang Heng held the first Dao discussion meeting after stepping into the domain master.

"You two are not bad! It's only a few hundred years since I accepted you as a teacher. Long Yun, you have already stepped into the domain master. As for Longqiu, you are a little bit worse, but it is not bad to barely step into the peak of the galaxy. .”

Hearing that his master could see the cultivation of his two brothers at a glance, Long Yun and Longqiu were all horrified, they had all restrained their breath just now.

"Not bad! Not bad! Since you, Long Yun, have stepped into the realm of the domain master, I, as a master, will not be stingy, so take this thing!"

As Jiang Heng said, without even thinking about it, he directly took out a late-stage domain master weapon from his storage space and handed it over.

Now his storage space is filled with treasures piled up like a mountain, just take out one that is enough to make ordinary domain masters jealous. There is no way, it is impossible to have less treasures in the secret realm of the cave that have looted several demigods.

"This one is for Longqiu!" Jiang Heng was not stingy with Longqiu, and handed over another mid-term domain master level weapon.

At this moment, Long Yun and Longqiu were stunned. Isn't his master a little too arrogant? This is just a late-stage weapon and a mid-stage weapon.

Especially Long Yun was filled with emotion. He has only been a domain master for only twenty years. It's just that after stepping into the domain master, he was a little depressed to find that he didn't have any weapons that he could handle. Now it is still the master of the galaxy level weapons.

As for going to Wanbaozhai to buy, he also thought about it, but none of the things there were clearly marked with a price. As a new domain lord, he really has no money.

And he also heard that many domain masters, even some senior ones, are often just a galaxy peak weapon. As for the late-stage weapons of the domain master, in his opinion, they are simply legendary treasures.

But what he didn't know was that Jiang Heng was still thinking about whether to give each of these two apprentices a half-sacred weapon.

The demigod Jiang Heng also has a few unusable ones, all of which were obtained from the looting of the demigod's cave, and now they are all stored in his personal cave to collect ashes.

"Thank you, Master!" The two quickly kowtowed their heads to express their thanks. While kowtowing, they thought to themselves that this master really did not pay their respects in vain.

If this is casual cultivation, how can there be such benefits.

"Get up!"

Seeing the two of them getting up, Jiang Heng continued, "I've been relatively negligent in teaching you two during this time, it's really good for you to be so diligent. However, I also found that the two of you seem to be a little eager for success, and your foundation is obvious. It’s much more relaxed than before. I will supervise you for a while. Well, you go to the banquet first!”

"Follow Master's instruction!" The two clasped their fists again and saluted.

They also knew that their foundation was a bit vain, and they were even more surprised. They didn't expect that the master could completely see through the two brothers at a glance.

Jiang Heng didn't know what the two brothers were thinking, and the group walked towards the innermost seat again.

I just ran into a few acquaintances while walking, and there were a few people in front of me chatting with each other, not all of them were old acquaintances of Jiang Heng, Brother Changchun and Senior Brother Qingyue Qingtian.

"Long time no see!" Jiang Heng spoke first.

Hearing Jiang Heng's voice, several people immediately stopped talking and looked at Jiang Heng and the others with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang..." Changchun was about to call Brother Jiang directly, but half of what he said felt inappropriate, and then he changed his words: "Brother Jiang, you are a busy person now, this time you have to talk to me, a little old man, about your presence." Shining deeds out there."

"That's right! I've heard some rumors. Brother Jiang even beheaded a demigod powerhouse outside this time. Many people have already spread the news." Qingtian also echoed with a smile.

Jiang Heng didn't find it strange to say these words, now the news was transmitted very quickly, all the demigods of his own formation, quadrupole twins, listening to Xiaoyue and other demigods of all countries knew about it.

Perhaps it was because these few casually chatted and mentioned something to the people below, so this kind of thing spread across the borders of hundreds of countries. After all, the deeds of the domain master array beheading demigods are rare, and it is definitely something worth talking about.

"Guys, I don't want to talk about this today. If you want to hear it, I'll wait until I return to the Milky Way. I'm looking for an opportunity to set up a situation and let's have a good chat."

Jiang Heng smiled lightly and said that today he still has to deal with the forces of these supergalactic clusters. On the one hand, he needs to say some scenes as the lord, and also needs to set some rules. After all, everyone here will be under his hands in the future. mouth to eat.

Therefore, it is a necessary process for the new boss to establish new rules.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also needs to support several leaders in several super galaxy clusters. After all, the territory of his current territory is very vast, and several super galaxy clusters are even wider than the previous Tianshuang Empire.

After chatting with Changchun Qingtian Qingyue and the others for a while, Jiang Heng walked to the innermost table.

The accompanying people also took their seats one after another, and those who were seated were all Jiang Heng's former friends or relatives.

Such as Jiang Heng's parents, as well as younger sister Jiang Yuyin and her husband Chen Xu, as well as her son and... um... her grandson and great-grandson.

Well, Jiang Heng didn't expect that his younger sister had already helped the old Chen family to spread branches and leaves before his side opened branches and leaves for the Jiang family. Is this the fifth or the sixth generation living under the same roof?

Jiang Heng noticed that Chen Xu, the former old man who was also his younger sister's husband, now had a lot of old looks on his face.

His talent in martial arts is not very good, and he is only at the upper level today, and his appearance is almost middle-aged, and Jiang Heng noticed that with the other party's talent and martial arts will, the other party may not be able to survive for the rest of his life. Just stop at the top level.

In addition, his son is also Jiang Heng's nephew Chen Wu, and Jiang Heng found that this kid's talent is not bad.

Now it is already the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy. Although it is only the early stage of the Lord of the Galaxy, the realm is still solid. The most important thing is that Jiang Heng found that this kid has an extremely strong will in martial arts.

In addition, Jiang Heng also found that he had a little nephew, another son of his younger sister. It is also this little nephew who has made outstanding contributions to the development of the Chen family.

The little nephew's name is Chen Xing. Compared with his elder brother's heart of practicing martial arts, he likes to do business. I heard that he is now the director of Yinliu's region in the southern galaxy group of the Virgo supercluster, and a further step may be to manage Yinliu in the Virgo supercluster. The head of the regiment.

Because Chen Xing has been in business for many years, he has not experienced martial arts tempering physically, but he has taken a lot of genetic enhancement drugs. Even so, his appearance is also a bit blessed.

Overall, he looks more mature than his father Chen Xu, and looks a little greasy.

And those grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Jiang Heng's younger sister are the result of Chen Xing's hard work. This guy has a lot of girlfriends outside, and many of them are even illegitimate children outside. Because he is afraid of being hammered by his mother Jiang Yuyin, he always All times were sneaky.

It’s just that Jiang Yuyin seemed to find out recently, so he brought all of them to today’s banquet So now Jiang Heng saw that there was a separate table next to his table, and that All the tables are descendants of Chen Xing's line.

Um...a lot.

After all, Chen Xing is now a grandpa.

"Brother, I realize that I'm a little envious of you now. If I had known, I would have gone to practice martial arts with you!" Jiang Yuyin cried and felt a little depressed.

"How do you say? I think you are very happy now, full of children and grandchildren!" Jiang Heng smiled, thinking it was very interesting.

And just as the siblings were saying this, a pink and tender little girl trotted over from the next table with snot bubbling from her nose, came to Jiang Yuyin's side and shook her arm directly.

"Grandma, my brother is bullying me!" the girl said in a childish voice.

At this moment Jiang Yuyin was a little embarrassed, and Jiang Heng was silent for a while.

The siblings fell silent for a while.

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