Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 878: go home (on)


Jiang Heng really wanted to see the miraculous effects of the so-called Moon God, because the way of the soul has always been difficult to cultivate.

As far as Jiang Heng knew, even Wanbaozhai didn't have many effective ways to temper his mental strength.

Of course, there are not none, such as calligraphy and paintings of martial arts will written by the strong, or the martial arts left by the strong, in this way to withstand the pressure of the strong and temper their own soul and martial will.

It's just that this method is indeed quite miraculous at the beginning, but the soul has an adaptability, unless it can constantly seek the will of someone far stronger than itself to oppress it.

As for the thing that can really temper the soul and even once became a legendary thing, those spirit race people in the spiritual world can cultivate the soul by themselves, but that is the characteristic of their ethnic group that cannot be imitated.

Other than that, I have never heard of anyone who has a way to temper the soul.

Now that he heard that there is a method that can temper the soul, Jiang Heng couldn't help being unhappy.

The demigod Yue Ming was also unambiguous, and saw the crescent moon between his brows shining more and more faintly white, and at the same time, the round moon light wheel behind him began to shine brightly, and then a translucent figure in armor rose from his body .

This figure was 100 meters high and extremely burly, but if you look closely at the face, you can find that it is exactly the same face as Yueming Demigod.

"Out of body? No! No!"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, because the other party was in a very strange state. He obviously possessed the characteristics of being separated from the body, but his physical body was still operating freely, and he was still talking and laughing freely with Jiang Heng.

"My lord, this is the Moon God's form. Many martial arts have incarnations outside the body, and the Moon God is the embodiment of the soul, which can condense a controllable soul form outside with its powerful power of the soul."

The demigod Yueming said with a smile on his body, and saw that the dharma floating on his body seemed to be looking down at Jiang Heng. The two obviously came from the same source, but they could make different movements.

This made Jiang Heng look amazed. Generally speaking, the physical body should be in an empty shell state that no one controls during this period of time after the soul is out of the body.

"This method is so mysterious. I don't know what's so strange about this method?" Jiang Heng became curious. The armor on the surface of the other party's incarnation didn't seem to be as simple as just imagined by the soul power, it seemed to be quite mysterious.

"Returning to my lord, there are not many strange things about my method, but this method is quite good at fighting with spirits and souls. The armor on my body has long been condensed into something that is almost a soul-like weapon, and the spear in my hand also has a very strong soul attack. Power.

And this is just a manifestation of my soul and dharma! "

While explaining, the phantom of the dharma was doing some offensive moves, as if demonstrating martial arts.

"And this method will comprehend a kind of soul martial arts by itself, as I comprehend, it is a move called moonlight!"

Saying this, I saw the phantom shadow of the Dao dharma holding the spear with both hands and dancing a spear flower in mid-air. The dance of the gun flower became faster and faster, and gradually the cold light on the tip of the spear gradually gathered into a ball, like a round of moonlight emerging. For a moment, the moonlight shone forward and stabbed forward, and the moonlight turned into a crescent slash and slashed towards the void.

Because it is a soul-like martial art, there is no sound when it is displayed.

However, at the level of soul consciousness perception, Jiang Heng heard a screaming sound emerging from the soul perception, and then felt a slight sense of tearing in the soul.


Jiang Heng exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, the other party didn't use this move at him at all, but the aftermath of that move almost hurt Jiang Heng.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng couldn't help but secretly startled in his heart. This was also thanks to the opponent's early refuge, otherwise, if there was a fight, Jiang Heng felt that he really couldn't win the opponent.

His own soul is indeed the weakest point, and Jiang Heng agrees with this very much. Since he is only comparable to the power of the soul of the low-level domain master, it is really hard to say that he can withstand the opponent's blow.


It should be said that he will definitely not be able to handle this move. Jiang Heng guessed that even an ordinary low-level fourth-order demigod would be difficult to handle. The opponent's spirit is already comparable to a fifth-level demigod. In addition, this move's fierce spirit and martial arts , even against sixth-order demigods.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party's physical body was really stretching his hips, the other party really had the sixth-order demigod combat power.

As for the moment, Jiang Heng reckons that the other party can deal with ordinary fourth-order demigods, but it is not realistic for fifth-order demigods.

The strength of the soul is indeed very powerful, but the physical body is too hip, and it cannot win the game.

After all, after seeing the strength of Yueming Demigod's soul, few people would wait for him to display his soul martial arts, but directly destroy and remove the body the moment Yueming Demigod first made a move.

A martial artist who has lost his physical body, even if his soul is extremely powerful, will be greatly affected in a short period of time.

The physical body is like the root of the soul, and also like the first protective layer of the soul. Losing the physical body has a great impact on the strength of the warrior.

It will also be greatly reduced when fighting against the ionizing radiation that exists all the time in the universe.

For a long time, the soul will even continue to regress to the realm.

"If my lord wants to learn this method, I can teach you everything!" Yueming said with a half-smile as if seeing Jiang Heng's intention.

Of course, not to mention Jiang Heng's desire, perhaps many people could not refuse the temptation of this martial art.

Time flies, three years later—

After spending more than two years finally completing the suppression and killing of some domain lord-level powerhouses who refused to accept discipline in the hegemony, Jiang Heng and several other gods from a hundred countries also returned and gathered together.

Three years is not too long, but in these three years, the few of them have hardly rested or practiced. They are either slaughtering dissatisfied people, or they are on the way to slaughter.

Inside a huge space port, here is a small galaxy belt not far from the home star of the Broken Gold Empire. This place is also the bridgehead when the gods of the overlord attacked the Sikh Empire. Now this place that once docked countless starships The space port has become a temporary military port of the Great Zhou Empire.

Starships printed with the Tai'an logo of the Empire slowly poured out from the other side of the star gate.

Today is a rather special day, that is, the Hegemony and the Hundred Kingdoms are included in the Great Zhou Empire.

The ultra-long-distance stargate leading to the territory of Nanwang has also been built, and various merchant starships and warships from the empire poured out of the stargate.

They brought not only the fresh products of countless empires but also a new order.

"This is the consul, Ms. Eva, who will be sent by the King of Nan to take over this place in the future!" Qi Leibo Shang Yue introduced to everyone with a smile.

And everyone also noticed a woman wearing a streamlined straight dress slowly walking out of a military starship in front of them.

The woman's appearance is not particularly beautiful, and even in Jiang Heng's view, it does not conform to the aesthetics of the Milky Way.

This person has a skin that is almost metallic, and at the same time, there seem to be some small unsealed skins between the faces, and there are liquid streamers flickering and flowing in those thin cracks from time to time.

At the same time, one of the opponent's eyes is like a normal human eye, and the other is an obvious mechanical electronic eye, but her electronic eyes look very noble, with pupils like golden glaze.

In addition, the woman's legs are extraordinarily long, unbelievably slender, coupled with the other party's temperament, I always feel that this is a majestic lady with a majestic appearance.

"Transformation of people?"

The twin ancestors frowned slightly, noticing something strange.

"Old man, don't you know that it is very rude to say that she is a reformed person in front of a lady?"

This female consul named Eva obviously has amazing hearing. Of course, although her words were a little unpleasant, her face was extremely calm.

The twin patriarch was a little embarrassed, but since the other party was the highest consul sent by the empire, he still didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"It seems that I have to give you a good science on the consuls of the empire." Eva glanced at the people very elegantly, and said softly with her lips: "The consuls are very important to the empire, and the consuls in any region have Great power.

It is also for this reason that the empire needs to ensure that every consul maintains a calm and fair attitude in handling affairs, and also needs to have a strong ability to handle affairs.

If it is a normal person, of course it cannot be qualified for this position, even if you practitioners have a strong thinking speed, you cannot do it. Because sometimes strong thinking does not mean you are good at this line of work.

So us professionals showed up.

To be honest, I was just an ordinary mortal five million years ago, and I didn't undergo body modification until I passed the application assessment for the consul. This allows us to have a lifespan far superior to that of ordinary demigods, as well as a state of mind that is not moved by external objects and a terrifying speed of thinking. "

Eva didn't feel any psychological discomfort when she said these words, and she even looked a little proud instead.

As if undergoing body modification is a glorious evolution that is quite an honor.

"You said you were just a mortal before? But you have lived for almost five million years now?" Siji Demigod scratched his head in surprise.

"It's nothing surprising. Even the lowest-level intelligent life in the super-dimensional kingdom of omnics can live longer than you and me!" The twin ancestors shrugged.

Jiang Heng was secretly startled when he heard it.

"It seems that the empire has mastered the mind uploading technology." Jiang Heng muttered to himself.

Because if the Eva in front of me is a biological brain, it is obvious that no matter how well maintained it is, a mortal brain cannot last five million years without breaking down.

In other words, the technology of mind uploading can be explained. Through mind uploading, an alternative kind of immortality can be performed. The body can be continuously replaced, and the mind data transmitted to the terminal can also be continuously backed up and downloaded.

"It seems that the technology of the empire has indeed reached a very high level."

But this is not surprising, after all, they have been fighting with the super-dimensional gods and gods for so many years, and they must have more or less their own skills.

Technology outflow is inevitable, and technology cracking is ongoing.

"It's really alive!" the demigod Siji muttered to himself.

Listening to these words, Eva simply didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Then I will handle the main government affairs next. As the star masters here, you will also be under my jurisdiction. Of course, if you are qualified to join the legion, then you can disobey my orders to a certain extent. Of course I don't I think you all have the qualifications!"

Eva's face was stern, and although her tone didn't look down on anyone, it carried a sense of business.

At least the four poles and demigods were very angry when they heard it, but they didn't dare to refute.

Everyone knew in advance that if the level is not enough but dare to disobey the order of the local governor of the empire, it will be a dead end.

"Of course we will obey the orders of the consul!" Siji said in a half-godly manner.

"I know your thoughts, and I know the habits similar to yours. Loose cultivators are used to being free, but what I want to say is that since you have entered my Great Zhou Empire, you must strictly implement the empire's orders!"

Eva Consul's face was dignified and solemn.

With the entry of the Eva Consul, the appointment and distribution of Jiang Heng and the others were also issued one by one.

Jiang Heng and the rest of the powerhouses of the Hundred Kingdoms were conferred the title of star lord, and because Xingyun demigod was the title of star lord before, he was directly awarded the title of earl, and he was reinstated and returned to the third part of the championship.

At the same time, the Milky Way is more prosperous than ever, and even with the gradual development of the extraterrestrial expedition, the news of the Tianshuang royal family completely disappeared. The economic center of gravity of the Virgo supercluster has gradually moved closer to the Milky Way.

The Milky Way, which was originally unremarkable or even somewhat unknown, since Jiang Heng's rise, first created a silver flow interconnection, then broke through to the domain master, and then spread the news that the Virgo supergalactic cluster became the fiefdom of Jiang Heng star . ,

In this way, the entire Milky Way has completely become the core of the entire Virgo supergalaxy and even several supergalaxy clusters around it. A steady stream of star gates are opened here, and various treasures of heaven and earth and massive supplies are in transit here.

At this time, within the Sanhua port, after more than a hundred years, it has gradually become the bridgehead of the entire Virgo supercluster to the Milky Here you can always see people from various galaxies from all over the world.

"Recently, this place has become more and more prosperous. I heard from my husband that it used to be the residence of a medium-sized chamber of commerce." A woman in a light blue streamlined dress with a sci-fi look looked at the bright stars in front of her through the porthole. The scene can not help but amazed.

"Mom, can I play a virtual battle?" A young man with an extremely handsome face who looked only in his twenties begged a little.

The man's appearance seems to have inherited his mother's softness, but it can also be seen that his father is also handsome and handsome.

"No way!" However, the woman scolded angrily when she heard this, her brows stood on end.


"Look at what you look like now? Your father will not be happy if he comes back and sees that your martial arts are only like this now!" The woman couldn't help scolding, looking at her youngest son with a sense of hatred for iron and steel.

"Isn't there a big brother in martial arts? Isn't it enough for our family to have a big brother who inherits my father's martial arts?" The young man murmured with some reluctance.

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