Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 875: Guardian Sword


"Huoer, are you looking at the starry sky again?"

On the inner wall of the palace, a young and handsome man with obvious features of the Broken Gold Empire looked up to the sky, and behind him stood a dignified and generous woman in palace attire.

"That's right, Concubine Mu, I often wonder if I have to give everything to this family since I was born? I don't want to marry that woman!" The young man sighed softly.

Seeing the sad expression on the man's face, the woman in the palace costume also sighed: "Huo'er, some things have been doomed since you were born. I know you don't like it all. But since you enjoy this kind of good life, you should do it for it." Pay some price."

"But I don't want this kind of life at all. I would rather live in a commoner's house, at least where I can calm down and do what I want to do." The young man was a little depressed.

"Hey, maybe you still don't know the benefits of your identity, but I want to tell you, once you go to the Tiancang faction, the resources you will get in the future are by no means imaginable now. Let's Mother and son don't have to stay in the palace to be angry with other people." The woman in palace costume said helplessly and distressed.

"Well, I know the seriousness, and I will endure it for the sake of my concubine. I only hate that my talent is a bit weak, otherwise I can compete for that position to some extent!"

"It's the concubine mother who is incapable, so I can't blame your child!"

Looking at the mother's concubine's face that was much older and weaker than when she was young, the young man's expression was moved.

"Mother and concubine, now that the father and the emperor are not here, I have kept some words in my heart for a long time. I have always wanted to destroy the entire royal family. I am tired of the days when they cheated me for that position. From the outsiders' eyes, this is The most magnificent and luxurious place in the entire Broken Gold Empire, it seems that all the benefits of the world are gathered here. But I only think this place is extremely dirty, I hate this place!"


The complexion of the woman in the palace costume changed drastically, but when she was about to reprimand her, she was interrupted by a sudden thunder explosion.


As if a huge hole had opened in the sky, everyone in the Broken Gold Mother Planet could see a burst of white light suddenly bursting out from the sky. The dazzling white light made everyone a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, I was a little confused and puzzled by this kind of situation that I had never seen before.

In the hearts of all the people of the Suijin Empire, this is the mother planet of Suijin and the location of the imperial city. Such a place where the power of the central center is concentrated is like a cloud. There is no possibility of foreign troubles coming, and there is also no possibility of internal strife. possible.

Just to rule out these two possibilities, then why does this mutation occur?

Bewildered and confused.

But as the light gradually dimmed and the vision returned to its original state, the eyes of countless people on the mother planet widened.

"The Great Broken Gold Avenue, what exactly is this?"

"It''s dark?"

I saw within the field of vision, just after the light dimmed, a large black mass appeared in the sky, because the distance was too far and it was hard to distinguish for a while.

"Yes... it's a fleet! It's a foreign fleet!"

"Enemy! Make enemy!"

For a while, many people reacted one after another.

At the same time, the entire defense system of the mother star planet also quickly raised a layer of hazy shield brilliance.

Within the military and political system of the Suijin Empire's imperial city, countless generals are taking action closely.

"Who can tell me what's going on? Such a large wave of enemies suddenly descended, and we didn't notice any warning in advance!" An old man hammered the table furiously.

"My lord! This must have been prepared. These guys probably saw His Majesty and other strong men going out one after another, so they took advantage of it!"

Some subordinates expressed their opinions with trepidation!

"Get out, who can't see this!" The old man slapped the young general in front of him to the ground, and then looked in another direction and shouted: "Locate me! Locate where this fleet crossed the stars from!" The star gate came out of nowhere, and the source of this star gate must be traced!"

In fact, there was no need for the old man's instructions at all, there were technicians who had already been chasing after him, but the result of chasing after a while made these technicians look extremely pale!

"What's going on? Did you find out? Tell me!" The old man shouted, he didn't have time to chatter now.

"Yes... yes... from the base camp, the front line base camp!" A technician who was obviously in charge said stumblingly.


Hearing this news, it was as if a thunderbolt sounded in the old man's mind, shaking his soul violently.

"How is it possible? Could it be... Could it be..."

The old man's face was full of disbelief, but he soon ignored the shock in his heart, because the ground was already shaking violently.

" lord...the planetary defense system...broken!"

"how come?!"

The old man's eyes widened, and he could no longer hold back a mouthful of blood and sprayed it out.


As the planet's defense system shattered, countless light beams shot from the starry sky, and the dense blows instantly caused the core planet of the Broken Gold Empire to vibrate violently. riddled with sores.

One after another, the domain master-level powerhouses sitting in the imperial city were in pain, fighting towards the starry sky while resisting the rays from the starry sky.

But at this moment, a fiery red dot quickly came into view, it was a small figure, rushing into the atmosphere at super high speed, violent frictional flames were produced on the surface of the flesh.

"Block him!"

A domain master roared with sharp eyes.

Immediately, the nearest dozens of domain owners gathered together to form a joint battle formation, ready to welcome this foreign visitor who was obviously not weak.


The combined attack formation formed by a group of domain masters had just formed, but the meteor-like figure quickly pierced through it, and the terrifying force directly tore the bodies of these domain masters into the tiniest blood mist.


The figure directly hit the surface of the planet, and suddenly a layer of terrifying shock wave was like the most terrifying super bomb in the world, and the ground began to present a wave-like surge, centering on the impact point and sweeping away in all directions.

The bustling urban area was instantly swallowed by the surge and turned into countless wreckage, and at the same time, these wreckage and ruins were also carried by the surge and spread farther away.

As the most important parent planet of the Broken Gold Empire, there are about 20 billion people living on the entire surface of the planet, but under this blow, the 20 billion people are dying out at an extremely fast speed.

City-level shields were propped up one by one, but as the shock waves surged down, these shields were easily torn into the tiniest energy wreckage like paper, and then the bustling super cities were turned into ruins.

"Mother... Mother Concubine! I... I was just talking about it just now, I didn't want to really ruin this place, this... I didn't do it!"

Seeing that the land outside the imperial city was reduced to ruins, and the terrifying shock wave was still advancing towards the imperial city, the young Tenth Prince of the Broken Gold Empire looked terrified.

"Huo'er, this was not caused by you, this is an enemy attack! This is a premeditated invasion!" After all, the woman in the palace costume was much calmer, and she began to exude the aura that only a domain master-level peak powerhouse could have.

"Go! Let's go to the main hall!"

"What are you going to do in the main hall? Concubine Mu! I...I don't want to die!"

"Don't worry, you won't die, the concubine mother and you won't die!" Seeing her child's frightened look, the dignified look of the woman in palace clothes softened a lot.

The two quickly arrived at the main hall. At this time, the main hall was also in chaos. Countless maids and servants were running around aimlessly, but some imperial city guards rushed towards the city wall in an orderly manner.

"You...why are you all here?"

After coming to the main hall, the young tenth prince was surprised to find that many older brothers and younger brothers in the palace were gathered here.

At the same time, many harem concubines gathered, and even the queen came over.

"The enemy is coming today, but how can we, as the royal family of broken gold, sit and wait for death, please ask for the holy sword!"

The queen looked at the princes and grandchildren present, and when she saw that the number of people was almost the same, she shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, suddenly dozens of domain lord-level powerhouses rushed out from around the main hall, and these powerhouses went directly to kill the princes and grandchildren present.

In just a few breaths, dozens of princes and grandchildren were beheaded by these domain master-level powerhouses.

It was not until nearly a hundred people were beheaded that they could barely stop.

Since the development of the Suijin royal family, there are already as many princes and grandchildren as there are stars, and now hundreds of them are killed instantly, but there are still nearly a thousand of them left here.

The young tenth prince was also lucky enough not to die, but now he was completely frightened and dumbfounded, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

Seeing this, the concubine mother had no choice but to hold her tightly in her arms, and comforted her softly: "Huo'er, it's okay, this is the sacrifice necessary to activate the holy sword, but it is enough for now. And there is concubine mother The queen won't do anything to us."

At this time, the ground of the main hall began to appear many strange lines like blood vessels after being splashed with the blood of the princes and grandchildren, and these lines shone with a strange blood-red light.

And the flesh and blood of the dead princes and grandchildren on the ground are also rapidly melting into the floor, as if the entire main hall is alive at this time, devouring the flesh and blood of these noble royal families in the past.

hum! ~

After half a sound, the entire imperial city was like a giant beast that had already eaten and gradually revived. Violent tremors emerged up and down the entire imperial city, and there was a buzzing sound similar to the activation of an energy engine resounding under the ground.

Jiang Heng couldn't help grinning as he watched the scene where he almost smashed through the planet with his own falling action.

Just the fall of the physical body almost wiped out a planet, which shows the strength of Jiang Heng's physical body.

"There is a fleet group assisting in destroying the vital forces on the ground, so my next task is to kill those domain master masters gathered in the imperial city here one by one."

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, in fact, under normal circumstances, this conquest mission is not a large-scale massacre, but there is no way, this is the mother planet of the Broken Gold Empire, as the former home of the Broken Gold Royal Family, all royal families on this planet None of the members can stay.

"Hey! What's that?"

Suddenly, Jiang Heng raised his head and looked into the distance, and saw a dazzling ray of light shooting directly into the starry sky, followed by a golden object like a flying sword soaring into the sky.

"The Broken Gold Clan! Why did you wake me up? Don't you know that this seat will not wake up unless it is absolutely necessary?"

A majestic and majestic voice sounded in the queen's mind.

The queen knew that it was issued by the small golden sword suspended in mid-air in front of her eyes, and just now, this small sword was still a huge imperial city.

It's just that right now it has become the size of an ordinary sword blade, but if you look carefully, you can find that there seems to be a huge brothel on the surface of the sword body!

"Senior Sword Spirit, you are the saber of the first ancestor of the Broken Gold Clan. According to the group training, we could not and dare not wake you up. However, the clan is in great trouble right now, so please help us, Senior!"

The queen clasped her fists solemnly, and her posture was extremely low, like a humble junior begging a respected senior.

"Ethnic crisis?"

Hearing this news, the little golden sword turned around and seemed to be observing the situation around him.

"What's going on? I didn't feel the aura of demigod, but even if there was aura of demigod, it shouldn't be like this. Could it be that this generation of Suijin people are already so unbearable?"

The golden little sword's words were full of confusion.

"Senior, that's not the case. It's because His Majesty led an expedition with the strongest members of the clan not long ago and hasn't returned yet. Now this is a long-planned sneak attack!"

The queen was a little embarrassed, but she hurriedly replied.

"So that's it, that's all, since this is the case, I will help you settle this matter!" The golden little sword seemed very displeased, after all, with his personality, if the opponent is not a demigod, it is an insult to him.

Seeing the little golden sword whirling in mid-air, it seemed to have locked onto the most powerful breath at present. The next moment, its figure seemed to cut through the space, and it disappeared from the queen's vision in an instant.

Seeing that the little golden sword finally made a move, the queen let out a long breath.

She knew that as long as this senior took action, the matter would basically be settled.

After all, the senior also said just now that there is no aura of a demigod powerhouse.


A second ago, Jiang Heng was still squinting his eyes and looking at what was in the distance, but the instant feeling of the hair on his back told him that the crisis was coming.


I saw a golden streamer almost brushing the skin of Jiang Heng's shoulder a sword? "Jiang Heng's face was serious, he could feel that this sword seemed to have a faint aura of a mid-level sixth-order and a half-sacred weapon.

"Hey! Your escape speed is not like that of an ordinary domain master!" The little golden sword whirled in surprise.

"Equipment spirit?"

"It's a joke, the old man's body is a semi-divine weapon, so it has spirits! Don't compare it with ordinary domain master-level weapons!" The golden little sword let out a cold snort.

Immediately, he floated in the air and seemed to be looking up and down at the young man in front of him.

"It's really just domain master level breath, but don't worry about it, let's talk about it after killing you!" The golden little sword thought about it and didn't bother to think about it.


Seeing the terrifying escape speed erupted from the golden little sword again, Jiang Heng didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest, and directly treated the opponent as a mid-level demigod.


He patted the gourd on his waist, and the nine flying knives flew out in an instant!

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