Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 853: Battle of the Central District (Middle)


Xiaoyue's pretty face was flushed with half-expression, Liu Mei was about to draw her sword upside down.

"Calm down, don't delay breaking the formation! Let someone else be responsible for this!" Ancestor Tianshuang shouted in a low voice to stop Xiaoyue demigod who was about to go into a rage.

Hearing that, no matter how reluctant Xiaoyue Demigod was, he could only endure his anger and continue to input the power of laws and energy in his body into the formation disk.

"It seems that you can't fight with all your strength, it seems that you demigods can't get out!" Seeing this, Kui Gang was keenly aware of the abnormality of the demigods from all over the world, and the smile on his face became even bigger. .

"Hmph! It's enough for you and me to wait for a few people!" The bad-tempered Siji demigod coldly snorted.

"Then see if you can stop it!"

As soon as the words fell, Kui Gang directly cast a look at the people beside him, and the next moment a group of hegemonic demigods rushed towards the demigods of the Hundred Nations. The demigods flew to try to hold back those demigods who were trying to stop them, while the middle demigods rushed towards the middle demigods with a very clear purpose.

Kui Gang's idea is very simple, that is to destroy the formation disk and destroy the purpose of Tianshuang Patriarch and others to break the formation.

Even if he was certain that the other party would never be able to break through the large formation, but the few people were unable to move within the formation right now, this was also an excellent opportunity to attack and kill them.

Qui-Gon wouldn't miss a chance on that.

"Not good! Stop them!"

Patriarch Tianshuang ordered while manipulating the formation disk, frowning.

It was said that several demigods from the eastern and southern districts started to move. Although there were plans in advance, in fact, their ideas often couldn't keep up with the changes.

Soon a few demigods who tried to stop them were held back by several low-ranking demigods in Bayu.

In this way, the array where Tianshuang's ancestors were located was directly exposed to the middle demigods of Bayu.

"Die to me!"

Seeing that the distance from the array was less than 10,000 meters, Kui Gang let out a grin, and an exaggerated sword appeared out of thin air from his hand. The blade was dark gold in color, and when he slashed out, surging shattering laws surged out, a ray of dark golden saber energy Outflowing from the blade, the space along the way was shattered inch by inch.

Many demigods along the way also had to strengthen their protective auras one after another, even though they were still agitated by the shattering law of the saber aura. The body protective gas mask exploded directly, and the wisps of saber energy directly caused dense bloodstains to appear on the skin of the low-level demigods along the way.

The Law of Fragmentation, which ranks among the top in terms of attack and killing laws, shows its majestic appearance for the first time. This is also the reason why the Dao Law of the flesh body does not want to fight with the strong of the Law of Fragmentation. It is really difficult for the flesh body to bear such power.

Bang bang bang!

However, when the saber qi was about to strike the array, the saber qi seemed to hit an invisible shield, hit the shield and shook violently, and dense cracks appeared on the surface of the shield.

Wisps of frost quickly covered the shield, as if trying to repair the shield. However, when the frost was about to spread to those cracks, it seemed that it had encountered obstacles and could not spread no matter what.

"It turns out that there is still a layer of formation, hehe, but the aura of the shattering law is extremely fierce, and it is impossible to repair this formation in a short period of time. I only need to use another knife to break this formation!"

Seeing this scene, Kui Gang was not surprised. He would only be surprised if the other party had no means of protection. Now it seems that this is the case. He only needs to do it again and it can be easily broken. He is very confident in his shattering law .

After all, this is an attack-and-kill law that can leap to a certain extent and threaten higher-order existences, even if its residual aura is extremely difficult to eradicate.

At the same time, many physical Dao warriors who want to get close to him are also extremely afraid, because the injuries on Yue Da's body will only get worse and worse, and they can't support them by fighting.

The biggest advantage of the martial arts fighters in the physical body and the martial arts temples in hand-to-hand combat is that, in addition to the method of infinite connection as long as they seize the opportunity, there is also a strong physique that can tolerate multiple fault tolerance rates.

The Fragmentation Law is like adding a negative state of continuous bleeding to the physical Taoist, which cannot be eradicated in a short period of time and can continue to be superimposed.

At this time, the demigods of all nations who saw this scene fell silent one by one.

Everything that happened was something they didn't expect, and it was completely different from what had been arranged in advance. They couldn't hold each other down at once.

Because the opponent can also use low-level demigods to hold them back.

Even one can hold back many of them, which directly leads to the fact that the middle demigods of Tyrant are completely unchecked at the moment.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Tianshuang and the others sank at the same time.

The last thing I wanted to see happened.

"What should we do now?" Xiaoyue demigodly frowned.

"I think it's better to fight them directly than this!" The demigod Xingyun was also a little annoyed, and there was really no other way at the moment.

However, if he withdraws the breaking formation at this time and fights directly with the opponent, he is confident that he can instantly kill the opponent's mid-level demigod with the star picker and the treasure axe.

It's just that in this way, breaking the formation may be shelved, and it may also be inevitable to die in the end.

"Let me think about it..." Patriarch Tianshuang also hesitated and struggled for a while.

However, just as both sides entered into a real **** fight, with a bang, a firework exploded.

Suddenly, everyone saw a majestic soul wave explode not far away, and the soul fragments scattered.

"what happened?!"

"what happened?!"

At this moment, everyone on both sides was dumbfounded. What is going on?

"It's the Skyhawk demigod! He's gone!"

"No! It was the bursting breath of his soul just now! He has completely fallen!"

Some people feel that this wave of spirit and soul is the demigod Aquila in the state of spirit and soul, but at this time, the demigod Aquila may have been reduced to the tiniest soul fragment.

"Who! Who did it!"

For a while, all the hegemonic demigods were looking for the culprit, and soon they locked on a suspicious target, that is the guy who was closest to the previous Skyhawk demigod, the little guy at the domain master level who had beheaded the body of the Skyhawk demigod!

"It's you!"

Kui Gang also noticed Jiang Heng, his eyes narrowed slightly, and strands of killing intent emerged.

"I didn't expect that you, a humble worm-like guy, can always give me different surprises. You killed the prince before and this time you completely killed the sky eagle!"

Kui Gang looked at Jiang Heng coldly, his gaze was almost murderous.

"Don't worry about other things, you guys, kill this little guy!"

Kui Gang directly ordered to the two middle demigods beside him.

The reason why he sent two mid-level demigods was already his greatest vigilance against Jiang Heng, a junior who often made unexpected moves.

Two fourth-tier demigods are enough to kill ten low-ranking demigods. It is indeed a bit too cautious to deal with Jiang Heng, a junior, but this is what Kui Gang had to do. After killing this little guy, this caused demigods to fall one after another on Tyrant's side.

After receiving the order, although the two middle-ranking demigods felt a little fussy, they decided to deal with it with all their strength when they remembered that the kid in front of them had killed the barbarian king with that treasured axe.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng also complained secretly, not to mention that he doesn't have a treasured ax now, even if he has that thing to kill a demigod, it is the limit, and Jiang Heng feels that he will be sucked dry if he pushes that thing again.

Not to mention what Jiang Heng thought, the two demigods were already rushing towards Jiang Heng like meteorites, one on the left and one on the right.


One of them flew halfway and suddenly turned into a flame man, and the flames around him rapidly expanded, and almost instantly the space was surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

In an instant, the breath of the other party rose steadily, and at the same time the breath of other laws began to decline rapidly, and the activity of any law in this space plummeted.

The opponent was so cautious that he opened up his domain as soon as he came up.

At the same time, the other figure did the same thing, turning into a glaring King Kong almost instantly, and his whole body was quickly metalized. Wrap this space and then quickly solidify it to become extremely hard.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng immediately wanted to use space teleportation.

However, the other party seemed to have noticed it a long time ago. Qui Gang outside turned his hand and gritted his teeth. A spell quickly flew out and directly stuck to the surface of the big metal ball covering that space.

As the spell was attached to it, the entire metal sphere was soon covered with dense golden inscriptions, and the inscriptions loomed like a set of closely connected formations that almost solidified the space inside the metal sphere.

"not good!"

Seeing the opponent's tricks one after another, the demigod Xingyun, who was sitting in the formation at this time, said inwardly that he was not good.

Frowning tightly, Xingyun demigod only felt that this time, his apprentice might be in danger.

The opponent's method is clearly to create an inescapable cage, and let his apprentice fight to the death with the two middle demigods.

Unless one party falls, it is impossible for Jiang Heng to come out, but even if he does, it may only be a corpse.

"Hey, dealing with this kid is a big deal. A rare middle-level confinement charm. Let alone the first district master, even a middle-level demigod wants to escape from it!"

Kui Gang sneered, but there was still a pain in his face.

Hearing this reply, all the demigods from all over the world felt a toothache and felt ashamed.

Unexpectedly, what the other party really paid attention to was not them, but a junior domain master on their side.

Especially those low-level demigods whose original plan was to hold back the hegemonic demigods felt even more ashamed. This family didn't even look at them, which was really embarrassing.

But no one thinks that Jiang Heng, a junior, can come out alive.

Even if they think that Jiang Heng is holding a treasure axe, after all, demigods know very well that demigods like the treasure ax often take a lot of energy to drive.

It is extremely difficult for the demigods, not to mention Jiang Heng, a junior. At best, it is not bad to kill a middle-level demigod. It is impossible to kill two middle-level demigods and then withdraw completely.

At the same time, within the package of the double domain, the two mid-level demigods also thought the same way. They looked at Jiang Heng as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Boy, you are dead now, but I still think you should stick out your neck honestly, so that I can give you a good time later, otherwise the pain of burning in this seat will not be very good."

The middle-aged man who controlled the law of fire smiled lightly, with absolute confidence on his face.

"That's right! I don't want to hammer your fleshy body into mud. They say that you are invincible in the physical body. Today, I want to experience who has the stronger physical body!"

On the other side, the burly man who looked like a little metal giant was also talking in a low voice, his tone was no different from looking at a humble little bug.

Jiang Heng looked straight at the two without saying a word, and one hand had already touched the Zhanshen gourd on his waist.

"It seems that you still have to fight in the corner, since that's the case..."

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged man turned into a flame and quickly rushed towards Jiang Heng, like a fire dragon, he felt a scorching sensation all over his skin before he got close to Jiang Heng.

What really made Jiang Heng feel a little horrified was that his own soul also felt a burning pain, and as the opponent approached, his soul became more and more painful.

"Not good! This person's fire law is so deep that it can already burn the soul!"

In an instant, Jiang Heng judged that the law of fire mastered by the other party was far from comparable to that of Lieyan Patriarch. Lieyan, which can burn the soul, is already an extremely terrifying method of killing, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is already the nemesis of the physical martial arts.


Jiang Heng exhaled from his mouth in one breath, and a white line flew out in an instant.

The white line was extremely fast and instantly pierced through the void, and the next moment it appeared directly between the eyebrows of the middle-aged man in flames.

Seeing this flame, the demigod's figure slightly avoided the blow.

However, he immediately felt that this ray of breath was extremely weak, and it was simply a feint, which made him feel a little ashamed and angry.

However, at the next moment, Jiang Heng had already opened the stopper of the gourd, and the mouth of the gourd was facing the oncoming middle-aged man in flames.

The moment the flame demigod opened it, as a demigod, he had a premonition of danger and noticed something unusual, and there was a big crisis.


Almost instantly, endless fierce wind gushes out from the gourd.

"Brother Tiangang, help me!"

The Flame Demigod shouted, and then saw the metal demigod Tiansteel figure like an iron tower flashing in front of the Flame Demigod.

Almost instantaneously, the sound of dense metal clashes resounded on the surface of Tiangang dense as raindrops, but these attacks were like scratching an itch to Tiangang Demigod.

Can't even make some white marks on his surface.

Seeing this scene, the flame demigod standing behind Tiangang heaved a sigh of relief, but he wondered if he was being too careful, because he found that these attacks seemed to be surging and mighty, but the actual power might be even I can easily carry it myself.

Thinking about it carefully, he felt that he might have been too careful, after all, the other party was only a domain master.

And his cautious attitude is no less than facing a fifth-order demigod directly.

Reminiscent of his own law and means, it seems that he is very restrained in physical martial arts, so he is really not afraid of how strong the opponent's physical body is.

"Okay, I'll burn you to death, you brat!"

Annoyed in his heart, Huo Huo demigod felt as if he had been greatly humiliated and was eager to find his way back.

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