Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 848: this guy is alive

"The metal law, this thing is an extremely hard thing. The golden law is the strongest thing. This fifth-order semi-sacred weapon smelted with the golden law is comparable to the sixth-order semi-sacred weapon in terms of hardness alone, and Abnormal sharpness.

Although we can't use this thing, we can use it as a material to smelt the weapons we use to improve its hardness and sharpness. "The demigod Xingyun commented lightly on the long sword, a fifth-order demi-sacred weapon in the golden line.

"Even smelting this thing requires a bit of effort. A fifth-level golden element semi-sacred weapon needs a sixth-level fire element to melt it."

Regarding this, Jiang Heng felt that what his master said was quite right. Artifact refining is also a great subject, especially when it comes to the level of semi-artifacts. It is already necessary to consider the mutual generation and mutual restraint attributes between laws. Some weapons cannot be directly combined with other laws. For smelting, you have to consider its fit.

Of course, similar to the golden rule, it is more often used as a universal material, and similar to protective equipment, the golden rule is used the most.

However, the most important thing for a refiner is the law of fire. If a refiner doesn't master the law of fire, he must always have the law of fire as a furnace, otherwise he can't forge semi-sacred weapons.

"Huh! This demigod weapon seems to belong to a space!" Suddenly Xingyun's demigod's eyes lit up and he picked up a small and exquisite dagger.

This thing is inconspicuous among the crowd of demigods. If it wasn't for its sudden appearance and disappearance, Nebula Demigod would not have noticed its abnormality.

Xingyun demigod wanted to get the weapon, but he reached out and found nothing.

It disappeared into the original space again.

"This thing is a semi-divine weapon of the law of space, I have to get it yourself, disciple!"

Hearing that Jiang Heng also reached out to grab it, but he also grabbed it, but after the palm of his hand was attached to the law of space, he directly pulled it out from the crack in the void.

This object is like embellished jade in his hand, if Jiang Heng removes the law of space, this object will disappear again, which is very miraculous.

But if it is manipulated with the law of consciousness attached to space, the dagger can wander freely in this space, appearing and disappearing like a ghost.

It's like a ghost that people can't catch, even the air mechanism can't be locked, because it has no trajectory at all, and it's just the space shuttle that makes people hard to guard against.

"If you hold this thing, it will definitely increase its combat power, but it is a semi-magic weapon after all, and it will consume a lot of money for you, so you must use it with caution!"

Jiang Qiu also nodded in agreement with this point, and the space law in his body felt a little bit unable to make ends meet just after that drive.

The two of them scraped together for a while, and it took almost a day to divide up all the treasures here. Some low-level materials, pills, military equipment, martial arts, etc. were all taken away by the demigod Xingyun to expand the background of the Xingyun sect. As for Jiang Heng Ze took some materials needed by domain masters and even low-level demigods, and most of the demigods were taken away by Nebula demigods.

Jiang Heng didn't have any opinion on this, anyway, he could go directly to the treasure house of the Nebula Sect if he needed anything, maybe, anyway, the two of them were inseparable from each other.

Leaving this secret cave, when I returned to the fortress, I found that many parts of the fortress had already started repair work.

Many warriors below the domain master level wandered around the fortress to check every aspect.

The return of the two was also silent. After all, the demigods at the domain master level and above are all retreating in various places in the fortress at the moment. Cultivation backlash is facing signs of retrogression.

Among them, a few demigods are the most serious. This time they bear the greatest pressure, so naturally they have no intention of holding a celebration party at this moment.

Maybe this celebration will have to wait for everyone's situation to stabilize before considering it.

Jiang Heng and Xingyun Demigod didn't say much and went back to their respective caves to go to retreat. They also suffered a lot in this battle.

The demigod Xingyun fought with the barbarian king before, and with the strength of the barbarian king at that time, it meant that Xingyun was wrestling with a sixth-order demigod with a physical body, and it was a miracle that he could last until now.

Although he had Tong Tianhou to help him think, his viscera and bones in his body were severely injured, and even his physical body and demigod's body would need a period of recovery and rest.

Needless to say, Jiang Heng, first when beheading the Tianying demigod, he narrowly defeated the opponent with his extreme magic power, his physical body was already on the verge of the limit, and then he unconsciously drove the precious ax to behead the barbarian king.

Although King Zhanman borrowed more from the power of the precious axe, it was Jiang Heng's own physical body that drove the precious axe, and the burden on the physical body was more terrifying than that of Faxiang Tiandi.

After returning to Dongfu Jiangheng, he took several precious medicines given by the nebula demigod one after another, which can even have a healing effect on low-level demigods. After a burst of rapid breath adjustment and dissolving the medicine, he finally avoided the signs of physical backlash and collapse.

If he relaxes in such a breath, there will be a wave of overwhelming pain sweeping his body. Jiang Heng felt a tingling in his scalp, tried hard to resist the lethargy, and began to cross his legs and adjust his breath.

There are many troubles to be solved in this retreat, besides physical injuries, there is also Yuanpan's intentional movement.

No matter how Jiang Heng drove Yuanpan before, he didn't care about it, but with the previous move of driving the treasure ax, this thing finally showed signs of being willing to communicate.

But the other party was still extremely cold, as if treating Jiang Heng's thoughts like a humble ant, this feeling made Jiang Heng feel like a dog, and he was actually despised by a piece of military equipment.

However, there is nothing he can do about the other party, the other party is really too cold.

While Jiang Heng worked hard to adjust his breath to recover from his injury, he also persevered in communicating with the other party.

At first, the other party looked at Jiang Heng like a clown, but as Jiang Heng continued to harass it, it felt a little annoying.

As Jiang Heng once again drove the power of law in his body forward to test the opponent's reaction, he was suddenly horrified and found that a large part of his power of law had suddenly disappeared.

This sudden change made Jiang Heng a little unexpected, and wanted to take some action, but the power of law in his body suddenly disappeared again.

It was as if it was constantly being swallowed by a certain blood basin, mouthful after mouthful.

The mind couldn't help but lock the disc in the body, because it might be this weird thing that can possess such an incredible ability.

"It was you who devoured my power of law?"

As soon as the words fell, it seemed that he was responding to Jiang Heng, and suddenly Jiang Heng found that a large part of his body's Dao law had disappeared out of thin air.

This made Jiang Heng unable to sit still, because if it was missing a large piece, he might face the possibility of falling in the realm.

However, at the next moment, Jiang Heng felt that his law was decreasing again.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng didn't care about bickering with the other party, hastily took out a few meat **** given by the demigod Xingyun, and quickly absorbed the power of law inside them to fill the gap.

However, the opponent's devouring speed seems to be faster, like sizzling noodles, and a large piece of law power disappears in a sizzling.


Twenty breaths later, with a roar in his body, Jiang Heng's breath state quickly withered, and the state fell directly from the peak domain master state to the later stage.

After thirty breaths, it roared again, falling directly from the late stage to the middle stage.

Jiang Heng is about to cry now, what is going on?

I just have nothing to do to tease you, do I need to play so big?

However, there was another roar, and with the crackling of the joints, the realm fell again, directly falling to the initial stage.

Now Jiang Heng has no time to complain, but the power of the crazy devouring law with bloodshot eyes wants to delay this devouring power.

But at this moment, Jiang Heng found that the other party seemed to be half full, so he hiccupped lightly.

Then Jiang Heng felt that Yuanpan's consciousness seemed to be lazily falling asleep.

Ok? Fell asleep?

Jiang Heng was so angry that he vomited blood, thinking that you should give me back the power of those laws before going to bed!

Jiang Heng was very depressed, but what can he do now, he has nothing to do with the other party, so he has to swallow the power of law in the meat ball to restore the state.

Fortunately, the strength of the physical body is here, because it has broken through the peak before, so Jiang Heng can return to the peak again as long as he keeps devouring the power of the law.

Time passed day by day, until half a month later, Jiang Heng's state finally returned to the late stage state, but the meat ball in his hand had been exhausted, and if he wanted to restore his cultivation, he could only go out to find Shizun Xingyun demigod and ask for some laws come here.

Just as he was about to get up and leave the cave, at this moment the disk in his body moved suddenly.

It seems that it turned over while falling asleep, and then it seemed that some gas was expelled from the disc.


"This seems to be a pure energy mist!"

Feeling the gas expelled by Yuanpan, Jiang Qiu couldn't help but absorb it. This gas mist was so pure that it could directly replenish the essence and immediately restore most of Jiang Heng's physical injuries.

"But how can this thing exhaust gas like a living thing?"

Jiang Heng was suspicious, and some didn't understand the principle, but at this moment, Jiang Heng saw one end of the disc shaking, as if something was pushed out by him again.

This time it was a big mass of white goo.

"This is the power of law! Wait! What kind of power of law is this?"

Jiang Heng's eyes widened in disbelief, because he had never heard of this kind of power of law, because the other party didn't have any attribute sideways at all, let alone any pheromone, which is a mixture of distortion forces. This is an extremely pure non-attribute power of law ! !

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng hesitated and swallowed some. As the law merged with his own physical body, Jiang Heng felt a shock all over his body.

Because the other party was perfectly integrated with the laws of the physical body, directly transformed into the laws of the physical body, and at the same time, these pure and impurity-free laws were integrated into the laws of the physical body.

Jiang Heng felt that the distortion elements of the laws of the physical body in his body seemed to be diluted a lot.

"Good stuff! This is definitely a good stuff!"

Jiang Heng's heart was filled with ecstasy. He never thought that after purifying medicinal materials and other things when Yuanpan was still a ball, it would be able to purify the power of law in the state of Yuanpan.

"Wait! Since this is a non-attribute law, does it mean that it can also be used to fill my space law!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but control the space law and rushed towards the ball of pure law.

I tried a little bit at first, and found that, as before, these pure laws and space laws also became part of the space laws after they were fused.

Feeling so far, Jiang Heng started to devour this group of pure laws with the law of space without any hesitation.

As this large group of pure laws merged into the space law, the space law suddenly increased a lot out of thin air. The space that was originally stagnant in the middle stage of the domain master now skyrocketed to the late stage, as if it was about to break through the peak state. Signs .

But this is normal, after all, Yuanpan had devoured Jiang Heng's power of law at the peak level of his body.

With the reserve of the law of the pseudo demigod in Jiang Heng's body before, converting it into space will naturally let the space skyrocket together.

"But the conversion rate doesn't seem to be high. Could it be because of the removal of impurities? It seems that every trace of the law contains more than half of the impurities."

Jiang Heng muttered, after all, if his reserves of physical Tao laws were transformed into space without damage, he would definitely be able to push the realm of space to the peak.

"But this is enough. I didn't expect Yuanpan to have such a miraculous effect. I'm afraid that even if I tell others, they won't believe it! Who in this world can purify the power of laws? Who can transform laws!"

Jiang Heng thought of what he had discussed with the demigod Xingyun some time ago, because according to the saying, even the ancient gods were thinking about how to purify the law.

There is a saying that if all the laws in the body can be completely purified and the pheromones such as distortions can be eliminated, then it is possible to lead to the realm of the founding powerhouse.

Although this statement may be false, it is undeniable that no one has been able to achieve the law of purification no matter in the past or now, not even Valkyrie!

"This may be my biggest secret. It seems that this disc may be related to the Xeon Creator God, so it seems that the origin of the fragments in the treasure ax, which is also the sky-opening axe, is not simple. It may not only be The Valkyrie weapon is so simple, maybe the Valkyrie got it by chance."

Jiang Heng's thoughts flashed and he thought of many possibilities.

"But why does this thing feel weird? The pure law power of this kind of song can't be the thing it excreted!" Jiang Heng suddenly thought of this His expression changed immediately up.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't matter to him, as long as he can improve his strength, he can't bear the humiliation of weapons.

What's more, the age of this weapon may be older than some ancient gods. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an old fossil.

There is still a little tolerance for the elderly.

A few days later, Jiang Heng discovered that the time span of each engulfing rule of Yuanpan seemed to be very long. Once engulfed, he had to sleep for a period of time, and he would wake up and continue engulfing after a while.

The span may be a year or longer, because Jiang Heng found that the guy didn't seem to wake up since the last time.

He had no choice but to continue to recover from his injuries silently.

But this pure law really has a lot of benefits.

"After the rules are purified, my use of the rules is much faster, and the control is much smoother, as if there is a lot less blockage."

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