Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 842: War in the Central Territory (Middle)

Remember [New] in a second! That gully exudes bright brilliance like a cracked avenue and long river, and the brilliance is dim, revealing its true face. It turned out to be a huge starry sky monster whose skin is covered with stars and spots. Ships and strong men suddenly appeared here.

"Space behemoth with the blood of the law of space! I didn't expect this group of hegemonic cubs to be so lucky!" The ancestor Tianshuang was also floating above the fortress at this time and looked at the situation in the distance with some surprise.

Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, the laws of space are extremely scarce, and he still wants to try his best to get more laws of space.

"Ba Yu, you guys really aren't afraid of death, so why don't you want to come over so soon to die?" The thick and rough voice of the demigod Siji spoke, his voice thunderous and taunting.

"I think you all can't wait to die! Even my highness, the Barbarian King of the Broken Gold Empire, dares to talk nonsense?" A thick voice sounded, and the person who spoke on the opposite side was a mid-level demigod, whose body stood like an iron tower. At the side of the man on the throne, his gaze swept across the demigods of the Hundred Kingdoms.

"Barbarian king? Could it be that your little baby is Kuiman? You really are a barbarian!" The twin ancestors laughed and spoke contemptuously. This is the time to show the kung fu of both sides.

It was quite interesting for the field masters to just watch this group of bigwigs swearing at each other, after all, it was rare to see a demigod strong swearing at each other.

"This king is indeed a barbarian king, but you will know right away if he is a barbarian!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Kuiman walking directly from the throne. The next moment, the strength of his body burst out and his figure flashed directly to the periphery of the first layer of the fortress. Infinite blood mist burst out all over his body, and the acupoints in his body roared and spewed out rays of light. , The next moment I saw this Kuiman's body soared, and he turned into a giant who reached the sky in just a moment.

It seems to be the real Dharma Aspect World, this person's Dharma Aspect World is obviously more proficient and complete than Jiang Hengna's reluctantly displayed, even if he turns into a giant who reaches the sky, he is also flawless and powerful like a muscular and powerful existence.

He raised one hand, and a huge ax appeared in his palm, holding the ax and slamming down towards the formation.


The formation shook violently, and the entire fortress felt like the sky was falling apart, and translucent cracks appeared on the surface of the formation.

"What a powerful force!"

Seeing this situation, Xingyun's half-god eyes narrowed.

This large formation is the outermost and most difficult to destroy. As long as the first large formation is broken, it is a matter of time before the subsequent two are broken, because the first large formation can communicate with all the large formations inside to share the pressure. Right now, a crack was split out by an axe, which shows how powerful the axe is.

"We can't let him go on, shoot!"

Seeing that the opponent was about to attack again, Xingyun half-consciously yelled, and flashed out of the formation to look at the opponent.

"You can't stop it!" Kui Man sneered, almost contemptuously speaking, as if the person in front of him was not a strong man of the same level as himself.


The ax slashed down again, this time with an astonishing force, an invisible fold was drawn in the void, as if being drawn by the huge gravity of the giant axe, it began to pull towards this side.


With a low shout, several strange gemstones inlaid on the ax suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance, and the next moment the ax slashed down towards Xingyun demigod angrily.


Xingyun half-heartedly received the blow head-on with one hand without dodging or evading.


I saw a crystal-clear arm shining with bright stars collided with the giant ax to emit a violent white light, and then they both backed away.

Kuiman staggered back a few steps, but Xingyun demigod did not take a step back.

"how is this possible?"

Kui Man was a little unbelievable, it was beyond his comprehension, generally speaking, even if the median fifth-ranked person survived such a powerful blow from him head-on, he would have to peel off his skin.

At the same time, the morale of all the demigods in the Eastern District was greatly shaken when they saw this situation. Just now they were also heaving a sigh of relief, fearing that Xing Yun, the strongest among them, would not be able to stop him, but now they seemed to have no fear.

"It seems that this barbarian king is nothing special." Xi Ke joked with a half-godly smile.

"That's right! I think it's a lot of strength. Now that his strength is blocked, he can only wait for death!" Siji Demigod folded his arms and looked happy.

On the other hand, Tyrant's side was a little dumb and depressed. The originally high morale was cut off at once. I didn't expect that even the barbarian king could do nothing to this demigod Xingyun.

It's just that where no one noticed, the arm in the cuff of the demigod Xingyun was trembling uncontrollably.

"Xing Yun, take it easy, the old man is not for head-to-head, this guy is too strong, I guess he has reached a very high level of physical torture besides cultivating the physical body, and his ax It seems to be quite in line with the way of the physical body, otherwise this strange power would be too unimaginable!"

The all-weather voice sounded in Xingyun's demigod mind.

"Why don't you say anything, kid?" Seeing that Xingyun didn't respond for a long time, Tong Tianhou was a little annoyed.

"Master Hou...I'm afraid my physical body won't be able to take it. This blow caused me a lot of internal injuries, please let me take it easy!"

The demigod Xingyun was finally able to transmit the voice, but his tone was rather laborious.

"That's right, this guy's strength is too great. The power of the shock alone is enough to feed you a pot. I think his strength is no less than that of ordinary sixth-level physical martial arts."

Tong Tianhou was a little helpless, he felt that the other party was a humanoid starry sky behemoth, and this strange power was obviously beyond common sense.

"Come again!"

At the same time, the barbarian king was also angry. He had never been so frustrated before, but his physical strength was useless among the same rank.

This is undoubtedly a great humiliation to him!

"Hmph! Since you brought so many people in such a fierce manner, can't it just be you and me?" The demigod Xingyun said calmly.

"What do you want? It's the same if you kill you first!" The barbarian king snorted coldly.

He wanted to kill this guy right now to show that his strength was invincible at the same level!

"This is so boring! Or do you feel that you just lost face and are eager to get back the scene?" Xing Yun smiled half-heartedly and sarcastically.

"You're stalling for time!"

Hearing the words, Man Wang's eyes lit up. He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very shrewd. It's just that his own ability and strength make people think that he is a reckless man.

"Whatever you think!" Xingyun shrugged half-heartedly, but his heart skipped a beat and he felt bad.

"Hmph! Don't waste your time talking, let's play again, I don't believe you can still compete with my strength!" The barbarian king sneered.

Gu Nian was already certain in his heart that the other party was just delaying time, and he was afraid that he had suffered a lot of internal injuries just now.

"Is this barbarian king afraid? Don't you dare to let your people fight with us first? Or is it that you can fight in your hegemony, and the rest are just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags?"


Hearing the words, the barbarian king's eyes swept away, and he was immediately taken aback.

Because the source of the voice was a domain master-level junior!

He took a closer look at the junior who stood among the demigods in the east area in the distance for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Haha! Who am I? It turns out that I'm a junior at the domain master level. Why do you want to die so much? Or is it that you, a junior at the domain master level, have no one in your eastern district to speak?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the demigods in the Eastern District turned dark and looked at Jiang Heng speechlessly.

They also didn't expect Jiang Heng, a junior, to speak rashly at this time.

However, only Jiang Heng knew in his heart that his master was probably delaying time as the barbarian king said, and the blow just now was far less calm than it seemed on the surface.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who guessed it. Tianshuang and Shuangsheng, the two senior demigods, both looked thoughtful.

"It's true that I'm a junior, but I don't need seniors like me to deal with ordinary demigods. I, a junior, can challenge demigods!" Jiang Heng looked as if he was born with a calf and was not afraid of tigers, as if he was angry.

Many hegemonic demigods who saw this scene were taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Even many domain masters and demigods in the fortress had weird faces and couldn't help laughing.

Tian Xingcong also mixed in the ranks of domain masters, seeing his master and uncle being so trusting but with a different kind of trust from here, he always felt that his master and uncle would not target indiscriminately.

"Master's uncle doesn't seem like a big talker. Could it be that Master's uncle really has the strength to rival demigods right now?"

Tian Xingzi and the other two elders of the Xingyun Sect also had similar thoughts in their minds. They had all seen the scene of Jiang Heng fighting the giant dragon monster.

The scene at that time was not inferior to that of ordinary demigods. Even thinking back carefully, the demigod Xike and the demigod Siji had worked so hard to deal with that monster. It can be seen that the monster definitely has the strength of half a demigod. Even if it is not as good as it is, the gap It won't be too big either.

"Your tone is not small, but this is a bit interesting. I really want to see how miserable you will die!" the barbarian king smiled. He is really interested now. It is obvious that the other party is so arrogant. It's a bit of a hole card, but he doesn't care, no matter what, the domain master is the domain master, and if he wants to match the demigod, it is going against the sky. This move is extremely rare or even almost impossible in the entire universe.

He simply had some interest in watching the show, he glanced at the demigods behind him and just pointed at them.

"You! That's right, you, come and play with this junior, and let him know what a demigod is. Otherwise, there are really people who dare to provoke anything!"

The man pointed out by the barbarian king was a low-level second-tier demigod of the temple system. This person had a relatively ordinary body shape, almost like an ordinary person or even a little thin, but his appearance was quite weird. He had a bird's beak. The eyes are like eagles, and there is a pair of black wings on the back, which looks like a birdman.

"Haha! Skyhawk demigod, you have to perform well, don't really lose face to a junior at that time, and you will be ashamed and humiliated!" A domineering demigod joked with a smile.

They are all dignified demigods. Under normal circumstances, they would not condescend to meet the challenge of a domain master, so everyone gloated at the Tianying demigod's confrontation with the domain master.

However, Tianying demigod did not dare to disobey the will of the barbarian king. Although he is not from the Suijin Empire, but belongs to the Tiancang faction, but his status is noble and powerful, so in the current situation, he still has to obey Yu barbarian king.

"Hey, you don't have to ridicule Brother Tianying. Brother Tianying's strength at the low level is still remarkable. The law of thunder in one hand is really powerful. I reckon that Brother Tianying can kill this guy with a single strike of Tianlei." Kid!" Another demigod said with some displeasure.

"I said how about we make a bet?" A demigod suggested.

"How to bet?"

"How about betting that this kid will be killed with a few moves?" Someone suggested!

"It goes without saying that there is no suspense at all if you will die under lightning strike with one move!" Someone rolled his eyes directly, this is not a gamble at all.

"Hey, don't be so sure. I'm good at scouting. I found that this kid's physical body is far beyond the normal peak physical martial arts. Even if this kid dies miserably, I won't be hacked to death with one move." How is it possible to gamble now?"

A domineering demigod with golden eyes smiled and said.

Hearing this, everyone looked sideways, and looked at Jiang Heng in surprise. They didn't expect the other party to have a few brushes, but it was normal. If they didn't have two brushes, how could they challenge the demigod so arrogantly?

"That's good! I still bet that he will die in one move!"

"Yes! I'm taking a gamble too!"

"I bet I'll die within three moves!"

A group of people quickly spoke up one after another, and each of them put out their own bets as if it was an entertainment.

It's just that there are many people betting on one move and three moves, but no one else bets on the others.

"But everyone is betting so much that the gamble is not easy to open, and do you think he will really defeat Brother Tianying?" A half-god said suddenly.

However, when he said this, everyone looked at him one after another, and they all looked at him like a fool.

"Are you crazy or stupid? You can try to beat this junior to win. As long as you really win, I will pay you this demi-artifact of mine!" A demigod directly took out a bag he carried The semi-artifact spear shook and smiled.

"That is, if you win, I will teach you the martial art you want!"

"Yes! And me too..."

For a while, many people started joking, but everyone didn't take it seriously. It was a joke. They had never heard that a domain master could beat a demigod. Even some big figures in Da Zhou and even the temples had never done it when they were young.

Tianying demigod's face was very dark, thinking when he was humiliated like this, and this group of colleagues still bet on him, which made him even more! You are dead, junior, I will kill you in one move! "

Looking at Jiang Heng from a distance, Tianying demigod sneered coldly in a low voice.

Now he can only vent his anger on Jiang Heng, a junior, and let this arrogant kid know what a demigod is.

At the same time, the demigod Xingyun and the barbarian king had already stopped fighting, and they each opened a certain distance, leaving Jiang Heng and the demigod Tianying in the middle.

"Teacher, you have to be careful, don't be brave, as long as you lose to the teacher, I will take action to save you!"

The demigod Xingyun said through sound transmission with a worried expression on his face.

"Master, there is no need to do this. Didn't you say it? The way for a warrior to step into a higher level is to live to death! This is a sharpening. He is my sharpening stone. Today, I will cut a real one for the master. demigod!"

Jiang Heng's face remained unchanged, his eyes were already boiling with endless fighting intent, this is his battle and no one can intervene!



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