Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 836: Impart supernatural powers (Part 1)

Remember [New] in a second! At the same time, in a place quite far away from this place, I don't know how many light-years away, in a life star that looks ordinary on the outside.

This is a relatively primitive planet. There are almost no technological creations on it, and there are only relatively primitive villages and some ancient mortal dynasties. And there is a black and white Taoist temple on an inaccessible mountain peak. The overall color of the Taoist temple is black and white, except for the ordinary brick and tile structure, which hardly shows any magic.

A middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a black and white Taoist robe is quietly cross-legged in the temple, and two little Taoist boys carved in pink and jade are quietly burning incense and praying on both sides.

But at this moment, the eyes of the black and white Taoist suddenly opened, and a black and white pupil flowed in the eyes. His face showed contemplation and astonishment, as if he had suddenly received some kind of induction, and immediately saw him pinching his fingers to deduce wearing something.

"There is no abnormality in the long road, why do I have the feeling of being pierced between the eyebrows." The corners of the black and white Taoist's lips kissed, his face was full of suspicion.


"The martial arts will that I left in Tianshuang's body has been broken!" The black and white Taoist murmured for a while: "Not bad sword intent, looking at the whole universe, I am afraid that I can be cut with sword intent except for the new swordsman!" There will be no one else for the kid."

"Forget it. Although this son is arrogant, he still has some skills. There is no need to connect with him."

During the words, the eyes of the black and white Taoist flickered again, and then he closed his eyes and smiled softly: "So what can I do if I break the martial arts will I left in your body? Can you still catch up like you did in the past after wasting hundreds of thousands of years? But you are just dying That's all."

He murmured softly, and the black and white Taoist no longer entangled. At this time, Tianshuang was nothing to worry about for him anyway.

When the first of the eight gates was fully activated and opened, Jiang Heng only felt that his physical body was incomparably smooth, and there was an illusion of surging power.

Jiang Heng didn't dare to really try to show his physical strength with all his strength at this moment, the aftereffects after using Faxiang Tiandi still exist, but using physical strength now is not good for the recovery of the injury.

"Cultivate quietly, and when your physical body returns to its peak, come and find a teacher, and the teacher will find someone to teach you the supernatural powers of the star picker!" Xing Yun's demigod incarnation gradually faded and disappeared.

He also has a lot of things now. After the Northern District is destroyed, the Eastern District must shift its focus to the Central District. It is necessary to start building various large formations in the Central District for consolidation. Secondly, they, the demigods, must all move to the Central District. District sits.

The war has developed like this, and the treaty that demigods are not allowed to enter the central region during the war is a piece of waste paper.

In this case, the eastern region will naturally be fully stationed in the central region, and at the same time, domain master-level powerhouses will be sent to the northern region to quickly collect most of the resources in the super galaxy cluster and occupy the living space of the hegemony.

With the departure of the demigod Xingyun, Jiang Heng began to restore his strength day after day with all his strength. With the healing medicine left by the demigod Xingyun here, Jiang Heng's physical body recovered very quickly. It took only ten years for his physical body to fully recover. As before, this is dozens of times faster than the original schedule.

The water in the pool had completely dried up, Tian Xingzi stood aside and looked at his uncle's appearance at this moment, he had to bow his hands solemnly and said: "Disciple Tian Xingzi congratulates my uncle on recovering from his injury and returning to the peak of his strength!"

Jiang Heng's appearance has not changed much at the moment, but there are golden lines spreading out on the surface of his body. These lines seem to thicken the appearance of the body around the stars, which looks cumbersome, mysterious and dignified!

The aura on his body was restrained, but the divine light emanating from those eyes seemed to crush his mind, and the wisps of martial arts coercion made Tian Xingzi's aura a little uneven.

Peak state!

Jiang Heng clenched his fists. At this time, the realm had once again broken through to the peak realm, which also made Jiang Heng's distance from the demigod realm no longer unreachable, but within reach.

"My current physical strength is much stronger than before, and I have experienced the baptism of the physical body after opening the door. If I cast the law again within ten breaths, I can minimize the hidden danger!"

Jiang Heng murmured silently, the physical strength at this moment is even comparable to that of many low-level demigods in the temple system.

Don't look at the demigod body of the temple system is not their strong point, but as long as they break through the demigod, the body will undergo a transformation on its own, and this transformation is enough for their body to be quickly replenished on the original basis, showing the advantage of crushing the domain master level.

As for Jiang Heng right now, his physical strength is not only comparable to the demigods of the low-ranking temples, but even comparable to the demigods of the first-order mortal body.

Of course, although the strength of the pure physical body is comparable to that of a demigod, it does not really have the power of a demigod.

In terms of means, Jiang Heng still knows that he is no match for the demigod.

Especially the fact that the demigods are strong enough to draw the phantoms of the Dao Changhe, which can make them invincible when facing the domain master level powerhouses.

This is the biggest advantage. With the traction of the Dao and the long river, the demigods are fearless in terms of consumption. Unless facing the demigod opponent of the same realm and can cause a crushing effect on the Dao, it is difficult to see the demigod fighting. until the end.

"Elder Tian Xingzi doesn't need to be polite, how is the outside world?" Jiang Heng waved his hand, and a black robe appeared on his body to cover himself.

"Returning to Master Uncle, now our Eastern District has completely captured the Northern District, and has completely controlled the Northern District. In addition, the Central District has also been jointly occupied by our Eastern and Southern Districts. Now the hegemony coalition forces are trapped in a corner of the Western District!"

Tian Xingzi told all the recent events in detail.

It turns out that besides these things, Tyrant is not completely helpless. In the past ten years, the big formation has caused shocks one after another, and there have been five shocks in total. On par with the ten demigods of the hundred kingdoms.

It's just that I don't know why, after the number of strong players gradually equalized, Ba Yu was able to hold his breath and never came out to counterattack.

Instead, he just silently guarded a corner of the West District, as if preparing for a big move.

But no matter what, the current external situation is generally stable, and the garrisons stationed in the central area in the western area have now withdrawn. So right now it's peaceful.

In particular, the central region has gradually developed some wartime economic systems, and the lush scene makes people wonder whether it is still during the war.

And hesitation is the place where the ten forces gather. The economy in the central area is developing rapidly. If you go to a nightclub in a port, you may see dancers from several different super galaxy clusters.

Jiang Heng asked about the recent situation of Xingyunzong, and he couldn't help but feel happy after learning that Xingtianxing had broken through all the way to the peak, and his combat power was also soaring.

This is also because Tian Xing almost lost his life in the previous battle against the North District garrison. At the most dangerous time, he once faced a late-stage starry sky monster alone.

Originally, the starry sky behemoth at the same level was enough to be invincible with its strong physical strength and huge size, but Tian Xingcong blocked the behemoth with his own strength and won a glimmer of life for the surrounding juniors.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also heard that Lie Yan, the only mid-term domain master under his command, also joined the battle.

This woman's strength should not be underestimated, and with her long-standing background, she broke through to the later stage in one fell swoop, and even gained a deeper understanding of the flame.

If it is said that the martial arts of the flesh body pursue the ultimate development and utilization of the physical body, then the warriors of the temples are the continuous excavation and deep utilization of their own laws.

Just like the water movement, if it is just ordinary development and utilization, then at best it can summon water sources and control the use of water movement.

And once exploited at a deep level, it can even affect the moisture in the opponent's body to a certain extent, so as to achieve the purpose of containing the opponent or even killing the opponent.

In the same way, if Patriarch Lie Yan can keep digging deep into the fire, he can even control the heat from the subtle point. For example, the method of evacuating the heat resisted somewhere in an instant to form absolute zero.

It can be said that even the most common conventional avenue, as long as it is developed to the extreme, it can explode far beyond the previous power.

"Master Uncle, your subordinate has now left the customs. This battle collected a lot of fire laws left by the fallen strong, so she has benefited a lot. At this time, I think she has stabilized the late stage, and she has accumulated a lot of talents. Excellence, if you think about it, you will even be able to hit the peak in the near future." Tian Xingzi said with a smile,

When he knew that Lieyan Patriarch was actually a vassal of his master uncle, he was surprised, because the talent of this woman was no less than his beloved disciple Tianxing Cong. It's just that it may be because the girl's own law acquisition channels are not very rich, so she has been stuck in the mid-term state, and it will only be a matter of time before the law is fully filled and broken through.

"Okay! It's time for me to go out and have a look!" Jiang Heng slowly got up and was about to step out of the cave, but his figure paused.

"Does Master Uncle have any other orders?" Seeing this, Tian Xingzi asked quickly.

"Tian Xingzi, I think your hole is too ugly!" Jiang Heng shook his head for a while.

And hearing this made Tian Xingzi feel depressed for a while, thinking that I am still a symbol of a rich man, how come I am synonymous with shabby when I come to my uncle?

"Okay, this is much better!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Jiang Heng's big hand, and his five fingers touched the void, and the void rippled like water waves. Immediately afterwards, the entire secret cave began to shake violently, and the earth and sky were rapidly expanding outwards, doubling in size. Triple times... It took almost ten times to stop before it could barely stop.

Looking at the secret cave, which was obviously about ten times larger than before, Tian Xingzi opened his mouth wide, and immediately felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

Such a huge secret cave realm is enough to be equivalent to a demigod cave secret realm.

As far as Tian Xingzi knew, ordinary low-ranking demigods might not have such a big cave as himself.

"Thank you, Master Uncle! Thank you, Master!" Tian Xingzi thanked repeatedly, his old face almost bursting into laughter.

He has already thought of a way to show off in front of the second and third children.

Jiang Heng waved his hand, and disappeared in place with one step.

When he reappeared, his figure had already appeared at the foot of the Xingyun Sect Mother Star Lord Hall.

Looking at the familiar towering mountain peak, Jiang Heng sent a voice transmission from afar: "Disciple Jiang Heng begs to see Master!"

"Yes! Let's talk in the palace!" A majestic voice sounded in Jiang Heng's mind.

Wen Yan Jiang Heng nodded and walked towards the hall step by step.

Looking at the stone sculpture of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion, Jiang Heng first nodded to the other party, and the other party also blinked at Jiang Heng. It seemed that it was still recovering from its injuries and had not turned into a prototype.

"Healed?" The majestic voice sounded like a god, and it resounded in the palace with a grandeur like rolling thunder.

Jiang Heng looked up and saw the figure of Wei An sitting alone on the first seat of the main hall.

Because the demigod Xingyun has completely restrained the divine brilliance on the surface of the physical body, even if Jiang Heng looks directly at it, there is no difference.

It was the first time Jiang Heng took a serious look at his master.

The demigod Xingyun still looks like a middle-aged man in general. According to his median age as a demigod, he is actually still a young man. Only three to four hundred thousand years old.

Judging by the life limit of the median demigod, this age can only be said to be a teenager.

However, the appearance of the demigods will generally evolve with the appearance and characteristics of their appearance when they became gods. This also means that Xingxing Yun demigod is not the kind of genius with extraordinary talent, at least his aptitude before becoming a **** can only be said that ordinary geniuses are far from the level of monsters.

The fact is that the demigod Nebula was more than 30,000 years old in the realm of the domain master before he stepped into the demigod. This qualification can be regarded as a super genius in a small place like the League of Hundred Nations, but it can only be said to be mediocre in the entire universe. .

The demigod Xingyun's face is quite gentle, and the overall look is sharp and slightly handsome, with a beard on the corner of his lips, and he is wearing a light blue robe with a picture of the stars in the sky and many exquisite decorations on it, which seems to be specially changed Dressed up, because he seemed a little uncomfortable with this kind of decoration.

In addition, the overall height of the demigod Xingyun does not seem to be particularly tall, only three meters tall, which is considered a normal or even not tall figure among demigods, even domain masters. Feel the surging muscles under the robe, it should be quite decorative.

There is a round of scorching sun suspended behind, but this scorching sun is different from the star sacrificed at the domain master level, the one behind Nebula demigod is more like a supernova, surrounded by endless stars, which is very Seeing that Master's disciple has recovered from his injuries, he came here to report to Master! "Jiang Heng bowed deeply to show his respect to Master.

"Excuse me! I think your physical body is stronger than before, so you can indeed get in touch with supernatural powers. Just as a teacher, I still want to ask, can you bear the pain caused by cultivating supernatural powers? That kind of extreme pain is even several times more terrifying than the Nine Mysteries and Nine Transformations you went through."

Xingyun demigod said solemnly, that serious expression clearly showed the authenticity of his words.

"The disciple is ready! There is no possibility of backing down!" Jiang Heng bowed solemnly again, with an extra firm tone.

In fact, it is impossible for others to shrink back at such a time. The supernatural power is a great opportunity, who can watch and not practice.

"Okay! Then senior, please come out and meet my apprentice!" The demigod Xingyun seemed to be shouting at someone.

Immediately afterwards, a faint starlight was seen flying out of Xingyun demigod's chest. The starlight evolved into an arm in mid-air, and then the arm changed into a blurry figure in armor.

Chapter 836: Imparting Divine Ability (Part 1)

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