Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 834: My sword is invincible

Remember [New] in a second! "How do you guys think about this?"

A tall, burly middle-aged man wearing a crown sat on one of the three main seats.

This person is none other than the Suijin Empire Suijin Huang Kuimie! The median sixth-order peak demigod!

"As long as this matter doesn't delay Pluto's breakthrough, I, Tiancang Sect, are willing to do my best for this!" Another middle-aged frail man, one of the chief seats, said in a deep voice, and also glanced at the demigods present with gloomy eyes.

This person is also one of the three major powers in the hegemony, the current suzerain of the Tiancang faction, Cangtian!

"That's right!" At this time another voice sounded, and at this time a skinny old man with a nearly translucent figure, a pair of eyes emitting a faint light, glanced at everyone and said sadly: "I think everyone knows the importance of Pluto. , once Pluto steps into a high position, then we can jump out of the forces under the command of the temples.

At that time, no matter what, those big figures in the temples will look up to us, otherwise we are just a group of handymen who can be driven at any time! "

This person's words are particularly direct to the essence, yes.

Although Ba Yu has a strong reputation in this area, but in front of the three major forces, Ba Yu is just a stronger little bug, and it doesn't take much effort to destroy it by sending a high-ranking demigod to kill it.

This person is also Mingxin, the contemporary suzerain of Minghuozong, one of the three major powers in the hegemony, but his strength is slightly weaker than the former two, but he is only a fifth-rank demigod.

Of course, this is also normal, because above him, their Underworld Sect also has an old suzerain Pluto!

That is the real confidence of the Underworld Fire Sect. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Pluto steps into the high position of demigod, the entire hegemony will be gradually unified, unified in the true sense.

For this reason, although Sui Jin and Tian Cang seem to be dedicated to contributing to Pluto's breakthrough on the surface, in fact there are many stumbling blocks behind the scenes.

Of course, Sui Jin and Tian Cang didn't dare to make it too obvious, because the appearance of high-ranking demigods in Hegemony was also what the temples were happy to see.

After all, any high-ranking demigod is a great supplement to the pantheon.

Ming Xin's gaze could not help but sweep to the two people on one side.

"It's better to let me wait to send more powerful people into the big formation, otherwise once the yin and yang sides of the big formation are completely out of balance, it will affect the quality of the final pill!" A middle-level demigod said directly.

This person is a prince of the Broken Gold Empire, and his strength should not be underestimated as the younger brother of Kui Mie.

"That's right! For now, we can only dispatch the second batch of demigods as soon as possible to curb the arrogance of the remnants of the Hundred Kingdoms!" Kui Mie also spoke at the right time.

However, the rest of the demigods present were all silent except for the demigods belonging to the Suijin Empire. They all looked at their respective bosses and waited for them to make a statement first.

"Brother Kui Mie and Brother Kui Wang, don't make such a hasty decision. I think we should think about what the problem is. It stands to reason that this matter shouldn't be so bad."

Tian Cang Pai Cang Tian said with a smile, "Don't you think it's strange? I remember that I raided hundreds of countries before, but I killed all their elites, leaving only old, weak, sick and disabled. What ability can have such performance?

Or are some of us being bribed by them? "

As soon as these words came out, many people's faces changed. If this kind of thing really happened, it would be extremely serious.

"Okay, Brother Cangtian, don't say too much, you can't say such things. What's more, the old man believes that there will never be such a thing in our hegemony, so let's think about who will be sent in the second batch?"

Ming Xin waved his hand, he didn't want anyone to cause internal strife at this time.

"The second batch of fellow daoists who are too high in level cannot be descended, otherwise it will easily lead to the collapse of the formation, so the maximum allowed is the fourth rank and below, and it is best for the most powerful fighters of the same rank to descend. Why don't you two introduce the following talents?" Ming Huo said, looking at Cang Tian and Kui Mie.

"It's no problem, it's also doing things for Pluto, I think I will definitely consider it as appropriate." Kui Mie nodded, as if I was actively cooperating.

Similarly, Cang Tian also nodded solemnly and agreed.

"Okay, we need to pay attention to the situation inside the big formation, and we also need to be cautious about things outside the big formation. I remember that four demigod friends have been attacked and killed by that thief?"

Ming Xin sighed.

Hearing this, everyone gritted their teeth. They will never forget the guy who suddenly entered the base camp that day, but the guy who was besieged by nearly a hundred demigods managed to let the guy retreat completely. Even a few people were beheaded by the opponent.

This is simply a great shame and humiliation, but there is nothing to do about it, who calls this person a high-ranking demigod.

"What does senior Shihuan say about this? Could it be that even senior Shihuan can't help this thief?" Cang Tian frowned in confusion.

"Huh! Be careful!" Hearing the words, Minghuo shouted suddenly: "Who is the senior Shihuan? He is a high-ranking demigod in the temples and the supreme existence who masters the top avenue of time. Such a senior can deal with that thief Isn't it a matter of hand?"

Having said that, it is still unbearable to slander in the ears of everyone.

He thought to himself that if he was really so powerful, how could he allow the thieves to wantonly slaughter the demigod comrades who were patrolling outside. Now the demigods who are going out to inspect the nodes of the formation are all nervous, for fear that they will encounter the sword shadow that comes and goes without a trace.

"It's just that senior has something important to do recently, but you can rest assured that once senior pulls out his hand, he will definitely kill that guy with thunder!" Minghuo boosted morale, and no one knew what was going on in his heart.

At the same time, on the other side, a figure suspended in the void was slowly breathing, and the sound of howling swords resounded continuously.

But at this moment, these sword roars suddenly changed into streaks of invisible sword energy and flew towards a certain place.

"Senior, wait a minute!" A loud shout sounded quickly, and the invisible sword energy suddenly stopped.

Jian Wushen, suspended in the void, slowly opened those sharp sword eyes and looked over there.

"It's you?!"

Jian Wushen looked straight into the distance, there was no figure there, but he seemed to see through a long distance and spoke to someone.

"Senior didn't expect that senior moved so quickly last time, and there was already such a movement. This junior admires it!"

Rays of lightning flickered and quickly condensed into a human form not far from Jian Wushen.

The person who came was none other than the thunderstorm demigod who betrayed the Alliance of Hundred Nations before!

This person is also an old friend of Tianshuang's ancestor in the past, and he is also the middleman who contacted Jian Wushen not long ago. Gu Gu

Jian Wushen is naturally familiar with this person, it was this person who fooled him to come here.

"Tell me what your purpose is. I have indeed found an opponent. This person in Shihuan masters the top laws and is a high-ranking eighth-order superpower. If I can kill this person, I will become famous. It's just you Just one sentence from Qing Piao Piao is enough to make me start a war with the entire temple of gods." Jian Wushen said lightly, his words were cold and full of killing intent.

It is true that the reason why the thunderstorm fooled Jian Wushen to come here was that there is a master of the temples here, and he can come to challenge to show the extraordinary swordsmanship of the seniors!

However, Jian Wushen still eats this set.

Looking at Jian Wushen, a young and shameless high-ranking demigod, Lei Tian thought silently in his heart.

It is true that although Jian Wushen is 200,000 years old, compared to the other high-ranking demigods, which one is not a million years old or even tens of millions of years old.

People like Jian Wushen are really young and outrageous.

And such people often have a common shortcoming, that is, they have unparalleled confidence in themselves.

Especially for young masters like Jian Wushen, because he is independent of the three major forces, he is restricted in his actions and dare not openly provoke the three major forces.

However, this person was born as a loose person and he does not like to kill strong people who are also scattered people, so he is particularly interested in looking for strong people who are single from the three major forces.

Although this will also be discovered by the forces behind it, as long as it is not obvious, the three major forces are not easy to directly attack a high-ranking demigod.

This is also the reason why Jian Wushen wanted to come here even if he knew it was a trick of Thunderstorm.

In fact, he was really happy. After a fight with Shihuan, on the one hand, he tried out the upper limit of his current general strength, and on the other hand, he also saw the demeanor of a top law master.

To be honest, Jian Wushen is even more aloof now, because after seeing the means of the time ring, although he feels very strange and unfathomable, he thinks it is nothing special. It seems that he is not invincible.

If Thunderstorm knew what Jian Wushen was thinking at this moment, his jaw would drop in shock.

Jian Wushen is definitely the first one who can defy the top law.

In fact, if Jian Wushen hadn't retreated in Sanshen Mountain in the past, he would have been beheaded by Shihuan from the past when he fought with Shihuan.

If the past does not exist, there is no present, so the present Jian Wushen will be directly obliterated by the will of the universe.

"Senior, please forgive me. On the one hand, this junior is naturally thinking of senior. On the other hand, I am ashamed of senior. To be honest, this is also because this junior has some selfish intentions. I want to ask senior to help me." Saying that he is only a mid-level demigod, even if he is a seventh-level and eighth-level high-level demigod, he still needs to lower his posture.

Without him, in the face of such a young and energetic high-ranking demigod, you still have to give the opponent enough face. As for the face, do they need it?

"Didn't I help you now? You have a lot of face, and you have to help you solve your troubles as soon as you talk about this seat?"

Jian Wushen's eyes widened, and the terrifying sharp sword intent almost shattered Thunderstorm's martial arts will.

"Senior, forgive me! This junior absolutely dare not, but since the seniors have already come here, and have even passed the time ring, why not play a big ticket? Anyway, they are here!"

right! It's deadly here!

This sentence seemed to hit Jian Wushen's mind, his eyes flashed slightly and he hummed softly: "Say it, what do you want to do?"

After all, it's all here now, and the news that I have fought with Shihuan will definitely not be able to hide from the temples afterwards. In this case, it is better to make a big wave quickly.

Afterwards, if the gods really dare to pursue it, he will take his sword domain and go directly to the Great Zhou Empire. Thinking about worrying about such a genius joining the Great Zhou, the temples would not dare to make trouble for him blatantly.

After all, as long as he is neutral with Jianwushen, then once Dazhou and the Temple of the Gods have a decisive battle, the Temple of the Gods does not need to be too defensive against him. If he is really forced to fall to Da Zhou, the pressure on the temples will increase by one point.

Thinking about this clearly, Jian Wushen became more confident.

"It's very simple. Didn't the senior break into the hegemony base camp by himself? After hearing this, the junior admired it very much. Counting the heroes in this world, it is rare to be able to kill one hundred demigods alone like the senior and look at the entire universe." The presence!"

Although Thunderstorm's flattery was mostly exaggerated, Jian Wushen was quite happy to hear it.

May I ask who doesn't like this beautiful saying?

"Moreover, senior not only retreated from the whole body, but also killed several powerful enemies in a row, which is rare in the world.

Since the senior has such invincible strength, why not do it again? "Thunderstorm bowed his hands solemnly, that attitude was almost like worshiping Jian Wushen.

"Oh, that sounds good, do you want me to kill the carbine again and make trouble at their headquarters again? Do you really think that this seat is a **** you command at will?" Jian Wushen snorted coldly!

He is not stupid, he sees many things very thoroughly, but due to the impulse in his heart, he often does it easily. Anyway, he comes and goes without a trace, and his sword light escape method is also very rare and powerful in the same level Escape technique, very good at escaping and attacking.

"Senior forgives this junior, that's not what it means, but if senior really does it a few more times, and even defeats these hundred demigods, if this move is spread, I'm afraid that the reputation of senior will become famous in an instant. Yune."

Thunderstorm's words made Jian Wushen slightly moved again.

He really cares about his own reputation, and he even changed his name to Jian Wushen for this reason. From this name alone, it can be seen that he is proud and arrogant, and he wants to do the thing that makes the whole universe famous, and wants to become the leader of the universe. The most famous and powerful No. 1 in his sword Wushen heart, all the top roads and the main road of the flesh are rubbish, and only his swordsmanship is the best in the world.

Of course, he has never said this kind of thinking to outsiders, but even if others don't know, most of them can guess that he is quite arrogant.

Since he has this kind of personality, the words of Thunderstorm are very appetizing to him.

"Although I feel that my strength is the best among all heroes at the same level, it is still quite difficult to fight against a hundred demigods alone!" Jian Wushen shook his head after thinking about it for a while.

"Seniors don't need to worry, the juniors will naturally prepare some backups!"

"Follower?" Wen Yanjian glanced at this guy blankly, muttering in his heart, can this fellow find other people to come over?

"Are you talking about the demigods of a hundred nations who are trapped in the grand formation? I don't think they can count on them, not to mention Shi Huan who is watching. Once I arrive, the time ring alone will keep me busy!" Jian Wushen shook his head endlessly.

Although he looked down on the top road, he had to admit that the top road was indeed extremely difficult.

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