Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 832: kill!

Remember [New] in a second! Streams of angry weaving flames were rising, and scorching hot breath spread out.

However, after the heat spread, there wasn't much burning sensation, and there was only nameless anger rising.

The domain masters who were a little far away first looked calm, but the next time they turned ferocious and furious, they couldn't help roaring, as if they wanted to tear everything apart.

This kind of power is indiscriminate, no matter whether it is the late domain master or the peak domain master, they can't control their emotions at this moment.

One by one, their eyes began to turn red, as if the enemy was going to destroy and destroy them wherever they looked.

Tian Xingzi and the others also couldn't bear this strangeness. The beating of the heart increased several times at a rapid rate, the blood flow began to surge rapidly, and the blood filled the brain as if trying to overwhelm the last straw.

"I can't help it! It's you, it's you, I'm going to kill you!"

A domain owner roared madly, and rushed towards his companions to kill him.

And this anger was like a signal, and soon everyone became furious, and each of them went crazy and started to kill the companions within sight.

"Brother Siji, control your Dao!" Seeing this situation, Xingyun couldn't help shouting.

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of the quadrupole demigods who were also somewhat red eyes regained a little clarity.

The heat of the angry tissue inflammation began to quickly converge and condense, no longer spreading outward.

As the heat that contained the power of these strange laws receded, a domain master suddenly looked a little confused and puzzled.

They were all panting violently, just a moment ago, it seemed that they were about to burst out with all the cards and abilities in their bodies and fight desperately.

The power of emotion may seem inconspicuous under normal circumstances, and it even feels that it has little practical value.

But just now, just a little bit of emotional power affected all the domain masters, and all the domain owners felt like they were going to collapse. If it took longer, even if they didn't die in the mutual killing, they would exhaust their whole body strength and die by themselves.

Jiang Heng couldn't help panting violently at this moment, he almost exploded in anger just now.

This avatar is too weak to withstand this law of anger. Fortunately, this thing works on the soul level, so Jiang Heng still managed to bear it.

With a swipe of Jiang Heng's hand, he directly opened the tunnel of Tian Xingzi's cave and entered it directly. The current outside world is too dangerous for the avatar.

At the same time, the huge ax also landed on the top of Master Jiu.

The huge force tore through the sky, and with a loud noise, Master Jiu was directly torn apart by the giant axe, but he was recovering rapidly, and his recovery speed was obviously dozens of times faster than before.

Ok? !

Seeing this situation, Siji demigod frowned slightly, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"Brother Xike, you also stepped forward to help out, Siji, the idiot, the law of anger intensified this beast's will to fight, and made him crazy but accelerated his recovery speed!"

The demigod Xingyun saw Mingtang at a glance. To put it bluntly, the demigod of four poles injected the monster with a shot of stimulant.

Under the extreme stimulation, the potential of this guy was stimulated, so his combat power soared.

"Haha! You idiot Siji, the law of anger is very powerful if you use it well, but if you don't use it well, you're looking for death!" The twin ancestors watched happily from the sidelines.

At this moment, the Jiu Ye who was torn into two halves showed ferocious rage on his parted face, and directly clamped the giant ax with his arms, its muscles were rapidly expanding, and its huge strength was obviously dozens of times stronger than before. It's as if he has reached the level of a low-level second-order demigod in a physical body.

At the physical level, this level is enough to crush the physical strength of the quadrupole demigods of the second-tier pantheon system.

Feeling that his giant ax couldn't be drawn out at all, and remained motionless, the four-pole demigod gritted his teeth, and the law of anger directly blessed himself.

The surging anger also doubled his combat power.

"The fighting spirit is boiling! Extreme anger! Eight-faced anger King Kong!"

The four-pole demigod shouted loudly, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared behind him. The giant shadow was as huge as hundreds of millions of feet. At this moment, he was like a real god.

The giant shadow is red all over, with eight arms and one head, but on that head there are eight different faces, all of which are angry expressions, but they are different angry expressions, representing various extreme anger.


The giant ax shook again, and this time the giant shadows dragged the giant ax together to draw an arc in midair.

"Go away! He's mine!"

Seeing the demigod Xi Ke flying towards this side, the demigod Siji let out a roar, and he seemed to lose his mind with his red eyes.

This is the negative effect brought about by the law of anger blessing oneself to improve combat power.

Xi Ke's demigod figure hesitated for a while, because he was afraid that the other party would kill him with red eyes.


The giant ax slashed across and slashed at Master Jiu again, but this time it brought out a fiery red hot flame, rendering the starry sky red.

The surging force once again hit Jiu Ye's body which had recovered to its original state.


With a loud noise, Master Jiu's body exploded directly, but the countless exploded flesh and blood began to gather rapidly again.

"Die to me!"

The four poles and half gods spread out their eight arms, and a strange bronze mirror was revealed on each palm. The next moment, the bronze mirror erupted with fiery red rays.

Eight thick red rays hit Jiuye's body directly, and the surging heat made Jiuye's flesh and blood evaporate rapidly.

And after evaporating, the flesh and blood are still rapidly distorting, which is a means only available to demigods, and to a certain extent drives their own distortion power to kill the enemy.

Countless deformed creatures were howling.

" can't kill me! My master will not let you go!"

Master Jiu's voice was howling in a heart-piercing way, but he still did not forget to utter threatening words.

"You are the one who killed! Shit master! Die for me!"

At this time, the red-eyed Siji demigod doesn't care what the opponent's background is, let's talk about it after killing!

"My master is the overlord! If you dare to kill me, you will die without a place to die!"

"Die to me! Die to me!"

The four poles and demigods turned a deaf ear and frantically swung their big axes. At the same time, the eight rays spewed out terrifying heat regardless of consumption.

Even the slightest touch of the peak domain master would melt the hot temperature, even though Jiu Ye's physique is amazing, it melts a little bit at this moment.

The impact of dozens of breaths completely vanished after Master Jiu wailed for the last time.

At the same moment, a surge of physical Dao laws erupted, which belonged to the majestic power of laws stored by Master Jiu.

Seeing this situation, Xingyun's demigod moved instantly, and with a big sleeve move, a small meat ball flew out.

The meat ball flew out into the air and quickly swelled up, actually rapidly absorbing the power of these dissipated laws.

But soon the meat **** were about to explode. Seeing this, Xingyun frowned half-heartedly, and immediately threw several meat **** again, which were also rapidly expanding.

However, the escaping laws of the physical body here far exceeded the expectations of the demigod Xingyun. After absorbing hundreds of meat balls, he could only watch most of the laws of the physical body return to the long river.

"Brother Siji, these are what I owe you. I will thank you later!" After all, this beast was killed by the demigod Siji, and the demigod Xingyun still felt a little embarrassed and said politely.

"It's okay!" Siji Demigod quickly faded from the state of rage, and also cupped his hands, but his face was not very good-looking.

It's not because of Xingyun's demigod's move, but because he almost shot with all his strength against an existence that is not even a demigod. This is a shame.

"However, why do I feel that the name I just mentioned is familiar? Where do I seem to have heard of the name Overlord?"

The twin patriarch stroked his beard and frowned and muttered.

"There are not many people in this world who can call themselves this name. They are either awarded by the three major forces, or they are powerful enough to call themselves!" Tianshuang Patriarch said the same on the side.

"Hmph! Fuck him! What is the overlord? If I kill it, I'll kill it. It's just a dog. How can he know that I killed it here and now?" Siji demigod flew over with some disdain.

"You'd better be careful, if I'm not wrong, this overlord should be the invincible powerhouse who sits in the fifth dimension all the year round.

The high-ranking demigod martial artist in the physical body is said to be an aristocrat in the old Zhou Dynasty! I think Brother Xingyun should be more familiar with this! "Speaking, the twin patriarch looked at the demigod Xingyun meaningfully.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xing Yun.

"That's right! The Overlord was a great nobleman in the old Zhou Dynasty. At that time, his strength was already a middle-rank demigod. Today, he has stepped into the ninth rank of high rank.

Originally, with the temperament of our New Great Zhou royal family, these wandering nobles from the Old Great Zhou period must be exterminated quickly. But on the one hand, this person rarely set foot in the main universe, and on the other hand, this person seems to have a close relationship with the dragon clan of the fifth dimension, which seems to be a big force that cannot be lost.

There, the price we Da Zhou wanted to pay to deal with him was too high to be worthwhile, so the matter has been dragged on. "

The demigod Xingyun said softly indifferently, this matter can only be said to be a scandal of the Great Zhou Empire, but he just said it out of nowhere.

"It turned out to be an old guy. This kind of guy is more cautious and cautious. Since he rarely set foot in the main universe, it means that this fellow would not dare to trouble Brother Siji, so don't worry!" The twin ancestors looked chuckle.

Regarding the answer of the twin ancestors, everyone thinks it is very reasonable, which is normal.

Many old monsters become more cautious the longer they live. It can even be said that as long as they don't step on their faces, they will endure it again and again.

"Okay, the star gate is built, I will wait for the next step!"

Said that the demigod Xingyun took the lead and rushed towards the location of the star gate, followed by all the demigods.

These arrangements made along the way are to prepare for this moment.

Just when Xingyun Demigod and others passed through the star gate, a stream of light flew out of the star gate, and the stream of light came directly to the vicinity of Tian Xingzi in a flash.


Feeling the sudden aura behind him, Tian Xingzi was taken aback, turned around and breathed a sigh of relief.


Within the streamer is the Nebula demigod, but his aura is only at the peak domain master level, and he is the incarnation of the Nebula demigod.

"Not much to say, open your secret cave, and I'll go and see my apprentice!"

The demigod Xingyun waved his hand and got straight to the point.

"No!" Hearing this, Tian Xingzi didn't dare to neglect and quickly took out a small and exquisite gear. The gear turned slightly, and even the space was distorted, and then a passage for only one person appeared.

"Your boy's cave is not small, so you have wasted resources on it all these years?" Xingyun demigod slightly sensed the size of the inside.

Good guy has enough space for a small town.

Well, for those who are not masters of the laws of space, it is a symbol of wealth to be able to buy a miniature space secret realm that is almost the size of a city.

For Jiang Heng, such a secret cave can be created easily. However, for Tian Xingzi, this thing consumed nearly ten thousand years of his savings.

It can be said that if Jiang Hengru hadn't been too concerned about his rules being discovered, he would have become a super rich man in minutes.

In fact, the demigod Xingyun is now only an asteroid-sized secret cave. With such a small size, he was able to obtain it through his service in the hands of King Nan back then.

It has to be said that monopolizing the industry is huge profits these days, and when masters of the laws of space are very rare, any space treasure is a treasure-level existence.

Stepping into the secret realm of the cave, Xingyun came to the side of the pool where Jiang Heng was in a flash. No need to look for it, the place is too small.

"Your injury is still stable!" After carefully looking at Xingyun, the demigod heaved a sigh of relief.

He was also very worried, so he separated an avatar to take a look.

"Master! Why are you here?" Seeing this, Jiang Heng got up quickly and saluted with difficulty.

"Okay, you are too seriously injured now, you should lie down properly. Have you put all the pills in the pool?"

Xingyun looked half-heartedly and shook his head.

"This medicine can only restore 20% of your strength, so you should restore your strength as soon as possible. When I come back from the North District, I still have a great opportunity to give you. If your body is not healthy, how can you bear this great opportunity?" ?” Nebula joked with a demigod Chance? Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then bowed solemnly, "Master is so kind to me!" I don't even know how to respond."

Indeed, the other party was really cultivating himself regardless of everything, and he didn't even ask for anything, which made Jiang Heng both moved and flattered.

"There is no need for so much courtesy between you and me. You can absorb this slowly, and I have a lot more, and then ask me for it after you absorb it. If I give you too much at once, I'm afraid you will be overwhelmed!"

But Xingyun half-god tossed it casually. A small compressed meat ball was suspended in front of Jiang Heng's eyes.

"This is... such a surging physical body law!" Just one glance at Jiang Heng was attracted by the terrifying physical body law contained in it.

"This is the law stored in that worm's body. This worm should be a law container owned by a certain important person. This time is a godsend. I have to say that you are very lucky."

Demigod Xingyun felt a little emotional, if he had had such an opportunity as Jiang Heng back then, why would he stop here now?

Sighing and helplessness, but all these have become hopes for Jiang Heng, his beloved disciple!

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