Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 829: fight to the death

Remember [New] in a second! "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

As soon as the group rushed out of the formation, they encountered the domain master-level powerhouse and the master of the galaxy who had been waiting for a long time, as well as the dense starship main guns,

Seeing this situation, Tian Xingzi looked around, and sure enough, because the main battlefield has attracted most of the experts here, there are only more than 30 domain master-level experts gathered right now!

"Get out!" Seeing Tian Xingzi's low shout, the disciples of Xingyun Sect behind him couldn't bear it any longer, and all showed their brutal side of physical martial arts.

In front of that giant before, they were forced to be helpless and had to be careful to protect themselves, but now they are like fierce tigers descending the mountain, who can stop them!

"Block them! Stop them for me! The call for help has been sent out, and soon there will be a steady stream of reinforcements coming from the Western District garrison. They are dead!"

The person who spoke was none other than Kui Jin of the Broken Gold Empire, and he was so distraught at the moment.

He couldn't help being like this, he had a premonition before, and it really wasn't a good thing.

However, the main force is still restrained and can only rely on the tribes of the Broken Gold Empire under his command. It hurts him every time one of them falls!

However, no matter how involved they are in resisting, how can they stop this group of flesh-body warriors who are still above them.

Just sticking to it for more than ten breaths and the entire defense line is in a state of collapse.

"Your Highness, let's withdraw first!" A late domain lord-level confidant quickly comforted him. It is useless to continue now that the defeat is certain.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Kui Jin kept yelling angrily, scolding Lao Lao and Cang Hai in his heart. It's simply that they failed to accomplish anything, and they couldn't even see the other party's distraction.

"Your Highness, let's withdraw first!" The cronies comforted again.

"No! There's Master Jiu! How could something happen if he is the old man sitting in the star gate?" Kui Jin was still a little unbelievable. Master Jiu is known as the strongest existence below the demigod. Possibly destroying the Stargate from under his old man's nose.

What's more, this group of people clearly came from inside the formation, which made Kuijin even more puzzled, all of which caught him off guard. ,

"Okay! Let's go! Anyway, there is still a star gate. The reinforcements have already arrived. From now on, we only need to guard the star gate!"

Gritting his teeth, Kui Jin turned around without hesitation, and took a few of his cronies under the cover of many starships and began to flee towards another stargate.

By this time the battle was drawing to a close.

Tian Xingzi let out a sigh of relief after slapping to death the last domain master who was still fighting.

All the domain lord-level powerhouses behind them felt refreshed. This feeling of slaughtering enemies is what physical warriors like best, and killing is the most suitable environment for physical martial arts to grow up.

However, at this moment, the space was distorted, and a figure staggered out.

Seeing the person Tian Xingzi hurried forward to help, it turned out to be Jiang Heng who had recovered but was still bloody.

His eyes had long been blurred by blood, his head was drooping, and even Tian Xingzi didn't know whether Master Uncle was still conscious, because if it wasn't for his support, he would have fallen headfirst.

"Quick! Quickly capture another star gate, and then escape!" Jiang Heng opened his eyes and said such a sentence with difficulty, and then he closed his eyes and fell into chaos.

Hearing this, Tian Xingzi's heart sank, although he didn't explain the specific reason, but after thinking about it for a while, he understood that it was probably because the danger had not been lifted.

Tian Xingzi couldn't help but feel chills down his spine when he thought of the terrifying Jiu Ye who had an extremely terrifying body.

"Don't waste time, go directly to the star gate!" Tian Xingzi didn't dare to neglect and shouted loudly, and he rushed out in the first place.

At the same time, hundreds of light-years away from the station, several figures emerged from a secluded star gate.

The figures were none other than a few demigods from the Eastern District.

Several people have their own different nebula floating behind their heads, which looks majestic but cannot be looked directly at, full of nobility and sublime feeling.

"Brother Twins, your way of stealing is really useful, you can even steal the objective consciousness of our existence!"

The four-pole demigod first said with a smile.

"That's right! I thought the Dao of Stealing was a small path, but I didn't expect that even though it is a small path, it has infinite uses, it's a panacea!" Demigod Xi Ke also nodded, and everyone respected it.

Hearing this, the twin patriarch couldn't help stroking his beard and showing a look of complacency on his face.

"Of course, now that I have stolen the objective consciousness of your existence, even if you stand in front of others, they will only think you are a rock. You do not exist in their cognition."

The twin ancestors explained with a smile, in fact, there is one more important point he didn't mention, that is, even their close relatives can't remember them in this state.

This moment belongs to the disappearance in the true sense. Although it is not on the physical level, it can make no one in the whole universe have an impression of them. This is no different from disappearing.

"Hehe! Brother twins, don't brag too much, don't think I don't know. Your way of stealing is easy to use, but it doesn't last long, and when you meet someone with a higher realm than you, your ability is almost It's useless!"

Patriarch Tianshuang will be dismantling the stage next to him.

"Brother Tianshuang, what you said is not very authentic."

"Okay!" Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Xingyun demigod quickly stopped.

"Now I have limited time to wait, and when the juniors deal with the situation over there, we will go directly to the North District, and the twin ancestors, remember to steal space, time and perception, we have to come and catch them so that they have nowhere to escape shape!"

Xingyun demigod grinned ferociously.

"Dare not to obey! But they still have three demigods, including an old monster, although it is only an incarnation, but you must be careful to fight back when you die. It’s worth the loss!”

The twin ancestors cupped their hands, and immediately frowned.

"Don't worry! I'll deal with that old ghost, and the rest of you four should have no problem dealing with it, right?" Xing Yun waved his hands indifferently.

Since you plan to complete all your achievements in one battle, why not be fully prepared.

At the same time, in the western area's resident in the central area, a powerful master of the domain is continuously moving towards the other end through the star gate.

"Damn it, what's going on with Kui Jin Canghai and Yan Lao?"

"Who knows, who would have imagined that the Eastern District of the Hundred Kingdoms would go crazy? We should not think too much about reinforcements as soon as possible! Otherwise, if we lose any of the two garrisons, our hegemony's layout in the Central District will be ruined!"

The west district resident is the same as the north district resident, and the person in charge is a member of the direct line sent by the three major powers in the hegemony. For example, the spokesperson of the Broken Gold Empire here is Kui Jin's younger brother, Kui Gang!

It's just that he listened to the words of the other two colleagues, but his reaction was flat, and he wished that Kui Jin would die there.

Kui Jin and him are brothers, but Kui Jin is younger than him, and he is more liked by his father. It can be predicted that in the future, his younger brother may have a greater chance of inheriting the position of Emperor of the Broken Gold Empire.

"Kui Gang! Why hasn't your tribe moved yet? You can't fight like this at a time like this! Once the northern garrison is destroyed, do you think our western garrison can still exist?

Once the layout of the central area is completely destroyed, will you be able to bear the anger brought by the base camp? "Cang Wu, an elder of the Tiancang Sect, said coldly.

Cang Wu is a woman in a white robe, with an enchanting appearance, but because of practicing the Tian Cang Dao Sutra of the Tian Cang School, she still has an aura of being out of the world.

Hearing this, Kui Gang scolded a **** secretly, but on the surface he still smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Senior Cangwu misunderstood, I just let my subordinates prepare a lot, and they are already on the way. After all, this time the coalition forces in the Eastern Region are aggressive. Obviously, I have been prepared, if I don't prepare, I will easily lose a lot of money, and it will not be beautiful when the time comes!"

"Okay!" An old woman from the Minghuo Sect came over with a cane and said in a hoarse voice that was almost like a living dead: "It is still necessary to keep our own defenses in case the tiger leaves the mountain. In addition, we must pass Our channels are in contact with the rear of the West Division, and we will try to get them to send additional reinforcements."

The old woman of Minghuozong is obviously a smart person, and quickly issued a series of instructions. First, they can send a message to the rear to send experts as soon as possible. Unexpectedly. The rest stepped into the star gate and flew there.

As one after another figure stepped out of the star gate, it was already an extremely fierce battle to enter the goal.


A Nebula Sect disciple rushed straight into the enemy formation like a tiger, and fought with the three domain masters at the same level.

With the arrival of the reinforcements stationed in the western region, the number advantage of the coalition forces in the eastern region was quickly filled, and as time went by, the number of the hegemony side began to gradually gain the upper hand.

"Grand Elder, our manpower is too tight if this continues, I'm afraid it will be difficult to destroy the star gate in a short time!"

A direct disciple said bitterly,

And while they were talking, they were dealing with several of their peers.

Hearing that Tian Xingzi supported Jiang Heng while fighting with two peak domain masters, he responded via voice transmission: "The star gate must be destroyed, and our people are coming soon!"

"Our people?"

Hearing this, the direct disciple was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, one after another of surging aura erupted in the distance, densely packed more and more.

The person who came was none other than Xuan Xingzi, who was headed by Xuan Xingzi, plus the domain lord-level powerhouses of the five major forces in the eastern district gathered from other places.

This time, not only the Xingyunzong family participated in the battle, but also the Xike, Shuangsheng, Tianshuang, and Siji families. With the main force of the four main forces, the number of domain masters has reached more than 600, and this is because the other major forces think that the initial domain masters are too hip, so all the people who kill are mid-term and above. .

With the addition of this new force, the situation of the battle was instantly reversed.

A famous hegemony domain master was forced to blew himself up and wanted to die with his opponent.

Kui Jin, who was heavily protected, looked particularly ugly as he watched the clouds of fireworks rising.

Since these people came from the main battlefield, it also means that the two idiots Cang Hai and Yan Lao are finished.

Similarly, the situation on his side is not good, and now including the reinforcements stationed in the western region, they have a total of two hundred domain masters on their side.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, the resident is the resident. Under normal circumstances, the Hegemony, like the Hundred Kingdoms, will not station all the domain masters in the central area. Not food delivery.

Also under normal circumstances, the Hundred Nations side only dispatched at most a hundred domain masters to sit in the garrison.

At this moment, the western district resident can send nearly two hundred domain masters, and it is obvious that they are almost in full force.

If they want more reinforcements, they can only send reinforcements from the rear of the western district and the northern district, but Kui Jin still understands the reason why the near thirst cannot be quenched.

"Your Highness, why don't we evacuate the Western District's garrison first, or we can only be trapped here to death when the star gate is destroyed!"

The confidant once again advised him that he and Kui Jin were originally in a relationship where one prospered and the other lost, and he didn't want to see Kui Jin fall here.


Kui Jin originally wanted to say that I would not retreat even if I died, and he couldn't do it if he asked his brother to seek protection, but after careful consideration, he felt that it was all right.

Of course, he will be held accountable after the war, but he has recorded all the war records in a black box, so it can be said that he is not the one to blame. In addition, he is a member of the direct descendants of the Suijin Empire, so the headquarters will not treat him afterward.

It's just that even so, he is still a little unwilling, but what can happen now?

"Back! Back!"

Gritting his teeth, Kui Jin didn't hesitate any longer, but his figure remained unchanged. He looked at the direction of the coalition forces in the Eastern Region in the distance, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Even if you want to leave, I will let you all bleed!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Kui Jin's palm, and a spell appeared on the fingertips. It was a Tiancang seal of the Tiancang sect!

Kui Jin flicked his fingers, and the spell was directly ejected into the mid-air far away, and then quickly ignited and dissipated.

As the talisman burned away, a beam of light shot out from the ashes of the talisman, turning into dense golden inscriptions.

The Tian Cang faction is good at arrays and bans. This talisman can seal and Now is the time to lift the ban. These inscriptions, like particle rays, are rapidly ingested into the surrounding area, seemingly barren within the planet.

As the talismans sank into it, a layer of golden light spread evenly on the surface of these desolate planets, and the light quickly covered the surface of the planet with a layer of golden brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished eyes of a domain master, these barren planets were actually illusions that slowly dissipated from the surface, revealing giant beasts entwined with countless inscriptions.

It was a starry sky behemoth captured by the Northern Region Hegemony Alliance when it occupied most of the territory in the Central Region.

At this time, the ban was lifted, and the dense inscriptions on their surfaces dissipated like snowflakes under the vacuum. They twisted their necks and limbs slightly, and after they found that they could move, they all watched the confrontation on the battlefield with malicious intentions. of the two forces.


There was a deafening roar, and a giant lizard-like beast covered in scales opened its **** mouth and rushed towards the battlefield.

This roar was like a signal, causing countless starry sky behemoths to boil instantly, and one by one crazily rushed towards the crowd, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep.

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